Webilize Apps

Report Invasives 23.49.2
The Report Invasives app lets you report invasive species anywherein BC.
WeedsBMP 2.0
A tool for the identification and management of invasive plants inBC
Report a Weed 4.22
Invasive plants, often called weeds, are plants that are notnativeto British Columbia (BC) and cause lasting environmentalandeconomic harm. Some are toxic, or otherwise harmful to humansoranimals. These plants can establish and spread quickly,andoutcompete our native vegetation. Eradication and controleffortscost BC taxpayers millions of dollars every year. TheReport-a-WeedBC app lets you report weed sightings anywhere in BC,in just a fewsimple steps. Your report will go to one of BC'sinvasive plantspecialists, who will coordinate follow-up activitieswith theappropriate local authorities. The app can be used off-linetocreate submissions as well; simply click ‘Submit’ and thereportwill be sent as soon as you are back in cell coverage.There’s amap of BC that displays the 500 most recent submissiondetails, andyou can search through images of all invasive plantspecies on thelist. Your involvement will help land owners andinvasive plantmanagers in their early detection and rapid responseactivities, aswell as enhance the knowledge of current distributionofestablished invasive plant species! If you are interestedinlearning more about Report-a-Weed BC pleasevisitwww.reportaweedbc.ca.