Top 9 Apps Similar to Batz & Weiner

Buteyko Pro with Brainwaves 2.7
*** Contains 3 Buteyko Breathingexercises****** Plays Brainwave audio to help you focus and relax ***Improve your Buteyko breathing practice usingBrainwavetechnology! The Buteyko Brainwave Pro app uses the latestbrainwaveaudio technology to help you to stay focused and relaxedduringButeyko breathing exercise. Our brainwave tracks employbinaural,monaural and isochronic tones on frequencies that help youbefocused and relaxed.The Buteyko Brainwave Pro app contains 3 ButeykoBreathingexercises with on-screen instructions, vibrations,bell/gong soundsand brainwave audio technology to guide you in themost relaxed andconvenient way. To get greatest benefit from thisapp, we recommendinexperienced or beginning users to do a Buteykocourse availableat your breathing following the instructions ofProfessorK.P. Buteyko. Buteyko Breathing is recognized as atreatment forasthma and related chronic ailments in Australia, theUK and Russiaand can also profoundly benefit your regular exerciseprogram.The Buteyko Pro with Brainwaves app:* Guides you through the exercises* Uses Brainwave audio to help you relax and focus* Advanced stopwatch and timer functionality* With helpful tips and instructions* View your personal exercise charts* Share your exercise scores with your teacher* Suitable for beginners AND advanced students* Measure your pulse right from your device.The Buteyko Pro with Brainwaves app contains 3 exercises:* Control Pause* VSB Reduced Breathing* CP RepeatIt's the ultimate Buteyko tool now with Brainwave audio.IMPORTANT: We encourage our users to seekprofessionalinstruction and guidance. Visit for moreinformationon our Buteyko Breathing courses with drs. EduardReuvers.Use headphones for best results with the Brainwaveaudiotracks.
Le Calme 1.0
3 exercices de self-help thérapie :35minutesd’accompagnementJe retrouve le calme - 13mn03Je libère le stress en position assise - 14mn00Je libère le stress en position debout - 12mn52Des conseils pratiques pour agir au quotidien4 vidéos pour comprendre les techniques :- La Sophrologie- Les Bénéfices- Les Conseils- Libérer le stressNos recommandations pour être efficace :- Résumé- Conseils- Bénéfices3 tests d’auto-évaluation avec résultats, interprétationsetsuivi:- Savez-vous vous relaxer ? (20 questions)- Etes-vous d’un naturel anxieux ? (20 questions)- Etes-vous d’un naturel stressé ? (20 questions)Un apprentissage personnalisable6 diaporamas photos en complément6 thèmes musicaux en accompagnementEn résuméNotre application Libérer le stress va vous aider à mieuxgérerlestress et à lui mettre des limites. Car, que ce soit danslaviepersonnelle ou professionnelle, le stress ne prévientpasvraimentquand ses effets causent des dommages sur la santé deceuxdont leniveau d’anxiété est trop élevé.Il est donc bénéfique et important pour vous d’apprendre àlibéreretévacuer votre stress d'une manière saine - sans voustournervers desmoyens inefficaces et nocifs - afin de maintenirvotrebonne santéglobale. La solution passe avant tout parvous-même,par votre désirde changer les choses, d’être le moteurde cechangement.Ces exercices vont vous accompagner dans cette démarcheenvousapprenant à mobiliser vos propres ressources.Après avoir retrouvé votre capacité à vous détendre, vousprenezletemps de vous dégager des stress excessifs. Vouschoisissezdesmoments de recentrage pour vivre des temps de calmeplusprofondset renforcer ainsi votre capacité d’équilibreetd’harmoniepersonnelle.ObjectifsNotre application Libérer le stress a plusieurs objectifs:- Se recentrer sur le présent et savoir prendre dutempspoursoi- Découvrir ses sensations corporelles – révélées parchaquepratique-, les accueillir et se relier à sespropresimpressions.- Faire confiance à la sagesse de son corps pour élargir lechampdeconscience de sa réalité et son équilibreCorps-Esprit.- Apprendre à chaque pratique à recueillir etmobiliserlessensations positives de l’expérience en atteignantleniveausophro-liminal (défini en sophrologie comme un étatentreveille etsommeil).Apprentissage personnalisableAccessible à tous et personnalisable, notre applicationLibérerlestress permet d’aménager votre propre programme desophrologieenécoutant et en suivant les recommandations desDocteursDominiqueServant et Marc Hay, au travers de vidéos pourcomprendrelasophrologie, de conseils pratiques pour agir auquotidien,dediaporamas photos et d’accompagnements musicaux.Nos différents tests d’auto-évaluation facilitentvotreapprentissageprogressif et le suivi de vos progrès.Loin d’être une perte de temps, Libérer le stress vous aideàêtreplus en phase avec vous-même au quotidien.Auteurs & collaboration scientifiqueDocteur Marc HayDocteur en médecine, psychothérapeute et sophrologue, ledocteurMarcHay est co-responsable de l’enseignement duDiplômed’Université (DU)de Sophrologie à l’Université de Lille 2.Chargéde cours dansl’enseignement du Diplôme UniversitaireStressAnxiété à l’universitéde Lille 2, il intervient égalementcommepraticien attaché dansl’unité spécialisé Stress et Anxiété duCHRUde LilleMr Christian DecottigniesSophrologue, psychopraticien etkinésithérapeute,ChristianDecottignies exerce dans le champ desthérapiespsycho-corporelleset transpersonnelles. Il estégalementco-responsable del’enseignement du Diplôme d’UniversitédeSophrologie à Lille2.3exercisesself-helptherapy: 35 minutes accompanyingI find the quiet - 13mn03I release stress in a sitting position - 14mn00I release stress standing - 12mn52Practical advice for daily action4 videos to understand the techniques:- The Sophrologie- The Benefits- The Boards- Release the stressOur recommendations to be effective:- Summary- Tips- Benefits3 tests for self-assessment findings,interpretationsandmonitoring:- Do you relax? (20 questions)- Are you a natural anxiety? (20 questions)- Are you a stressed natural? (20 questions)Customizable learning6 photo slideshows in addition6 musical themes accompanyingIn briefOur application Releasing stress will help youbettermanagestress and to her limits. For, whether in personalorprofessionallife, stress does not really alert when itseffectscause damage tothe health of those whose anxiety level istoohigh.It is therefore beneficial and important for you to learntoreleaseand evacuate your stress in a healthy way - withoutturningtoineffective and harmful means - to maintain your overallhealth.Thesolution primarily by yourself, by your desire tochangethings, tobe the engine of change.These exercises will assist you in this process by teachingyouhowto mobilize your resources.After regaining your ability to relax, take timetoidentifyexcessive stress. You choose to live moments ofrefocusingtimesdeeper calm and thus enhance balance and harmonyyourpersonalcapacity.ObjectivesOur application Releasing stress has several objectives:- Refocusing on this and know how to take time for yourself- Discover bodily sensations - revealed by each practice-welcomeand connect with their own impressions.- Trusting the wisdom of his body to broaden thescopeofunderstanding of the reality and balance Body Spirit.- Learn to each practice to collect and mobilizethepositivefeelings experienced in reaching sophro-liminallevel(defined as arelaxation therapy state between wakingandsleeping).Customizable learningAccessible and customizable, our applicationReleasingstressallows you to arrange your own program sophrologielisteningandfollowing the recommendations of Drs Dominique ServantandMarcHay, through videos include relaxation therapy,practicaladvice toact on everyday, photo slideshows andmusicalaccompaniments.Our various self-assessment tests facilitate yourlearningandprogressive track your progress.Far from being a waste of time, Releasing stress helps you tobemorein tune with yourself everyday.Authors & scientific collaborationDr. Mark HayMedical doctor, psychotherapist and relaxation therapist,Dr.MarkHay is co-responsible for the teaching of UniversityDiploma(DU)Sophrologie at the University of Lille 2. LecturerinEducationUniversity Diploma Stress Anxiety at the UniversityofLille 2, italso acts as attached practitioner specializinginStress andAnxiety unit of University Hospital of LilleMr Christian DecottigniesSophrologue, clinical psychologist andphysiotherapist,ChristianDecottignies exercises in the field ofpsycho-physicalandtranspersonal therapies. He is alsoco-responsible for teachingtheDiploma of University of Lille 2Sophrologie.
Le Positif 1.0
3 exercices de self-help thérapie : 27minutesd’accompagnementJe dialogue avec mon enfant intérieur - 7mn58Je souris et je partage - 9mn50J'adopte une attitude postive - 8mn484 vidéos pour comprendre les techniques :- La Sophrologie- Les Bénéfices- Les Conseils- Mobiliser le positifNos recommandations pour être efficace :- Résumé- Conseils- Bénéfices3 tests d’auto-évaluation avec résultats, interprétationsetsuivi :- Savez-vous vous relaxer ? (20 questions)- Etes-vous d’un naturel anxieux ? (20 questions)- Etes-vous d’un naturel stressé ? (20 questions)Un apprentissage personnalisable6 diaporamas photos en complément6 thèmes musicaux en accompagnementEn résuméNotre application de sophrologie Mobiliser des émotionspositivesva vous entraîner à développer des émotions positives etagréables,sans qu’elles soient provoquées par des événementsextérieurs.Vous apprenez à générer des sentiments de joie, de contentement,dereconnaissance, de gratitude, qui vont vous permettre de trouverunespace de sérénité intérieure et de mieux résisterauxenvironnements perturbateurs de la vie quotidienne.Vous explorez différentes nuances d'émotions positives-appréciation, amour, enthousiasme, optimisme, respect - quivontvous aider à mieux vivre en harmonie avec vous-même et,parfois, àfaire la différence entre échec et réussite.Vous êtes invité à faire un "pas de coté", à porter unnouveauregard comme si c’était la première fois puis à vousinscrire dansune attitude positive pour chacune de vos journées.Dans cet étatd’esprit positif, vous serez plus enclins à lacuriosité,l’exploration, l’apprentissage, la créativité.Pour acquérir ce “savoir-faire”, en dehors de touteréalitéextérieure, vous allez entraîner votre esprit à fonctionnerdemanière positive, à remplacer l’obsession par lecontentement,l’agitation par le calme, la haine par la compassion.Comme unexercice d’hygiène mentale.Objectifs- Se recentrer sur le présent et savoir prendre du tempspoursoi- Découvrir ses sensations corporelles – révélées parchaquepratique -, les accueillir et se relier à sespropresimpressions.- Faire confiance à la sagesse de son corps pour élargir le champdeconscience de sa réalité et son équilibre Corps-Esprit.- Apprendre à chaque pratique à recueillir et mobiliserlessensations positives de l’expérience en atteignant leniveausophro-liminal (défini en sophrologie comme un état entreveille etsommeil).Apprentissage personnalisableAccessible à tous et personnalisable, notre applicationMobiliserdes émotions positives permet d’aménager votre propreprogramme desophrologie en écoutant et en suivant lesrecommandations desDocteurs Dominique Servant et Marc Hay, autravers de vidéos pourcomprendre la sophrologie, de conseilspratiques pour agir auquotidien, de diaporamas photos etd’accompagnements musicaux.Nos différents tests d’auto-évaluation facilitentvotreapprentissage progressif et le suivi de vos progrès.Loin d’être une perte de temps, Mobiliser des émotionspositivesvous aide à être plus en phase avec vous-même auquotidien.Auteurs & collaboration scientifiqueDocteur Marc HayDocteur en médecine, psychothérapeute et sophrologue, ledocteurMarc Hay est co-responsable de l’enseignement duDiplômed’Université (DU) de Sophrologie à l’Université de Lille 2.Chargéde cours dans l’enseignement du Diplôme UniversitaireStressAnxiété à l’université de Lille 2, il intervient égalementcommepraticien attaché dans l’unité spécialisé Stress et Anxiété duCHRUde LilleMr Christian DecottigniesSophrologue, psychopraticien et kinésithérapeute,ChristianDecottignies exerce dans le champ des thérapiespsycho-corporelleset transpersonnelles. Il est égalementco-responsable del’enseignement du Diplôme d’Université deSophrologie à Lille2.3 exercisesself-helptherapy: 27 minutes accompanyingI dialogue with my inner child - 7mn58I smile and sharing - 9mn50I adopt a postive attitude - 8mn484 videos to understand the techniques:- The Sophrologie- The Benefits- The Boards- Mobilizing positiveOur recommendations to be effective:- Summary- Tips- Benefits3 tests for self-assessment findings, interpretationsandmonitoring:- Do you relax? (20 questions)- Are you a natural anxiety? (20 questions)- Are you a stressed natural? (20 questions)Customizable learning6 photo slideshows in addition6 musical themes accompanyingIn briefOur application of relaxation therapy Mobilize positiveemotionswill cause you to develop positive and pleasant emotions,withoutbeing caused by external events.You learn to generate feelings of joy, contentment,gratitude,gratitude, which will allow you to find a space of innerserenityand better withstand disruptive environments ofeverydaylife.You explore different shades of positive emotions -appreciation,love, enthusiasm, optimism, respect - that will helpyou live inharmony with yourself, and sometimes make the differencebetweenfailure and success.You are invited to a "step aside" to take a fresh look as if itwerethe first time and then enroll in a positive attitude for eachofyour days. In this positive mindset, you will be more inclinedtocuriosity, exploration, learning and creativity.To acquire this "know-how", without any external reality, youwilltrain your mind to work in a positive way, to replace theobsessionby contentment, calm agitation, hatred with compassion. Asa mentalhealth exercise.Objectives- Refocusing on this and know how to take time foryourself- Discover bodily sensations - revealed by each practice -welcomeand connect with their own impressions.- Trusting the wisdom of his body to broaden the scopeofunderstanding of the reality and balance Body Spirit.- Learn to each practice to collect and mobilize thepositivefeelings experienced in reaching sophro-liminal level(defined as arelaxation therapy state between waking andsleeping).Customizable learningAccessible and customizable, our Mobilize application ofpositiveemotions allows you to arrange your own programsophrologielistening and following the recommendations of DrsDominique Servantand Marc Hay, through videos include relaxationtherapy, practicaladvice to act daily, photo slideshows andmusicalaccompaniments.Our various self-assessment tests facilitate your learningandprogressive track your progress.Far from being a waste of time, Mobilize positive emotions helpsyouto be more in tune with yourself everyday.Authors & scientific collaborationDr. Mark HayMedical doctor, psychotherapist and relaxation therapist,Dr.Mark Hay is co-responsible for the teaching of UniversityDiploma(DU) Sophrologie at the University of Lille 2. LecturerinEducation University Diploma Stress Anxiety at the UniversityofLille 2, it also acts as attached practitioner specializinginStress and Anxiety unit of University Hospital of LilleMr Christian DecottigniesSophrologue, clinical psychologist and physiotherapist,ChristianDecottignies exercises in the field of psycho-physicalandtranspersonal therapies. He is also co-responsible for teachingtheDiploma of University of Lille 2 Sophrologie.
Buteyko Pro 2.0
*** Contains 3 Buteykobreathingexercises****** With bell/gong sounds to guide you ****** Ultimate Buteyko App on Android***The Buteyko Pro app is the ultimate Buteyko Breathingapp:itcontains 3 Buteyko Breathing exercises,withon-screeninstructions, vibrations and bell/gong sounds to guideyouin avery relaxed and convenient way. To get the greatestbenefitfromthis app, we recommend inexperienced or beginning usersto doaButeyko course available at your breathing following the instructionsofProfessorK.P. Buteyko. Buteyko Breathing is recognized asatreatment forasthma in various countries and can alsoprofoundlybenefit youryoga, pranayama, tai chi, pilates, diving,breath work,meditationand athletic exercise program.The Buteyko Breathing App:* Guides you through the exercises* Advanced stopwatch and timer functionality* Choose from various Buteyko Breathing exercises* Receive helpful tips and instructions* View your personal exercise charts* Share your exercise scores with your teacher* Suitable for both beginners and advanced students* Measure your pulse right from your device.The Buteyko app contains 3 Buteyko Breathing exercises:* Control Pause* VSB Reduced Breathing* CP RepeatThis is the ultimate Buteyko tool and a veryconvenientandflexible guide for your Buteyko Breathing practice:Suitableforboth beginners and experienced practitioners. Use thisappforeither beginner, intermediate or advancedButeykobreathingexercises, with sounds to guide you.We strongly recommend our users to seektheprofessionalinstruction and guidance of a ButeykoBreathingteacher, availableat
Advanced Buteyko 3.5
*** Official app for the ButeykoBreathingcourse ***The companion app to the Buteyko Breathing coursecontainsexercises for beginning and advanced students and allowsyourButeyko instructor to view your breathing scores andprogress.You need an activated user account to use this app. Askyourinstructor for your login details.More info at
وصفات الجمال الطبيعي 3.0
وصفات الجمال الطبيعي بدون أنترنت، ستجدون هناكلما يتعلق بالاهتمام ببشرة الوجه واليدين و القدمين، وصحةالجسم وجماله،و خلطات الشعر اعتمادا على مواد طبيعية .خلطات، وصفات، صبغات للشعر، وصفة صحراوية لتبييض الجسم ، وصفة لعلاجحبالشباب، تخفيف الوزن، وصفات ريجيم، العناية بالرموش،خلطة لمنعتساقطالشعر، زيت الزيتون، الأفوكادو، وصفات مغربية، ماسك للشعر،قناعللبشرة، بلسم للشفاه، علاج للحبوب، تغذية البشرة، جمال و نضارةالوجه،تفتيح لون اليدين، علاج لاصفرار الأسنان.يحتوي التطبيق على الوصفات الطبيعية للتجميل مجربة ومختارةلاشهرالدكاترة في ميدان التجميل الطبيعي الدكتور جمال الصقليوالدكتورةدنيا رجب وايضا الدكتورة سمر العمريطي والدكتور عماد ميرابثم اخيراسعد حساسين والدكتور جميل دويك.سيدتي ان كنت تبحتين عن جمالك الطبيعي فانت في المكان الصحيحفجمالكسيدتي هو غايتنا ستجدين خلطات الشعر وماسكات للبشرة وقناع للوجهوطرقالتخسيس وكل مايزيد جمالك فهناك اكثر من 400 وصفة للعنايةبجمالكمختصرة وسهلة التحضير وبمكونات موجودة في كل منزل عربيانه حقا مكتبة شامله وهذه نبدة من محتويات التطبيق:العناية بالبشرة الجافةالعناية بالبشرة الدهنيةالعناية بالبشرة الحساسةالعناية بالبشرة السمراء وتفتيحهاالعناية بالبشرة العاديةتقوية الشعرالعناية بالوجهالعناية بالشعر الجافالعناية بالشعر المجعدالعناية بالشعر المصبوغالعناية بالشعر الدهنيالعناية بالشعر المتساقطالعناية بالشعر المتقصفالعناية باليدينالعناية بالقدمينالاظافرتجاعيد الوجهتبيض الاسنان بسرعةزيادة الوزنالنحافةتكبير المؤخرة والأردافتكبير الثدي و الصدرتطويل الشعرازالة الشعر الوجه والمناطق الحساسةازالة رائحة الابطازالة رائحة الفم الكريهةازالة رائحة المهبلازالة رائحة القدمينجمال الساقينالحملتخفيف آلام الدورة الشهرية او الحيضRecipes naturalbeautywithout the Internet, you will find here everything relatedtoattention facial skin, hands and feet, and Sahhaljsm andbeauty,and depending on the hair blends natural materials.Mixtures, recipes, Dyes for hair, a recipe desert for whiteningthebody, and the recipe for the treatment of acne, weightloss,recipes diet, Balrmoh Care, Fusion to prevent hair loss, oliveoil,avocado, recipes Moroccan, Mask for hair, mask for the skin,balmfor the lips, treatment for grain , skin nutrition, beautyandfreshness of the face, hands lighten the color, for thetreatmentof yellowing teeth.Application of the natural beauty recipes tried and selectedtocontain Drs months in the field of natural cosmetics Dr.JamalSicilians and Dr. Recep minimum and also Dr. Samar AlamraitiandDr. Imad Merab then finally Saad sensitive and beautifulDr.Dweik.Madam that you Tbhtin natural beauty then you are in the rightplaceFjmalc madam is our goal you will find blends poetry andmasks forthe skin and face mask and methods of slimming and allmore thanbeauty, there are more than 400 prescription to take careof yourbeauty concise, easy to prepare and the ingredients arepresent inevery Arab homeIt's really a comprehensive library Nbdh of the contents ofthisapplication:Dry Skin CareOily Skin CareSensitive Skin CareSkin Care brown and lightenedOrdinary skin careHair StrengtheningFacial TreatmentsDry Hair CareCurly Hair CareColor-Treated Hair CareFatty Hair CareHair falling CareBrittle Hair CareHand careFoot CarePedicuresFace wrinklesBleaching teeth quicklyoverweightThinnessEnlarge the ass and buttocksBreast augmentation and chestLengthening hairFace and sensitive areas hair removalRemove underarm odorRemove bad breathRemove the smell of vaginaRemove the smell of feetBeauty legsPregnancyEase the pain of the menstrual cycle or menstruation
Buteyko Breathing Free 2.1
*** Includes 2 Buteyko Breathing exercises ***The Buteyko Breathing Free app is a free Buteykobreathingexercise timer. To get the greatest benefit from this app,werecommend users to do a Buteyko course your breathing following the instructions ofProfessorK.P. Buteyko. Buteyko Breathing is recognized as atreatment forasthma in various countries and can profoundly benefityour yoga,tai chi, pilates, diving, breath work, meditation andathleticexercise program. The app features on-screen timersandinstructions that guide you through the breathing exercises inavery convenient manner.The Free Buteyko Breathing app:* Guides you through the exercises* Advanced stopwatch and timer functionality* Contains 2 Buteyko Breathing exercise timers* Receive helpful tips and instructions* View your personal exercise charts* Share your exercise scores with your teacher* Suitable for both beginners and advanced studentsThe app includes 2 important Buteyko Breathingexercisetimers:* Control Pause* VSB Reduced BreathingGet the PRO version: The "Buteyko Pro" app contains 3exercisesfor both beginners and advanced practice and also playsbell/gongsounds to guide you during the exercises.Official video: Buteyko Breathing app is the companion app need a free account which you canmake within theapp.The Buteyko Breathing app also has a "health form"functionalitywhere you can indicate chronic disease symptoms on ascale of 0 to10 for:* Astma* Depression* Arthritis* Colitis* Circulatory problems* High cholesterol* Erectile dysfunction* Migraine* Multiple sclerosis* Psoriasis* Tinnitus* Bronchiectasis* Cardio vascular problem* Heart disease* Crohns disease* Post natal syndrome* Tachycardia (high pulse)* Chronic fatigue* ADD/ ADHD* Emphysema / COPD* Insomnia* High blood pressure* Sleep apnea* Diabetes* Nasal congestion* Allergies* Bronchitis* Cough* Constipation* Eczema* Obesity / overweight* Snoring* Stuttering* Angina* Anxiety / stressA lessening of symptoms can indicate good progress inyourButeyko practice. A worsening of symptoms however can indicatethatthere is an issue in your practice which needs to berectified.The breathing exercise program of Prof. K.P. Buteykoalsoprovides benefits for freediving, breath work, yoga andpranayamaenthousiasts, freedivers and scuba divers.The app is dedicated to Professor K.P. Buteyko (1923-2003).
24drs RSS健康新聞閱讀器 1.16
包羅萬象的健康資訊盡在24drs健康新聞APP24drs新聞專區APP與24drs網站同步,集結熱門排行:WebMD大眾新聞、WebMD專業新聞、醫療新聞、哈斯比辛新聞等單元,讓您輕鬆瀏覽即時、多元的健康資訊。The all-inclusivehealthinformation to make 24drs health news APP24 drs News of APP and 24drs website synchronization,thebuild-Top Ranking: WebMD popular journalism, WebMDprofessionalnews, medical news, Hasibixin news unit, allowing youto easilynavigate the real-time, multiple health information.
OxyInside 3.2
- Optimize oxygen and CO2 levels- Diaphragmatic breathing- Strengthen core and posture- Mental power and relaxation- Integrated training programDo the OxyInside breathing course to improve oxygen supplyandget more power, endurance and performance.*** This app is designed for use during the OxyInsideCourse.Your OxyInside instructor will teach and guide you andprovide youwith a username and password to login to the app.