Top 2 Apps Similar to transverse abdominal exercises

30 Day Plank Challenge 1.2
Trush Apps
Take Plank Challenge for 30 daysstraight(including weekends and holidays).The plank (also called a front hold, hover, or abdominalbridge)is an isometric core strength exercise that involvesmaintaining adifficult position for extended periods of time. Themost commonplank is the front plank which is held in a push-upposition withthe body's weight borne on forearms, elbows, andtoes.The plank strengthens the abdominals, back, andshoulders.Muscles involved in the front plank include:Primary muscles: erector spinae, rectus abdominis (abs),andtransverse abdominus.[citation needed]Secondary muscles (synergists/segmental stabilizers):trapezius(traps), rhomboids, rotator cuff, the anterior, medial,andposterior deltoid muscles (delts), pectorals (pecs),serratusanterior, gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps.Features:Daily workout routine : Find workout on daily routine basis.Performplank for given time of secondWorkout History : Track your workout on our history section. Youcancheck daily no. seconds has been performedPause Workout : You can pause workout to divide into sub-partsTo Download Ad-Free Version Download :Plank Challenge Pro
10,000 Crunches Challenge 1.0
Trush Apps
A crunch begins with lying face up on thefloorwith knees bent. The movement begins by curling theshoulderstowards the pelvis. The hands can be behind or beside theneck orcrossed over the chest. Injury can be caused by pushingagainst thehead or neck with hands.When discussing six-pack abs and a toned belly, crunchesoftenspring to mind before any other exercise. While it takes morethancrunches to get a defined stomach -- you'll need a balanceddietand regular cardiovascular exercise as well -- thisclassicexercise continues to serve its traditionaltummy-flatteningpurpose. As crunches help strengthen your core,they producefunctional benefits in addition to aesthetic perks.Muscles Worked :Crunches chiefly serve to tone, define and strengthen theabdominal-- or “core” -- muscles. As such, this exercise squarelytargetsthe rectus abdominis -- the two parallel muscles that rundown theabdomen -- and the transverse abdominis, an inner layer ofstomachmuscles that help stabilize the spine. Crunches also engagetheobliques, the muscles that run down the sides of the torso,assynergists.Core Benefits :As a core-training exercise, crunches help improve your balancebystrengthening your abdominal muscles. Strong core musclesimproveyour posture, which helps you function efficiently ineveryday lifeand in sporting events. A healthy posture also helpsprevent lowerback pain and muscle injury. A 2009 study conducted byBarryUniversity found that runners who underwent six weeksofcore-training exercises significantly lowered their 5-kilometerruntimes.Calories Burned :In addition to toning, performing crunches burns a few calories.Fora 160-pound person, 10 minutes of moderate crunches burns54calories, while 10 minutes of vigorous crunches burns 98calories.This number jumps to 65 and 116 calories, respectively,for a190-pound person. While a half hour of crunches couldpotentiallyburn a whopping 300 calories, fitness experts recommendsmallamounts of crunches – about three sets of 12 -- performed ataslow, controlled pace rather than many quicklyperformedcrunches.This 10,000 crunches challenge is divided into 30 days.Every day a no. of crunches will be ask to do. Perform every daysetto complete challenge.