2.2 / February 4, 2020
(4/5) (13)


The Mindfulness for Children app introduces your family to thepractice of meditation. Included are guided meditations to helpyour child gently process their experiences. They will learn to usebreathing to restore emotional balance and to locate and releaseemotional stress in the body. Mindfulness for Children isfamily-friendly and appropriate for children 4+ years and older.Why did we create the Mindfulness for Children app? Meditation'sbenefits are well-documented. "When you meditate, you may clearaway the information overload that builds up every day andcontributes to your stress. The emotional benefits of meditationcan include: gaining a new perspective on stressful situations,building skills to manage your stress, increasing self-awareness,focusing on the present, reducing negative emotions, increasingimagination and creativity, (and) increasing patience andtolerance." - The Mayo Clinic. We imagine a future full of vibrant,emotionally and physically healthy adults raised with meditation.That possible future inspired us to create Mindfulness forChildren. We want today's kids to have the tools to process theirexperiences. We're parents. Each day we help our kids navigate theworld. Who are we? Mindfulness for Children's creators are Pia andJannik Holgersen. Pia Holgersen App producer and meditation expertPia studied Psychomotricity and Physiotherapy at the UCC UniversityCollege North Zealand. Pia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in PsychomotorTherapy and Physiotherapy. Pia is passionate about the mind-bodyconnection. In her private and professional life, Pia hasexperienced and studied the benefits and joys that result from ameditation practice focused on the development of heightenedawareness of one's body. She regards mindfulness meditation, “as apowerful tool for creating physical and mental stability, and adaily life with more inner peace and increased energy.” JannikHolgersen App producer and developer Jannik has developed andproduced several different apps including Mindful Island and Soundof Mindfulness. Jannik has years of technical experience working inTV and entertainment. Jannik’s interest in mindfulness meditationhas expanded during recent years as all humans face increasingstress levels and demands on their time; at work and at home. “Myapproach to mindfulness goes back to 1999 when I began meditating.I learned that children are born mindful, but lose that ability tobe aware and at peace over time. My goal is that parents use ourapp to meditate together with their children, and as a result,their children learn to stay mindful throughout their lives.”Sincerely, Jannik & Pia Contact us if you have any questions.Note: check out our privacy policy here on AppStore.

App Information Mindfulness for Children - Meditation for Kids App

  • App Name
    Mindfulness for Children - Meditation for Kids App
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    February 4, 2020
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Jannik Holgersen
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
    Damhusvænget 32 2990 Nivå Denmark
  • Google Play Link

Jannik Holgersen Show More...

Sound of Mindfulness DK 1.9 APK
Lær at meditere. Ved at meditere lærer du at blive mere nærværendeog du lærer at skabe positive tilstande for dig selv og andre. Dubliver bedre til at lytte til andre og mindske den stress, som defleste af os møder hver dag. At blive mere bevidst om dig selv ogdine reaktioner, giver dig mulighed for at forholde dig objektivttil, hvad der måtte opstå i nuet. Derved opøver du evnen til atagere i stedet for at reagere. Pia Holgersen er uddannetpsykomotorisk terapeut og har bla. gennemgået Mindfulness BaseretStress Reduktion (MBSR). Pia har sammen med Jannik Holgersenudviklet Sound of mindfulness DK som også findes på iTunes somalbum. Denne app er et virksomt redskab til at give dig selv merenærvær i hverdagen, fordi meditation træner din evne til at væreopmærksom på det som er. Velegnet for begyndere og mere erfarne,som støtte på vejen ind i mindfulness. Indeholder en 10 og 19 min.guidet kropsscanning, 7, 8 og 19 min. guidet meditation. Samt todejlige afslappende lydoptagelser fra naturen. Brugerne af denneApp opfordres til at være med til at forme indeholdet via. desociale medier. Del gode input i form af at I fortæller, hvad dervirkede særlig godt for jer. Vi vil så løbende udvikle produktet udfra jeres gode erfaringer med, hvad I finder støttende og hjælpsomtpå jeres personlige vej til mindfulness.
Mindful Family: Mindfulness for children App 2.1 APK
Peaceful sleep. Low anxiety. Emotional control. Focus. Bodypositivity. The guided mindfulness meditation for kids help yourchild thrive. Meditate with your kids and share the benefits ofmindfulness for children. The free Mindful Family app introducesyour family to the practice of mindfulness meditation for children.Included are guided meditations for kids to help your child gentlyprocess their experiences. Teaching mindfulness for kids is a greatway to create more calm, compassion and harmony in their life. Theywill learn to use breathing to restore emotional balance and tolocate and release emotional stress in the body. Mindful Familyalso includes: A Meditation Bell to increase focus and awarenessThree relaxing nature tracks: Gentle Waves, Sunset by the Sea, andWaves and Birds Mindful Family offers additional mediations forchildren as in-app purchases including five different Goodnightmediations for bedtime. Mindful Family is family-friendly andappropriate for children 4+ years and older. Why did we create theMindful Family app? Kids meditation's benefits are well-documented."When you meditate, you may clear away the information overloadthat builds up every day and contributes to your stress. Theemotional benefits of meditation can include: gaining a newperspective on stressful situations, building skills to manage yourstress, increasing self-awareness, focusing on the present,reducing negative emotions, increasing imagination and creativity,(and) increasing patience and tolerance." - The Mayo Clinic Weimagine a future full of vibrant, emotionally and physicallyhealthy adults raised with meditation. That possible futureinspired us to create Mindful Family. We want today's kids to havethe tools to process their experiences. We're parents. Each day wehelp our kids navigate the world. Who are we? Mindful Family'screators are Pia and Jannik Holgersen. Pia Holgersen App producerand meditation expert Pia studied Psychomotricity and Physiotherapyat the UCC University College North Zealand. Pia holds a Bachelor’sDegree in Psychomotor Therapy and Physiotherapy. Pia is passionateabout the mind-body connection. In her private and professionallife, Pia has experienced and studied the benefits and joys thatresult from a meditation practice focused on the development ofheightened awareness of one's body. She regards mindfulnessmeditation, “as a powerful tool for creating physical and mentalstability, and a daily life with more inner peace and increasedenergy.” Jannik Holgersen App producer and developer Jannik hasdeveloped and produced several different apps including Sound ofBornholm and Sound of Mindfulness. Jannik has years of technicalexperience working in TV and entertainment. Jannik’s interest inmindfulness meditation has expanded during recent years as allhumans face increasing stress levels and demands on their time; atwork and at home. “My approach to mindfulness goes back to 1999when I began meditating. I learned that children are born mindful,but lose that ability to be aware and at peace over time. My goalis that parents use our app to meditate together with theirchildren, and as a result, their children learn to stay mindfulthroughout their lives.” We invite you to join our Mindful Family.Get Mindful Family today.
Sound of Bornholm Free 1.5 APK
Relax with a lot of wonderful sounds ofnature? Try to listen to the Sound of Bornholm. The sounds on thisapp has a calming effect on the nervous system and is thereforevery suitable for reducing stress, mindfulness meditation, yoga,relaxation and for people with sleep disorders.Sound of Bornholm is produced on the beautiful danish island ofBornholm located in the Baltic Sea. The sounds are recorded ondifferent locations on the island and contain beautiful stereorecording in high quality from the forests, the sea, the cliffs andthe beautiful white sand beaches. You can also hear the voices frommany different birds, eg. Nightingale.Do you miss Bornholm? Use Sound of Bornholm to bring back thememories.You can use Sound of Bornholm as a tourist guide to find thelovely surroundings where sounds are recorded. You can also findattractions, restaurants, and shopping near your location using the"nearby places" function.This is the Sound of Bornholm Free. It is a free version of theSound of Bornholm which contains many more sounds and higherquality. See more on the App Store under related.There will continually be new updates with new sounds fromBornholm.
Mindfulness for Barn : Meditasjon og nærvær 1.6 APK
Et fantastisk verktøy til foreldre og skolelærere. Trening foråstyrke evnen til oppmerksomt nærvær. Appen inneholderguidedemindfulness meditasjonsøvelser for barn og er den førstenorskeappen med meditasjoner for barn. Vår opprinnelige ide meddenneappen er, at barn skal undervises av en utdannet mindfulnesslærerog deretter bruke appen til å trene hjemme, og fortrinnsvismedsine foreldre. Erfaringer fra våre brukere av appen er atøvelsenebidrar til å redusere stress, angst og til og med roesymptomene påADHD. Dette får du ut av appen: ◉ Kvalitetsmeditasjoner for barn,som er lett tilgjengelige og som kan brukes iforlengelse avundervisning i mindfulnes i skoler, instutisjoner ogi privateundervisninger. ◉ En trening som reduserer stress ogangst,utvikler oppmerksomhet, fremmer evnen til følelsesmessigreguleringog skaper en følelse av samhørighet, trivsel og velvære.◉ En appsom anbefales av flere danske og amerikanskefamilieveiledere ogbarnepsykologer. ◉ En app som brukes på utalligedanske ogamerikanske skoler allerede i dag. Mindfulness for barn erbarnemeditasjoner av god kvalitet, skapt av Psykomotorisk terapeutPiaHolgersen og produsert av apputvikler Jannik Holgersen. Denneappentilbyr instruksjoner i trinn for trinn i hvordan manmediterer. Meden beroligende stemme, guides barna enkelt gjennomkroppsscan,visualisering og små pusteøvelser. Meditasjoneneanbefales tilaldersgruppen fra fem år og opp, og kan med fordelogså brukes avforeldre/voksne. Appen inneholder: • Avslappendemeditasjonermellom fire og tolv minutters varighet: « Indre sted»,«Sammenhengmellom åndedrett, kropp, tanker og følelser», «Å finnero» og «Langkroppsscan til større barn» • Helt nye godtattmeditasjoner. • Allelydinnspillinger er opptatt i høy kvalitet ogmed profesjoneltutstyr. • Deilige, beroligende stemme guidermeditasjonene i etrolig tempo for å oppnå en total avslappendetilstand i kropp ogsinn. • Særlig utvalgte beroligende lyder i høykvalitet, opptatt iden bornholmske natur. Disse lydene er særdelesvelegnet til åfalle til ro og sovne. Både for barn og voksne. Vildu være med?Last ned appen og få mer ro og nærvær i familien.
Mindfulness for Børn: Meditations app 1.9 APK
Et fantastisk værktøj til forældre og skolelærere. Ved at træne medmeditationsøvelserne kan børnene blandt andet opnå at: ◉ føle siggladere og roligere ◉ få styrket deres sociale kompetencer ◉koncentrere sig mere og opnå bedre indlæring ◉ håndtere stress ogangst ◉ klare sig bedre i musik og sport Mindfulness for Børn erden første danske App med meditationer til børn. Det får du ud afappen : ◉ Kvalitets meditationer til børn, som er let tilgængeligeog som kan bruges i forlængelse af mindfulness undervisning iskoler, institutioner og i private undervisninger. ◉ En træning derreducerer stress og angst, udvikler opmærksomhed, fremmer evnen tilfølelsesmæssig regulering og skaber en følelse af samhørighed,trivsel og velvære. ◉ En App der anbefales af bla. FamilievejlederLola Jensen og Autoriseret psykolog Lene Kaslov. ◉ En App der i daganvendes på utallige danske skoler. Mindfulness for børn erkvalitets børne meditationer, skabt af Psykomotorisk terapeut PiaHolgersen og produceret af App udvikler Jannik Holgersen. Denne Apptilbyder trin for trin instruktioner i at meditere. Med PiaHolgersens beroligende stemme, guides børnene nemt gennem kropsscan, visualisering og små åndedrætsøvelser. Meditationerneanbefales til aldersgruppen fra 5 år og op, og kan med fordelanvendes af forældre/voksne også. Appen indeholder: ◉ Afslappendemeditationer mellem fire og tolv minutters varighed : "Indre sted","Sammenhæng mellem vejrtrækning, krop, tanker og følelser", "Atfinde ro" og "Lang kropsscan til større børn" ◉ Helt nyegodnatmeditationer. ◉ Alle lyd indspilninger er optaget i højkvalitet og på professionelt udstyr. ◉ Pia Holgersens dejligeberoligende stemme guider meditationerne i et roligt tempo for atopnå en total afslappende tilstand i krop og sind. ◉ Særligudvalgte beroligende lyde i høj kvalitet ,optaget i den Bornholmskenatur. Disse lyde er særdeles velegnet til at falde til ro og faldei søvn. Både for børn og voksne. Appen er downloadet over 20.000gange i Danmark. Vil du være med ? Download appen og få mere ro ognærvær i din familie.
Mindfulness for Children - Meditation for Kids App 2.2 APK
The Mindfulness for Children app introduces your family to thepractice of meditation. Included are guided meditations to helpyour child gently process their experiences. They will learn to usebreathing to restore emotional balance and to locate and releaseemotional stress in the body. Mindfulness for Children isfamily-friendly and appropriate for children 4+ years and older.Why did we create the Mindfulness for Children app? Meditation'sbenefits are well-documented. "When you meditate, you may clearaway the information overload that builds up every day andcontributes to your stress. The emotional benefits of meditationcan include: gaining a new perspective on stressful situations,building skills to manage your stress, increasing self-awareness,focusing on the present, reducing negative emotions, increasingimagination and creativity, (and) increasing patience andtolerance." - The Mayo Clinic. We imagine a future full of vibrant,emotionally and physically healthy adults raised with meditation.That possible future inspired us to create Mindfulness forChildren. We want today's kids to have the tools to process theirexperiences. We're parents. Each day we help our kids navigate theworld. Who are we? Mindfulness for Children's creators are Pia andJannik Holgersen. Pia Holgersen App producer and meditation expertPia studied Psychomotricity and Physiotherapy at the UCC UniversityCollege North Zealand. Pia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in PsychomotorTherapy and Physiotherapy. Pia is passionate about the mind-bodyconnection. In her private and professional life, Pia hasexperienced and studied the benefits and joys that result from ameditation practice focused on the development of heightenedawareness of one's body. She regards mindfulness meditation, “as apowerful tool for creating physical and mental stability, and adaily life with more inner peace and increased energy.” JannikHolgersen App producer and developer Jannik has developed andproduced several different apps including Mindful Island and Soundof Mindfulness. Jannik has years of technical experience working inTV and entertainment. Jannik’s interest in mindfulness meditationhas expanded during recent years as all humans face increasingstress levels and demands on their time; at work and at home. “Myapproach to mindfulness goes back to 1999 when I began meditating.I learned that children are born mindful, but lose that ability tobe aware and at peace over time. My goal is that parents use ourapp to meditate together with their children, and as a result,their children learn to stay mindful throughout their lives.”Sincerely, Jannik & Pia Contact us if you have any questions.Note: check out our privacy policy here on AppStore.
Mindful island - Sound of Bornholm 2.9 APK
Do you feel stressed and depressed with sleep disorder? This appcanhelp you. Sound of Bornholm is produced on the magical islandofBornholm located in the Baltic Sea. The sounds are idealforrelaxation and Meditation. The sounds are recorded atdifferentlocations on Bornholm and contains beautiful sounds fromthe sea,forest, rocky coast and beaches. There are unique sounds ofmanydifferent birds, such as nightingale. Do you miss Bornholm?Usethis app to bring back the memories. Use the sounds to feelrelaxedand to reduce stress. There will be added new sounds infutureupdates from different seasons and new places on the island.
Mindfulness för Barn Appen: Meditera och sömn 1.6 APK
Ett fantastiskt verktyg till föräldrar och lärare.Guidademeditationsövningar för mindfulness för barn. MeditationernaärInspelad av Anneli Heed, känd från tecknade TV-serier,bio-filmer,spel m.m. Appen har nominerats till bästa barnapp 2017 iDanmark.Detta får du ut av appen: ◉ Kvalitetsmeditationer till barnsom ärlättillgängliga och kan användas som en del av undervisningimindfulness i skolan, institutioner och privat undervisning. ◉Enträning som minskar stress och oro, utvecklaruppmärksamhet,främjar känslomässig reglering och skapar en känslaav samhörighet,trivsel och välbefinnande. ◉ En app somrekommenderas av fleradanska och amerikanska familjevägledare ochpsykologer. ◉ En appsom idag används på otaliga danska, amerikanskaoch engelskaskolor. Mindfulness för barn är kvalitativameditationer för barnskapade av den psykomotoriska terapeuten PiaHolgersen ochtillverkad av app-utvecklaren Jannik Holgersen. Dennaapp erbjudersteg-för-steg-instruktioner i meditation. Med envälkomnande ochlugnande röst vägleds barnen genom kroppsscanning,visualiseringoch små andningsövningar. Meditationerna rekommenderastillåldersgruppen från 5 år och uppåt och kan med fördel ävenanvändasav föräldrar/vuxna. Appen innehåller: ◉ Avslappnande 5–15minuterlånga meditationer. ◉ Godnatt-meditationer. ◉ Allaljudinspelningarär av hög kvalitet och utförda med professionellutrustning. ◉ Denhärliga rogivande rösten guidar meditationerna iett lugnt tempoför att uppnå ett totalt avslappnande tillstånd förkropp ochsinne. ◉ Särskilt utvalda lugnande ljud av hög kvalitetinspelade iden Bornholmska naturen. Dessa ljud lämpar sig särskiltväl tillatt ge ro och hjälpa till att somna. Både för barn ochvuxna. Villdu veta mera? Ladda ner appen och få ökad ro och närvaroi dinfamilj.