1.2 / May 2, 2016
(2.3/5) (3)


即使拿到A等的考生,作文也都有錯別字,錯別字已經是現在學生的通病。 甚至成為鑑別學生程度的依歸。


閒著沒事時, 就玩一玩這款具有教育意義的小遊戲,

School year testended,the country marking the teacher who will represent theliberalarts, typos situation is particularly serious,
Even to get A and other candidates also have writingtypos,misspellings, students now have a common problem. Even adegree ofidentification of the student in mind.

There may be many people on the Chinese lesson or touchChinesetextbooks are already many years ago, now living in theamount oftext will be used is not high.
Chinese national civil service examination is widely ROI isverylow, unlike other families, a fixed range,

When nothing to do, you have to play with thiseducationalgame,
Test the extent of the language, but also to increase our brainsfortypos judgment, learning Richangshenghuo common misuse oftheword!
Chinese questions to help users improve performance, suitableforstudents of all ages and the National Examinationcandidates.

App Information 錯別字570題

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 2, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Cindy Lin
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    NO 200-1, 3F, Lung-Jiang Road, Taipei City, Taiwan 10480
  • Google Play Link

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成语填空 900题 简中版 1.2 APK
Cindy Lin
高考国文的范围就是广,投资报酬率很低,不像其他科,有固定的范围,闲着没事时, 就玩一玩这款具有教育意义的小游戏,考验国文程度,还能够增加我们的大脑对于 成语等错别字的判断,学习日常生活中常见的误用字词! 不少人看到错字,或是文法语句不通顺时,总会感到特别敏感。美国最新的研究就指称,喜欢挑错字的人有一些共同的人格特质,包括较不友善、难搞,甚至神经质。反之,性格上外向、和善的人通常较不在意错字。Chinese collegeentranceexamination is a wide range of ROI is very low, unlikeotherfamilies, a fixed range,When nothing to do, you have to play with thiseducationalgame,Chinese level test, but also to increase our brain idioms andothertypos for judgment, learning the daily life of the commonmisuse ofthe word!Many people see a typo, grammar or sentence is not fluent,alwaysfeel particularly sensitive. The latest research on theUSallegations,Typo like to pick people who have some common personalitytraits,including less friendly, downright, even neurotic.On the contrary, the outgoing personality, and good peopleareusually more care typo.
紫微戀情占卜 1.03 APK
Cindy Lin
諸事不宜日子是以紫微12宮所決定,宮位是主星落陷,或有羊陀火鈴空劫六大煞星與化忌。本功能提供未來30天內8個壞日子供您作為挑選 面試,開刀,出遠門,產品發表 的 參考 。好日子的宮位是主星居廟旺,且不可有羊陀火鈴空劫六大煞星,且不可以是化忌宮。文昌文曲貪狼紫微祿存是好運星,可以多多運用。 想知道你的工作運如何嗎?!項目會不會成功 ,看看最近你能否跟自己喜歡的人發展戀情。那就來做這個紫微占卜吧。請放松心情,默想著你想要了解自己的運勢狀況 進行占卜。主功能如下1.紫微心情 -预测人生各个方向的格局大小2.黃道吉日-预测未來30天內8個好日子3.諸事不宜-预测未來30天內8個壞日子4.戀情水果盤-占卜戀愛運如何5.事業占卜 -占卜工作運如何
成語填空 900題 1.2 APK
Cindy Lin
學測國文的範圍就是廣,投資報酬率很低,不像其他科,有固定的範圍,閒著沒事時, 就玩一玩這款具有教育意義的小遊戲,考驗國文程度,還能夠增加我們的大腦對於 成語等錯別字的判斷,學習日常生活中常見的誤用字詞! 不少人看到錯字,或是文法語句不通順時,總會感到特別敏感。美國最新的研究就指稱,喜歡挑錯字的人有一些共同的人格特質,包括較不友善、難搞,甚至神經質。反之,性格上外向、和善的人通常較不在意錯字。Learn Chinesemeasurementrange is wide, ROI is very low, unlike other families, afixedrange,When nothing to do, you have to play with thiseducationalgame,Chinese level test, but also to increase our brain idioms fortyposjudgment, learning Richangshenghuo common misuse of theword!Many people see a typo, grammar or sentence is not fluent,alwaysfeel particularly sensitive. The latest research on theUSallegations,Typo like to pick people who have some common personalitytraits,including less friendly, downright, even neurotic.On the contrary, the outgoing personality, and good peopleareusually more care typo.
成語用字 1280 1.0 APK
Cindy Lin
考試國文的範圍就是廣,投資報酬率很低,不像其他科,有固定的範圍。大學學測、指考、國家初考都有考成語測驗。一道題目之所以答錯,如果是因為對成語語意的認知不清,那成語就成為得高分的致命傷。命題老師群在命題時,都已經衡量過,哪些成語是同學能力所及的,哪些又是比較難的組合,是否適合當考題?學生若能佐以 "成語用字 1280 個成語" 辛勤努力,絕對穩操勝券。就算努力沒能達成預期,但至少在上考場時,因為會出現的"高頻率"成語都已充分練習過了,也能收到「穩定軍心」的效果。閒著沒事時, 就玩一玩這款具有教育意義的小遊戲,學測國考繼續衝刺,機會是給有準備的人!Chinese test rangeiswide, ROI is very low, unlike other families, a fixedrange.University science test means test, the state has early testtesttest idiom.The reason why a topic got it wrong, if it is because oftheawareness of idioms semantic unclear, that phrase has becomefatalto score high.Proposition teacher group at the proposition, have been weighed,theidiom which the students can afford and what is moredifficultcombination that is appropriate when the exam?Students if accompanied by "idiom word 1280 phrase" hardwork,absolutely sure of success. Even if efforts failed toreachexpectations, but at least in the examination room whenBecause there will be "high-frequency" idioms are fullypracticed,and can also receive "stable morale" effect.When nothing to do, you have to play with this educationalgame,learn to measure national test continues sprint, chances areforthose who are prepared!
紫微八字运势 名人滴天髓 1.0 APK
Cindy Lin
想要知道 2016每日財運好壞? 職場中誰會搶了你的風采?商场犹如战场,你是不是开疆拓土的战将人物 ?可敬的對手和同事們又有哪些值的學習的地方?只要輸入他們的生日, 你將一目瞭然 !還有戀情幸福小偏方,突破困境的秘方, 職場運勢,工作潛能 等著你來探索奧妙的易經命理世界 !!探索您命格之中最具有影响力的五行能量︰金、木、水、火、土五行 。命学四书 指的是《滴天髓》、《三命通会》、《穷通定义 鉴》和《子平真诠》。这四本书梳理了历代命学脉络,是对后世产生深远影响的四柱命理集大成之作。所有变化都与天地相应,不管是旺运、还是行倒霉运、都有先天之“命”的预兆。人们的事业、工作、生活、婚姻等方面都能从命理学中找到解释。格局人物形象:五行能量会对您的性格、家庭、事业、行运等,都产生深远影响。再運用四柱推断的重要依据︰神煞 , 來探索學習名人敬天图强的五行气象 ,成功难道只有一种模式吗?什么样的八字会成功?什么样的八字注定怀才不遇?强人型的人才俨然是现在的社会主流,身弱的格局也有大富大贵之命。紫微封神榜:以紫微精论每日职场运势, 以确定您的成功方向、开发您的成功潜能,宇宙有一个阴阳相吸的定理,强的领导者会吸引弱的跟随者,而弱的领导者会吸引强的拥护者。學會抓住趋势 ,成為理智中道的社会中坚人士。爱情白皮书:爱情狂喜狂悲,有温馨惆怅,有轰轰烈烈可歌可泣的许多可能。情路走得蜿蜒矛盾,欢喜时觉得悲伤,悲伤时又觉甜蜜。 只是要将幸福据为己有,卻得背负极端沉重。单身族爱情燃点低,容易被轻轻拨动心弦,重新找回感动。
錯別字570題 1.2 APK
Cindy Lin
每年學測落幕,國文科閱卷老師們都會表示,錯別字的情況特別嚴重,即使拿到A等的考生,作文也都有錯別字,錯別字已經是現在學生的通病。 甚至成為鑑別學生程度的依歸。可能有很多人上國文課或是碰國文課本已經是多年前的事,現在生活中會用到的文字量也不高。國家公務員考試國文的範圍就是廣,投資報酬率很低,不像其他科,有固定的範圍,閒著沒事時, 就玩一玩這款具有教育意義的小遊戲,考驗語文程度,還能夠增加我們的大腦對於錯別字的判斷,學習日常生活中常見的誤用字詞! 幫助用戶提高國文題型成績,適用於各年級學生與國考考生。School year testended,the country marking the teacher who will represent theliberalarts, typos situation is particularly serious,Even to get A and other candidates also have writingtypos,misspellings, students now have a common problem. Even adegree ofidentification of the student in mind.There may be many people on the Chinese lesson or touchChinesetextbooks are already many years ago, now living in theamount oftext will be used is not high.Chinese national civil service examination is widely ROI isverylow, unlike other families, a fixed range,When nothing to do, you have to play with thiseducationalgame,Test the extent of the language, but also to increase our brainsfortypos judgment, learning Richangshenghuo common misuse oftheword!Chinese questions to help users improve performance, suitableforstudents of all ages and the National Examinationcandidates.
試用版 紫微八字合参 知命改运篇 1.2 APK
Cindy Lin
《易经》经典名句 积善之家,必有余庆。 表明不管人们行善或是作恶, 其吉凶后果全由自己日积月累的行为所铸成。