2.3.1 / December 11, 2019
(4.2/5) (38)


每年5月份報稅繳稅季,如果平時未做好節稅的規劃,則荷包又要大失血。本程式提供簡易估算所得稅額功能,方便您在平常計算稅額、或是決定扶養分配及股票是否參與除權息等等,可以找出比較節稅的方案,以便及早規劃節稅。本程式特色如下:★ 本程式不會主動蒐集任何有關個人的資料,檔案僅存放在個人裝置及SD卡上。 ★ 透過本程式,可以快速了解所得稅的計算方式。 ★本程式提供許多範本,可以快速的建立家庭成員,按照扶養親屬、個人所得、標準扣除額或列舉扣除額等資料填寫,部分資料會由程式自動計算產生,填完資料就會直接產生試算報表。★ 本程式亦提供最新的所得稅稅額資料,並可以切換到過去幾年的稅額表,可以比較不同年度的稅額變化。 ★對於股票族,平時即可透過本程式試算出邊際稅率,可以做為是否參與除權息參考。 ★ 提供綜合所得稅相關鏈結。 ★ 提供節稅秘訣 (請造訪http://www.ewin.tw/love/tax/) ★ 本程式僅提供稅額試算功能,實際應納稅額及申報,請另依國稅局規定辦理。如果有任何問題或建議,歡迎一起討論! 郵件信箱:[email protected] 如果您覺得好用,也請您不吝給予好評,感謝您的支持^_^ 軟體使用政策(下載本程式即表同意): 1.本軟體僅提供一般民眾個人或家庭綜合所得稅之試算,不可作為報稅計算依據及申報綜合所得稅。 2.本軟體試算結果僅供參考,對於使用者的綜合所得稅申報內容或有遺漏及誤差,本程式作者不負任何行政及法律上的責任。 3.本程式試算結果僅適用於台灣地區。

App Information 所得稅試算

Li Chin Show More...

Unit Converter 1.8.7 APK
Li Chin
This converter offers a simple UI, suitable for unit convert andexchange-rate.
所得稅試算 2.3.1 APK
Li Chin
每年5月份報稅繳稅季,如果平時未做好節稅的規劃,則荷包又要大失血。本程式提供簡易估算所得稅額功能,方便您在平常計算稅額、或是決定扶養分配及股票是否參與除權息等等,可以找出比較節稅的方案,以便及早規劃節稅。本程式特色如下:★ 本程式不會主動蒐集任何有關個人的資料,檔案僅存放在個人裝置及SD卡上。 ★ 透過本程式,可以快速了解所得稅的計算方式。 ★本程式提供許多範本,可以快速的建立家庭成員,按照扶養親屬、個人所得、標準扣除額或列舉扣除額等資料填寫,部分資料會由程式自動計算產生,填完資料就會直接產生試算報表。★ 本程式亦提供最新的所得稅稅額資料,並可以切換到過去幾年的稅額表,可以比較不同年度的稅額變化。 ★對於股票族,平時即可透過本程式試算出邊際稅率,可以做為是否參與除權息參考。 ★ 提供綜合所得稅相關鏈結。 ★ 提供節稅秘訣 (請造訪http://www.ewin.tw/love/tax/) ★ 本程式僅提供稅額試算功能,實際應納稅額及申報,請另依國稅局規定辦理。如果有任何問題或建議,歡迎一起討論! 郵件信箱:[email protected] 如果您覺得好用,也請您不吝給予好評,感謝您的支持^_^ 軟體使用政策(下載本程式即表同意): 1.本軟體僅提供一般民眾個人或家庭綜合所得稅之試算,不可作為報稅計算依據及申報綜合所得稅。 2.本軟體試算結果僅供參考,對於使用者的綜合所得稅申報內容或有遺漏及誤差,本程式作者不負任何行政及法律上的責任。 3.本程式試算結果僅適用於台灣地區。
發票簡易快速對獎 2.3.8 APK
Li Chin
發票最新開獎號碼 2.4.5 APK
Li Chin
The program will automatically update the latest uniforminvoicelottery numbers, and provides quick links to the awardprogram
Simple Exchange Rate 2.2.7 APK
Li Chin
This simple exchange rate converter provides easy to useinterfaceto convert the latest exchange rate, gold and silverprices. Thecurrency items can easily customize. In addition,provide long-termhistorical exchange rate chart. The software hasthe followingcharacteristics: * Intuitive operation interface,simple andstraightforward * Currency items can be edited *Automaticallyupdate the latest exchange rate data from the network* Providedisplay zoom function If you have any questions orsuggestions,welcome to discuss together! E-Mail: [email protected] youthink it is easy to use, please do not hesitate to givepraise,thank you for your support. When you download and installtheprogram, it means you agree to the following terms of service:1.The exchange rate and precious metal prices are provided bythirdparties. This software does not guarantee the correctnessandimmediacy of the information. 2. The exchange rate is themiddlerate, and use the United States dollar as the basic ratetocalculate the cross exchange rate of other currency. 3.Theswitching time of historical exchange rate is 00:00 ofCoordinatedUniversal Time (UTC). 4. Due to the rounding of thecalculationprocess, the software is not suitable for applicationsthat requireprecise calculations. 5. When the software is removed,all usersettings will also be removed. 6. All calculate results ofthissoftware are only for reference, the software author does nottakeany administrative and legal responsibility.
Currency and Unit Converter 1.9.0 APK
Li Chin
The software provides the currency exchange-rate conversion andthecommonly used unit conversion of the British, US, China,Taiwan,Hong Kong and Japan. All units can be easily customized andsorted.We also provide a long-term exchange rate chart to keeptrack ofexchange rate trends. The 24 commonly used unit conversionaredivided into three categories: Life group: include exchangerate,gold, time, temperature, fuel consumption, cooking,airconditioning and illuminance. Basic group: include angle,length,area, volume, weight, speed, numerical prefix, and computerbyteTech. group: include force, torque, pressure, energy, power,flow,density, and astronomy. This software has following offeatures: 1.Easy operation, data can directly entered, withoutrequire switchdrop down menu. 2. You can customary edit thevisibility of unititems, only left common use items. 3.Automatically store the lastinput data. 4. Customizable menus. 5.Customizable numericaldisplay accuracy 6. Will automatically updatethe latest exchangerate data from the Internet. 7. Providedifferent screen sizemagnification mode. You can also freely loadthe full version whichoffers the following additional features: 1.Provide four customfield editing groups, you can switch at anytime. 2. Unit fieldsare classified as: British, American, China(including Taiwan andHong Kong) and Japan, make it easy to editcustom fields quickly.When you download and install the program, itmeans you agree tothe following terms of service: 1. Due to thecalculation processwill be rounding, the software does not apply toapplications thatrequire precise calculations. 2. The exchange rateand preciousmetal price data are from third parties. The softwaredoes notguarantee the correctness and immediacy of the information.3. Theexchange rate data is the middle rate, and use the UnitedStatesdollar as the basic rate to calculate the cross exchange rateofother currency. Historical exchange rate switching time is0o'clock in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 4. When thesoftwareis removed, all user settings will also be removed. 5.Allcalculate results of this software are only for reference,thesoftware author does not take any administrative andlegalresponsibility. If you have any questions or comments, welcometodiscussions! E-mail address: [email protected] If you thinkthissoftware is nice to use, please also hesitate to give praise,thankyou for your support.