2.8 / October 28, 2013
(4.5/5) (14)











用戶如在使用上有任何問題發生或疑問,請回報給我們,回報聯絡電話:(02)2258-5551#886 感謝您的協助與支持!

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"Functional Description"

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Users, such as in the use of any problems or concerns,pleasereport it to us, the return Tel: (02) 2258-5551 # 886 Thankyou foryour help and support!

App Information 國產雞折價通

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    October 28, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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北台灣溫泉會館嚴選 9.070640 APK
本App - 北台灣溫泉會館嚴選, 提供泡湯會館嚴選及住宿訂房、一泊二食、用餐泡湯優惠訂票聯合行銷平台, 是兩岸三地首創, 以最新的雲端架構, 並應用以下之各項技術或專利 :1. 虛擬實境 720度 VR ( Virtual Reality )2. 動態虛擬實境 Video VR ( Video Virtual Realtiy )3. 實體商店,數位化專利技術 - 所看即所得 ( What you see is What you get )4. 手機虛擬商店 ( Mobile Virtual Store )5. FB + VR 之整合行銷6. Google Earth + VR之整合行銷7. 專利雲端列印技術 Cloud Print8. App Maker platform9. CPI ( Cost-Per-Installation ) : 手機網站聯播網整合行銷並與全台灣最大的折價Coupon網站- 折價王mycoupon, 近40萬會員, 5萬多的 FB 粉絲 合作 ,打造此最具威力, 虛實整合O2O的聯合行銷平台, 而且應用 App 的推播方式, 快速且有效將各種促銷訊息, 即時到消費者手中,有效提昇各加入本平台之溫泉會館業者知名度, 與業績, 大大拉開與競爭者的距離, 確保業者的領導地位!!*PS. 全球各地區的智慧型手機數量 : 台灣有 近600萬, 中國有5.2億, 全球有12億人, 即所謂的低頭族!!
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哲學星期五 9.080642 APK
小週末的夜晚只能上 KTV唱唱歌,上餐廳吃吃飯嗎?「哲學星期五」邀請你一起走進咖啡沙龍,開拓思想激蕩。「哲學星期五」固定於每週五晚上及不定時舉辦「哲學『非』星期五」。我們的講者涵括海內外,如美國哥倫比亞大學中國專家黎安友、導演楊雅喆、獨立媒體人黃哲斌、中研院研究員錢永祥、前駐日代表羅福全等。中研院副研究員吳介民稱「哲五是兩岸三地裡,品質最好的公共沙龍之一。」「哲學星期五」的議題從價值說起,而非只反映立場。雖有哲學思辯層次,但帶入弱勢關懷。如食安,「魚肉鄉民」談世俗化的飲食習慣,「歸農路」談人與土地的關係。「多元成家」談家庭的多元可能。「服貿協議」、「核四存廢」、「土地徵收」也都可見到不同觀點的討論。藉著講者與聽眾的互動,促使大家一起反省「這與我有什麼關係?」、「面對問題,我該怎麼做?」「哲學星期五」於台中、台北、台南、花蓮、高雄、雲林等地皆有論壇,歡迎就近參加!APP 提供以下功能,歡迎下載!各地哲五最近活動最新消息最新影音粉絲頁關於我們On weekend nights onlysmall KTV sing, the restaurant eating dinner? "Philosophy Friday"went into the coffee salon invite you to explore ideas agitation."Philosophy Friday" fixed organized the "philosophy" non"Friday" on Friday nights and irregular. Our speakers covered athome and abroad, such as China expert at Columbia University,Nathan, director Yang Ya-Zhe, independent media people 黄哲斌,Academia Sinica researcher Qian Yong Xiang, former representativein Norfolk congruent. Academia Sinica Research Associate 吴介民 the"Philosophy of the three places where five is one of the bestpublic salon quality.""Philosophy Friday" from the value of talking about issues, notonly reflects the position. Although the level of philosophicalspeculation, but into the care of the disadvantaged. Such as foodsecurity, "to oppress the people" talk about the eating habits ofsecularization, "the peasant way" to talk about the relationshipbetween people and the land. "Multiple married" to talk aboutpossible multi-family. "Clothing trade agreement", "abolition ofnuclear power plant", "land acquisition" also can be seendiscussing different points of view. Through interactive speakersand listeners, prompting everyone to reflect, "This has nothing todo with me?", "Face the problem, how can I do?""Philosophy Friday" in Taichung, Taipei, Tainan, Hualien,Kaohsiung, Yunlin Jieyou Forum, welcomed the nearestparticipate!APP provides the following functions, welcome to download!Recent events around Zhe fiveLatest NewsNew VideoFan pageAbout Us
海鮮公主小鋪 9.090651 APK
台灣海鮮進口商,進軍行動網購宅配,就是要給消費者一個最優惠,最新鮮的,的購物平台,手機在手,輕鬆隨時,下單簡易操作,免出門,宅配到府,品質新鮮100%看的到,吃的到,等你來體驗!(海鮮公主小鋪)將會不定時訊息撥,即時好康活動訊息通知,趕快下載APP吧 !ˊˋˋ