
台北自由行-漫步、光阳、24 9.080642
玩腻了旅行团制式的旅游行程吗??每次去的景点、吃的餐点总是旅游手册耳熟能详的又不令人惊奇的食品?自由安排行程是自由行最大的乐趣,可以了解当地文化与特色,但是自助旅行最耗费的就是时间,体力和金钱。台北自由行APP是您最好的选择,为您集结许多食衣住行育乐,不管是要先订房住宿,寻找巷弄特色小吃,购买流行服饰配件,购买当地特色伴手礼,推荐参观展览。台北复杂的运输繁杂,提供最省时省力的交通资讯。提供店家FULL HD 720度VR实境,让您在手机就可以先看到店家与住宿的环境,让您在出发前就安排好行程,不怕浪费宝贵的时间。台北自由行是您随身的理想导游,让您边旅游边取得资讯,分秒不浪费,获得更多的旅游时间。不管是一周自由行,琐碎的两小时景点,短程两天轻旅行,选择台北自由行绝对是您最棒的决定!
TWBCA 台灣商務中心聯盟 2.2.2
使用「TWBCA(Taiwan Business CenterAlliance)台灣商務中心聯盟」手機程式,幫您搞定創業的大小事!從辦公室到設立登記,本程式網羅全台灣各家商務中心的資訊,為有需要承租商辦的您,提供以下實用又貼心的功能服務:1. 商務中心720度環繞實景圖。2. 商務中心簡介與資訊。3. 會計師、銀行、律師、網路科技、企業行銷、媒體公關、政府溝通、專利商標、翻譯、人力資源、行政支援、不動產等一站式服務(OneStop Service)。透過TWBCA程式,您不用親自到現場,就能一睹真實的商辦環境,省去您一家又一家實勘的麻煩!Use "TWBCA (TaiwanBusiness Center Alliance) Taiwan Business Center Alliance" phoneprogram to help you get the size of entrepreneurial thing! From theoffice to set up a registration, the program recruited variousbusiness centers in Taiwan information for those in need of yourlease commercial office provided the following practical andintimate function services: 1 Business Center 720 degrees around the real map. (2) Business Center Introduction and information. 3 accountants, banks, lawyers, Internet technology, businessmarketing, media relations, government communication, patents,trademarks, translation, human resources, administrative support,real estate and other one-stop service (One Stop Service).Through TWBCA program, you do not go to the scene, you can seethe real commercial office environment, save you a hassle and areal exploration!
生活法律常識 9.080642
本 App是提供生活法律常識,讓您可以隨時隨地得到免費法律諮詢相關問題。你可以在免費透過APP上得到免費生活法律常識諮詢、法律法規查詢、法律知識瀏覽以及法律事務所和法院所查詢等,APP將竭誠為您提供在線律師諮詢服務。功能內容:1.行車安全_法律小常識2.租屋/出租房屋_注意3.買屋/裝潢_注意4.消費者保護法相關5.其他必知生活法律小常識6.案件狀況查詢7.法律大全8.推薦的律師事務所9.快速定位找尋附近法院
台灣有機養生聯盟 5.14
台灣有機養生聯盟成立的主要目的是為了改善台灣農漁牧的汙染問題。我們積極輔導全台灣各地農漁牧民採用不含化學成分的資材(有機肥料與生物農藥),保護土地與水資源,也同時提供消費者安全的食材。因此,在這裡,每一位農漁牧民的資料都是可公開的。我們盡可能地提供多品項商品,滿足消費者一站式購買(one stopshopping)服務。您消費,我們協助農漁牧民保護生態。大家一起來救地球。The main purpose ofTaiwan Organic Health Alliance is to improve Taiwan's agricultural,fishery, animal husbandry and pollution problems. We activelypastoral counseling in Taiwan over the farmers' and fishermen usingchemical free materials (organic fertilizers and bio-pesticides),protection of land and water resources, while also providingconsumers with safe ingredients.Thus, here, every one agricultural and fishing informationherders are publicly available. We try to provide multi-commodityitems, to meet consumers stop buying (one stop shopping)services.You consume, we help protect the ecological agriculture, fisheryherders. Everyone together to save the planet.
中租租車 7.450531
一個提供您在國內租車最安全有保障之平台能滿足您休閒旅遊與短期商務需求之租車服務。應用程式提供您:租車最新優惠活動、車款價目、線上立即租車、租車需知、服務據點、服務特色、台灣主要城市氣候、高鐵時刻表、國內火車時刻表、國道高速公路交通資訊、國內航班時刻表、台灣各地旅遊景點等多項生活情報、並有24小時租車服務專線提供您全天候租車服務。Provide you with a car inthe country in the most safe and secure platform to meet yourshort-term business and leisure travel demand rental service.Applications available: car rental deals, cars price, online carimmediately, Car Notes, Branches, service characteristics, Taiwan'smain urban climate, high-speed rail timetables, domestic trainschedules, national highway traffic information, domestic flightsschedule, and many other tourist attractions around Taiwan livingintelligence and a 24-hour hotline is available around the clockCar Hire Car Rental.
海鮮公主小鋪 9.090651
台灣海鮮進口商,進軍行動網購宅配,就是要給消費者一個最優惠,最新鮮的,的購物平台,手機在手,輕鬆隨時,下單簡易操作,免出門,宅配到府,品質新鮮100%看的到,吃的到,等你來體驗!(海鮮公主小鋪)將會不定時訊息撥,即時好康活動訊息通知,趕快下載APP吧 !ˊˋˋ
台北自由行旅遊 9.090651
『台北自由行旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!!除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到台北自由行旅遊之美,快加入分享的行列吧!『台北自由行旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。特色*提供精心整理的旅遊資訊,降低踩雷的機率.*陸續更新推薦店家,讓您輕鬆規劃自己的旅遊行程.*結合Google Map應用程式,可以為您規劃路線至推薦的美食或景點區.*可依照您的所在位置排序推薦景點.*提供方便介面讓網友推薦留言,已確保最新資料.*台北自由行旅遊相關資訊陸續更新,有意願可與我們聯絡資料來源聲明● 由網路取得該店家地址與電話之公開資訊● 由網友推薦資料來源● 介面設計為版權所有,請尊重智慧財產權● 本程式和其他旅遊節目並無任何關係● 關於店家的資訊,或圖片及留言若有不當,請來信告知● 本程式不保證所有資料皆正確,若資料有誤歡迎回報● 台北自由行旅遊為維護資料品質,會保留所有權利● 網友留言屬網路上的個人行為,留言者須對自己的留言負責,本程式不負責任何連帶責任● 使用者上傳之所有資料,遊輪輕旅行在著作權法上擁有全部之使用權利,請同意再行上傳● 本程式由 紅點移動 設計與製作● 本APP協辦暨共同推廣單位:中華民國觀光產業資訊協會
儂儂轉蛋屋 8.40562
TOP50義大利 9.080642
很多人去過義大利!這個美麗的國家讓人再三玩味!很多人想去義大利!美食,美景,無限吸引力!很多人準備去義大利!開始準備:旅遊書籍,親友意見,上網搜尋…,因為就怕少準備了甚麼!吃甚麼!玩甚麼!買甚麼!每樣都有各式各樣的版本…,該怎麼取捨?什麼是自己真正想要的?“Top50 義大利” 以消費者的立場作出發點,訪談無數位已旅遊過義大利的遊客歸納出50件您去義大利旅遊必作的事:1.必吃2.必買3.必拍照4.必體驗5.必參觀另獨家搭配720度實境購物地圖,讓你隨時可找到您所想買的商店!每人旅遊方式不同,目地也不同,Top50義大利,以最簡潔的方式提供您最完整的資訊,讓您的旅遊不會有遺憾!最完整的義大利中文旅遊指南!獨家搭配720度實境旅遊(全球唯一)隨團出遊,自助旅行兩相宜之旅遊好幫手!雋品旅行 ART OF TRAVEL||02 27125252|Top50義大利APP系統開發●720度虛擬實境攝影豐年記工作室 Tel:02-2556-7336 ● [email protected]
北台灣溫泉會館嚴選 9.070640
本App - 北台灣溫泉會館嚴選, 提供泡湯會館嚴選及住宿訂房、一泊二食、用餐泡湯優惠訂票聯合行銷平台, 是兩岸三地首創, 以最新的雲端架構, 並應用以下之各項技術或專利 :1. 虛擬實境 720度 VR ( Virtual Reality )2. 動態虛擬實境 Video VR ( Video Virtual Realtiy )3. 實體商店,數位化專利技術 - 所看即所得 ( What you see is What you get )4. 手機虛擬商店 ( Mobile Virtual Store )5. FB + VR 之整合行銷6. Google Earth + VR之整合行銷7. 專利雲端列印技術 Cloud Print8. App Maker platform9. CPI ( Cost-Per-Installation ) : 手機網站聯播網整合行銷並與全台灣最大的折價Coupon網站- 折價王mycoupon, 近40萬會員, 5萬多的 FB 粉絲 合作 ,打造此最具威力, 虛實整合O2O的聯合行銷平台, 而且應用 App 的推播方式, 快速且有效將各種促銷訊息, 即時到消費者手中,有效提昇各加入本平台之溫泉會館業者知名度, 與業績, 大大拉開與競爭者的距離, 確保業者的領導地位!!*PS. 全球各地區的智慧型手機數量 : 台灣有 近600萬, 中國有5.2億, 全球有12億人, 即所謂的低頭族!!
4U人際教育學院 5.38
4U人際教育學院的建立,是創辦人Michael江緯辰老師在二十年來輔導亞洲各大企業的過程中,有感於目前社會上多數人最大的難題都是來自於處理『人際關係』的困頓,因而不斷的投注心力,協助社會大眾學習面對此一人生課題。4U人際教育學院是亞洲最專業的企業成長與個人增值的人才培訓學院。擁有企業全方位領域最具權威師資陣容及教育培訓系統。一個讓您提升智慧、人生價值、優質人脈、財富自由 的理想事業。我們希望,透過4U的教育學程,能夠協助每個學員實現生命中的共同願望–『擁有快樂富裕的人生』。4U establishinterpersonal Institute of Education, is the founder of MichaelJiang Wei Chen teacher tutoring during two decades of majorcompanies in Asia, realizing the present society the biggestproblem most people are from the handling of the "relationships" inhardship, and thus constantly devoted themselves to help the publiclearn to face this life issue. 4U interpersonal Education is Asia'smost professional and personal growth of value-added businesstraining college. Faculty has the most authoritative andcomprehensive business education and training systems in the field.An ideal business intelligence allows you to enhance the value oflife, quality connections, wealth freedom. We hope that through theeducation process 4U can help each student achieve the commonaspiration in life - "have a happy prosperous life."
靈芝專家 9.080642
靈芝,古代的仙丹,現代人類健康的新希望,近年來,全世界醫學專家都在研究靈芝,可見靈芝在醫學上的重要性。靈芝專家所提供的靈芝,是經過科學驗證與政府背書,最具安全性與功效性的靈芝產品,絕對是消費者在養生保健與術後修復的最佳選擇。在這個追求健康養生的生物科技時代裡,在中國最偉大兩本藥典:神農本草經與本草綱目記載靈芝貴為君王之藥,且為中藥的王者隨著科技的進步,靈芝已經變成養生保健的聖品透過現代科學研究,好的靈芝對人體全身各大系統都有幫助包括:免疫系統、神經系統、呼吸系統、分泌代謝系統、造血循環系統、消化系統但是很多人都聽過靈芝,也都吃過靈芝,也有很多人都不知道他們吃到的到底是不是真正的靈芝?甚至因為吃錯靈芝而對靈芝產生誤解!便宜的靈芝就一定好嗎?貴的靈芝就一定好嗎?“靈芝專家”就是要將老祖宗留下來的靈芝發揚光大教大家知道如何挑選好的靈芝進而達到養生保健的效果從菌種培育、栽種、製造、品質檢驗、研發全程採一貫式作業提供最具安全性、最具功效性的優質靈芝一盎司預防,遠勝一磅治療~中國靈芝之父 北京醫學大學副校長 林志彬教
Cookber庫博 8.9140618
全省禮儀整合資訊 8.70589
您在找禮儀公司或葬儀社嗎?您有預算的考量嗎?您需要往生服務、生前契約、生命禮儀、靈骨塔、塔位、墓園、撿骨、祭文撰寫、札紙、花圈、喪禮、遷葬、靈堂租借、金紙、貢品、壽木、紙紮、壽罐、奠禮、禮車租借、臨終關懷...等相關服務嗎?全省禮儀非一個禮儀事業單位,這個平台主要是結合全省各區合法的禮儀殯葬相關業者,並提供使用者在短時間依地區、預算、服務類別快速的找到適合的業者或禮儀師我們也提供禮儀相關的知識與法規,讓使用者在選擇業者前都能對這行有點瞭解,才不會買到不適合自己的 服務。我們努力在創造一個「透明、完整、方便」的平台,透過手機你可以在任何時間與地點做查詢,也可以導航至指定地點(如墓園、墓地、殯儀館),這樣的功能方便親戚朋友在參加喪禮時,能方便的找到墓園、墓地、 掃墓也不至於迷路。生老病死是人生必經之路,希望家屬們能透過這個平台找到合適的服務,或是在生前做好生前契約的規劃,為往生者的最後一程畫下圓滿的句點。
哲學星期五 9.080642
小週末的夜晚只能上 KTV唱唱歌,上餐廳吃吃飯嗎?「哲學星期五」邀請你一起走進咖啡沙龍,開拓思想激蕩。「哲學星期五」固定於每週五晚上及不定時舉辦「哲學『非』星期五」。我們的講者涵括海內外,如美國哥倫比亞大學中國專家黎安友、導演楊雅喆、獨立媒體人黃哲斌、中研院研究員錢永祥、前駐日代表羅福全等。中研院副研究員吳介民稱「哲五是兩岸三地裡,品質最好的公共沙龍之一。」「哲學星期五」的議題從價值說起,而非只反映立場。雖有哲學思辯層次,但帶入弱勢關懷。如食安,「魚肉鄉民」談世俗化的飲食習慣,「歸農路」談人與土地的關係。「多元成家」談家庭的多元可能。「服貿協議」、「核四存廢」、「土地徵收」也都可見到不同觀點的討論。藉著講者與聽眾的互動,促使大家一起反省「這與我有什麼關係?」、「面對問題,我該怎麼做?」「哲學星期五」於台中、台北、台南、花蓮、高雄、雲林等地皆有論壇,歡迎就近參加!APP 提供以下功能,歡迎下載!各地哲五最近活動最新消息最新影音粉絲頁關於我們On weekend nights onlysmall KTV sing, the restaurant eating dinner? "Philosophy Friday"went into the coffee salon invite you to explore ideas agitation."Philosophy Friday" fixed organized the "philosophy" non"Friday" on Friday nights and irregular. Our speakers covered athome and abroad, such as China expert at Columbia University,Nathan, director Yang Ya-Zhe, independent media people 黄哲斌,Academia Sinica researcher Qian Yong Xiang, former representativein Norfolk congruent. Academia Sinica Research Associate 吴介民 the"Philosophy of the three places where five is one of the bestpublic salon quality.""Philosophy Friday" from the value of talking about issues, notonly reflects the position. Although the level of philosophicalspeculation, but into the care of the disadvantaged. Such as foodsecurity, "to oppress the people" talk about the eating habits ofsecularization, "the peasant way" to talk about the relationshipbetween people and the land. "Multiple married" to talk aboutpossible multi-family. "Clothing trade agreement", "abolition ofnuclear power plant", "land acquisition" also can be seendiscussing different points of view. Through interactive speakersand listeners, prompting everyone to reflect, "This has nothing todo with me?", "Face the problem, how can I do?""Philosophy Friday" in Taichung, Taipei, Tainan, Hualien,Kaohsiung, Yunlin Jieyou Forum, welcomed the nearestparticipate!APP provides the following functions, welcome to download!Recent events around Zhe fiveLatest NewsNew VideoFan pageAbout Us
海峽兩岸觀光休閒農業 2.4
台灣自1989年推廣休閒農業,發展迄今已經超過20年。台灣發展休閒農業之特殊經驗,值得提供其他地區發展類似產業之借鏡。中國大陸近年來致力於三農問題的解決,特別重視新農村建設,期望能構造一個小康社會。中國大陸重視台灣過去在農業科技、農村建設、以及照顧農民的成果,這些經驗如何經由中國大陸及台灣共同辦理類似論壇的方式,加強經驗之傳承、人員之交流,以奠定對於雙方都能互蒙其利之交流平台,成為中國大陸及台灣產業界、學界及社會各界共同關注的頭等大事。Taiwan since 1989 topromote leisure agriculture, the development so far has been morethan 20 years. Development of leisure agriculture in Taiwanparticular experience, it is worth providing other similar regionaldevelopment industry to follow.Chinese mainland in recent years to solve rural issues, withspecial emphasis the new rural construction, hoping to construct awell-off society. Taiwan, mainland China over the past emphasis onscience and technology in agriculture, rural development andfarmers to take care of the results, how these experiences throughthe Chinese mainland and Taiwan jointly conduct similar forumsapproach to enhancing the heritage of experience, personnelexchanges in order to establish mutual Mongolia for both sidesbenefit of its exchange platform, to become China and Taiwanindustry, academia and the community of common concernpriority.
美魔女網路行銷 5.12
關於美魔女:網路行銷輔導: 個人形象經營、粉絲專頁經營、有效曝光廣告、提升SEO排序、銷售頁設計、活動策畫輔導、產品市場定位輔導、網路行銷課程教、網路行銷人員培訓、、等相關網路行銷所需技能及銷售技巧。美魔女使命:幫助想要在網路行銷上一展身手的公司企業、賣家、品牌、業務人員、提供淺顯易懂的實戰經驗傳授心法,讓網路行銷變得很簡單,不分年齡只要願意開始都不嫌晚!這是個充滿幸福快樂的學習殿堂,把握行銷心法結合網路運用,達到事半功倍的行銷效果!美魔女簡介:當科技帶來生活型態的改變,銷售行為也必須跟著做改變面對如洪水般的趨勢潮流襲來,網路行銷的學習勢在必行!不想被淘汰嗎?馬上投入網路行銷的學習吧!服務內容:品牌/商品發展網路搜尋SEO關鍵字優化開發網路名單社群網站經營自動化部落格粉絲團經營網路行銷活動企劃About Us witch:Internet Marketing Coaching: personal image management, fan pagemanagement, effective advertising exposure, improve SEO sorting,sales page design, event planning the counseling, tutoring marketpositioning, internet marketing courses to teach, network marketingtraining, etc. Internet marketing related required skills and salesskills.America witch mission:Help wanted on a go of internet marketing companies, sellers,brands, business, providing easy to understand the practicalexperience to teach the Heart, so that Internet marketing hasbecome very simple, regardless of age as long as not willing tostart too late! which is full of happiness hall of learning tograsp the Heart combine marketing network utilization, achieve amultiplier effect marketing!America witch Description:When technology brings lifestyle changes, sales practices must befollowed to do to change the face of fashion trends, such as floodhit, internet marketing learning imperative!Want to be dinosaurs? Immediately put into internet marketinglearning it! Services:Brand / Product DevelopmentWeb Search SEOKeyword OptimizationDevelopment Network ListCommunity website operators BlogFan group operatingInternet Marketing Event Planning
大企空間設計 8.40562
好食客HOST 9.040634
WOW哇WOW 7.420498
WOW哇WOWAPP,首創數位相機、攝影機、攝影器材、絲貝綺美魔球購物APP,提供快速簡易,任何時間方便,安全購物。您在任何場所只要用任何的手機即可,我們有最專業的團隊為您挑選最新最棒的產品。Wow WOW WOW APP, thefirst digital cameras, video cameras, photographic equipment,Carlsbad Yee Mei magic ball shopping APP, providing quick and easy,convenient anytime, secure shopping.As long as you are in any place you can use any phone, we have themost professional team selected for you the latest and greatestproducts.
好玩A好康 8.40562
樂格式銀耳王 8.100601
車得適汽車維修保養連鎖 9.010627
車得適汽車維修保養連鎖以嶄新服務品質呈現,不僅延續誠信的服務理念,更將落實於每家店的服務流程中,強調品質信賴、技術信賴以及服務信賴,提供原廠級的服務,『讓您的愛車得到適當的照顧』。車得適擁有專業合格資深技師群、多元化嚴選商品、合理公道的價格,全台已有廿多家精質服務中心,是全國最優質保修品牌北中南連鎖服務網,提供多元貼心的保修服務,讓車主親身來感受、感動進而永續信賴。我們的承諾技術本位 完善的技師教育訓練。商品保固 零件享六個月或1萬2千公里的保固服務。顧客第一更換零件先報價,未經同意絕不拆修。誠信經營 汰舊零件一律向車主確認說明。服務保證 承諾車主之服務未能兌現保證退費。毛利回饋 集中採購降低成本回饋顧客。追求卓越 應用新科技提昇效率和生產力。綠色環保 推薦節能商品節省車主荷包。我們的特色便利體貼 週一至週六不分國定假日,早上9點至晚上9點免預約。天天精省 提供最精省的天天優惠價養車更容易。掌握預算 依實際車齡、車況甚至是預算來提供最安全適當的維修處理方式。全車安檢 愛車來店定期保養不論里程數多寡,免費全車52項安檢。保固服務 零件享6個月或1萬2千公里的保固服務。客服關懷 提供保修後車況滿意度關懷。
GO味台灣 9.080642
樂可集 購物趣 9.090651
我們是樂可集(funkuki ),代表的意思是fun(樂)+kuki(日文:空氣),衷心希望為妳帶來快樂的空氣。我們是國內優先採用手機購物app型式的品牌,專售優質的歐陸設計師小物,包括可愛的家居飾品、抒壓的辦公室小物、時尚的各類飾品以及舒適的親親寶貝用品等。定期我們也會針對海外設計情報,主打產品等等提供有趣的專欄文章,此外,我們也為App下載會員提供免費專屬的手機桌布下載,未來也會設計獨家優惠好康哦,快下載我們吧~We are happy to set(funkuki), represented by means fun (music) + kuki (Japanese: air),and sincerely hope that you bring happiness to air.We give priority to the domestic brand mobile shopping app type,specialized in selling high-quality European designer smallobjects, including a lovely home accessories, relieve stress in theoffice of small objects, all kinds of fashion jewelry andcomfortable kiss baby supplies.We also provide a regular design for overseas intelligence, theflagship product so interesting column, in addition, we also offerfree dedicated phone wallpaper download for App downloadsmembership, the future will design exclusive offers Guaranteed Oh,we have it - fast download
美食客 (網路團購生鮮美食) 8.40562
美食客APP全新改版上線,給您更流暢方便的行動購物體驗!== 美食客提供各式新鮮平價的優質生鮮及美食,邀您品嘗產地直送的幸福滋味 == == 我們不賣過期海鮮、不降價清庫存,不過度行銷宣傳 ==我們是宜蘭著名的海鮮大盤,極度著重商譽及信用,我們長期供應各式海鮮漁貨給五星酒店、日本料理及精緻台式料理,我們堅持「新鮮、優質、便宜、健康」絕不因價格便宜而讓品質打折扣,也絕不賣冰凍過久的殭屍肉,更不會浮報包冰率賺取差價!「美食客」每日嚴選各種鮮魚、螃蟹、龍蝦、貝類、遠洋鮮物、海鮮製品、乾貨......,您可以透過"美食小鋪"了解最新上架的商品以進行訂購,我們將不定期在"優惠活動"中舉辦限時超值促銷,驚爆低價,名額有限,要搶要快!但千萬別忘了在訂購商品前至"購物須知"及"關於我們"詳讀內容更了解我們!美食客「新鮮直購、美味直送」三大特色:● 嚴選物美價廉的海鮮食材,全程低溫配送。● 價格與傳統市場無異,品質與五星酒店同步。● 產地直送,保證新鮮!美食客年度熱銷商品排行榜:※ 嚴選超大爆卵母香魚 (已累積賣出5萬尾)※ 日本2L級特大干貝 (已累積賣出超過3萬顆)※ 肥嫩活凍極鮮帶殼鮑魚 (已累積賣出超過3萬顆)※ 鮮美活跳跳天使紅蝦 (已累積賣出超過1萬尾)※ 鮮甜味美小卷 (已累積賣出超過1萬盒)※ XXL等級厚切鮭魚 (已累積賣出超過1萬尾)訂單、客服問題歡迎利用APP內「聯絡客服」留言,我們將於三個工作天內回覆您的提問!
台灣。獨木舟釣魚 9.080642
台灣獨木舟釣遊資訊的App主要提供獨木舟釣魚愛好者相關的實用互外活動資訊,並線上交流討論的手機工具。內容包含- 全台獨木舟下水點GPS定位資訊- 舟友互動留言版- 釣點回報分享功能- 魚類圖鑑- 獨木舟用品手機購買- 實用資訊 等等
Fungus cake 9.080642
Fungus cake經營品牌的用心,歡慶APP上線,優惠促銷~服務項目:生日蛋糕、彌月蛋糕 、手工餅乾手工巧克力、伴手禮盒、節慶禮盒Fungus cake brand'sintentions to celebrate the APP on the line, Promotions ~Services:Birthday cake, Full Moon cakes, handmade biscuitsHandmade chocolates, souvenir gift, festival gift
心路好天天 9.080642
台灣智慧旅展 8.40562
省錢折價王| Mycoupon™ 6.19
折價王|Mycoupon™成立於2007年,是一個以優惠資訊為主題的資訊網站,提供使用者分享、交流好康資訊的管通,同時也提供廠商折價卷製作、分享、活動宣傳及成效評估的解決方案。折價王致力於幫助中小型商家降底網路行銷成本並提昇效益,同時也提供廣告主一個精準,且直接與商品/服務銷售相關的媒體投放選擇。本程式是折價王| Mycoupon™網站平台提供:省錢折價王|Mycoupon™(的行動版本,本程式整合網站與手機行動平台,並發揮分享精神,讓所有優惠資訊能夠以即時、快速並結合適地化(LBS)的方式呈現。
悠遊旅行社 4.2
『悠遊假期』為一形象清新、講求專業、企業年輕化的旅遊從業尖兵!專業經營於全亞洲、全歐洲、全美洲及全大洋洲等旅遊路線,推廣獎勵旅遊、商展旅遊,及寶島國民旅遊產品,更是頗獲消費者之肯定。本公司秉持『完成客戶,愉快旅遊』的感覺,精心設計各種國內外行程及各項有關旅遊的諮詢與服務,希望能為繁忙工作中的您提供更好的服務。公司在全體同仁努力奉獻之下,於地方上立下了良好的口碑。悠遊旅行社股份有限公司-- 悠遊假期 YOUR TOUR EXPRESS CO., LTD.1993年7月7日成立台灣各行銷點電話TEL:(03)352-8186"Youyou holiday" isaclean image, emphasizes professional, businesstourismpractitioners younger Scouts! Professional management inAsia,Europe, the Americas and Oceania, the whole travel route topromoteincentive travel, tourism fairs, and Taiwan nationaltourismproduct, it is quite certainly for consumers.We uphold the "complete customer and pleasant tour"feeling,well-designed a variety of domestic and internationaltravel andvarious travel-related advice and services, hoping toprovide abetter service for busy work for you. Companies under thededicatedefforts of all my colleagues at the local level hasachieved a goodreputation.Swimming agencies Corporation - swimming holidays YOURTOUREXPRESS CO, LTD..July 7, 1993 the establishment of Taiwan's variousmarketingpointTelephone TEL: (03) 352-8186
國產雞折價通 2.8
台灣雞好讚,折價優惠一觸即通!《特色介紹》●國產雞肉介紹教育國產雞肉的優點及特色,建立國產雞肉「衛生、健康、美味」的品牌形象。●優惠活動以時下最流行的行動APP結合店家優惠,提供您店家位置等資訊,並於活動期間出示APP優惠劵頁面,即可享有購買雞排折價5元,集滿六點即可抽黃金活動。●維雞解密國產雞肉與進口雞肉大PK,藉由與進口雞肉的多方的比較,讓消費者認識食用國產雞肉,並推廣挑選國產優質雞肉九字箴言「認標示、看骨頭、選胸肉」。●店家大搜查與上百家雞排店及生鮮業者合作,提供店家位置及聯絡資訊,提供您更優惠、更便利的服務品質。●美味相簿提供台灣國產雞肉料理圖集,提供您參考自己喜歡的雞肉料理,讓您了解雞肉料理的豐富多變與鮮美肉質。《功能說明》●搜尋:手機打開GPS定位功能,直接尋找離你最近的雞排店家及國產雞肉生鮮超市,上百家合作店家讓您可以隨身查!●雞排折價優惠:獨家店家折價優惠,活動期間出示此APP即可享有「購買雞排折價5元」的優惠,不限份量,買越多折越多!並附送面紙及集點卡,購買一份雞排即可獲贈一點,集滿六點即可抽黃金,總金額超過三萬元「黃金雞牌」等你抽喔!●生鮮抽獎活動:獨家店家折價優惠,於合作超市購買貼有「點雞成金」之國產雞肉產品,並剪下此截角標籤,集滿三個標籤即可抽黃金,總金額超過三萬元「黃金雞牌」等你抽喔!用戶如在使用上有任何問題發生或疑問,請回報給我們,回報聯絡電話:(02)2258-5551#886 感謝您的協助與支持!Taiwanese chickengoodpraise, discount deals touch pass!"Uniqueness"● homemade chicken IntroductionEducational advantages and characteristics of the domesticchicken,homemade chicken establish "health, healthy and delicious"brandimage.● PromotionsIn the most popular mobile APP store preferential binding toprovideyou with information such as store locations, and inproduction ofAPP coupons during the event page, you can enjoydiscount buychicken $ 5, you can set full of six gold extractionactivities.● Dimensional chicken decryptionDomestic and imported chicken chicken big PK, and importedchickenby comparison of multi-party, so that consumers knoweatinghomemade chicken, and promote high-quality selection ofhomemadechicken nine-word mantra "recognized mark, look at thebones, theelection brisket."● Store BaysideWith hundreds of stores and fresh chicken industry togethertoprovide store location and contact information to provide youwithmore preferential, more convenient service quality.● delicious albumAtlas provide Taiwan with homemade chicken dishes, providingyourefer your favorite chicken dishes, chicken dishes let you knowtherich and varied and tasty meat."Functional Description"● Search for:Phone Turn on GPS positioning function, directly find yourneareststore and homemade chicken chicken supermarkets, hundredsofcooperative stores so that you can carry to check!● chicken discount deals: exclusive store discount offers,eventsyou can enjoy during the show this APP "buy chicken discount5 yuan"discount, limited quantity, buy more discount more! Andcomes withglossy paper and set cards, you can get to buy a chickenthat can bedrawn set full of six gold, the total amount of morethan thirtythousand yuan "Golden Chicken card" Oh wait yousmoke!● Fresh sweepstakes: exclusive store discount offers,incooperation with the supermarket to buy stickers "pointchickeninto gold" of the domestic chicken products, and cut thistruncatedlabels, three labels can be pumped full set of gold, witha totalamount of more than thirty thousand yuan "Golden Chickencard" Ohwait you smoke!Users, such as in the use of any problems or concerns,pleasereport it to us, the return Tel: (02) 2258-5551 # 886 Thankyou foryour help and support!
APP外送王世貿區 4.12
想要外送嗎? 想要外帶嗎 ? 想要預約 ? 想要優惠 ? 想要客戶 ? 想要折扣 ?想要曝光? 想要好康 ?您所想要的一切都在 APP 外送王 !APP外送王顧名思義,是專門將美食送到消費者手中的頂級服務。專門協助台北世貿中心的展覽廠商解決外食不易的困擾,透過手機APP外送王平台可以訂購餐點。將環繞在台北世貿中心附近的美食,集結起來展現在消費者眼前。輕鬆便利的點餐方式,解決了電話溝通的困擾。讓商家不再因為忙碌而流失訂單。長年在台北世貿信義區活動的上班族,也可以透過APP外送王之商家優惠訊息,獲得更多利多消費的內容。在世貿周遭的環境中,需要逛街、看電影、住宿、停車、辦公、看書、美食、外送、外帶、聚餐、玩樂皆在此一一呈現。專門針對台北世貿中心附近生活及活動的人而設立的APP服務。內有所有相關的及時便利的服務訊息讓您在手機上就能享有所有的服務最即時的區域服務Want outgoing yet? Wanttogo please? Want an appointment? Want concessions? Wantcustomers?Want discount? Want exposure? Want savings?  Everything you want in APP outgoing king! APP outgoing king as the name suggests, is dedicatedtofood to consumers of the top services. Designed to assist the Taipei World Trade CenterExhibitionoutside food vendors to solve difficult problems, theking sent viaphone APP platform can order meals outside. The neighborhood surrounding the World Trade CenterinTaipei cuisine, build up the show in front of consumers. Easy and convenient ordering methods to solve theproblemsof telephone communication. So that businesses no longer belostbecause of busy orders. Workers for many years in Xinyi District, TaipeiWorldTrade Center event, you can also send special offersbusinessesthrough APP king, but to get more profitableconsumption. In the WTO surrounding environment, the need togoshopping, watch movies, accommodation, parking, office,reading,food, Delivery, Takeout, dinner, fun are presented inthiseleven. APP and events specifically for people living neartheTaipei World Trade Center and the establishment of theservice. There are all relevant and timely and convenientservicemessages Let your phone will be able to enjoy all the services The most immediate service area
Pretty Face 2.11
主治項目:各種輕重症,病毒性與細菌性感冒與支氣管炎,中耳炎,鼻竇炎。外科腫瘤切除之小手術。玻尿酸與肉毒桿菌注射。手術項目:鼻中隔鼻道成形術(可以免住院),慢性鼻竇炎,慢性中耳炎,顏面疤痕重修。鼻整形術:先天與外傷性鼻整形術,隆鼻與減鼻術。各種鼻外形重塑術。本院特色:本診所擁有開刀房,提供高水準的各種鼻整形術,也提供民眾不必至大醫院,等待切除小腫瘤等外科小手術,民眾可來電詢問。健保與商業保險,可以支付。淨膚雷射:掃斑,縮小毛孔,除眼周細紋,淨顏美肌,一次搞定專案預約中Indications: all kindsoflight severe, viral and bacterial colds and bronchitis,otitismedia, sinusitis. Surgical resection of the minor. Hyaluronicacidand Botox injections.Surgical procedures: angioplasty nasal septum (canavoidhospitalization), chronic sinusitis, chronic otitis media,facialscars rebuilt.Rhinoplasty: congenital and traumatic rhinoplasty, rhinoplastyandnasal reduction surgery. Nose reshaping surgery ofvariousshape.Hospital characteristics:The clinic has operating room, providing a high level ofvariousRhinoplasty, also provide the public do not have tolargehospitals, waiting for minor surgery, such as removal ofsmalltumors, the public can call to ask. Health insurance andcommercialinsurance, can pay.Pure Laser: sweep spots, shrink pores, fine lines around theeyesin addition to the net fair skin color, get a reservation intheproject
榛菓手作烘焙坊 5.10
品牌故事因為熱愛美食,在因緣際會下遇到了烘培,從此展開了烘培旅程一開始我只是因為愛做,用好的食材,不添加任何化學添加物,做出美味的產品給我的家人朋友試吃,經幾番朋友家人建議調整成為大家可以接受的程度,開始有朋友要求幫他們製作產品久而久之慢慢接單製作,希望送到客人手中都是最新鮮的所以我仍是接單才製作,我們提供多種口味的手工糕點 麵包餅乾,產品皆是由我們嚴選精製而成。烘焙糕點之美味總會帶給人們愉快的微笑和幸福的回憶。讓榛菓手作烘培坊為您的任何一個特殊日子,皆創造出一些令您難忘的樂事,不管什麽場合,榛菓手作烘焙坊都竭盡所能提供您所需。榛菓烘培坊瞭解手工精製和嚴選天然產品對健康的重要性,因此我們的產品,全都以吃出美味吃出健康為出發點,用心烘製而成,感覺就像您在家中烘焙的所擁有的安心程度一樣。榛菓手作永遠秉持著做給家人吃的信念,做出美的產品,把每一個客人都當成是家人Brand StoryBecause the love of cuisine, in the Chongs under theencountereda baking, have since launched a baking journey a thebeginning Ijust because love doing, use the nice ingredients, donot add anychemical additives, make delicious's products to give myfamilyfriend trial to eat, warp several rounds of friends andfamilyproposed to adjust the to become everyone can accept theextent of,began to have friend requests to help they producedProduct thepassage of time slowly pick single production, hope isbrought toguests in the hands of are the the freshest of So I amstill yespick single-before production, We offer a variety flavorsofhandmade pastries breads biscuits, products are is determinedbyour Yan-election refined.Baking pastries's delicious will always bring people to apleasantsmile and happiness memories.Let hazelnut hand-made baking Square for any of your aspecialday, are all to create some to make your memorable Lay's, nomatterwhat the occasion, hazelnut hand-made Bakeries Du doeverything wecan provide you with the required. Hazelnut bakingSquare, tounderstand handmade refining, and Yan-election naturalproductspairs the importance of health, so our products, are all inorderto eat their way to delicious eat their way to health as theastarting point, the intentions of baked is made, it feels likeyouare at home in baking of the are owns the peace of mind extentofthe same.Hazelnut hand for an everlasting uphold the forward to doingtogive family to eat's beliefs, to make a the US's products,andtreat every an guests Du treated as yes family members
OTOP一鄉一特產 9.050637
OTOP意指「One Town OneProduct」一鄉鎮一特產。構想引自日本OVOP(One Village OneProduct)一村一品運動,此概念是1979年由日本大分縣前知事(同等於縣長)平松守彥博士提出,也就是每個鄉鎮結合當地特色,發展具有區隔性手工藝或食品特產的產業。地方特色產業的「地方」範疇是以鄉、鎮、市為主,所發展出的特色產品需具有歷史性、文化性、獨特性、或唯一性等特質之一,經濟部中小企業處所推廣的內容相當廣泛,從工藝品、食品、景點。例如:鶯歌陶瓷、新竹玻璃、大溪豆乾、魚池紅茶等特色產業。經濟部中小企業處為協助中小企業利用特色產業為基礎,配合知識經濟概念為前導,創造高附加價值的新型態群聚式經濟體,特訂定本計畫。經濟部中小企業處自民國78年起推動「地方特色暨社區小企業輔導計畫」,至今已累積18年豐富經驗,而未來輔導的進程,將進一步推動地方特色產品之行銷,並透過策略聯盟及系統整合行銷通路,讓地方特色產品行銷全台與國際,並且吸引消費者至各個特色產業體驗其特色。
統藥員購 8.140618
就是要您健康與美麗!統一藥品期許集團夥伴們能夠擁有健康與美麗,特別以優惠的價格,提供旗下代理及自營眾多國際知名品牌商品供選購,深受集團夥伴們支持與喜愛。我們聽到您的聲音了!為了解決以往訂購的不便,專為統一集團員工推出的統藥員購APP,讓您隨時隨地想要訂購統一藥品的商品時,拿起手機就可以開始選購囉!如果您是統一集團的員工,想要用員工優惠價格訂購統一藥品旗下商品,只要加入統一藥品會員並下載統藥員購APP,就可以開始快樂的選購~在這裡,我們會不定期推出超優惠商品及活動,讓你用更精簡的預算維持健康與美麗喔!統一藥品官網客服中心(02)2627-6129、(02)2627-6130 Is to your healthandbeauty!President Pharmaceutical Group hopes partners were able to haveahealthy and beautiful, especially at preferential prices,toprovide its agents and import many famous internationalbrandproducts for purchase, by the Group's partners support andlove.We hear your voice!In order to solve the inconvenience of the previousorder,specifically for the launch of a unified system drugsGroupemployees who purchase APP, so that wherever you want toorderPresident Pharmaceutical goods, pick up the phone you canstartshopping for Hello!If you are a unified group of people, you want toordermerchandise with President Pharmaceutical's employeespreferentialprices, as long as the drug is added unified membershipanddownload system drugs who purchased APP, you can start to buyhappy~Here, we will occasionally launch super discount merchandiseandevents, allows you to use a more streamlined budget tomaintainhealth and beauty Oh!President Pharmaceutical official website Service (02) 2627-6129, (02) 2627-6130
好鄰居-民生生活家 5.46
想逃脫步調繁忙大樓林立看不到天空的都市生活嗎?憧憬在綠蔭環繞的慢活步調中找尋新鮮空氣嗎?讓民生生活家將這些帶給您!與家人一同享受美好的早晨時光;與同僚品嘗豐盛的午餐;與親友姊妹間悠閒的下午茶;與親密戀人的甜蜜晚餐……推薦給您最適合的舒適環境,您的寶貝寵物不必擔心無人看顧,無論任何大小事、一切疑難雜症的解決管道都交由DRHOME!民生生活家為您披露隱藏在民生社區中的所有資訊!還想了解更多精彩的活動與超值的優惠辦法嗎?只要下載【DRHOME民生生活家】應有盡有。Want to escape thebusypace of building buildings see the sky of the city life?Longing to find the slow pace of living surrounded by greeneryinthe fresh air it?Let these people's livelihood will bring you home life!Enjoy beautiful morning time together with their families;heartylunch with colleagues;And between friends and sisters leisurely afternoon tea;intimatedinner ...... sweet loversTell your most suitable and comfortable environment,Your pet does not have to worry about the baby unattended,Whatever the size of things, all the pipes are incurablediseasessolved by DRHOME!Livelihood of the people living at home for your livelihooddisclosehidden in the community all the information!Want to know more exciting activities and great valuedealsway?Just download the livelihood of the people living at home][DRHOMEeverything.
摩特多汽車 9.060639
專營雙B /國產車系改裝精品,RESPOL力豹仕油品販售./快速保養/大保養/維修/改裝*DGR.CARBOX.IASATI.KYB.TEIN.EIBACH避震器//JIC.KYA.AOE.H&R.E-SPRING短彈簧*KONIC & CARBOX 品牌專賣/ *UMAX 加大碟/Nashin.brembo.alcon.apracing.KONIC 多活塞卡鉗 /2片式加大碟盤訂做*熱門暢銷產品~ SIMOTA高流量進氣系統/SUMMIT車身結構桿/CARBOX輕量普利盤.排汽管/UMAX加大碟/DGR避震器/AOE防頃桿.短彈簧 /KONIC排汽管.煞車皮摩特多汽車 (成立於2003年)售後服務地址 : 台北縣三重市三民街153號1樓售後服務電話 : 02-29893819店長小威手機 double B /domestic cars converted boutique, RESPOL force oil official sellingleopard / fast maintenance / major maintenance / repair /modification* DGR.CARBOX.IASATI.KYB.TEIN.EIBACH Shocks / / JIC.KYA.AOE.H& R.E-SPRING short spring* KONIC & CARBOX brand monopoly / * UMAX increase dish /Nashin.brembo.alcon.ap racing.KONIC multi-piston calipers / 2-typedisc made to increase* Top-selling products ~ SIMOTA high flow intake system / SUMMITbody structure rod / CARBOX Lightweight Pulley. Exhaust pipe / UMAXincrease dish / DGR suspension / AOE prevention are shot. Shorterspring / KONIC exhaust pipe . brake padsMott multi-car (founded in 2003)Service Address: Taipei Hsien, 153 F Street, San MinService Tel: 02-29893819Serena manager Mobile: 0935020541E-MAIL: [email protected]
ASRock 5.12
ASRock Inc. is established in 2002,specializedin the field of motherboards. ASRock strives to buildup its ownbrand. With the 3C design concept, “Creativity,Consideration,Cost-effectiveness”, the company explores the limitof motherboardsmanufacturing while paying attention on the ecoissue at the sametime, developing products with the considerationof eco-friendlyconcept.ASRock has been growing fast and become world thirdlargestmotherboard brand with headquarter in Taipei, Taiwan andbranchesin Europe and the USA. The young and vibrant companytargets frommainstream to enthusiast MB segments for differentkinds of users,owning reputation around the world market with itsreliability andproficiency.ASRock Inc. Isestablishedin 2002, specialized in the field of motherboards.ASRock strives tobuild up its own brand. With the 3C designconcept, "Creativity,Consideration, Cost-effectiveness", thecompany explores the limitof motherboards manufacturing whilepaying attention on the ecoissue at the same time, developingproducts with the considerationof eco-friendly concept.ASRock has been growing fast and become world thirdlargestmotherboard brand with headquarter in Taipei, Taiwan andbranchesin Europe and the USA. The young and vibrant companytargets frommainstream to enthusiast MB segments for differentkinds of users,owning reputation around the world market with itsreliability andproficiency.
口袋播-瑯琊上看 8.40562
口袋播線上看-瑯琊榜HD高清畫質54部,免費提供內容相關資源、網路影片分享,讓喜歡觀看此片的用戶,輕鬆即時收藏觀看。APP提供所有視頻資源均來自Youtube、Dailymotion等影片分享網站,本站僅做網際網路資源的收集與整理,並無錄製、儲存、上傳,若有任何問題,請向YouTube、Dailymotion等影片分享網站反應。All resources on this site are collected from internet, we donothost or upload any video, film, media file except collecting,incase of any issues, please contact the responsible partieslikeYouTube, Dailymotion.
附中人 8.70589
同福客棧私房料理 5.21
同福客棧私房料理APP美食好料、優惠及即時的訊息讓你隨身帶著走~全新崛起的網路宅配美食專門店之專用APP,創辦人擁有20多年餐廳/飯店主廚的經歷,由主廚嚴格把關用心嚴選食材以外,並不斷研發新產品,以獨特的口味及完善的售後服務,緊緊捉住消費者的心!掌櫃與主廚的理念,是經營一個銷售幸福美食的公司。食物會說話,每道菜、每樣宅配美食都能清楚表達創辦人"有福同享"的心意。我們相信幸福是可以被製造並大量生產的!●超便利-全新網路即時下單系統,可選擇宅配到府或到店自取,輕鬆享受美食!●超貼心-完善客戶服務系統,可與掌櫃做即時互動了解餐點製作進度,如同實體點餐一樣安心!●超即時-絕不錯過任何新產品推出,即時推播美食相關訊息!●超划算-馬上下載APP立即享受您的專屬優惠!誠摯邀請您和我們一起分享 ...同福客棧的幸福好滋味!!With the blessing oftheinn owners gourmet cuisine APP good material, offers andinstantmessages to let you wherever you go ~Delivery APP network dedicated gourmet shop of the rise of anew,founder has over 20 years of restaurant / hotelchefexperience,Strictly by the chef carefully selected ingredients otherthanstrict and constantly develop new products to the unique tasteandperfect after-sales service,Tightly caught the hearts of consumers! Treasurer andchef'sphilosophy is to operate a food company selling happiness.Foodwill speak,Every dish, every kind of cuisine can clearly expressPelicanfounder "bliss" in mind.We believe that happiness can be manufactured andmass-produced!● ultra convenient - instant single system under the newnetwork,you can choose delivery to the House or to the shop pickup, easy toenjoy the food!● super intimate - perfect customer service system,real-timeinteraction with the treasurer do understand makingprogress meals,ordering the same entity as peace of mind!● Ultra instant - never miss any new product launch, instantpushfood related information!● super bargain - Download Now APP enjoy your exclusiveoffersnow!We sincerely invite you to share with us ... with the blessingofgood taste inn happiness!!
伴手禮串門子 5.3
想知道全台的特色伴手禮有哪些嗎?嚴選台北、台中、台南、東部及離島的知名老店共50家,趕快來看看上榜的有哪些?Want to knowthecharacteristics of Taiwan Souvenir what do? Strict selectionofTaipei, Taichung, Tainan, and the Islands of the eastern famousoldshop of 50, soon to see the list of what?
千山獨享鍋 2.10.1
寒冬之時,喝著暖呼的湯、享用新鮮的食材,感受體內寒意一點一滴消散,絕對是許多人在冬天裡最愛的享受之一,也是千山創辦人的最愛,為讓如此愉悅的幸福好滋味,讓永和在地的街坊鄰居都能享受到,千山獨享鍋,特推出各式"大"滿足個人小火鍋,並結合行動APP,讓各位享有輕鬆下單、迅速宅配的獨享火鍋服務。窩在家中的沙發上,就能並體驗冬季限定的幸福滋味!When the cold ofwinter,sipping warm soup calls, enjoy fresh ingredients, chill thebodyfeel a little bit dissipated, definitely one of the favoriteofmany people in the winter to enjoy, but also the founder ofathousand hills favorites, to let such a pleasure happy goodtaste,so Yonghe neighbors in the ground can enjoy, a thousandmountainsexclusive pan, launched special kinds of "big" to meetindividualsmall pot, combined with action APP, let you enjoy easyordering,fast delivery service Exclusive fondue services. The neston thesofa at home, you can define happiness and experience thetaste ofwinter!
生醫觀點 BioMed 1
宅配通 9.090651