zulu / February 4, 2017
(5.0/5) (3)


We are happy to present this wonderful bibleinZulu version, I hope it is to your liking and that you continuetoenjoy and do good, as God did

App Information Zulu Bible

  • App Name
    Zulu Bible
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    February 4, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
    Books & Reference
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Biblia Católica Biblia APK
Esta es una aplicación de la SantaBibliaCatólica en español. Durante muchos años, esta ha sido una delasversiones más leídas de la Sagrada Escritura española.La aplicación católica de la biblia viene con un diseño elegantemásla interfaz de usuario fácil de utilizar que la hace laaplicaciónde la biblia más ideal para el estudio de la bibliafuera de líneaasí como el mejor para el uso personal de la lecturade la biblia.Catholic Bible está completamente sin conexión y norequiere ningunaconectividad o conexión a Internet para acceder oleer el contenidode la Biblia.Esta aplicación viene con todos los libros del Antiguo yNuevoTestamento.Lo que es más interesante es cómo interactúa con la aplicación.Conla variedad de herramientas del Estudio Bíblico, la lectura delasSagradas Escrituras nunca más será la misma. Obtengaaestaaplicación ahora y disfrute leyendo la palabra de Dios enlacomodidad de su teléfono GRATIS.# 1.- Salmos 23:4 – “Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte,notemeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo; tu vara y tucayadome infundirán aliento”.# 2.- Filipenses 4:13 – “Todo lo puedo en Cristo quemefortalece”.# 3.- Juan 3:16 – “Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, quehadado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, nosepierda, mas tenga vida eterna”.# 4.- Génesis 1:1 – “En el principio creó Dios los cielos ylatierra”.# 5.- 1º Corintios 13:11 – “Cuando yo era niño, hablaba comoniño,pensaba como niño, juzgaba como niño; mas cuando ya fuihombre,dejé lo que era de niño”.This is an applicationofthe Holy Catholic Bible in Spanish. For many years, this hasbeenone of the most widely read Spanish versions ofHolyScripture.The Catholic Bible app comes with a sleek design more userinterfaceeasy to use which makes the application of the Bible moreideal forstudying the Bible off-line as well as the best for thepersonal useof reading the Bible. Catholic Bible is completelyoffline andrequires no connectivity or Internet connection toaccess or readthe contents of the Bible.This application comes with all the books of the Old andNewTestaments.What's more interesting is how it interacts with theapplication.With the variety of tools of Bible study, reading ofScripture willnever be the same. Obtengaa this application now andenjoy readingthe word of God in the comfort of your FREEphone.# 1. Psalm 23: 4 - "Even though I walk through the valley oftheshadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thyrodand thy staff they comfort me. " # 2. Philippians 4:13 - "I can do everything throughChristwho strengthens me." # 3. John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gaveHisonly begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shouldnotperish, but have everlasting life." # 4. Genesis 1: 1 - "In the beginning God created theheavensand the earth."# 5. 1 Corinthians 13:11 - "When I was a child, I spake as achild,I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; but when Ibecamea man, I stopped what I was kid. "
Zulu Bible zulu APK
We are happy to present this wonderful bibleinZulu version, I hope it is to your liking and that you continuetoenjoy and do good, as God did
Gallina Turuleca - granja 2.0.2 APK
Disfruta de la mejor gallina y la mas locadetodos los tiempos, hoy te traemos este maravilloso juego delagallina tuleca para que te diviertas jugando con ella, tratadeponer lo mas huevos posibles dentro de el nido, te reto aquepongas mas de 10 huevos y si lo logras seras un super campeon,lomejor de la granja, gratis.Enjoy the best chickenandthe craziest of all time, today we bring you this wonderfulgametuleca hen to have fun playing with it, trying to put as muchaspossible eggs inside the nest, I challenge you to put more 10eggsand if you succeed you will be a super champion, the best farmforfree.
Telugu Bible telugu APK
We are happy to present this wonderfulbible,The Bible application available as of now in Telugu, I hopeit isto your liking and that you continue to enjoy and do good, asGoddid
Tagalog Bible tagalog APK
We are happy to present this wonderful bibleinPhilippines version, I hope it is to your liking and thatyoucontinue to enjoy and do good, as God did
Bible en français francais APK
We are happy to present this wonderful bibleinfrançais version, I hope it is to your liking and that youcontinueto enjoy and do good, as God did
persian bible persian APK
We are happy to present this wonderful bibleinpersian version, I hope it is to your liking and that youcontinueto enjoy and do good, as God did
Tamil Bible - வேதாகமம் tamil APK
We are happy to present this wonderful bibleinTamil version, I hope it is to your liking and that you continuetoenjoy and do good, as God did