Bible en français Bible en francais gratuit 8.0
The richness of the Word of God on your mobile!
Holy Bible KJV Holy Bible 10.0
Reading the King James Bible, the ideal way to start the day.
JFA Bíblia Bíblia 9.0
Nós apresentamos a Bíblia Sagrada João Ferreira Almeida, a melhorapp para fazer o download gratuito. Desfrute da palavra sagrada noseu dispositivo móvel, leia a Bíblia em qualquer momento e lugar,sem a necessidade de estar conectado à internet. Você agora podeacessar a versão clássica da Bíblia em português, a João FerreiraAlmeida, ler seus versículos e estudar o livro mais importante dahistória. Bíblia João ferreira foi traduzida por João FerreiraAlmeida, ministro protestante nascido em Portugal, que dedicou suavida inteira à tradução e publicação da Bíblia em português. ABíblia completa foi publicada pela primeira vez em 1819 eposteriormente foi revisada e atualizada dando origem a variasversões no século XX: “Revista e corrigida” e “Revista eAtualizada” A Bíblia atualizada Sagrada tem o Antigo e o Novotestamento: O Antigo Testamento contém 39 livros (Gênesis, Êxodo,Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio, Josué, Juízes, Rute, 1 Samuel, 2Samuel, 1 Reis, 2 Reis, 1 Crônicas, 2 Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias,Ester, Jó, Salmos, Provérbios, Eclesiastes, Cantares, Isaías,Jeremias, Lamentações, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oseias, Joel, Amós,Obadias, Jonas, Miqueias, Naum, Habacuque, Sofonias, Ageu,Zacarias, Malaquias) e o Novo Testamento contém 27 livros: (Mateus,Marcos, Lucas, João, Atos dos Apóstolos, Romanos, 1 Coríntios, 2Coríntios, Gálatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses, 1Tessalonicenses, 2 Tessalonicenses, 1 Timóteo, 2 Timóteo, Tito,Filemon, Hebreus, Tiago, 1 Pedro, 2 Pedro, 1 João, 2 João, 3 João,Judas, Apocalipse) Aproveite a melhor versão de todos os tempos,leia a Bíblia mas conhecida em português, sempre que você precisesentir a presença de Deus no seu dia a dia. Lembre-se que nossoSenhor Jesus Cristo sempre está conosco e nos guia no caminho daluz. Leia a Bíblia diariamente para se sentir bem consigo mesmo.Leve a Bíblia onde quer que você vá, faça o download gratuito agorae desfrute da versão mais respeitada da Bíblia em português no seutelefone.
American Standard Bible Bible american standard asv 12.0
Read American Standard Version,on your phone!
Pentecostal Bible Study audio Bible pentecostal study 11.0
The Study Bible for Pentecostals offline, to download on yourphone.
Catholic Bible
Let this App bring God's Word to you every day!
Zulu Bible Ibhayibheli 14.0
The Word of God in Zulu language, free on your phone!
Afrikaans Bible Die Bybel 9.0
Are you looking for a Bible for Afrikaans speakers? Enjoy thistranslation of the Bible into Afrikaans language. Reading the Biblepurifies your soul. Now you can download it for free on your mobiledevice and read the Bible anywhere, anytime. We offer a Bible appeasy to read, with large letters and a beautiful and colorfuldesign. You can download and read offline after downloading, nointernet connection required. Download the Holy Bible in Afrikaanson your phone! Read this beautifully written Bible, the bestVersion for the Afrikaans speaking community in the world, in aclear and contemporary language. More than 23 millionAfrikaans-speakers in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwecan now access the Bible in Modern Afrikaans. The Bible is theeternal Word of God. The Holy book is the source of all truth. It'sthe most amazing and inspirational book you can read. Download itnow on your phone! The Afrikaans Bible consists of 39 books in theOld Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings , 1Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms,Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah,Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi ) TheNew testament has 27 books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts,Romans, Corinthians 1 and 2, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians,Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy,Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John,3 John, Jude, Revelation) Download our Afrikaans Bible, theAfrikaans version of the Holy Bible now available on your phone!
Biblia Católica
Have this app and bring the beauty of the Holy Bible into yourdaily life
The Holy Catholic Bible audio Catholic Bible free 11.0
The Holy Bible used by Catholics, on your phone with audio and 100%offline.
La Bible Catholique
Enjoy the Catholic Bible on your mobile
Bible Louis Segond gratuit Bible Louis segond gratuite 7.0
Voici la meilleure appli pour avoir la Bible avec vous: Bible LouisSegond gratuit, la Bible parfaite pour une utilisation sur portableou tablette. Téléchargez cette application et amenez le beauté dela Bible dans votre vie quotidienne. Réveillez-vous chaque jouravec l'inspiration de la Parole de Dieu. Consultez la Bibleconfortablement sur votre portable ou tablette tous les matins.Fonctionnalités de la Bible Louis Segond gratuit: - Téléchargementgratuit - Version audio de la Bible - Bible hors-connexion: Lisezou écoutez la Bible audio en ligne et aussi hors-ligne, sans êtreconnecté à Internet. - Traduction Louis Segond 1909, la Bible laplus renommée en français - Ajouter des notes ou commentaires (trèsutile pour l’étude la Bible) - Personnalisez votre Bible: marquezvos versets favoris et ajoutez des notes - Créez une liste desversets favoris - Améliorez votre confort de lecture avec le modenuit - Changez la taille du texte - Faites des recherches parmots-clés - Partagez des versets avec vos amis sur les réseauxsociaux, par e-mail, ou SMS Lire la Bible est une nécessité pourtout chrétien. Approchez-vous de Dieu, téléchargez la Bible survotre téléphone et réfléchissez sur son message. Priez avant delire la Bible et lisez-la lentement,avec attention. Lisez etrelisez le passage et remerciez Dieu pour toutes les benedictions.Voici la liste des livres de la Bible: Ancien Testament:Genèse,Exode, Lévitique, Nombres, Deutéronome, Josué, Juges, Ruth, 1Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Rois, 2 Rois, 1 Chroniques, 2 Chroniques,Esdras, Néhémie, Esther, Job, Psaumes, Proverbes, Ecclésiaste,Cantique des Cantiques, ÉsaïeÉsaïe , Jérémie, Lamentations,Ézéchiel, Daniel, Osée, Joël, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Michée, Nahum,Habacuc, Sophonie, Aggée, Zacharie, Malachie. Nouveau Testament :Matthieu, Marc, Luc, Jean, Actes, Romains, 1 Corinthiens, 2Corinthiens, Galates, Éphésiens, Philippiens, Colossiens, 1Thessaloniciens, 2 Thessaloniciens, 1 Timothée, 2 Timothée, Tite,Philémon, Hébreux, Jacques, 1 Pierre, 2 Pierre, 1 Jean, 2 Jean, 3Jean, Jude, Apocalypse.
Young´s Literal Translation Bible youngs literal translation 10.0
Young´s Literal Translation: read the Bible, on your Android.
Bible in Dutch Bijbel statenvertaling 8.0
Statenvertaling Bijbel 1619 (DSV): the new audio Bible in Dutchlanguage.
Bíblia Católica Bíblia Católica em Portugués 13.0
The Bible on your phone and transform your life!
Bible in German 4.0
Today we offer the revised version of the German translationofMartin Luther (1912, an excellent German translation of theHolyBible. Features of Luther Bibel app: - Free downloading -Oncedownloaded, you can use it offline, without Internet connection-High quality audio to listen to the Holy Word - Select,bookmarkand save verses - Create a list of favorites - Add note toverses -Share them on social networks - Search by keyword - Adjustthe fontsize of the text for a comfortable reading - You havethepossibility to select night mode to change the luminosity ofthescreen when you read The Luther Bibel (LB) is a translation oftheBible from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into the German(originallyEarly High German). Martin Luther made the translationwith thehelp of further theologians (especially PhilippMelanchthon). Thecomplete Bible was released in 1534. It became themost influentialBible in German language and a landmark in Germanliterature.Luther Bible had multiple revisions. Today you can enjoyan updatedversion: Luther Bibel 1912 (LUT) Turn the Bible into yourbestcompanion and take time to meditate about its teachings. TheBiblecan change your life! The Holy Bible is a source ofinspiration.There is always something new to learn from the Bible,and it isgood to know we can help others while we profess God´sHoly Word.Take the Bible with you and read it online anywhere yougo.Download it now! List of books of the Bible: OldTestament:Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua,Judges,Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles,2Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms,Proverbs,Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentations,Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah,Micah, Nahum,Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. NewTestament:Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Corinthians 1and 2,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus,Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John,Jude, Revelation.
Biblia Reina Valera
Reina Valera: the Bible chosen by millions of people for you.
Study Bible Study Bible 7.0
Now you can enjoy on your phone a complete study Bible for free!Free and easy to use, you can read or hear this Bible app evenwithout internet connection! Download, read and study it every day!The best study Bible to help you in your understanding of the HolyWord. Study Bible features include: - Free downloading - StudyBible with many commentaries, notes and explanations - King JamesVersion of the Bible with commentaries by Cyrus I. Scofield -High-quality audio to listen to the Holy word - Offline use, noInternet connection required - You can bookmark and highlightverses - You can create a list of favorites and share verses onsocial networks - Possibility of writing your own notes - Changethe font size for a comfortable reading - Select night mode to -Keyword research Pray and study the Bible to be a good Christian.Download it now! It is wonderful to have the bible at yourfingertips anytime anywhere! Download the complete Bible, with theOld and the New Testament. Books of the Old Testament: : Genesis,Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles,Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Songof Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea,Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Books of the New Testament: Matthew,Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Corinthians 1 and 2, Galatians,Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.
Bible KJV App
The audio app to read and listen to the Holy American King JamesBible.
Bible audio Bible audio free offline 7.0
This app and enjoy listening to the Holy Word of God
Bíblia offline Bíblia offline portugues 11.0
This offline app brings the beauty of the Bible into your dailylife.