/ April 7, 2017
(3.9/5) (16)


Scientific 12-digits calculator for Yotaphone2 back screen. Can be run as standalone application or used aswidget by YotaHub (as Cover or by small widget).

Using YotaCalc you don't need to worry about battery duringcalculations. Calculator is always on your screen. You can use iteven with bright sunlight.

Calculator accuracy is 14 digits.

Arithmetic (+, - , *, /)
% - percentage operations (A+5%= gives 5% increase, A-5%= gives 5%decrease, A*5%= gives 5% of A, A/5%= calculates what percentage ofA in 5, 1/5%=20)
Algebraic (square root, root, power, square, cube, 1/x, 10^x,exponent, logarithm natural and 10-based, factorial)
Trigonometric (sin, cos, tg, arcsin, arccos, arctg)
Hyperbolic (sinh, cosh, tgh, ash, ach, ath)
Memory (M+ - add to, MS - set to, MR - read from, MC - clearmemory, M- subtract memory, M* - multiply memory)
Clipboard copy&paste functions (Cpy, Pst)

Shift button shows additional functions.
Angles are measured in degrees, use "rad" button to convert toradian.

App Information YotaCalc for YotaPhone

  • App Name
    YotaCalc for YotaPhone
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 7, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android Varies with device
  • Version
  • Developer
    Alex Archen
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    123181, Москва, ул. Катукова 11-2-187
  • Google Play Link

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YotaCalc for YotaPhone APK
Alex Archen
Scientific 12-digits calculator for Yotaphone2 back screen. Can be run as standalone application or used aswidget by YotaHub (as Cover or by small widget).Using YotaCalc you don't need to worry about battery duringcalculations. Calculator is always on your screen. You can use iteven with bright sunlight.Calculator accuracy is 14 digits.Functions:Arithmetic (+, - , *, /)% - percentage operations (A+5%= gives 5% increase, A-5%= gives 5%decrease, A*5%= gives 5% of A, A/5%= calculates what percentage ofA in 5, 1/5%=20)Algebraic (square root, root, power, square, cube, 1/x, 10^x,exponent, logarithm natural and 10-based, factorial)Trigonometric (sin, cos, tg, arcsin, arccos, arctg)Hyperbolic (sinh, cosh, tgh, ash, ach, ath)Memory (M+ - add to, MS - set to, MR - read from, MC - clearmemory, M- subtract memory, M* - multiply memory)Clipboard copy&paste functions (Cpy, Pst)Notes.Shift button shows additional functions.Angles are measured in degrees, use "rad" button to convert toradian.
YoMessage for YotaPhone 2.11 APK
Alex Archen
Application for second YotaPhone screen thatdisplays messages from different messenger apps immediately as theyarrive. Now you can't worry about skipping messages from yourfriends, colleges or clients and you don't need to turn on phoneoften or when you listen notification sound. Just look at theYotaPhone back screen and you can see what you just received andhow many messages you have skipped.YoMessage can be run as notifier service that shows last messageinformation (published by messenger apps on the systemnotifications) on back screen, you can set application filter,display time and so on. Of course you must have all messenger appsinstalled on your phone. You can run native messenger by clickingright bottom button. To exit & remove notification press OKbutton. To exit without removing notification press left X button.Long click on X button lets postpone of switch off notifications(after switching off you can switch notifications on from appsettings)Also YoMessage can be installed as back screen widget via YotaHub(see screenshot). Widget also displays missed calls. Widget hasseparate settings, they are accessible via YotaHub.Now you can select any application whose notifications will beprocessed, just switch on "Filter notifications".Attention! Some messagers can keep unread message counter unlessyou read them by corresponding messenger app on main screen.YoMessage is not messenger app, it doesn't not allow to answer themessages and to receive pictures, video and e.t.c. (except thoseproviders that have YotaDevices apps for second screen)Messenger specificsWhatsApp:Text of last 7-10 messages displayedGMailWhen more then one email receiver displays only messagetitlesVKDisplays only last message received, counter always <= 1EmailDisplaying notifications are blocked due to continual sendingnotification even if no new messages arrived.ViberWhen several messages from >1 authors received only author namesdisplayed
YoBrowser APK
Alex Archen
YoBrowser is a browser adapted for YotaPhone 2second screen. It displays web pages in single column modeconvenient for reading, can increase font size, zoom pages,increase font contrast, supports both vertical & horizontalorientation, page scrolling by volume buttons.You can open web page with "Share" button in main screen browser,by typing address directly, by selecting from favorites orsearching by google (just make search request).To open page on first screen tap on app's header and rotatephone.Based on Chromium.100% money back during 2 hours is guaranteed by Google.Use YoLaunch app to run from backscreen.
YoChalkBoard 1.38 APK
Alex Archen
Need quickly write some data or draw small sketch? Want to playwith friend or child but don't have piece of paper nearby? Drawstraight on the YotaPhone's backscreen without losses of battery,you drawing remains on e-ink display as long as you want.YoChalkBoard can be run as standalone application from menu or asfull-screen or extra-large widget installed by means of YotaHub.You can also share created images. 100% money-back is guaranteedwithin 2 hours after installation.
YoVK Messenger 2.03 APK
Alex Archen
Позволяет обмениваться личными сообщениямичерез ВКонтакте, используя второй экран YotaPhone 2. Приложениеможет быть всегда включено на втором экране, не мешая работе наглавном экране. Поддерживается только основные функции (включаяведение мультидиалогов). Приложение может работать безустановленного официального приложения ВКонтакте (в том числе и наосновном экране), однако оптимально использовать его в качестведополнения к официальному приложению.При запуске с основного экрана приложение открывается на основномэкране, для перевода его на второй экран необходимо длительнонажать на Home и выбрать перевод на второй экран. При запуске свиджета приложение сразу открывается на втором экране.Основные функции:- получение/отправка сообщений- создание мультидиалога (чата)- уведомление системы о пришедших сообщениях (в т.ч.всплывающие)- виджет для второго экрана двух размеров- уведомления на втором экране о новых сообщениях- взаимодействие с YoMessage (отображается и открывается свиджета)Не поддерживается: отправка изображений, удаление и пересылкасообщений.Внимание!Приложение может отправлять системные уведомления о новыхсообщениях, которые содержат больше информации, чем уведомленияофициального приложения. Также данная функция необходима дляиспользования с YoMessage. Поэтому по-умолчанию уведомления YoVKMessenger включены, и во избежании дублирования необходимовыключить уведомления сообщений и бесед в настройкахВКонтакте.Приложение поддерживается, улучшается. Ваши пожелания будутучитываться, оставляйте отзывы!Гарантируется 100% возврат средств в течении 2 часов после покупки(нажмите "Вернуть платеж" в магазине).It allows you to exchangeprivate messages via VKontakte, using a second screen YotaPhone 2.The application can always be included on the second screen,without interfering with the main screen. It supports only thebasic functions (including management multidialogov). Theapplication can operate without fixed official app VKontakte(including on the main screen), but the best use of it as asupplement to the official application.When you run the application from the main screen opens on the mainscreen, to transfer it to the second screen is necessary to longpress Home and select the translation to the second screen. Whenyou run a widget application immediately it opens the secondscreen.Main functions:- Receiving / sending messages- Creation multidialoga (chat)- System notification of received messages (including pop-up)- Widget to the second screen of two sizes- Notification on the second screen of new messages- Interaction with YoMessage (displays and opens a widget)Not supported: sending images, delete and forward messages.Attention!The application can send system notifications of new messages,which contain more information than the notification of theofficial application. Also, this function is required for use withYoMessage. Therefore, by default YoVK Messenger notifications areenabled, and in order to avoid duplication must turn offnotification messages and conversations in settingsVKontakte.The app is supported improved. Your wishes will be taken intoaccount, leave feedback!Guaranteed 100% refund within 2 hours after purchase (click the"Refund" in the store).
YoLaunch 1.2 APK
Alex Archen
Application-widget for second YotaPhone 2 screen allowing quicklylaunch following paid applications: YotaMap, YotaCalc, YotaVK,YoBrowser and YoChalkBoard. Especially suitable for users that haveseveral of these applications. Small & medium sizes.
Contrast Map 1.03 APK
Alex Archen
Don't make your eyes tired! Use Contrast Map with increasedcontrastand readability and large fonts. It looks like zoomedmap.Especially usable for people with weak eyesight, seniorpeople,under bright sunlight. Map is displayed on your ownlanguage. Yourlocation is tracked by GPS or by cellular. Map datacache isavailable in order to decrease loaded data size. Mainfunctionsare: - Zooming and panning map - Shows your location anddirectionof travel - Follows your location - Search for places andaddress -Compass function - Build simple route to place (walk,transit,drive, ride) - Show map's point description (double clickon map) -Automatically rebuilds route Help --------- Toolbarbuttons(left-to-right): Follow - continuously re-position map tofollow mylocation. Map panning switches this off Search - searchplaces byname, type or address. Several places closest to currentmapposition are found and displayed on the map. You can build routetoone of them. Don't forget to update search after going farawayfrom position. Compass - display phone's orientation on mapRoute -show/hide route on map. If route isn't built then opensSearchwindow. Double click shows whole route. Settings - here youcan setGPS update interval, turn on rebuild route option and openmap inGoogle Maps. Select as large interval as possible for you inorderto save battery life (for walking 10 seconds is enough, forriding- 5 seconds). Also cache settings are available. ExitRoutebuilding -------------------- You can build a route to someplacefrom your current position. To do this click on the objectofinterest and select route type (walk, transit, drive). You canalsoadd object of interest by double-clicking on map point or bymakingSearch request. If rebuild route option is on route willbeautomatically rebuilt when position changed. Notes--------Although Contrast Map uses cache for map data loading somescriptshave still to be loaded from Internet, so Internetconnection isalso needed.