3.2.2 / August 20, 2015
(4.5/5) (38)


A Volkswagen Service alkalmazás megbízhatótámogatást nyújt Önnek az útközben felmerülő különbözőhelyzetekben.

Gyorsan és egyszerűen juthat hasznos információkhoz Volkswagenjárművével kapcsolatban.

A Volkswagen Márkaszerviz hálózat listája, címei, és az odavezető útvonalak mellett megismerheti a Volkswagenszervizszolgáltatásait, illetve hasznos tanácsokhoz és a legújabbajánlatokhoz is hozzájuthat.

Meghibásodás esetén azonnal segítséget kap – a járműadatok, és aföldrajzi pozíció automatikus elküldésének köszönhetően aVolkswagen Mobilitásgarancia még gyorsabban megtalálja Önt.

Ezen felül további hasznos és előnyös funkciók állnak az Önrendelkezésére, mint például a műszerfalon megjelenő ellenőrzőlámpák jelentéseinek magyarázata, a parkolás helyének elmentése ésa parkolási idő lejártára való figyelmeztetés. Emellett, egykülföldi út során a ‘Tolmács’ funkció segít Önnek lefordítani alegfontosabb kérdéseket.

Volkswagen Serviceapplication provides you with a reliable support in the road arisein different situations.

You can quickly and easily get useful information aboutVolkswagen vehicle.

A list of Volkswagen Trucks, addresses, and routes to get therewhile you learn about the services of Volkswagen service andhelpful advice, and you can receive the latest deals.

In case of failure to get help immediately - the vehicle dataand the geographical position is automatically sent thanks toVolkswagen Mobility Guarantee you will find even more quickly.

In addition, more useful and advantageous features are at yourdisposal, such as the instrument panel lights inspection reportsfor explanation, save the location of the parking and the parkingexpiry time warnings. In addition, a foreign trip in the'interpreter' function helps you to translate the most importantissues.

App Information Volkswagen Service Hungary

  • App Name
    Volkswagen Service Hungary
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 20, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Volkswagen Service Spain 3.2.2 APK
La aplicación Volkswagen Service está diseñada para ayudarte entodo lo que puedas necesitar cuando viajas con tu Volkswagen. Encaso de avería, podrás solicitar ayuda al servicio VolkswagenAsistencia 24h, transmitiendo automáticamente la posición exacta enla que te encuentras.Además de contactar con Volkswagen Asistencia 24h, podráslocalizar fácilmente dónde se encuentra el Servicio OficialVolkswagen más cercano, consultar el significado de los pilotos deadvertencia del salpicadero, grabar el lugar donde aparcaste suVolkswagen, realizar partes en caso de accidente, y muchas otrasinteresantes utilidades.TheVolkswagen Service application is designed to help you witheverything you might need when traveling with your Volkswagen. Incase of failure, you'll be requesting service 24h VolkswagenAssistance, automatically transmitting the exact position where youare.Besides contact Volkswagen Assistance 24h, you'll easily locatewhere is the Volkswagen nearest official service, check the meaningof warning lights on the dashboard, record where you parked yourVolkswagen, making parts in case of accident, and many otherinteresting utilities.
Volkswagen Service Switzerland 3.1.2 APK
Die Volkswagen Service App unterstützt Sie unterwegs zuverlässig inden verschiedensten Situationen. Schnell und unkompliziert werdenSie mit nützlichen Informationen rund um Ihren Volkswagen versorgt.

Sie finden nicht nur alle Volkswagen Service Partner, dieAdressen und Routen dorthin, sondern erfahren auch mehr über dieVolkswagen Service Leistungen und erhalten hilfreiche Tipps sowieaktuelle Angebote.

Im Falle einer Panne wird Ihnen umgehend geholfen – durchautomatische Übermittlung Ihrer Fahrzeug- und Standortdaten ist dasVolkswagen Service Mobil noch schneller bei Ihnen vor Ort! In einerUnfallsituation können Sie ganz einfach und bequem alleerforderlichen Daten festhalten, dazu eine Unfallskizze erstellensowie Fotos und Audioaufnahmen hinterlegen.

Die Tourfunktion ermöglicht Ihnen bei Reisen und Ausflügen diegefahrene Tour mit Hinweisen und Fotos zu dokumentieren,abzuspeichern und diese schließlich an Freunde weiterzugeben.

Darüber hinaus stehen Ihnen weitere nützliche Funktionen zurVerfügung, z. B. welche Bedeutung die Warnleuchten in IhremFahrzeug haben, Sie können sich Ihren Parkplatz speichern sowie dieParkzeit einstellen und ein „Dolmetscher“ hilft Ihnen mit derÜbersetzung der wichtigsten Fragen im Ausland weiter.TheVolkswagen service app you support the move reliably in differentsituations. Quick and simple you will be provided with usefulinformation about your Volkswagen.You will find not only all Volkswagen Service Partners,addresses and routes to them, but also learn more about theVolkswagen service benefits and receive helpful tips, and specialoffers.In the event of a breakdown, you will be helped immediately - byautomatic transmission of your vehicle and location data, theVolkswagen Service Mobile is still faster at your place! In anaccident situation, you can easily and conveniently hold all thenecessary data, to create an accident sketch and store photos andaudio recordings.The Tour feature allows you to travel and trips to document,store and this eventually pass it on to friends the driven tourwith notes and photos.In addition, some very useful functions, such as thesignificance of the warning lights on your vehicle, you can saveyour parking space and set the parking time and an "interpreter"can help you with the translation of the most important issuesabroad.
Volkswagen Service Greece 3.2.2 APK
Η εφαρμογή Volkswagen Service App σαςυποστηρίζει αξιόπιστα είτε είστε καθ' οδόν είτε όχιΓρήγορα και απλά έχετε στη διάθεσή σας χρήσιμες πληροφορίες γιαόλα τα θέματα που αφορούν το Volkswagen σας.Βρείτε εύκολα όλους τους Εξουσιοδοτημένους Συνεργάτες ServiceVolkswagen, τις διευθύνσεις τους και πώς θα φθάσετε εκεί, αλλά καιπολλές ακόμα πληροφορίες για τις παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες Volkswagen,τα Service, πρακτικές συμβουλές και επίκαιρες προσφορές.Άμεση βοήθεια καθ' οδόν σε περίπτωση βλάβης ή ατυχήματος. Μέσωτης λειτουργίας της αυτόματης μετάδοσης των στοιχείων τουαυτοκινήτου σας και της θέσης στην οποία βρίσκεσθε, η οδική βοήθειατης Volkswagen θα βρεθεί ακόμα πιο γρήγορα κοντά σας!Επίσης στη διάθεσή σας πολλές ακόμα χρήσιμες λειτουργίες, όπωςμεταξύ άλλων, τι σημαίνουν οι προειδοποιητικές λυχνίες στοαυτοκίνητό σας, η δυνατότητα αποθήκευσης του χώρου στάθμευσης τουαυτοκινήτου σας για τη διάρκεια που επιθυμείτε και η δυναμική"διερμηνεία" για τη μετάφραση των σημαντικότερων ερωτήσεων στοεξωτερικό.Applying VolkswagenService App supports reliable either en route or notFast and simple you have useful information on all mattersconcerning your Volkswagen.Easily find all Authorized Partners Service Volkswagen,addresses and how to get there, and many more information about theservices Volkswagen, the Service, practical advice and timelypromotions.Immediate help at the roadside in case of damage or accident.Through the operation of the automatic transmission of the data ofyour car and the location where you are on the road assistance ofVolkswagen will be found more quickly near you!Also available many other useful functions, such as, inter alia,what do the warning lights on your car, the storage capacity ofparking your car on the desired duration and dynamic"interpretation" for the translation of the most importantquestions abroad .
Volkswagen Service India 3.2.2 APK
The Volkswagen Service Mobile Application is your reliable andsmart assistant on the go. You can get information on StandardService Labour Charges, Volkswagen dealer network and explanationof various indicators on the car's dashboard. It enables you to getconnected with Volkswagen Customer Care and Roadside Assistance ata click of a button. It also facilitates prospective customers tobook a test drive and get information on Volkswagen's India line-upof cars and the latest tips and offers. Furthermore, you can createstories of your journey with maps and pictures, so stay connected.
Volkswagen Service Australia 3.2.2 APK
The Volkswagen Service App reliably assists you in differentsituations on the road.You will be provided fast and easily with useful informationaround your Volkswagen.You don’t find only the Volkswagen Service dealer network, theaddresses and the routes there but you will also get to know theVolkswagen Service performances, helpful tips and currentoffers.In case of a breakdown you will get help immediately – byautomatic transmission of your vehicle data and the geo position,the Volkswagen Service Mobile will be even faster at yourplace.Additionally, there are more advantageous functions for yourdisposal as e.g. the meanings of the dashboards' warning lights andyou will be able to save and navigate back to your parkinglocation.
Volkswagen Service Czech Rep 3.2.2 APK
Volkswagen Service App Vám spolehlivě pomůže v různých situacích nasilnici.Snadno a rychle máte k dispozici užitečné informace týkající seVašeho vozu Volkswagen.Nejen, že zde naleznete síť autorizovaných servisních partnerůVolkswagen, včetně adres, kontaktů a navigace do jednotlivýchprovozoven, ale také získáte informace o vybraných servisníchúkonech, užitečné tipy a aktuální nabídky Volkswagen.V případě poruchy, nebo nehody Vašeho vozidla, lze jednodušekontaktovat Volkswagen asistenční linku, na kterou se přenesouinformace o Vašem voze, společně s aktuální geografickou polohou.Můžete také vytvořit protokol o nehodě, který Vám pomůže zaznamenatvšechny důležité informace, týkající se nehody.K dispozici máte i další užitečné funkce, jako je: vysvětlenívýznamu vybraných palubních kontrolek, funkce záznamu polohyzaparkovaného automobilu s upozorněním na dobu parkování, překladačse slovní zásobou týkající se Vašeho vozu a nejběžnějších frázívybraných jazyků, funkci palubního deníku, nebo kapesnísvítilny.VolkswagenService App you trust to help in various situations on the road.Easily and quickly available to you useful information aboutyour Volkswagen car.Not only that, you will find a network of authorized servicepartners Volkswagen including address, contacts and navigation ofindividual sites but also get information about the selectedservice operations, helpful tips and Volkswagen actual offer.In the event of a breakdown or accident, your vehicle, you cansimply contact Volkswagen helpline, which are transmittedinformation about your car, along with the current geographiclocation. You can also create a report on the accident, which willhelp you record all the important information regarding theaccident.There have also other useful features such as: explanation ofselected cabin lights, the recording feature positions parked carwith warning for parking, compiler with vocabulary related to yourcar and the most common phrases selected languages, the logbook, orflashlights.
Volkswagen Service Italy 3.2.1 APK
L'app Volkswagen Service ti assiste nel modopiù affidabile nelle diverse situazioni che possono verificarsisulla strada.Ti verranno fornite utili informazioni circa la tua Volkswagen,in modo facile e rapido.Non solo troverai la rete di assistenza Volkswagen, con irelativi indirizzi e mappe, ma conoscerai anche i servizi offertidal Service Volkswagen, utili consigli e le offerte aggiornate.In caso di panne o di incidente riceverai soccorso immediatograzie alla trasmissione automatica dei dati della tua vettura edella posizione geografica in cui si trova: il Servizio MobilitàVolkswagen ti reggiungerà rapidamente nel luogo in cui ti troverai.In caso di incidente potrai realizzare in modo estremamente facileun report ed individuare le misure più importanti da adottarenell’immediato.L'app offre, infine, ulteriori vantaggiose funzioni, quali adesempio i significati delle spie di avvertimento del cruscotto, ilgeoposizionamento del veicolo parcheggiato e la scadenza delparchimetro, un traduttore automatico basato su un riccovocabolario con i termini più utili relativi alla vettura e domandestandard in molte lingue diverse.L'uso continuato del GPS in background può ridurre drasticamentela durata della batteria.The app VolkswagenService will assist you in the most reliable in differentsituations that may occur on the road.You will be provided with helpful information about yourVolkswagen, easily and quickly.Not only will you find the Volkswagen service network, withtheir addresses and maps, but also get to know the services offeredby Volkswagen Service, tips and latest offers.In the event of a breakdown or accident will receive immediaterelief thanks to the automatic data transmission of your car andthe geographic location in which it is located: Mobility ServiceVolkswagen reggiungerà you quickly to the place where you find it.In the event of an accident you can make in an extremely easy wayto report and identify the most important measures to be takenimmediately.The app provides, finally, further useful features, such as themeanings of the warning lights on the dashboard, thegeo-positioning of the vehicle parked and the parking meterexpires, an automatic translator based on a rich vocabulary withthe most useful terms related to car and standard questions in manydifferent languages.Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life.
Volkswagen Servis Uygulaması 3.2.2 APK
Volkswagen Servis Uygulaması,yolculuksırasında karşınıza çıkabilecek sorunlarda size destek olmak içintasarlanmıştır.Volkswageniniz için gerekli bilgilere hızlıca ulaşmanızısağlar.Volkswagen Yetkili Servis Ağı bilgileri, adresleri vegüzergâhlarının yanı sıra servis ile ilgili bilgiler, yararlıipuçları ve güncel fırsatlar hakkında da bilgi alacaksınız.Arıza durumunda araç verileriniz ve coğrafi konumunuzun otomatikiletimi ile acil yardım alacaksınız; Volkswagen Çağrı 24bulunduğunuz yere çok daha hızlı gelebilecek.Ayrıca gösterge tablolarındaki uyarı ışıklarının anlamlarınaburada bulabileceksiniz. Park yerinizi kaydedebilecek ve ayrıcapark sürenizi kontrol edebileceksiniz. Bunun yanında "Çevirmen"sayesinde, yurt dışındayken en önemli soruların farklı dillerdekikarşılığını öğrenebileceksiniz.