2.2 / September 25, 2015
(3.6/5) (72)


Edinumen and BigBangBox present: SpanishChallenge. Practice Spanish while having fun.

Challenge other users to take fun trials to show who has thebetter command of Spanish in an addictive game.

You will be improving your Spanish just in a few minutes.
Challenge your friends and other people to answer five questionsabout the Spanish language. The winner will be who hits morequestions in less time.

Practice with the content developed by leading world experts inSpanish content creation.
Check your Spanish level
Improve reading, written and listening skills
Practice with more than twelve different topics: Food, education,work, transports, etc…

Configure your avatar
Challenge your Facebook friends
Find players with your level
Play weekly tournaments
Be the first at monthly leader board and at weekly tournament
Create your own ranking with your friends
Collect all the achievements

If you are looking for a game or an app for entertainment toimprove your Spanish, then Spanish Challenge should meet all yourneeds.

If you have any doubt or issue with the app, please do nothesitate to contact us at [email protected]

App Information Spanish Challenge

  • App Name
    Spanish Challenge
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 25, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Paula y Mario: Tenis 1.0 APK
¡ESTE ES UN CUENTO PARA DISFRUTAR ENFAMILA!Sentándose todos juntos y fortaleciendo los lazos familiares,aunque si las circunstancias no lo permiten también es un granentretenimiento para papás o niños en solitario.LOS VALORES QUE TRANSMITE EL DEPORTEEnseña a tus hijos los valores que transmite el deporte, ya que loque aprendan ahora se les quedará grabado para toda la vida.“Los valores del deporte” es la primera colección sobre literaturadeportiva infantil escrita en España. En ella los niños que yahacen deporte se verán reflejados en los protagonistas y aquellosque todavía no han empezado a hacerlo se verán animados a pasarlobien con sus nuevos amigos, Paula y Mario.Concretamente el cuento “Paula, Mario y la clase de tenis” narra lahistoria de dos hermanos que están aprendiendo a jugar al tenis,destacando lo divertido de esta modalidad deportiva, la ilusión conla que viven los niños su práctica y los valores que se adquieren:puntualidad, respeto, saber competir, educación, compañerismo,etc.CÓMO LEER ESTE CUENTOEste cuento presenta una locución de mayores más extensa ydetallada, que pretende que el papá y la mamá, en lugar de verseforzados a inventarse la historia por falta de texto, puedansencillamente limitarse a escuchar la voz del Cuentacuentos. Unavez los papás hayan escuchado la historia original, podrándesactivar la locución para ser ellos quienes cuenten la historia asus hijos y así fortalecer la comunicación en la familia.Además, las locuciones estarán en español e inglés con la intenciónde que puedan practicar idiomas de manera natural ydivertida.Por otro lado, el cuento ofrece también una lectura infantil confrases mucho más sencillas y comprensibles para niños y niñas, queirán siempre acompañadas y reforzadas por una granilustración.El objetivo principal de este planteamiento es hacer posible que,tanto adultos como niños puedan sentarse a disfrutar del cuentojuntos, al tiempo que comparten la historia que les presenta elautor.THIS IS A STORY TO ENJOYIN FAMILA!Sitting together and strengthen family ties, even if thecircumstances do not allow it is also great entertainment forparents or children alone. SPREAD THE SECURITIES SPORTTeach your children the values ​​conveyed through sport, as whatthey learn now will be recorded them for life. "The values ​​of sport" is the first collection of children'ssports literature written in Spain. In her children play sports andwill be reflected in the protagonists and those who have not yetbegun to do so will be encouraged to have fun with your newfriends, Paula and Mario. Specifically the story "Paula, Mario and tennis lesson" tells thestory of two brothers who are learning to play tennis, emphasizingthe fun of this sport, the enthusiasm with which the children liveand practice the values acquired, punctuality, respect, knowingcompete, education, fellowship, etc. HOW TO READ THIS STORYThis story has a more extensive and detailed older locution, whichclaims that the father and mother, instead of being forced to makeup for lack of story text, can simply just listen to the voice ofthe storyteller. Once parents have heard the original story, theycan disable the phrase to be the ones to tell the story to theirchildren and strengthen family communication. Furthermore, utterances will be in Spanish and English with theintention that natural languages ​​can practice and fun. On the other hand, the story also offers a children's reading mucheasier and understandable for children, which will always beaccompanied and reinforced by a great illustration phrases. The main objective of this approach is to enable both adults andchildren can sit and enjoy the story together, while sharing thestory that the author presents.
Spanish Challenge 2.2 APK
Edinumen and BigBangBox present: SpanishChallenge. Practice Spanish while having fun.Challenge other users to take fun trials to show who has thebetter command of Spanish in an addictive game.SIMPLE, QUICK AND FUNYou will be improving your Spanish just in a few minutes.Challenge your friends and other people to answer five questionsabout the Spanish language. The winner will be who hits morequestions in less time.LANGUAGE FEATURESPractice with the content developed by leading world experts inSpanish content creation.Check your Spanish levelImprove reading, written and listening skillsPractice with more than twelve different topics: Food, education,work, transports, etc…ENTERTAINMENT FEATURESConfigure your avatarChallenge your Facebook friendsFind players with your levelPlay weekly tournamentsBe the first at monthly leader board and at weekly tournamentCreate your own ranking with your friendsCollect all the achievementsIf you are looking for a game or an app for entertainment toimprove your Spanish, then Spanish Challenge should meet all yourneeds.If you have any doubt or issue with the app, please do nothesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Guadalingo English 1.3 APK
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Microsiervos Quiz 1.0 APK
¿Te gustan la ciencia y la tecnología?Microsiervos, el blog geek más seguido en España lanza estadivertida app gratuita que pone a prueba tus conocimientos y sangrefría.Reta a tua amigos o a otros jugadores aleatoriamente para ponera prueba su conocimiento en diversas materias como ciencia,tecnología, internet, videojuegos, cine o TV y aprende cosasasombrosas en cada reto de 5 preguntas. El jugador que gana el retoes el que es capaz de responder correctamente el mayor número depreguntas en el menor tiempo posible.Microsiervos Quiz es gratuito, libre de publicidad y no ofrececompras dentro la app, pero tiene asombrosas funcionalidades comola de jugar con tu propio avatar, acceder y personalizar losrankings del juego semanales y mensuales, chatear con tus oponenteso conectar con Facebook.Mas información en www.microsiervos.com/quiz. Para cualquierduda o problema con la app puedes contactar con nosotros [email protected] you like science andtechnology? Microsiervos, the geek blog more often in Spainlaunches this fun free app that tests your knowledge and coolness.Tua Challenge friends or other random players to test theirknowledge in various fields such as science, technology, internet,video games, cinema, TV and learn amazing things in every challengeof 5 questions. The player who wins the challenge is to be able toanswer as many questions correctly as quickly as possible.Microsiervos Quiz is free, free advertising and does not offerorder in the app, but has amazing features such as playing withyour own avatar, customize access and weekly rankings of the gameand monthly chat with your opponents or connect with Facebook.Www.microsiervos.com/quiz more information. For any questions orproblems with the app you can contact us at [email protected]
English Challenge 2.1 APK
Edinumen and BigBangBox present:EnglishChallenge. Practice English while having fun.Challenge other users to take fun trials to show who hasthebetter command of English in an addictive game.SIMPLE, QUICK AND FUNYou will be improving your English just in a few minutes.Challenge your friends and other people to answer fivequestionsabout the English language. The winner will be who hitsmorequestions in less time.LANGUAGE FEATURESPractice with the content developed by leading world expertsinEnglish content creation.Check your English levelImprove reading, written and listening skillsPractice with more than twelve different topics: Food,education,work, transports, etc…ENTERTAINMENT FEATURESConfigure your avatarChallenge your Facebook friendsFind players with your levelPlay weekly tournamentsBe the first at monthly leader board and at weekly tournamentCreate your own ranking with your friendsCollect all the achievementsIf you are looking for a game or an app for entertainment toimproveyour English, then English Challenge should meet all yourneeds.If you have any doubt or issue with the app, please donothesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Mafia Business School 1.0 APK
MAFIA CINE Y ECONOMÍALa Mafia se organiza como cualquier otra empresa. Produce, vendeygestiona productos y "servicios" con un único fin: el beneficio.Esdecir, que podemos establecer ciertos paralelismos entrelaactividad económica "normal" y la que se sale de lo "normal".Elpropio Michael Corleone dijo: "No necesitamos massoldados,necesitamos abogados y economistas".No queremos que uses los métodos de la Mafia, pero sí quetediviertas con esta app de retos que pondrá a prueba" tustusconocimientos sobre economía, cine y mafia". tofo de unaformadivertida y muy amena para que juegues contra otros "expertosenMafia y Economía"MAFIA BUSINESS SCHOOL, una app "que no podrás rechazar"MAFIA FILMANDECONOMYThe Mafia is organized as any other company. It produces, sellsandmanages products and "services" with a single purpose: profit.Is,we can draw certain parallels between "normal" economicactivityand that is out of the "normal". Michael Corleone himselfsaid: "Wedo not need more troops, we need lawyers and economists."We do not want to use the methods of the Mafia, but you havefunwith this app of challenges that will test "your your knowledgeofeconomics, film and mafia". tofo a fun and very enjoyable wayforyou to play against other "experts Mafia and Economics"MAFIA BUSINESS SCHOOL, an app "you can not refuse"
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Diocesan broadcasting, Diocesan Channel TV and Radio Santa Maria deToledo