1.4.3 / March 13, 2017
(2.3/5) (3)


Tourisme et Découverte

Découvrez la carte IGN France au 1/25.000 idéale pour (re)découvrirune région à pied, à vélo, à cheval ou en voiture. Couverture de laFrance métropolitaine, de la Corse et des DOM-TOM avec une trèsgrande précision représentant tous les détails existant sur leterrain : chemins, sentiers, ruisseaux, lieux touristiques,refuges, gîtes d'étape, bâtiments, édifices religieux,…

Accédez également aux photos aériennes, parcelles cadastrales etaux cartes Scan Express, actualisées plus régulièrement.

Tarif : L’application est offerte gratuitement pour un essai d'unesemaine ! Vous pouvez ensuite souscrire un abonnement au prix de24,99€ / an ou 11,99€ / mois tout compris.

Les tracés de Grande Randonnée

Les GR®, tracés par la Fédération Française de la RandonnéePédestre (http://www.ffrandonnee.fr/), sont également présentés :60.000 km de sentiers de grande randonnée ! Visualisez égalementles PR® (petites randonnées) pour les promenades d'une journée;-)

Vos cartes IGN disponibles hors-connexion

Grâce à l’outil de téléchargement intégré, profitez des cartes,topographiques, des parcours et bien plus sur le terrain, sansaucune connexion internet !

Téléchargez les cartes pour une ou plusieurs zones avant votredépart et gérez de manière avancée vos cartes téléchargées.

Cache illimité - France entière *

Il n'y a pas de limite pour le téléchargement des cartes par zones(cache "France entière") *

Intégration avec votre compte sur l'Espace Loisirs

Créez vos parcours, ou importez-les au format GPX via l’EspaceLoisirs d’IGN France, et synchronisez-les directement versl’application mobile pour les exploiter sur le terrain.

Allez plus loin : transformez vos randonnées coups de cœur envéritables guides multimédia avec textes, photos, vidéos, … etpartagez-les avec les autres communautés. Devenez ainsi ambassadeurde votre région !

Accédez également aux parcours des autres membres de la communautéde l’Espace Loisirs et à la sélection de guides interactifsSityTour réalisée avec soin par les différents acteurs du tourismetels que : Offices de Tourisme, Syndicats d’Initiative,Départements, Régions, Parcs nationaux, Parcs naturels régionaux, …et laissez vous embarquer par le charme de nos régions !

L’application vous prévient automatiquement par un signal sonorelorsque vous approchez d’un point d’intérêt ou lorsque vous quittezle tracé de votre parcours.

* Moyennant téléchargement préalable des données. L’emprise ducache est illimitée, sous réserve des performances d’accès et dansles limites de l'espace de stockage disponible sur votreappareil.
Discover andTourism

Discover the map IGN France 1 / 25.000 ideal to (re) discover anarea on foot, bicycle, horseback or car. Coverage of mainlandFrance, Corsica and overseas territories with great precisionrepresenting all existing information on the ground: roads, trails,streams, tourist sites, shelters, rest houses, buildings, religiousbuildings, ...

also access aerial photos, land parcels and Express Scan, updatedmore regularly.

Price: The application is free for a one-week trial! You can thenpurchase a subscription price of € 24.99 / year or € 11.99 / monthall inclusive.

The plots of Great Excursion

The GR ®, traced by the French Federation of Hiking(http://www.ffrandonnee.fr/), are also presented: 60,000 km ofhiking trails! Visualize also PR® (short hikes) for day walks;-)

Your IGN maps available connection-off

Thanks to the integrated upload tool, make maps, topography, routesand more on the ground, without any internet connection!

Download maps for one or more zones before departure and manageadvanced so your downloaded maps.

unlimited Cache - France entire *

There is no limit for downloading maps with zones (cache "entireFrance") *

Integration with your account on the Leisure

Create your route, or import them in GPX format via the Leisure IGNFrance, and sync them directly to the mobile application to operateon the ground.

Go further: turn your hiking strokes heart in true multimediaguides with text, photos, videos, ... and share them with othercommunities. Become an ambassador of your region!

Access course also of other members of the community of the Leisureand selection of interactive guides SityTour carried out carefullyby the different tourism stakeholders such as tourist offices,tourist offices, departments, regions, national parks , regionalParks, ... and let you board the charm of our regions!

The application automatically notifies you with a beep when youapproach a point of interest or when you leave your route.

* By prior data download. The influence of the cache is unlimited,subject to the access performance and within the limits of theavailable storage space on your device.

App Information SityTrail Espace Loisirs

  • App Name
    SityTrail Espace Loisirs
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 13, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Geolives S.A.
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected] Privacy Policy
    Boulevard de la Foire, 1 1528 Luxembourg
  • Google Play Link

Geolives S.A. Show More...

Xplore Forêt du Pays de Chimay 1.3.2 APK
Geolives S.A.
The Xplore Forêt du Pays de Chimay (XploreFPC) app lets you download over a hundred hiking circuits throughthe wonderful landscapes of this unspoilt natural area, coveringthe municipalities of Sivry-Rance, Froidchapelle, Chimay,Momignies, Couvin, Doische, Philippeville and Viroinval.There’s something for everyone - hikers, mountain bikers,horse-riders, geocachers, etc.Choose your route according to your location, length, difficulty,change in altitude, accessibility, and heritage and touristattractions you want to see.After downloading it, you will have access to GPS tracking withoutneeding an internet connection, as well as a whole range ofgeolocated information about the natural and cultural heritagesites encountered along the way, and essential visitor resourcessuch as places to stay or eat, tourist activities, events,etc.The Grande Traversée de la Forêt du Pays de Chimay (Great Crossingof the Chimay Forest), a Grande Randonnée hiking itinerary of 178km featuring 9 bivouac areas where hikers can pitch their tent forthe night free of charge, is also available on the app.Interested? Well don’t hesitate, download the Xplore Forêt du Paysde Chimay app free of charge and discover this superb and amazinglyvaried region.Enjoy your trip!Main features- Can download background maps, hiking routes and relatedcontent.- Points of interest automatically triggered when passing nearby.These texts can be read by speech synthesis.- Alarm that sounds if you stray from the chosen itinerary.- The distance, difficulty, duration and altitude of thehikes.- 4-day weather forecast according to your position on themap.- GPS route on OpenStreetMap- Locate your position using GPS.
Château de Jehay 1.0.1 APK
Geolives S.A.
Explore the domain of Château de Jehay, alisted part of Wallonia’s Outstanding Heritage, an iconic site andone of Province de Liège’s most popular tourist attractions.The building, with its very particular architecture described as“checkerboard”, which is unique in Europe, saw the light of day inthe middle of the 16th century and has never stopped developingever since as eras passed and proprietors came and went.Two permanent exhibitions, “The Jehay Cabinet of Curiosities” and“Treasures from Ireland”, unveil the two complementary facets ofthe history of these collections of high-quality art. They areaccessible at the heart of the domain’s dependencies.The castle, surrounded by moats, is located amid an idyllicsetting. The so-called “Italianate” parks and gardens are realleafy screens in which remarkable trees stand side by side withpalisaded limes.The former kitchen garden, dating from the 19th century, wasrecently restored. On the edge of the forest, enclosed by a brickwall and extending across one hectare, the place is perfect fordaydreaming. Visitors come across old varieties of vegetables,edible flowers, fruit trees or delicate roses.During the season, from the end of March to the end of October, thesite is enlivened by various events that offer a special way ofexploring it.The provincial domain of Château de Jehay, a centuries-old culturaland tourist site that can be visited all year round!
Sur les traces de Saint-Hubert 1.4 APK
Geolives S.A.
Ce circuit avec jeux et énigmes, à réaliser envoiture, vous permet de découvrir la Grande Forêt deSaint-Hubert.La biche Erline a besoin de vous pour trouver le remède quiguérira son faon, atteint d’une étrange maladie…Accompagnez Erline au cœur de la Grande forêt deSaint-Hubert.Ensemble, voyagez d’étape en étape et rencontrez d’étonnantspersonnages.Jouez, apprenez et exercez votre sens de l’observation pourrésoudre des énigmes et trouver le remède qui sauvera Alby.Vous êtes pour prêts pour cette formidable aventure ?- Téléchargez l’application- Rendez-vous à la Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Saint-Hubert pourcommencer l’aventure- Laissez-vous guider par les personnages- Découvrez la Grande Forêt de Saint-Hubert (son histoire, seslégendes, etc...)Bon à savoir - L’application gratuite fonctionne en offline- Vous n’avez pas de tablette ? La Maison du Tourisme vous enprêtera une !- Le jeu existe aussi en version papier.Circuit voiture en toute autonomieBoucle de 70 km (départ/arrivée à Saint-Hubert)12 étapes (dont Saint-Hubert, Lavacherie, Laneuville-au-bois,Mochamps, le bois de Nassogne, le Domaine du Fourneau Saint-Michel,le Domaine de Mirwart, Smuid)Tout public et idéal pour les familles avec enfantsThis circuit with gamesand puzzles, to achieve by car, you can discover the Great Forestof Saint-Hubert.The doe Erline needs you to find the remedy that will cure herfawn, suffering from a strange disease ...Join Erline the heart of the Great Forest of Saint-Hubert.Together, traveling from stage to stage and meet amazingcharacters.Play, Learn and exercise your powers of observation to solvepuzzles and find the cure that will save Alby.You are ready for for this great adventure?- Download the application- Meet at the Tourist Pays de Saint-Hubert to begin theadventure- Be guided by characters- Discover the Great Forest of Saint-Hubert (history, legends, etc...)Good to know- Free application works in offline- You do not have a tablet? The Tourist Office will lend youone!- The game is also available in hard copy.Car Circuit independentlyLoop of 70 km (start / finish in Saint-Hubert)12 steps (including Saint-Hubert, Lavacherie, Laneuville-au-bois,Mochamps, wood Nassogne, Furnace Domaine Saint-Michel, the Field ofMirwart, Smuid)All public and ideal for families with children
SityTrail Spain - hiking GPS APK
Geolives S.A.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of your outdooractivities anywhere in Spain.Here are its main functions:★ SPAIN TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps you need to discover Spain on foot,cycling, horse riding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for€19.99 per year, all-inclusive.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps androutes on the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed.No more need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarmsystem will stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclinesand of any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create pointsof interest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed, GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicators forwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on your averagespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects using aninternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other membersand let yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and various servicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on themap to help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of yourcar, your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you tosend your GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way to ageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We wish you lots of fun with SityTrail Spain.Application Manual:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/manuals_trail.htmlFor any questions or suggestions:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/support_trail.html- - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.
SitySail France SCAN Littoral 11.5.8 APK
Geolives S.A.
SitySail France is a GPS for nautical leisureactivities and trails near the coastline in France.WARNING :- This application and SCAN Littoral® maps must not be used forboat navigation, otherwise there is a serious risk of injury ordeath.- This application only gives access to maps for at least 10 kmon both sides of the coastline. If you need a full coverage ofFrance for topographic maps, please download SityTrail France:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geolivesOFFICIAL SCAN LITTORAL MAPSCAN Littoral® is a common project between SHOM (the French NavyHydrographic and Oceanographic Service) and IGN (the FrenchNational Geographic Institute). It consists of a seamless mergingof SHOM’s nautical charts and IGN’s 1:25 000 terrestrialtopographic maps.Coverage is available for France, Corsica and some Overseasdepartments (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, Guyane, Mayotte) forat least 10 km on both sides of the coastline.SCAN Littoral® is useful for trails near the coastline and nauticalleisure activities (kayak, …).Subscription charge: The application can be accessed for free for aweek’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for €24.99($24.99) per year, all-inclusive.TOURISM AND DISCOVERY NEAR THE COASTLINEDiscover the new 1:25 000 IGN map ideal to (re)discover an area onfoot, bicycle, horseback or car and representing all relevantinformation for outdoor activities: roads, trails, streams, touristsites, shelters, rest houses, buildings, religious buildings,...The GR ®, maintained by the French Federation of Ramblers, are alsodisplayed! Also shown on the maps are the PR ® (petites randonnées)shorter walks for a day.MAPS AND YOUR ROUTES AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps and routeswithout any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed. Nomore need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarm systemwill stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclines andof any difficulties along the route.RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your trails and routes in real time, and create points ofinterest with your own photos and commentary.Display useful indicators for walkers and mountain bikers: distancecovered, time taken, average speed, GPS altitude, inclines (+/-),... and information for nautical leisure activities : speeds inknots, distance covered in nautic miles, latitude, longitude,...CREATE AND SHARE YOUR ROUTESWith our online editor, create your routes using an internetnavigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directly from yourmobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite trails into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other members andlet yourself be guided!TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articles Wikipédia,accommodation, restaurants, and various services such as chemistsand banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on the mapto help you organise your stay.ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of your car,your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you to sendyour GPS coordinates to your contacts.Application Manual:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/manuals_trail.htmlFor any questions or suggestions:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/support_trail.html- - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.
SityTrail Netherlands - hiking APK
Geolives S.A.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of your outdooractivities anywhere in the Netherlands.Here are its main functions:★ NETHERLANDS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps you need to discover the Netherlands onfoot, cycling, horse riding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Cycling network "node points" of the country is also availablein offline mode.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for€9.99 per year, all-inclusive.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps androutes on the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed.No more need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarmsystem will stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclinesand of any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create pointsof interest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed, GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicators forwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on your averagespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects using aninternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other membersand let yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and various servicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on themap to help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of yourcar, your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you tosend your GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way to ageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We hope you enjoy discovering the Netherlands withSityTrail.Application Manual:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/manuals_trail.htmlFor any questions or suggestions:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/support_trail.html- - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.
Voetsporen van Sint-Hubertus 1.4 APK
Geolives S.A.
Tijdens deze autorit vol spelletjes enraadsels ontdekt u het Grande Forêt van Saint-Hubert.De hinde Erline heeft u nodig om een geneesmiddel te vinden voorhaar reekalfje, dat getroffen is door een vreemde ziekte...Ga mee met Erline naar het hart van het Grande forêt vanSaint-Hubert.Samen reist u van plaats naar plaats. Onderweg ontmoet u vreemdefiguren.Speel, leer en oefen uw observatievermogen om de raadsels op telossen. Vind het geneesmiddel dat Alby zal redden.Bent u klaar voor dit geweldig avontuur?-Download de app-Ga naar het Bureau voor Toerisme van het land van Saint-Hubert enlaat het avontuur beginnen-Laat u leiden door de figuren-Ontdek het Grande Forêt van Saint-Hubert, de geschiedenis, delegendes, enz.Nuttig om te weten-De gratis app werkt offline-U hebt geen tablet? Het Bureau voor Toerisme kan er u eenlenen!-Het spel bestaat ook in een papieren versieZelfstandig af te leggen autoparcours .Lus van 70 km (vertrek en aankomst te Saint-Hubert).12 stopplaatsen (waaronder Saint-Hubert, Lavacherie,Laneuville-au-bois, Mochamps, het bos van Nassogne, het Domaine duFourneau Saint-Michel, het Domaine de Mirwart, Smuid)Volledig openbaar en ideaal voor families met kinderen.If you search for the french version, seehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geolives.gaming.sthubert.During this ride with atwist you will discover the Grande Forêt Saint-Hubert.The doe Erline you need to find a cure for her fawn, which was hitby a strange disease ...Join Erline to the heart of the Grande Forêt Saint-Hubert.Together, traveling from place to place. Along the way you meetstrange characters.Play, learn and practice your powers of observation to solve theriddles. Find the medicine that will save Alby.Are you ready for this great adventure?Download the app-Go To the land of the Tourism Office of Saint-Hubert and let theadventure begin-Do You through the figures-Discover Grande Forêt Saint-Hubert, history, legends, etc.Useful to know-The Free app works offline-You Do not have a tablet? The Tourism Bureau can lend youone!-The Game is also available in a printed versionIndependently to make car track.Loop of 70 km (departure and arrival in Saint-Hubert).12 stops (including Saint-Hubert, Lavacherie, Laneuville-au-bois,Mochamps, forest Nassogne, the Domaine du Fourneau Saint-Michel,the Domaine de Mirwart, Smuid)Fully disclosed and ideal for families with children.If you search for the french version, seehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geolives.gaming.sthubert.
SityTrail Austria - hiking GPS 11.5.8 APK
Geolives S.A.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of your outdooractivities anywhere in Austria.Here are its main functions:★ TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps to discover Austria on foot, cycling,horse riding, or by car, motorbike or quad bike.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for€14.99 per year, all-inclusive.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps and routeson the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed. Nomore need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarm systemwill stop you getting lost or having to turn back onyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text to speechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclines andof any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create points ofinterest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed, GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicators forwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on your averagespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects using aninternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing them directlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into real multimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share them with theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other members andlet yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information: articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and various servicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them during yourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on the mapto help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of your car,your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you to sendyour GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way to ageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We hope you enjoy discovering Austria with SityTrail.Application Manual:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/manuals_trail.htmlFor any questions or suggestions:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/support_trail.html- - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.Maps from http://www.basemap.at