Top 50 Apps Similar to 10 Steps to Lucid Dreams

Lucid 74
Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Lucid Dreaming experiment
Lucid Waker: Lucid Dream Alarm 2.2.3
Harry Cha
A free, personalized alarm app for lucid dreamers!
Freud - Dream Journal and Anal 1.5.6r
Uncover unconscious meanings, feelings, symbols, and patternsinyour dreams! 🔑
Scalar Field Generator 1.4
This application is the driver application for the scalarfieldemitters.
Lucid Dreamer
The first step to controlling a dream is realizing youareactuallyasleep. To help you do that, Lucid Dreamer will playaseries ofaudio and/or visual cues during your sleep cycles.Whenyou wakeup, you can record your dreams with our free,secure,PIN-protectedDream Journal. Your entries can be written orvoicerecorded, canbe tagged, and you can even log techniquemetrics. TheJournal alsocomes with built in access to our free,onlineDreammunity systemso you can always access your dreamsfromanywhere and easily sharethem if you’d like. If you want togeteven more advanced or tryadditional techniques, we’ve alsobuiltLucid Dreamer Pro directlyinto this free version. The UnlockAllpackage can be purchased for$6.99 and includes unlimited accesstoall of our techniques andextra features: + Reality Checker -Stoplooking at your hand,counting your toes, or whatever habityou'vebeen trying to form.The Checker can remember to do it foryou, whenconvenient for you,and then alert you by sound, vibration,or evennotification up to287 times per day. + Paralyzer - SleepParalysisis a state inwhich your mind is awake, but your body iscompletelyasleep. Thistransitional state can be used to achievelucidity andtheParalyzer can help you enter into it. + Da Vinci –Although hardtoget used to, cycle adjustment techniques can helpyou be farmoreproductive throughout the day and even experiencemorefrequentlucid dreams. Da Vinci can help you plan, and adhereto,the bestcycles for you (default: Uberman Polyphasic SleepCycle). +CustomMusic Selection – Use your own audio cues, BinauralBeats, orevenrecord your own voice for use with the Dreamer.+Dreamscapes,Focalizer, Subliminator – Everything you see,hear,think about,and experience throughout the day has a directimpacton thecontents of your dreams. These pre-sleep visualaugmentationstoLucid Dreamer are designed to help you focus anddirectthosecontents via color psychology, focal imagery, andrapidvisualstimulation. -- When you’re lucid dreaming, the onlylimit isyourown imagination. Carpe Noctem.
Thelema 93 1.0.4
Noon Shy LLC
Tools for Thelemic date, rituals, and other practices
Luci - Hack your dreams 4.1.40
Sam Ruston
Dream journal with illustrated guide and intelligent sleep recorder
Lucidity - Lucid Dream Journal 2.5.0
Have lucid dreams tonight! Lucidity helps you achieve yourluciddreaming goals.
Chaos Magick 5.0.0
Chaos Magick App, make your Sigils at any place andanytime.Currently our cell phones contain our daily energy, theycanbe apowerful tool if used correctly. Create your Sigilsthroughtheservitors that meet your desire or request. The servitorsarethemost used during the history of magick, learn about themandusethem wisely. This app is a tribute to the work ofAustinOsmanSpare and the Magickal community of Chaos. Powerfultoolthatshould be used wisely. - Create your Sigils and chooseover100servitors to work for them. - Sigils most used by humanity.
The Creation Frequency
Tap into the power of the Universe to manifest the life ofyourdreams.
Dharma Seed 1.5.1
Dharma Seed
Stream dharma talks from the Dharma Seed archive to yourAndroiddevice.
Deepware Brainwaves
► The Acoustic Brain Entrainment Modular ProgrammableDigitalWorkstation.
Sacred Geometry Visionary Path 2.2.0
Art, science, and spirituality join together to revealNature'sdivine harmony.
Quantum Harmonic Oscillator 1.0
Visualize the eigenstates of Quantum Oscillator in 3D!
Dream Journal Ultimate 1.52.0
A pin secured, cloud synced, AI powered dream journal anddreamsocial network.
WorldWithin Lucid Dreaming App 3.1.7
Learn lucid dreaming and keep a dream journal.
Lucidly: Lucid Dream & Journal 1.2.3
Lucid dreams with dream journal, reality check and statistics
Easy Sleep App 5.2023.10.10
This app helps to fall asleep quickly with the help of ameditativetechnique
Interactive Multilingual Thriller Book-Game, Vol. 1
Gnaural for Android 1.0.20140623
A binaural beat & isochronic tone generator intended as anaidto meditation.
Phaser - Lucid Dreaming Launch 3.4
Innovative tools to start lucid dreaming practice tonight
Lucidity Level 5.4.1
Creationz Lab
Learn to lucid dream at will! Comprehensive dream journal&lucid dream tool kit
Brain Waves Pro Binaural Beats 8.0.1
Binaural Beats - Fully Customizable Waves - Pure Sound - No Loops
L-System Studio (Lindenmayer F 26.0
Play Posse
Play with the most accessible types of fractals during yourlunchbreak.
Sensorium - Synesthesia Medita 1
Guided Synesthesia Meditation for synesthetic mindfulness&sensory awareness
Dreambook-Analyze your pattern 1.4.2
Decode your dreams: effortlessly uncover and analyze theirhiddensignificance!
KnowEx-The Knowledge Exchange 2.0.34
Find, connect and learn fromindustry-leading,subject-matterexperts. Take an online course orcommunicatedirectly to receiveadvice from top-level authorities. Ifyou wish,you can request anexpert to become your advisor. Thisenables youto receive deeperinsights faster because you willreceive 1-on-1attention from yourselected advisor. Learn fromsubject-matterexperts incryptocurrency, blockchain, leadership,management,marketing,programming, IT, legal and more. Get andmaintain yourcompetitiveedge by selecting a knowledgeable advisorand buildingarelationship with world-leading experts through theKnowEx app.Getthe most out of your KnowEx app: - Search andfindsubject-matterexperts - Ask your question and view experts whomaybe able toanswer - View world-leading expert’s backgroundandexperience -View free knowledge from experts via the app -Askexpertsquestions before you select a course or choose as anadvisor- Getworld-leading advice specifically for you -Receivepersonalizedattention and get your questions answered Howyou canlearn fromyour expert of choice: - Online courses - Onlinemeetings(in ½hour increments) - Email communications - Chatcommunications-Face-to-Face meeting (if workable) Scheduling -Easilyviewexperts’ available times - You can request additionaltimes.Youask for a specific time! Connect via: - Chat - Email -Skype-Google Hangout (and similar) - Phone - In-person(ifworkable)KnowEx app is free to download. Searching andfindingexperts isalso free. You only pay when you connect withyouradvisor or taketheir course. Pricing varies depending onadvisors’hourly ratesand how you connect. If you are asubject-matterexpert, downloadand add your profile for free. - Freeto download -No charge toyour Apple account - No ads - You only paywhen youconnectdirectly with an expert or advisor
iAwake® Technologies 2.6.8
Tools for focus & flow, relaxation, creativity,profoundmeditation, healing.
Audio Training EQ and Feedback 2.0.1
Train your ears for frequency recognition
Nautical Eye
Environmental Intelligence at Your Fingertips
Compendium of Divinations 13.0.0
Compendium of Divination + Compendium of Diviners + Couple Affinity
Stoa: Stoic Meditation 4.76.0
Zeno Apps LLC
Stoic meditation, book, and quote app. Self-improvementwithphilosophy.
Shadow of Naught Story Drama 1.6.2
An intertwining story about love journeys through anemotiveadventure
Divine Healing Codes 1.0.1
Reiki Doc
Quantum Healing Tools that are safe to use on everythingandeverybody.
Useful Fishing Knots Pro
Neptuns Apps
Learn how to tie useful fishing knots!
Animated Knots by Grog
Grog LLC
Named best knot-tying app by OutsideMagazine!Learn to tie knots the fun and easy way from the creatorsof theweb's #1 knot site. Animated Knots by Grog is simply thebest, mostcomprehensive teaching and reference tool for boaters,climbers,fishermen, scouts and hobbyists. Watch knots tiethemselves insimple step-by-step photo animations, or goframe-by-frame as youlearn each knot. Tap the info button to getdetailed descriptionsabout each knot's correct use, advantages anddisadvantages, andother information.["Insanely Great!" - Cult of Mac]INCLUDED KNOTS: (Knots go by a variety of names with the mostcommonshown here. App includes a complete, searchable list.):AlbrightKnot, Alpine Butterfly Bend, Alpine Butterfly Loop, DoubleAlpineButterfly, Anchor Hitch, Arbor Knot, Ashley Bend, AshleyStopperKnot, Australian Braid, Back Splice, Barrel Hitch, BiminiTwist,Blake's Hitch, Blood Knot, Bowline, Bowline on a Bight,One-HandedBowline, Running Bowline, Water Bowline, Braid SingleRope, LockedBrummel Splice, Brummel Demo, McDonald Brummel EyeSplice, BuntlineHitch, Butcher's, Carrick Bend, Carrick Bend Mat,Celtic Knot Mat,Chain Sinnet, Chain Splice, Care & Cleaning,Cleat Hitch (Deck),Cleat Hitch (Halyard), Clove Hitch (Loops),Clove Hitch (End), CloveHitch (Half Hitches), Cobra Lanyard Knot,Coil Attached Rope, CoilUnattached Rope, Common Whipping,Constrictor, Constrictor-Surgical,Cow Hitch (End), Cow Hitch(Loops), Crown, Crown Sinnet, Davy,Double Davy, Diamond Lanyard,Distel Hitch, Double Fisherman's,Double Overhand, Drapery TieBack, Dropper Loop, Duncan (Uni) Knot,Figure 8, Egg Loop Knot,Directional Figure 8 loop, Figure 8 Flake,Figure 8 Follow Through,Figure 8 Bend, Double Figure 8 Loop, Figure9 Loop, Flat OverhandBend, Flemish Flake (Spiral), Girth (Strap)Hitch, Gnat Hitch, HalfHitch, Half Knot, Halyard Hitch, HandcuffKnot, Hasty WebbingHarness, Heaving Line, Highwayman's Hitch,Hunter's Bend, IcicleHitch, Icicle Hitch (End), Improved Clinch,Klemheist,Lashing-Diagonal, Lashing-Round, Lashing-Shear,Lashing-Square,Lashing-Tripod, Ligature (Instrument), One HandedLigature, TwoHanded Ligature, Lighterman's Hitch, Long Bury Splice,MastheadKnot Mat, Double Matthew Walker, Midshipman's, Monkey'sFist,Mooring Hitch, Munter Hitch, Super Munter Hitch, NailKnot,Non-Slip Mono, Noose, Ocean Plait Mat, Orvis Knot, OverhandKnot,Packer's Knot, Palomar Knot, Tying a Package, Perfection Loop,PileHitch, Poacher's Knot, Prusik Knot, Purcell Prusik System,RadiumRelease Hitch, Rapala Knot, Rat-Tail Stopper, Square(Reef),Rolling Hitch, Rope Ladder, Round Turn & Hitches,Sailmaker'sWhipping, San Diego Jam Knot, Sheepshank, Sheet Bend,Shoelace Bow,ShoeLace Fieggen, Siberian, Grog's Sliding Splice,Slim Beauty,Slip Knot, Snell Knot, Spanish Bowline, Eye Splice,Short Splice,Stevedore, Strangle Knot, Surgeon's Knot, Surgeon'sLoop, SurgicalTie, Two Handed Surgical Tie, Surgical Slip Tie,Child's Swing,Tensionless Hitch, Necktie (Bow Tie), Necktie(Four-in-Hand),Necktie (Half Windsor), Necktie (Pratt/Shelby),Necktie (Windsor),Theodore Knot, Thief Knot, Timber Hitch, TrileneKnot, Trucker'sHitch, Tumble Hitch, Turk's Head, Underwriter'sKnot, Wall Knot,Wall & Crown, Water Knot, West CountryWhipping, ZeppelinBend 3.0.2
The world's first app for developing emotional intelligence.
Spacecraft Granular Synth 1.40
Mark Watt
Spacecraft is a fun and intuitive musical instrument usinggranularsynthesis.
Gallifreyan Translator
Translate English into Circular Gallifreyan.
TRIPP Mobile 1.14.4
A mobile companion for TRIPPing wherever you are
Kemetic Calendar 2.4
A Calendar & Planner app based on the Sirius Star used bytheAncient Egyptians
Deepware Changes I Ching
► The Most Advanced I Ching Computer.
Relaxing Soundscapes: Binaural 2.1004
Relaxing Soundscapes to Sleep, Meditate, and Refresh your MindandBody
BrainTap Pro 3.0.11
Binaural Beats Generator 2.1.2
Generate binaural beats including Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma,Mu,& Theta waves.
Magic Path 1.4.4
The app contains a set of practice exercises from books ofCarlosCastaneda, toltec magic, shamanism and others. It allows youtodevelop such skills as: - mindfulness and self-control,-accumulation of internal energy and vitality, - developmentofempathy and sensitivity and others by daily doing suchexercisesas: - stopping the internal dialogue, - rejectionofself-importance - self-stalking and so on. The authorgathered,analyzed and verified a big number of simple andeffectiveexercises. Many of them are unique. Every task can befinished inone day during the daily routine. The set of exercisesis not acomplete course, but it just shows the possible ways ofspiritualdevelopment. There are no guarantees, but doing thetasksmethodically you can feel the gradual positive transformation.Thecollection of tasks is periodically updated. With time you maycomeup with your own exercises that are effective for you. Theauthorwill be glad to hear about them and add them to thiscollection.The flow: A new task is available every morning; it canbe taken orskipped. The practice continues during the day andfinishes atnight. The finished tasks are recorded in the Journal.Every taskhas its own difficulty level. More difficult tasks willbe givenwith time. You can enable reminders in the Settings whichcan helpyou in daily practice.
CYOA Factory 1.11.19
Create your own adventures with multiple endings and readstoriesmade by others
Great Philosophers : Audible H 3.0.0
Read, listen, learn about the best philosophers who shapedandcreated our world
Stoic Thoughts 3.0.1
Finding peace and virtue in the chaos of this world