Top 4 Apps Similar to Safe & Organic Food Finder

Natural and Organic Cures 1.0
This app features 24 of the best naturalandorganic cures and remedies for a variety of ailments. It coversalot of topics such as Asthma, Cancer, Throat Infections andWeightLoss. Each of the topics is equipped with a little historyaboutthe natural product, followed by detailed recipes andinstructionson how to proceed with using the remedies to attainbetter healthyliving lifestyle.
Smart Foods Organic Diet Buddy 3.0.1
NEW **Added GMO Data** Smart Foods - Organic Diet Buddyisyouressential color coded guide to fruit and vegetables, knowwhichyoushould buy organic and which are safe to buy nonorganic.Itincludes: * Farmers Market information for all 50 Statesso youcaninclude local produce in your diet. * Farmers MarketFinder -justclick the pin in the top right corner to find marketsnearestyou.* Nutritional info - know what vitamins each fruitandvegetablehave, and what diseases they are good at protectingyouagainst. *Prep information - Know how to correctly wash andpreparethefruits and vegetables. * Pesticide profiles ofFruits&Vegetables - How much is used, and if they leave aresidue.*Nutrition Calculator - Daily Fruit and Vegetablerequirementsforoptimum health. * GMO information - Know what fruitsandvegetablesare commonly GMO. * Favorites list - Add toyourfavorites byclicking the "heart +" icon in the top right cornerfora quickreference to your favorite foods. Great to use as ashoppinglisttoo! Organic food is the safer choice when it comestobuyingproduce, as conventional varieties often contain highlevelsofpesticide residues. However, not everyone can afford togo100%organic every time they shop. This app is a guide towhichfruitsand vegetables you should buy organic. Therearesomefruits/veggies that you should always buy organic,ifpossible,because their conventionally grown counterparts tend tobeladenwith pesticides. By avoiding the foods mostcontaminatedwithpesticide residues, consumers can reduce theirpesticideexposureby 80% without affecting their budgets. Eat betterwith oursimpletips and a farmer's market locator so you can findthe goodstufflocally. Add favorites and calculate how many fruitsandvegetablesyou should be eating daily. Let the goodhealthbegin!***************************** WHAT ARE PESTICIDESPesticidesareused to repel, control or kill organisms in order toreducetheirnegative impact on agricultural products. Modernpesticidestargetweeds, insects, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungiand otherpeststhat reduce agricultural yield. Excessivepesticidecontaminationcan be harmful to human health. Even afterwashing,some fruits andvegetables consistently carry much higherlevels ofpesticideresidue than others. Some fruits and veggies arebetter tobuyorganic, and others are safe to buy non-organic. Somefruitsandvegetables require very few pesticides for growth. Some,duetotough skins or peels, absorb fewer residues. Manyfruitsandvegetables, however, are sprayed with multiple pesticides,andactlike sponges, absorbing residues that are difficult towashoffentirely. Peaches have very thin skin, and are hard to wash,soitis recommended that you buy organic if you can. CuriousaboutGMO'sand the adverse effects they may have on us andourenvironment?Check out thisarticle********************* FINDLOCALFARMERS MARKETS Shopping at yourlocal Farmers' Market is goodforyou and it's good for your town.Where else can you talk righttothe producers and know exactlywhere your food comes from, andhowit's grown? Need more reasonsto shop local? Check out thisgreatarticle:**********************ABOUTSAAGARA Saagara is an Ann Arbor basedDigital Health Company,whosefounders have an eclectic backgroundincluding medicine,design,engineering, and yoga/meditation.Through the use ofsoftwareavailable on mobile platforms, we makesmall changes inpeople'slifestyle for dramatic improvements intheir health andwell-being.With technology, community, and raisedawareness, wewish to do thison a global level. For moreinformation on Saagaraand ourphilosophy, please***********************
Health, Nutrition & Diet Guide 1.4
Organic Facts
This app is your guide to fitness, good health, weightloss,diet-plan, nutrition, and remedies for diseases suchashypertension, anxiety, allergy, insomnia and many more. Goodhealthis quintessential for happy living and with this app you canaccessthe info anywhere you go. The app has several sections onhealththat address different queries you may have. SectionsincludeHealth Boosters, Health Benefits, Home Remedies, Health TipsandNutrition News. Health Boosters helps you discover remedies foraparticular disorder. You can search for any disease andfindvarious food items, oils and herbs that aid in relievingthedisease symptoms and help in curing it. Health Benefitssectionhelps you in finding benefits of various herbs, cereals,essentialoils, other foods and exercises. Home Remedies sectiongives youaccess to simple and effective remedies that help to fighthealthconditions. Health Tips section provides quick tips aboutgoodhealth and well-being. And keep yourself updated with thelatest inthe field of health with our section on Nutrition News.
Organic Food Breakfast Recipes 2.7
Tranc Inc.
Regardless if you just want to eatmoregreensor already are a full time vegetarian – OrganicFoodBreakfastRecipe is the perfect companion in your kitchen orwhileplanningfrom your sofa.Organic Food Recipes is filled with tasty andinspiringvegetarianfood with ingredients straight from nature anda bareminimum ofgluten, sugar and dairy products. Enjoy and bedelightedby creativerecipes with drop dead gorgeous photos anddetailed,easy to follow,instructions.Let us help you find QUALITY recipes withUNPROCESSEDingredientsthat are easy and simple to make.Start your day with the most healthy organic foodonyourbreakfast.Organic Food: Like our green smoothies our supervegetarianfoodsmoothies are loaded with goodness and will bring asmile toyouface.All you need is to grab a blender and our app will do therestwithsimple to follow healthy vegan and vegetarian recipeforbreakfastyou can create in minutes. Challenge yourself to having1smoothiea day and start to feel slimmer, energised andreadyforanything.If you are gluten free, vegan, vegetarian or Paleo thisappisalso for you.Oraganic recipes will inspire, educate and motivate youtomakemore delicious healthy, quick and easy whole foodplant-basedmealseach morning of the week.Save your favourite recipes and share them with yourfriends.Try Organic Food Breakfast Recipe for yourself and see whywearethe best smoothie recipe app available for your androiddevice.Tryour healthy recipes TODAY!!!!Download Organic Food Breakfast Recipe today and be on yourwaytoa healthier you. Lose weight, gain more !