Женское здоровье 1
"Женское здоровье" -популярныйприкладнойжурнал для женщин 20-45 лет о том, какпредупреждать илечитьразличные заболевания, как правильно ухаживатьза собойивыстраивать взаимоотношения с людьми. Мы публикуемматериалыизобласти медицины, здорового питания, косметологииипсихологии.Ориентируемся на интеллигентную читательницу свысшимобразованиеми хорошим материальным положением (не медика)-жительницумегаполиса, заинтересованную в крепкомздоровье,ухоженнойвнешности и гармонии во взаимоотношениях сокружающими,уже имеющуюхотя бы одного ребенка и, возможно,планирующую родитьеще детей.Девиз журнала - "Актуальность,компетентность,практичность""Women's Health"-apopular application magazine for women 20-45 years abouthowtoprevent and treat various diseases, how to care forthemselvesandbuild relationships with people. We publish materialsfromthefields of medicine, health food, cosmetics and psychology.Wefocuson intelligent readers with higher education and agoodfinancialsituation (not medical) - inhabitant metropolisinterestedin goodhealth, well-groomed appearance and harmony inrelationshipswithothers that already have at least one child andmay be planningtogive birth to children. The motto of the magazine- "Theurgency,competence, practicality"
Gym Guide - Fitness assistant
Gym Guide Fitness AssistantContains a more than 200 exercises with photos anddetaileddescription.More than 140 personal training for various difficulty levelsformen and women.The application created to help you workout at the gym orathome,and to achieve maximum results in muscle building orweightloss.
Энциклопедия мужского здоровья 1.0
Энциклопедия мужского здоровьяПо наблюдениям медиков, мужчинам необходимо больше думать освоемздоровье. Хотя женщины и составляют примерно 60% от общегочислапосещений врачей, но на практике болезням более подверженымужчины.Однако, руководствуясь ложными представлениями опроявленияхмужественности, многие из них обращаются к врачуслишком поздно.Этакнига, базирующаяся на исследованиях автора,носит рекомендательныйхарактер. Мнения, высказанные в ней, неявляются обязательными илиподдерживаемыми издателем. Приведенныесоветы в любом случае следуетрассматривать как дополнения кконсультации с вашим лечащимврачом.В программе вы сможете найти:- прописные истины для мужчин- существа мужского пола- все это - в ваших генах- происхождение гениталий- признаки мужчины- становление мужчины- стадии созревания- как рассказать мальчику о сексе- подростки и секс- роль питания- полноценная диета- питание и атеросклероз- питание и злокачественные опухоли- питание и гипертония- питание и диабет- питание и желудочно-кишечные заболевания- зачем нужны питательные вещества- белки- жиры- углеводы и волокна- не забывайте о витаминах и минералах- кто нуждается в витаминах и минералах?- цели вашей диеты- полноценное питание: шесть основных правил- холестерин и хорошее питание- диета с низким содержанием жиров- важность занятий спортом- что происходит при занятиях физическими упражнениями- тренируйтесь, но будьте благоразумны- испытайте удовольствие- выбор - это очень важно- меры предосторожности для молодого человека- меры предосторожности для мужчины средних лет- меры предосторожности для пожилого человека- эффективная легкоатлетическая программа- увеличивайте частоту работы сердечных сокращений- бег трусцой и ходьба- не можете бегать - ходите- прыжки через скакалку - не только для детей- другие упражнения- упражнения для всего тела - начинающим- свободные отягощения или тренажеры?- программа для начинающих- программа средней сложности- выполнение упражнений по циклической схеме- расширенная программа- психическое и эмоциональное здоровье- связь разума и тела- страх, неуверенность, смерть- воздействия на сердце- что такое стресс- когда пользоваться реакцией "борьба или бегство"- современное понятие стресса- что такое беспокойство- симптомы беспокойства- стресс и кровяное давление- воздействие стресса на иммунную систему- результаты исследований иммунной системы- сгорать "молча"- подвержены ли вы стрессу- как справиться со стрессом- если вы злитесь- полезные советы: как погасить злость- преодолейте чувство вины- полезные советы: как преодолеть чувство вины- как сопротивляться печали и скорби- как справиться с горем- надо видеть и светлые стороны- как помочь себе преодолеть депрессию- новые лекарства, воздействующие на эмоции- новейшие чудесные лекарства- ваша цель - здоровый разум- приоритеты мужского здоровья- если вам нет сорока- вырабатывайте хорошие привычки- не курите- пользуйтесь презервативами- поменьше алкоголя!- водите машину аккуратно и осторожно- избегайте чрезмерного солнечного облучения- чистите зубы и полощите рот после каждого приема пищи- не игнорируйте диету- сдерживайтесь!- занимайтесь спортом- следите за здоровьем- если вам за сорокEncyclopedia ofMen'sHealthAccording to the observations of doctors, men need to thinkmoreabout their health. Although women make up about 60% of thetotalnumber of visits to doctors, but in practice, men are moreprone todisease. However, guided by false notions of masculinityforms,many of them go to the doctor too pozdno.Eta book based ontheresearch of the author, it is a recommendation. The viewsexpressedtherein are not required or supported by the publisher.Thesecouncils, in any case to be considered as a supplement toconsultwith your doctor.In the program you can find:- Truths for men- Being male- All - in your genes- The origin of the genitals- Signs of man- Becoming a man- The stage of maturation- How to tell the boy about sex- Teens and Sex- The role of nutrition- Complete diet- Nutrition and atherosclerosis- Food and malignant tumors- Nutrition and hypertension- Nutrition and diabetes- Food and gastrointestinal diseases- Why do we need nutrients- Proteins- Fats- Carbohydrates and fibers- Do not forget about vitamins and minerals- Who need vitamins and minerals?- The purpose of your diet- Nutrition: six basic rules- Cholesterol and good food- A diet low in fat- The importance of sports- What happens when physical exercise- Train, but be sensible- Experience the pleasure- A choice - it is very important- Precautions to young man- Precautions to middle-aged men- Precautions to elderly man- Effective athletics program- Increase the frequency of heart rate- Jogging and walking- You can not run - walk- Jumping rope - not only for children- Other exercises- Exercises for the whole body - beginners- Free weights or exercise equipment?- A program for beginners- A program of medium complexity- Exercises on the cyclic pattern- Extension- Mental and emotional health- Mind-body connection- Fear, uncertainty, death- Effects on the heart- What is stress- When to use reaction "fight or flight"- Modern concept of stress- What concerns- Symptoms of anxiety- Stress and blood pressure- The impact of stress on the immune system- The results of studies of the immune system- Burn "silently"- Are you vulnerable to stress- How to cope with stress- If you are angry- Tips: how to repay anger- Overcome feelings of guilt- Tips: how to overcome the feeling of guilt- How to resist sorrow and grief- How to cope with grief- A must see and the bright side- How to help yourself overcome depression- New drugs acting on emotions- The newest wonder drug- Your goal - a healthy mind- Priorities of men's health- If you are under forty- Cultivate good habits- do not smoke- Use of condoms- Less alcohol!- Drive the car carefully and sensibly- Avoid excessive sun exposure- Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after every meal- Do not ignore the diet- Hold back!- Exercise- Watch out for health- If you are over forty
Гинекология и репродуктология 2.2
Gynecology and Reproduction - innovative methods of diagnosisandtreatment
Pregnancy tracker chat for mom 6.16.0
A vibrant community of moms who chat, laugh, brag, cry andsupporteach other
Уход за лицом и волосами
Natural facial masks at home. Women's beauty secrets.
Женские хитрости 1.0
На все случаи жизни, самые трудные иабсурдныеситуации существуют женские хитрости, позволяющие сблеском выйтииз затруднения. А для того, что бы вы могли быстровоспользоватьсяподходящим рецептом решения проблемы, мы собралиженские хитрости водин справочник, которым вы теперь можетебесплатнопользоваться.On all occasions, themostdifficult and absurd situations, there are female tricks thatallowto shine out of the difficulty. And in order that you couldquicklybenefit from the best recipe for solving the problem, wehavecollected female cunning in one directory, which you can nowfree touse.
Народные рецепты здоровья и кр 4.5
👍 6 thousand recipes of traditional medicine for alloccasions.Works without Internet
Women Workout: Home Gym Cardio 3.1.4
Women Workout is your home gym fitness app for toning andcardioworkouts.
Healthy Woman - Acupressure 0.5.1
√ Relieve woman's diseases on yourownWithoutMedications using Traditional Chinese MassagePoints√ Easily find the right Massage Points with simple FullHDVideoclipsand Photos√ Never forget a Massage with a built-in Reminder"In short, it [Acupressure] provides maximum benefitswithoutthedangerous side effects associated with many of theapproachesofconventional medicine."-William Michael Cargile, B.S., D.C., F.I.A.C.A.,ChairmanofResearch for the American Association of AcupunctureandOrientalMedicineThe Acupressure for Woman is perfectly suitable for youwiththeseimmediate benefits:√ You do not need to spend time visiting a doctor.√ You do not need to spend a considerable amount of money.√ There is no danger of being hurt, infectedorexperiencingpain.√ You massage the points gently with your own finger.√ The app reminds you automatically of yourmassageappointments.Here is what you can achieve with the App right now:→ Relieve Menstrual Disorder→ Stop Painful Menstruations→ Stop Massive Menstruations→ Gain Emotional Stability→ Improve Fertility→ Get Rid of Toxicosis During Pregnancy→ Improve Breast Milk Production→ Start Eliminating Mastopathy→ Start Eliminating Frigidity→ Relieve Inflammatory DiseasesThe massage points offered are:√ especially effective√ easy to find, no need for someone else's assistance√ shown with professional Full HD Photos and VideosThousands have done it already.Download the app now! Itworksalsowithout internet connection (on the plane, abroad, onthetrainetc.)For a price of a cup of coffee, you get a proven WomenHealthHelperfor ever with free lifelong updates containing moremassagepoints.If you are dissatisfied with the product, let me knowandyou willget your money worth back.Are you interested in more massage points? Share it onmyFacebookpage and get people interested. The larger thefollowing,thefaster you will get the update of the app. Free.Have Fun with the App!Your Dr. BargakHave some questions? Feel free to get in touch:-Facebook: Twitter: E-Mail: [email protected]:
Medical Book 1.5.0
This medical encyclopedia will helpyoutounderstand not always clear medical terminology. Here youwon'tbeable to download anything, but using the categories orsearchyouwill find descriptions of symptoms and diseases knowntoscienceand instructions for use of drugs.This add will be useful not only for doctors, but alsoforpersonswho a little bit understands medicine. Don't need togetinvolvedin self-treatment.Before you apply yourself totherecommendationson the treatment of the diseases listed inthisdirectory sure toconsult a doctor as due to lack ofknowledge,because you can bemistaken by the symptoms of thediseasecompletely different andharm your health.Medicine - it is the scientific system of practicalactivitiesaimedat promoting and protecting people's health, theextension oftheirlife through improvement of the environment, thepreventionandtreatment of diseases.The nature and level of development of medicine are determinedbythematerial conditions of life of the community, thelevelofdevelopment of the productive forces, the characteroftherelations of production. The development of medicineiscloselylinked with the development of science,philosophyandtechnology.The development of medicine has led to the isolationofnumerousindependent medical disciplines - ObstetricsandGynecology,Dermatology and Venereology,neurology,ophthalmology,otolaryngology, pediatrics, psychiatry,hygiene,epidemiology, andmany others.
Baby Connect: Newborn Tracker 9.84
Baby care & infant milestones tracker: log feedings,pumping,sleep, and diapers
Breastfeeding 1.1
If you want to breastfeed, just followthesesteps!This breastfeeding method allows you to have the necessarynutrientsfor your baby, and is specially designed for your baby isdigestivesystem.Learn how to breastfeed with the help of Certified consultantinthese application videos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoBreastfeed:1- Will Breastfeeding Make My Breasts Sag?2- What Is Breastfeeding?3- Should I Breastfeed?4- How to Breastfeed5- Why Should I Breastfeed My Baby?6- How to Nurse Your Baby7- How to Know When to Breastfeed8- How to Avoid Engorged Breasts when Breastfeeding9- What Is Latching On in Breastfeeding?10- How to Latch Your Baby for Breastfeeding11- How to Use a Breast Pump12- How to Open a Plugged Duct within the Breast13- How to Get into the Proper Breastfeeding Position14- How to Football Hold a Baby for Breastfeeding15- How to Cross Cradle Hold a Baby for Breastfeeding16- Health & Nutritional Advantages of BreastfeedingforBabies17- How to Find the Best Positions for Breastfeeding18- How to Cradle Hold a Baby for Breastfeeding19- How to Use a Breast Pump on Plugged Ducts20- How to Breastfeed in Public21- How to Breastfeed a Newborn22- How to Avoid Painful Breastfeeding23- How to Breastfeed Twins24- How to Keep a Tired Baby Awake for Breastfeeding25- How to Breastfeed using a Side-Lying Position26- How to Find Breastfeeding Supplies27- Pros and Cons of Breastfeeding Older Children28- How to Soothe Sore Nipples When Breastfeeding29- How to Know How Long to Breastfeed Your Child30- 3 Tips on Breastfeeding a Toddler31- Breastfeeding & Alcohol32- Breast Milk FAQs33- How to Find Easy Breastfeeding Clothes34- How to Follow a Good Breastfeeding Diet35- How to Breastfeed & Lose Weight36- How to Establish a Breastfeeding Schedule37- How to Breastfeed While Pregnant38- Can I Breastfeed with Implants?39- 3 Tips on Expressing Breast Milk40- How to Treat a Yeast Infection in Breastfeeding41- How Often Should I Breastfeed?42- What You Can Learn from a Lactation Consultant43- How to Know If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Breast Milk44- How to Eat When Breastfeeding45- How to Wean Your Baby Off Breastfeeding46- How to Prevent Breast Infection aka Mastitis47- How to Breastfeed an Adopted Baby48- What to Do When Your Baby Suddenly Refuses to Breastfeed49- How to Deal with Inverted, Flat or Very Large Nipples50- 3 Best Breastfeeding Tips51- What to Do about a Low Breast Milk Supply52- How Long Should Breastfeedings Be?53- How to Handle an Oversupply of Breast Milk54- 7 Breast Milk Storage TipsDownload it for free! and be able to enjoy breastfeedingyourchild.**If you like it, please support us by rating it ★★★★★.
Bệnh Phụ Khoa 1.2.0
Bệnh phụ khoa là một cách nói chung về cácbệnhliên quan tới các cơ quan sinh dục nữ, bao gồm các bệnh viêmnhiễmcơ quan sinh dục dưới (âm hộ, âm đạo, cổ tử cung) và cơ quansinhdục trên (tử cung, tai vòi và buồng trứng)...Các bệnh phụ khoa phổ biến gồm:Rối loạn kinh nguyệtViêm âm hộViêm âm đạoViêm cổ tử cungViêm tử cungViêm buồng trứngUng thư tử cungBệnh lây truyền qua đường tình dụcPhụ nữ mang thai mắc bệnh phụ khoa, hệ lụy là sinh khó, dễxảythai, ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển của thai nhi, nặng nề nhất cóthểdẫn tới tử vong.Ung thư cổ tử cung thường tấn công vào phụ nữ 35 - 40 tuổitrởđi. Đây là một trong những bệnh ung thư phụ khoa rất phổ biếnvàgây tử vong cao hàng đầu ở phụ nữ hiện nay.Các bệnh phụ khoa như viêm nhiễm, u nang buồng trứng, u xơtửcung… ảnh hưởng rất nhiều tới sức khỏe và chất lượng cuộcsống.Có 3 nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến mắc bệnh phụ khoa.Vệ sinh kém. không giữ gìn vệ sinh cơ quan sinh dục thật tốtsẽkhiến cho vi khuẩn, nấm phát triển nhanh và mạnh tấn công vàgâynhiễm khuẩn âm hộ - âm đạo. Hoặc do vệ sinh quá sạch sẽ, nhiềulầntrong ngày, vệ sinh quá sâu bên trong, dẫn đến mất cân bằngmôitrường, vi khuẩn có nhiều cơ hội tấn công.Lây nhiễm qua sinh hoạt tình dục. Nam giới có thể lây cho nữgiớiqua quan hệ tình dục. Các loại nấm, vi khuẩn, virut lây truyềnquađường tình dục như Chlamydia, Trichomonas, trùng roi, lậucầukhuẩn, trực khuẩn, xoắn khuẩn, các vi khuẩn kị khí, virutherpessinh dục… xâm nhập vào tử cung gây phá hủy sự cân bằng hệ visinhvật, giảm chức năng tuyến phòng thủ của âm đạo.Các nguyên nhân khác như: stress (do stress đã làm suy yếu hệmiễndịch), thay đổi môi trường đột ngột, các thủ thuật phụ khoakhôngan toàn (dụng cụ đặt tránh thai, nạo hút thai…), phụ nữ ở tuổimãnkinh…Hãy truy cập để tra cứu Tin tứcyhọc và dịch vụ y tế hữu ích dành cho cộng đồng bệnh phụ khoa.Gọicho chúng tôi theo số 0981.119.115 để sử dụng các dịch vụ vàtiệních sức khỏe.Kết nối với chúng tôi:Hoang Chu Duc., PhDFounderZinMed Vietnam JSCMobile: +84913060581Email: [email protected]/Gtalk/Skype: hoang.chuducGynecological disease isageneral way about the diseases related to the female genitalorgans,including infections of genital organs under (vulva,vagina, cervix)and genitalia on ( uterus, fallopian tubes andovaries) ...The common gynecological diseases, including:Menstrual DisordersInflammation of the vulvaVaginitisCervicitisMetritisInflammation of the ovariesUterine cancerSexually transmitted infectionPregnant women suffering from gynecological diseases,theimplications are born hard, easy miscarriage, affectingthedevelopment of the fetus, worst can lead to death.Cervical cancer usually attacks on women 35-40 years ofageonwards. This is one of the gynecological cancer is very commonanda leading cause high mortality in women today.Gynecological diseases such as inflammation, ovariancysts,uterine fibroids ... so much influence on the health andquality oflife.There are 3 main reasons leading to gynecological diseases.Poor hygiene. no hygiene genital well will cause bacteria,fungigrow fast and strong attacks and infections vulva - vagina.Orclean toilet too many times during the day, too deep insidethetoilet, leading to environmental imbalances, bacteria havemanyopportunities to attack.Infection through sexual activity. Men can pass through thefemalesex. The fungus, bacteria, virus through sexual transmissionasChlamydia, Trichomoniasis, trichomonas, gonorrheabacteria,bacilli, spirochetes, anaerobic bacteria, genital herpesvirus ...entering the uterus to cause a clearance cancel themicrobialbalance, reduced function of the vaginal defenses.Other causes such as stress (stress have weakened immunesystems),sudden environmental changes, gynecological proceduresinsecure(instruments placed contraception, abortion ...), womenmenopause...Visit to lookupmedicineNews and medical services useful for gynecologicalcommunity. Callus at 0981.119.115 to use the service and healthfacilities.Connect with us:Chu Hoang Duc., PhDFounderZinMed Vietnam JSCMobile: +84913060581Email: [email protected] / Gtalk / Skype: hoang.chuduc
Гимнастика Волна Исцеления 1.0.3
MN Dev
Universal Women's Gymnastics Wave of Healing. The choice of a setofexercises.
Лечение варикоза 1.2.0
В списке типично женских болезнейпочётноеместо занимает варикозное расширение вен, которыйспособенпревратить самые изящные и стройные ноги внепривлекательныеколоны.Помимо эстетической проблемы, варикоз доставляет массунеприятныхощущений своей обладательнице, боли и тянущее ощущение внижнихконечностях мешают нормальному сну, что также дурнымобразомсказывается на самочувствии и здоровье.Варикозное расширение вен – бич женщин во все времена.Пациентки, не желающие прятать некрасивые сосудистые звёздочкиивыпуклые вены под плотными колготками и длинными юбками,брюками,отправляются на приём к врачу – хирургу или флебологу.Зачастуюдоктор прописывает женщине, страдающей варикозом,аппаратныепроцедуры, мази и другие средства, дающие эффект,различный поуспешности.Однако немало пациенток отчаялось в современной медицине,нередкопредлагающей лечение варикоза различными методами,показывающихнизкий результат. Вы можете проводить лечение варикозав домашнихусловиях, пользуясь народными рецептами, провереннымимногимидесятилетиями, а то и веками. Даже светила медициныутверждают:«Польза домашних методов лечения варикоза давнодоказана, присовмещении их с медицинскими препаратами ипроцедурами, а такжесоблюдении режима правильного питания, шансына выздоровлениеувеличиваются в несколько раз».The list typicallyfemalediseases occupies a place of honor varicose veins, which isable toconvert most graceful and slender legs in unattractivecolumns.In addition to aesthetic problems, varicose veins gives a lotofdiscomfort its owner, pain and pulling sensation in the lowerlimbsinterfere with normal sleep, which is also a bad impact onthewellbeing and health.Varicose Veins - the scourge of women at all times.Patients who do not want to hide unsightly spider veins andtheveins bulging in heavy tights and long skirts, pants, go tothedoctor - a surgeon or phlebologist. Often, a doctor prescribesawoman suffering from varicose veins, hardware procedure,ointmentsand other means, giving the effect of a differentsuccess.However, a lot of patients desperately modern medicine,thetreatment of varicose veins often offer a variety ofmethods,showing a low result. You can treat varicose veins at home,takingadvantage of the popular recipe tested many decades orevencenturies. Even the luminaries of medicine say: "The benefitsofhome treatments for varicose veins has long proved, whencombiningthem with medicines and procedures, as well as theadherence ofproper nutrition, the chances of recovery are increasedseveraltimes."
Будущая мама Беременность(RUS) 1.0.9
Oleg Dolidze
The unofficial version(in Russian) oftheapplication for reading articles Site pregnant-club.ruGuide for the expectant mother:- Pregnancy by week- Planning for pregnancy: how to start a woman and a man- Definition of Pregnancy- Analyses and US- What can or can not during pregnancy?- Diseases and complications- Medications in Pregnancy- Psychology- In anticipation of the baby- The process of childbirth- Everything about prematurity- Women after childbirth- Restoration of the abdomen after pregnancy- Proper food for nursing mothers- Care of the newborn in the first daysDirectory:From conception to birth.The stages of pregnancy.Preparing for childbirthThe first pregnancy: how to determine what will soon birthEverything about prematurityHome delivery - how to understand what went into laborWhat to take to the hospital and to extractInduction of laborThe story of the birth by Caesarean sectionIs it possible to get rid of candida?Restoration of the abdomen after pregnancyProper food for nursing mothersCare of the newborn in the first daysHow to choose a cot: selection criteriaAll About Baby ClothingTerms of breastfeedingProblems with a chair in the childThe rash of allergic origin in infantsThe probability of pregnancy during, before andaftermenstruationThrow protect, enhance fertility, get pregnantDjufaston when planning pregnancyDoes amenorrhea prevent conception?At the time of diagnosis of pregnancy which is effective?The first days of pregnancy - what a woman feelsA pregnancy test false positiveThe feeling of nausea in expectant mothersWhy do I get acne in pregnancy?Oxygen starvation of the fetusHeadaches in the expectant motherWhat to do in case of poisoning during pregnancyHeart problems during pregnancyBacterial vaginosis is an expectant motherPain in the stomach expectant motherPregnancy and childbirth.
Workout 7 2.6.8
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Healthy Woman With Acupressure 0.5.1
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