Top 13 Apps Similar to The Stroke App (U.S.A.)

Category Therapy Lite 2.0.64
Your trial of Category Therapy - practice mental organizationskills
Recovery After Brain Injury 1.2
Brainey App; Recovery after a BrainInjurybyNiamh MaloneBackground to the Brainey App:I worked as a Clinical Nurse Specialist instrokerehabilitationfor over ten years. In July 2013, I sufferedasub-arachnoidhaemorrhage (an acquired brain injury which is aformof a stroke)It changed my life forever. When I got home IrealisedI had lotsof ideas in my head, but I couldn’t write themdown. Ieventuallywas able to write down one word – ‘recovery’ anditstarted fromthere.I developed a motivational psychological programme formyself,andstuck to it. This helped me overcome the challenges, andadaptandadjust to the changes in my life. I designed this app tohelppeoplein a similar situation to myself, and to help them seethatthesechanges are normal. The feedback so far is that peopleseethe app asa ‘buddy’ for them, aiding them with theirrecovery.This app willfirstly help people to overcome challenges,and thenhelp themre-integrate into their community.Purpose of the app:It is a psychological motivational recoveryapplication.Itprovides guidance, support and advice, through texton ascreenthat updates every month. The app is designed forpeoplewithacquired brain injuries (e.g. sub arachnoidhaemorrhages,traumaticbrain injuries, brain haemorrhages, strokes,and electivebrainsurgery). There is a repetitive structure andformatthroughout,with sequencing, repetition, and prompts. Thereare nographics,colours, or patterns, which all distract the brain(whichis whythis presentation is in black and white).Re-integrating back into community life:There is very little support for people with anacquiredbraininjury, it can take up to 6 months for accesstomulti-disciplinaryservices. It can be very traumatic cominghome.Realising thatalthough everything looks the same, everythingisdifferent whichis unsettling. People often find themselvesfeelingdepressed anddemotivated. It can be a very lonely time, eventhoughfamily andfriends try to help. It’s often hard to explainexactlywhat iswrong, so it can be difficult for other peopletounderstandexactly how to help.How Brainey App helps:Brainy App deals with psychological motivation. Ithelpspeoplesee that the feelings of tiredness, unusual thinking andnotbeingable do simple activities are perfectly normal withanacquiredbrain injury. It reinforces the belief that it’s finetoprogressat their own pace. It can help the personregainindependence andtake control of their lives againOverall layout of the app:User DetailsHelp ScreensHome ScreenPop up Screens with additional informationInformation for CarerInformation for ChildrenUseful Web LinksDaily ReminderMonthly FeedbackUser DetailsAbout the App
Stroke Guidelines 1.1
The newest version of the Stroke Guidelines of the StrokeCenterBern for medical professionals. Content: - Patient selectionandchoice of treatment - Acute treatment with intravenousthrombolysisand endovascular therapy - Stroke unit treatment -Treatment ofcomplications - Secondary prevention - Risk factors andcauses -Cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis - Scores - Brainsupplyingarteries - Distribution of vascular territories
NIH Stroke Scale App 2..1
This is the newest version of my NIHstrokescale app, meant to help experienced clinicians score theNIHstroke scale. It is not intended for diagnosis or treatment, butisintended to help experienced clinicians with scoring.This app was created by a neurologist. There was a prior versionofthis app, which was the first NIHSS app on the market and hadover2000 downloads. Due to a change in computers I am unable toupdatethat version, so I released this free version as my updatebased onfeedback from the original.. This version now includes thepicturesand a breakdown of the score at the end.I am not a programmer by trade, I am a neurologist. I appreciateanyfeedback and reviews. Thanks for downloading.KeywordsNihssStroke scaleNih stroke scale
Constant Therapy
Science-based speech, language and cognitive therapyexercisestailored to you
Orientate 1.1
Orientate: The Laterality Recognition Program
Hope After Stroke 4.0.0
Joshua Acquah
Stroke patient physiotherapy and recovery guide
Neurology- Stroke localization 5.0
An easy way to localize the lesion in a patient of stroke.
AF-STROKE AF-STROKE is a simple application to assesspatientswithatrial fibrillation (AF) against stroke risk factorsand tohelpchoose appropriate antithrombotic therapy forstrokeprevention. Itcalculates at once CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, andHAS-BLEDscores andcreatinine clearance according to theCockcroft-Gaultequation.Based on the score results, the latest ESCand AHA/ASAadvice onantithrombotic therapy is given. It is known tobe crucialto checkcreatinine clearance before prescribing noveloralanticoagulantsto avoid serious complications. The applicationwarnsyou about thecontraindication or necessity for a dosereduction, ifcreatinineclearance is abnormal. Finally, the latestESC, ESO,AHA/ASA, NICE,and Canadian Cardiovascular Societyguidelines areavailable forreviewing. The main features of theapplication are:-Getting theresults with minimal screen touches-Guidelines of theleadingworld scientific societies (available inthe full versiononly)-Small application size -Supporting deviceswith differentscreensize and orientation, including tablets-English andRussianlanguages -Manual language switching (availablein the fullversiononly) -E-mailing a detailed test report(available in thefullversion only) -No advertisement and banners-Minimum price-Noodds! ________________________________ Example ofdetailedtestreport: Patient's ID: Smith J. Age: 67 yrs Gender: MaleDate&Time: 18/01/201315:33_________________________________________Test: CHADS2ANSWERS:Congestive heart failure: No Hypertension:Yes Age: 67 yrsDiabetesmellitus: No Prior stroke, TIA or systemicembolism: YesRESULTS:Points: 3 High Stroke Risk, 5.9% per yearAHA/ASA ADVICE:Oralanticoagulant_________________________________________Test:CHA2DS2-VAScANSWERS: Congestive heart failure: NoHypertension: YesAge: 67 yrsDiabetes mellitus: No Prior stroke, TIAor systemicembolism: YesVascular disease: No Gender: Male RESULTS:Points: 4High StrokeRisk, 4.0% per year ESC ADVICE:Oralanticoagulant_________________________________________Test:HAS-BLED ANSWERS:Uncontrolled Hypertension: No Abnormalrenalfunction: No Abnormalliver function: Yes Prior stroke:YesBleeding: Yes Labile INR: YesAge: 67 yrs Drugs predisposingtobleeding: Yes Alcohol abuse: YesRESULTS: Points: 8 HighMajorBleeding Risk ADVICE: Address riskfactors, controlbleedingstrictly, and adjustanticoagulantdose_________________________________________Test:CreatinineClearance (Cockcroft-Gault equation) DATA: Age: 67yrsBody weight:90 kg (198.4 lbs) Gender: Male Serum creatinine:256.0mmol/L(2.896 mg/dL) RESULT: Creatinine clearance: 32 mL/minADVICE:Dosereduction of the novel oral anticoagulant shouldbeconsidered________________________________ Your feedback isverywelcome.Please, use the feedback form in your application ore-mailit [email protected] with “Android-AF-STROKE"inthesubject line. Keywords: CHADS2 score, CHA2DS2-VAScscore,HAS-BLEDscore, stroke, atrial fibrillation,neurology,cardiology,transient ischemic attack, risk assessment,diagnosis,medicalcalculator, AHA, ASA, ESC, ESO, NICE
IV Stroke Thrombolysis 1.41
This app from the Kerala AssociationofNeurologists is intended for bedside use for acutestrokethrombolysis by clinicians. Features available include:- Storage of basic patient details- Comprehensive Thrombolysis Check List- An easy-to-use NIH Stroke Scale Calculator- rt-PA Dose Calculator- Modified Rankin Scale Calculator- Storage of follow up visit details- Export & send formatted printable (.html) reports- Patient details can be shared by SMS or any otheravailablemessaging options: hence the app is also ready to be usedas aTelestroke accessory tool, if necessary.- The patient list and details can also be exported & sent asaspreadsheet (.csv) file for sharing / research.The app was developed by Dr Mohan Noone with ideas andcontentprovided by Dr Rithesh Ramankutty R and Dr Vikram Huded, andisfree to download and use.
Dexteria Fine Motor/Rehab Aid 1.0.8
Interactive hand/finger exercises that can be used as an aidforstroke recovery
Stroke Patient 1.0
Stroke Patient is designedspecificallyforpatients recovering from a stroke, their familiesandtheirfriends. It helps to explain strokes, available treatmentsandthehospital care process.The app, created by a team of strokespecialists,provideseasy-to-understand information on strokes andemergencystroketreatments.Key Features:- 5 Stage Hospital Treatment Diagram- Simple information on stroke, its causes, preventiontipsandrecovery process- Glossary - medical terms explained- Easy-to-use step-by-step guide that can be read athospitalorat home- Designed specifically for patients andthenon-medicalcommunityDid you know that approximately 15 million people worldwidesufferastroke each year?At NeuroRecovery we believe that patients andthenon-medicalcommunity should receive more information onemergencystroketreatment, to encourage improvement inhospitaltreatmentglobally.EVERY MINUTE COUNTS IN EMERGENCY STROKE TREATMENT, thesoonerapatient can be brought to hospital and startreceivingtreatmentthe greater the chance of reducing and evenreversing anydamagecaused to the brain.Improving understanding of early treatment should helpexplaintheneed to act fast and call the emergency services ifsomeoneissuspected of suffering a stroke.Disclaimer: THIS APP DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICEStroke Patient (App) contains general informationaboutstrokeconditions and treatments. The information providedisforeducational purposes only. The information is not adviceandshouldnot be treated as such. You must not rely on theinformationin theApp as an alternative to medical advice from yourdoctor orotherprofessional healthcare provider. The App cannot beasubstitutefor the advice of a medical professional.You should never delay seeking medical advice,disregardmedicaladvice or discontinue medical treatment becauseofinformation inthis App.If you have any specific questions aboutanymedicalmatter, you should consult your doctor orotherprofessionalhealthcare provider.NeuroRecovery Ltd and the App’s individualcontributorscannottake any responsibility for the results orconsequences ofanyattempt to use or adopt any of the informationpresented intheApp. NeuroRecovery Ltd. does not endorse anyspecifictests,products, procedures or other information that maybementioned inthis App.IF YOU SUSPECT THAT YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW HAS SUFFEREDASTROKE,OR IS AT RISK OF STROKE, SEEK ADVICE FROM AQUALIFIEDMEDICALPROFESSIONAL.
S3 Stroke Survivor PatientCare 2.0.0
This is an application developed for S3(StrokeSupport Station) by Dr. Melvyn WB Zhang, Dr. Roger CM Ho& Dr.Leonard Yeo.The aim of this application is to:1. Encourage compliance to stroke medications and otherchronicdisease medications using a visual pill tracker- Please note: We are currently enhancing the notificationandreminder issue.- The Number of Pills refers to the number of tablets/capsule ofthesame medication you need to take each time.- The visual pill tracker does not support the addition of syrupandmixtures.2. Encourage stroke survivors who are on Warfarin to logdowntheir INR levels to facilitate monitoring\3. Provide Stroke Survivors with core information they needtoknow about medications and interactions of medications withotherdrugs4. Provide Stroke Survivors with tips on daily-livingandrehabilitation5. Provide Stroke Survivors with access to Mindfulnessexercisesto help them adjust to their conditions6. Provide them with a mood tracker to help them keep trackoftheir daily mood7. Provide them with validated Questionnaire to help themmonitortheir psychological well-beingUsers are Strongly recommended to seek help from their Doctorsifthey are unwell or are feeling suicidal.8. Provide them with resources about how to seek help (fromS3and other organisations)9. Provide them with immediate access to contact numbers oftheirfamily members and loved onesDisclosures: Nil. There are no profits obtained from thisappdevelopment.Some of the contents in the application has been referenced fromNHG"All you need to know about Stroke". The contents included havebeenvetted by Dr. Leonard Yeo, Consultant Neurologist, NUHS andtheChinese translation have been done by Dr. John Ying.Disclaimer: The contents enclosed within this applicationareprovided for general informational purposes only and are notasubstitute for any professional medical advice. The user ofthisapplication should not use the information in the applicationfordiagnosing or treating any medical or health condition,especiallyif he/she is contemplating suicide or harming oneself orothers. Westrongly advise that the user consult a qualifiedmedicalpractitioner and /or healthcare professional at anyrestructuredhospital or psychiatric hospitals if the user suspectsthat he/shehas a medical or health condition or have underlyingsuicidaltendencies. Whilst due care is taken with regards to thecontent ofthe application, the information contained within theapplicationmay contain technical, factual or other inaccuraciesandtypographical errors for which the developers shall notberesponsible. In addition, the developers, shall not beresponsibleand liable for any of the inaccuracies or errors, norfor any loss,damage, injury or death arising from the same of fromrelianceplaced on the application