Top 21 Apps Similar to Running

5K Runner: 0 to 5K in 8 Weeks 8.010
5K Run Training for beginners: go fromsittingon your couch to running 5K, losing weight and getting ingreatshape.5K Runner is a guided training program that will get you in shapeinonly 8 weeks. Its a Walk / Run inteval training program, guidedbyan audio coach. Just plug-in your headphones and the coach willtellyou when to walk and when to run, helping you build staminaand getto 5K in 8 weeks. 5K Runner® is the most effective 5K runtrainingapp, and is highly recommended by health &fitnessexperts.FEATURES● 30 minutes, 3 times a week, 8 weeks● The easiest way to run 5K● Alternating walk / run intervals● Outdoors or treadmill● Burn calories and lose weight● Audio coach tells you when to walk / run● Listen to your music and the run training coach willblendin● Compatible with all music apps● Earn achievements & badges● Great way to boost your cardio and get you ready for your first5krace!● The best & most effective 5K training appPRAISE & PRESS- 4.2 Million People successfully did it- Awards: Best 5K Training App, Best Running App, Editor'sChoice,Top fitness app, Best Beginner App, Top Quality App, Bestfitnessand nutrition apps.- Featured on CNN, Fox, USA Today, Times, FitnessChannel,AppAdvice, AppCraver, Best10Apps, Appolicious, DailyMotion,AppOfTheDay, MakeUseOf, the App Review, Remix YourHealth,AppShopper, and so many others.- Recommended by doctors on★ 5K Runner community ★★ Our Fitness Blog ★ CONTACT US -----Dear customers, we are here for you!Got Questions about our 5K running app, cardio, run training,fatloss or running can burn calories? Comments? [email protected]
Running Trainer & Run Tracker
Audio Coach | Distance & Run Tracker | 5K,10K, HalfMarathon& Marathon Training
Kilometers: GPS Track Walk Run 1.53
Russell Arms
Kilometers is a simple and instinctive appforGPS tracking your runs and walks.● Setting goals● GPS / GLONASS tracking route● Training diary● The rates of each training session: time, speed, pace,calorieburn● Personal notes and mood● Manually enter your indoor trainings● Motivational quotes from famous people● No annoying advertisements
Start running! 1.6.3
Red Rock Apps
Favorite food or a slender waistline:that’sreally an eternal dilemma. To get rid of those inches, youneed toexercise but the problem is that you hate running. And nowonder ifyou don’t know how to do it right. But once you do you’regonnalove it! And we’re going to teach you that.START RUNNING is a 4-week training program that will turnyoufrom a Michelin Man into an untiring running machine in amonth’stime. Well, all right, you won’t be ready for a marathon,butyou’ll really be able to run AND you’ll be enjoying it!START RUNNING will put you on a schedule of 3 trainingsessionsper week, each lasting about 30 minutes. An hour and a halfofexercise a week is pretty manageable, even if you’re anextremelybusy person. Besides, the workouts are so convenientlyarrangedthat you’ll be looking forward to your next trainingsession!The program is based on interval training, which is acombinationof running, jogging, walking and resting, so you’lldevelop arunning body and improve your lung capacity quickly andcomfortably.You’ll be amazed at the changes in your body andabilities afteronly 4 weeks!App Features:- Effective training plan from the best coaches- GPS map saved for each training session- Real-time stats of your pace, distance, time andotherparameters- Audio cues during all workouts to keep you focused- Listening and managing your favorite music from the app- Motivating tips on running with each training session- Sharing achievements with Facebook & Twitter friends- Inspiring quotes keep you motivated while running- Synchronization of your stats & logs with an upgrade fromthefree version- Integration with Runkeeper, Fitbit, MapMyRun – your activitiesareautomatically synchronized with these networksGet ready to be surprised if you think you would never be abletostart running!Note: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.This app is developed for informational purposes only. Youmustalways consult your physician or doctor before starting anyfitnessprogram.Follow us!Facebook: @RedRockAppsInstagram: @RedRockApps
Workout Music 1.30
Workout Music is the best applicationfortraining and losing weight,It contains 30+ best music for aerobics, exercise, fitness,workout,running, jogging, walking, weight lifting, cardio, weightloss, gym,abs..etcYou can listen to Workout Music anywhere, Our music letyoursports faster, higher, stronger and have more fun.I am sure that you will love it. :)Features:- Easy to use, simple and FREE!- 30+ High quality Workout Music.- One button to Random play favorite sound list.- Sound Catalog for quick access to all sounds or favorites.- Custom settings for playback of sounds after specified timelimit,replay times , interval , volume etc.- One button to set as ringtones, notification tone oralarmtone.- One button adjust all sounds volume.- Rename sounds individually.- Export sounds to SD card , share with friends easily.(WhatsApp,Facebook,Line and others)- Multiple-Language Support :English,Japanese,TraditionalChinese,Simplified Chinese.
Нормы ГТО 1.4
Готов к труду и обороне (ГТО) — основафизическоговоспитаниянаселения России. Что такое ГТО? В один извесенних дней80 летназад на страницах центральных газет СоветскогоСоюзапоявилосьсообщение: «Центральный комитет ВКП(б) и СоветНародныхкомиссаровпризнали целесообразным введение на территориистраныспортивногокомплекса «Готов к труду и обороне». Цельювводимогокомплексаявляется дальнейшее повышение уровняфизическоговоспитания имобилизационной готовности советскогонарода, в первуюочередьмолодого поколения…» Так был заложенфундамент длябудущихдостижений страны в спорте и на полях сражений.Такзародился ГТО.С первых лет своего существованияэтотспортивно-оборонный комплексстал популярен. Ношение значковГТОстановилось престижным. Ихможно было увидеть и нарубашкетретьеклассника, и на пиджакеколхозника, и наполувоеннойгимнастерке наркома. На страшной войне1941–1945 гг.человек,преодолевший десятки километров смертельной«полосыпрепятствий»,бросивший сотни гранат на дальность,достаточную,чтобы, поразивврагов, самому остаться в живых;вплавь, с солдатскойамуницией,преодолевший реки России и Европы,оставался навсегда вистории нетолько со званием «советскийсолдат», но и мог по правуназываться«Значкист ГТО»! Впоследствии,будучи уникальнойпрограммойфизкультурной подготовки, комплекс ГТОсталосновополагающим вединой системе патриотическоговоспитаниямолодежи. Официально онпросуществовал ровно 60 лет и былсвернут в1991 году, одновременнос процессами, сопровождавшимипроцессраспада Советского Союза нанезависимые государства. ЗачемсдаватьГТО в 21 веке ? Ответ на этотвопрос для каждого молодогочеловекаможет быть свой. Кто-то хочетсравнить себя со старшимичленамисемьи, имеющими советский знакГТО. Кто-то хочетпопробоватьдостичь конкретного результата ипроверить свою силу волиинастойчивость. А кто-то просто привыкбыть первым в учёбе испорте.Все люди разные. Однако, у всех, ктодобровольно решилпройтииспытание комплексом ГТО, есть одна общаячерта,–целеустремлённость. Именно эта черта является наиболееважнойдлялюдей XXI века. Только целеустремлённые ифизическиподготовленныелюди смогут добиваться успеха в условияхконкуренциина рынкетруда. Знак ГТО Бронзовый, серебряный и золотойзнакиотличия ГТОсоответствуют трём видам сложности. ИспытанияЧелночныйбег 3×10 мБег 30, 60, 100 м Бег 1000; 1500; 2000; 2500;3000 мПрыжок в длинус места, тройной прыжок в длину с места ипрыжок вдлину с разбегаПодтягивания на низкой (из виса лежа) ивысокой (извиса)перекладинах Сгибание и разгибание рук в упорележаПодниманиетуловища из положения лежа на спине за 1 минутуНаклонвперёд изположения стоя на полу или гимнастическойскамьеМетаниеспортивного снаряда в цель и на дальность Рывок гири16 кгПлавание10, 15, 25, 50 м Бег на лыжах или кросс попересеченнойместности1, 2, 3, 5, 10 км Стрельба из пневматическойвинтовкиилиэлектронного оружия из положения сидя иположениястояТуристический поход с проверкой туристическихнавыков.НормативыГТО Комплекс содержит 11 ступеней. Для каждойступенипредлагаютсясобственные названия. I ступень: 1—2 классы (6—8лет);II ступень:3—4 классы (9—10 лет); III ступень: 5—6 классы(11—12лет); IVступень: 7—9 классы (13—15 лет); V ступень: 10—11классы,среднеепрофессиональное образование (16—17 лет); VI ступень:18—29лет;VII ступень: 30—39 лет; VIII ступень: 40—49 лет; IXступень:50—59лет; X ступень: 60—69 лет; XI ступень: 70 лет истарше.
НФП 2013 - оценка ИФП
Представляем Вашему вниманию новуюверсиюприложения "НФП".Она была создана по вашим многочисленным просьбам!Самое главное отличие от предыдущих версий - это возможностьведениястатистики и сохранения результатов для их сравнения ввидеграфиков. Это должно помочь вам правильно оценивать и улучшатьвашипоказатели. Для этого необходимо будет пройти несложнуюпроцедурурегистрации Вашего личного кабинета.Включены следующие упражнения: быстрота: бег на 60 м, бег на 100м,челночный бег 10х10 м, плавание на 100 м в спортивной формевольнымстилем, плавание на 50 м, плавание 100 м в спортивнойформеспособом брасс; сила: подтягивание на перекладине,подъемпереворотом на перекладине, наклоны туловища вперед, сгибаниеиразгибание рук в упоре на брусьях, сгибание и разгибание руквупоре лежа, подъем силой на перекладине, рывок гири вес 24кг,толчок двух гирь вес 24 кг, жим штанги лежа; выносливость: бегна 1км, бег на 3 км, бег на 400 м, лыжная гонка на 5 км, лыжнаягонкана 10 км, плавание на 500 м вольным стилем; ловкость:тройнойпрыжок с места (для женщин - прыжок с места), соскок махомназад наперекладине, соскок махом вперед на брусьях;военно-прикладныенавыки: общее контрольное упражнение на единойполосе препятствий,марш-бросок на 5 км, метание гранаты 600 г надальность, РБ-Н,РБ-1, плавание в обмундировании с оружием, ныряниев длину. Привыборе упражнений и расчете оценки учитываетсяпринадлежность ккатегории военнослужащих и категории войск.Мы всегда с большим вниманием и уважением прислушиваемся ковсемкомментариям и пожеланиям!С уважением, команда разработчиков!We present you anewversion of the application "NFP."It was created by your numerous requests!The most important difference from previous versions - isanopportunity to conduct statistics and save the results tocomparethem in the form of graphs. This should help you to properlyassessand improve your performance. To do this it will be necessarytopass a simple procedure of registration of yourpersonalaccount.Included are the following exercises: speed: running 60 m,100m,shuttle run 10x10 m, swimming 100 meters freestylesportswear,swimming 50 m, swimming 100 meters breaststroke sportsuniformmanner; Strength: pulling up on the bar, raising the bar onthecoup, torso forward, bending and unbending hands-ups ontheparallel bars, flexion and extension arms in emphasislying,lifting force on the bar, jerk of the weight of 24 kg weight,thepush of two weights weight 24 kg bench press; Endurance Runningat1 km, 3 km jogging, running the 400 meters, cross country skiingonthe 5 km ski race at 10 km, swimming in the 500mfreestyle;Agility: triple jump (for women - a jump from theirseats),dismount stroke back at the bar, dismount stroke ahead onthe bars;military and applied skills: general exercise control on asingleobstacle, march 5 km, throwing grenades at a distance of 600g,RB-H, RB-1, swimming in uniform with weapons, diving inlength.When selecting exercises and calculation assessment takesintoaccount belonging to the category of military troopsandcategory.We are always with great care and respect for listening to allthecomments and suggestions!Sincerely, team!
Бег Ultimate 1.0
Беговые тренировки дляначинающих:сменитесидение на диване на пробежки, избавление отлишнего весаиотличную физическую форму.Лучшее приложение для бега в Google Play,разработанноеспециальнодля похудения. Заставьте бег работать наваше тело!- Просматривай подробные статистики о темпе, дистанции,времениисожженных калориях.- Слушай статистики, достижения и инструкции тренера черезнаушникиввиде встроенных аудиореплик.- Слушай музыку и управляй ею во время тренировок.- Измеряй пульс всевозможными датчиками (допустимыйдиапазончастотыпульса зависит от веса).Cross-trainingforbeginners: change sitting on a sofa in the run,getting ridofexcess weight and excellent physical shape.Best app for running on Google Play, designed specificallyforweightloss. Make a run to work on your body!- View detailed statistics about the pace, distance,timeandcalories burned.- Listen to the statistics, achievements andcoachinstructionsthrough headphones as a built-inaudioreplik.- Listen to music and control it during training.- To measure the pulse sensors sorts (permissible rangeofpulsefrequency depends on the weight).
pedometer walking & running 1.1
Because enough daily exercise is importantfora healthy lifestyle and good health, this application isapedometer and calorie counter in one on your mobile phone.perfectto use while walking, jogging or running. This pedometershows howfar you have walked and how many calories you have burned.Ideal ifyou are on a diet or just want to keep a healthy weight.This application is completely customizable to your ownsettings.Please take the time to match your personalpreferences.Properties of this application:Step detector calibrationcarried out in the backgroundtwo exercises: running and walkingkilometers or miles Unitssteps / distance calculatordistance / hour calculatorcalculate calories burnedpace or speed maintenancevoice message
Car Theme 1.1.1
CM Themes
Car Theme is a free theme speciallydesignedfor CM Launcher users, including dozens of unified iconsandartistic wallpapers, which can personalize your device easily.To use this theme, you can follow these following steps:1. Download and install the theme;2. Install CM Launcher;3. Start CM Launcher, go to “Theme--Mine” to open the themeandapply it to your phone.CM Launcher is the safest launcher in the world!FEATURESSMALL - Just 2 MB, CM Launcher dramatically improves yourdevicewhile being the most lightweight launcher in the world,evenbeating out APUS, GO Launcher, Nova Launcher and more.SLEEK - Accelerate your startup speed by 100%! Make yourappsload quicker, search the net with speed, and make full use ofthecapabilities of your phone with no dead weight.SECURE - Includes the world's #1 antivirus engine, whichprotectsyour personal info and app data, as well as blockingviruses andmalware.SMART - Automatically organizes your apps intointelligentfolders based on your habits, and recommends the appsthat arepopular with people in your neighborhood.STYLISH - Customize your unique wallpaper to fit yourpersonalstyle!CONTACT USYour comments help us to make our products great. If you haveanysuggestions or comments, you are more than welcome to get intouchwith us in our beta community at Google+: contact us directly:[email protected]
Run a 10K! 1.6.3
Red Rock Apps
So you want to do serious running? The timehascome for 10K!10K may seem daunting, but even if you've never run beforeyou'llfind it surprisingly easy!In RUN a 10K, you can either take up where you left off withthe“Run a 5K” app (skip the first 4 weeks), or you can startfromscratch! Our gradual interval training is designed to take youallthe way up to running 10K.10 weeks, 3 workouts per week, 30 minutes per session andyou'llimprove your speed, endurance, and technique. We promisethateverything that seemed impossible to you will be kid stuff bytheend of the program.Train. Conquer. RUN a 10K!App Features:- Effective training plan from the best coaches- GPS map saved for each training session- Real-time stats of your pace, distance, time andotherparameters- Audio cues during all workouts to keep you focused- Listening and managing your favorite music from the app- Motivating tips on running with each training session- Sharing achievements with Facebook & Twitter friends- Inspiring quotes keep you motivated while running- Synchronization of your stats & logs with an upgrade fromthefree version- Integration with Runkeeper, Fitbit, MapMyRun – your activitiesareautomatically synchronized with these networksGet ready to be surprised if you think you would never be abletorun a 10K!Note: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.This app is developed for informational purposes only. Youmustalways consult your physician or doctor before starting anyfitnessprogram.Follow us!Facebook: @RedRockAppsInstagram: @RedRockApps
Best Workout Music - GYM 3.0
Workout music for Gym is the bestapplicationfor training and losing weight, this wonderful andunique appcontains more than 7 Tracks and songs for Exercise,Fitness,Aerobics, Running…Workout songs are chosen by specialists to make you do moreeffortwhile training by inspiring and motivation you.These beautiful can be your companion in your everyday joggingitwill give you more Energy and power to run more and more, youwillbe amazed what the human body can do when motivated by a goodworkout music.In 2015 some experiences of the effort and results with andwithouttraining music and the difference and amazing the personthat waslistening to the sport motivation Songs made 12% morephysicaleffort.We also added the possibility to:- Set Timer- Set as ringtone, assign to contacts- Set as alarm and timer sound- Set as SMS ringtoneLegal info:=========Sound clips used in this app are under public domain licenseand/orCreative Commons’ license. App design and codecopyrightCompatibility:Exercise music application was tested on Samsung Galaxy S5 andS4and Note 3 also S3, Google Nexus 5 and HTC One X, LG G3 amongotherphones
RunPal Running GPS 1.0.6
RunPal is the most powerful,accurate,reliable,social and finest GPS app for runners. The bestrunningapp from thedevelopers of VeloPal.This incredibleapplication withtons of uniquefeatures can track all of your vitalrunning dataand help you reachyour fitness goals. RunPal is theperfect appfor everyone, whetheryou just starting out or runmarathons,RunPal is the right app foryou! The app has a beautifulintuitiveinterface, customizableparameters, accurate stats, iseasy to use,and much more! Handsdown, RunPal is guaranteed to bethe best appfor runners.And it gets better. RunPal is also FREE, no ads!Don’t miss out on the ultimate running experience anddownloadthisamazing application now. Join a community of runnerstostartreaching your fitness potential today with RunPal. YoucanuseRunPal for running, hiking and walking.***Use VeloPal for cycling workouts. VeloPal and RunPalarefullyintegrated. You should use the same log in informationforbothapps.INCREDIBLE FEATURES• Reliable GPS that accurately tracks workouts forthebestcycling experience.• All workout data is automatically synced with• Create custom routes to fit your personal fitness needs.• Making sections is convenient, quick, and easy.• Activity Log allows you to track all activities inanorganizedformat. Identify performance trends and confirmyourgoals!• Set unique goals to reach your maximum fitness potential!Goalscanbe set for distance, calories and riding time.• RunPal also supports interval training and target alerts.• Enjoy multitasking support allowing you to freely useamusicplayer, text, and make phone calls, all whilerecordingaride.• Workout summary conveniently provides you accesstovitalstatistics all on one screen. Choose from organizationbyday,week, month, or year.• Calendar: At a glance view your workout history for aspecificdateor even a full month.• Connect external devices like the seamless integration ofaheartmonitor.• Custom graphs allow you to view side-by-side datacomparisonsusingdifferent parameters. Utilize this amazing featureto viewyourprogress for certain courses.• RunPal will rate your performance along a route by usingyourbesttime, average time, average speed, and other running data.Alltoprovide you with the best feedback to improve yourfitness.SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY• Advanced Leaderboards: compare your results withotherathletesin the RunPal community.• Comment, like, share, and support other users andmotivateeachother towards reaching personal fitnesspotential!• Take photos off your activities and share thesebeautifulimageswith the world.• Challenge your Runpals to some friendly competitionandencourageeach other to keep running!• Activity Feed: Review and analyze workouts to stay on trackofyourfitness goals.• Proudly share your workout success via Facebook and Twitter.UNIQUE AND CUSTOMIZABLE DATA FIELDS• Simply customize the layout of your data fields withthetouchof a button!• Choose from a large variety of specific parameters totrackdata,including: time, pace, speed, distance, caloriesburnt,gainelevation, lap time, and much more!• At the end of a run, you’re able to make notesaboutweather,track, mood, etc.• Filter leaderboards to enhance your search. Filterbyage,weight.Even more great features are coming soon!RunPal automatically keeps track and stores all ofyourvitalworkout data to help you reach your goals!Thisincredibleapplication is a must have for all levelofrunners.Feel free to visit our website for additional detailsandinformationat*Please note: Continued use of GPS running in thebackgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.
Caynax - Running & Cycling GPS 3.6
Record routes. Track distance, steps, calories burned duringfitnessactivity
Бег нормативы 2.0.1
Программа предоставляет удобный интерфейс для работы сединымвсероссийским классификатором норм выполнения спортивныхразрядов испортивных званий бегунами и ходоками. Если вы хотитезнать с какимвременем вам нужно бежать, идти, чтобы получитьспортивный разрядили спортивное звание по бегу или ходьбе этапрограмма будет вамвесьма кстати. Справочник содержит нормы последующим видам: - Бег.- Бег на шоссе (полумарафон, марафон,100 км,суточный). -Эстафетный бег. - Бег с препятствиями. - Кросс. -Ходьба. Всезвания и разряды разбиты по видам и дистанциям. В случаекаких-либоправок в ЕВСК будут выпущены обновления.
Running Training 1.00
Are you a running lover? Would youliketobecome a race winner? If you want to feel the experienceofrunninga race, this Running Training app is for you! Theprimaryobjectiveof this app is to introduce you in the race world,withmethods,training plan, workouts and tips.With this application, you will learn all informationrequiredforrunning success. Running a 5K, 10k or even a marathonraceiseasier if you are tenacious and follow the running programandtheexercises and advices we have selected for you, tobeaprofessional runner.This application contains:Running workouts with drills speed and strength exercises.Running training programs for beginners and advanced runners.Running tips such as detailed nutrition andhydrationadvices,running drills...Download now this running training free app on yourmobileortablet device and start practicing this amazingandhealthysport.
Jogging 1.8.7
Exercise to keep fit !! Most people donotcarry a phone when they perform exercises. In most cases, itisdifficult to reach him/her while they are exercising. Won't itbegood if you can inform the caller about what you are doingsuchthat they know when to call you? This app is for these peoplewhodo not carry their phone and at the same time want to informthecaller about their activities e.g. jogging.Brought to you by AppTOMATIONLanguages supported : Arabic, Belarusian, Bengali,Bulgarian,Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish. Dutch, Finnish, French,German,Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian,Japanese,Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese,Romanian,Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish, Spanish, Tagalog,Tamil, Thai,Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. Please feedback anytranslationerror or suggestion for improvement.App Operation---------------------1) Start the app, a splash screen will appear and followed by amenuscreen.2) Select and Start Auto Messaging service, small icon willappearat the notification area. indicating that the servicehasstarted.3) Once service started, any incoming call received will generateaSMS respond to caller4) The SMS message is "AppToMsg : Running/jogging right now.".Pressthe "SMS MSG" button to view the message.5) To stop the service, just Select and Stop Service. The smalliconwill disappear from the notification area.6) To check if the service is running, Select Status.Note : The app relies on incoming caller number to returnSMSmessage. Thus, private number, land/resident line or phonewithoutcaller ID will not work with the app.
Theme for Sony Xperia M5 1.1.4
Blue Theme is a free theme speciallydesignedfor CM Launcher users, including dozens of unified iconsandartistic wallpapers, which can personalize your device easily.What you can enjoy in CM Launcher Themes:-Here we have the most fabulous themes and wallpapers. Nomatterwhat kind of themes you like, system, abstract, pets &animals,tech, cartoon, love, nature, sport, auto & vehicle,festival& holiday, landscape and so on. Anything you dream ofcan beput into your phone!-DIY themes function allows you to become a designer yourselfandturns your creative ideas into unique themes right onyourphone!-After DIY themes with your own photos or our beautifulwallpapersand delicate icons, you can share your art work with yourfriendsand give it to them as a gift or submit to us.How to Apply the Theme:1. Download and install the theme;2. Install the safest launcher-CM Launcher;3. Start CM Launcher and then you can apply the themeyoudownloaded. If you already have CM Launcher on your phone, youcanalso directly go to “Beautify--Mine” to open the theme and applyitto your phone.
Fresh Transparent icon 1.1.6
Everything is new. Customizeeverythingbeyondimagination with Fresh Transparent iconFresh Transparent icon is a free theme specially designedforCMLauncher users, including dozens of unified icons, live,3Danddynamic wallpapers, which can personalize yourdeviceeasily.What you can enjoy in CM Launcher Themes:-Here we have the most fabulous themes and wallpapers. Nomatterwhatkind of themes you like.-Find whatever themes you want in CM Launcher:3Dtheme、VRtheme、Live& Dynamic theme、Sound theme, etc.
Twin Cat 1.1.4
Everything is new. Customizeeverythingbeyondimagination with Twin CatTwin Cat is a free theme specially designed for CMLauncherusers,including dozens of unified icons, live, 3D anddynamicwallpapers,which can personalize your device easily.What you can enjoy in CM Launcher Themes:-Here we have the most fabulous themes and wallpapers. Nomatterwhatkind of themes you like.-Find whatever themes you want in CM Launcher:3Dtheme、VRtheme、Live& Dynamic theme、Sound theme, etc.
Aurora Theme 2016 New 1.1.1
Let’s adore aurora beauty withamazingauroratheme with aurora wallpaper and special designed freeauroraiconsets free for you for CM Launcher. The themesucceedsgalaxy s7flat icon design, white soul icons beautiful andsimple .The themecan be used on any samsung huawei and androidthemefree.The aurora theme is designed for CM Launcher , alive3DLauncher with live wallpapers , icon pack and 3D effectsandauroraapp lock screen wallpapers for home screen wallpaperandlockscreen wallpaper . Just try it, you will fall in lovewithgreatgalaxy aurora theme.Recommend to use the theme togetherwith2016football theme wallpaper to change hd background asyouwant.About free & no-ads aurora theme design ideas:Aurora theme designed free for you.Do you like natureAuroralights?Are you wondering how beautiful aurora might lookslike?This Auroratheme has hd aurora wallpapers which will show youtheamazingaurora beauty polar light.How to install the beautiful aurora theme appforCMLauncher?The aurora theme can’t be used alone. You need to install“CMLauncher “ to apply beautiful hd aurora backgroundsandspecialicon designs .To install CM Launcher just hit the buttontoinstallfrom Google.What is CM Launcher ?CM Launcher is from famous CM company of clean master andcmsecurityapps . Its unqiue 3D dynamic launcher and fastspeedlauncher hasattracted over 50 million installs in the world,feelrelaxed to jointhe group, decorate your android phone withthisincredible launchertheme. Just hit the Apply button to installCMLauncher to apply thetheme.How to use the theme with CM Launcher ?Once you installed the CM Launcher, apply as the launchertheme.Youwill get a really sweet home for your screen. Enjoy.How can I find more themes from Amazing Wallpaperandthemedeveloper ?Yes, we develop a lot of themes and hd wallpapers forandroiddevice.Follow us here and find more of your love .Get more amazing wallpapers & themesHD wallpapers: Galaxy, wolf, horse, red rose, crazyshark,pink rose, orchid, love lavender, football theme,rosegold,coffee, chocolate love, etc.Charming themes with app icon packs&hdbackgrounds:Pink Rose, Galalxy theme, Red rose, orchid, Rosegold,Lavender,football theme, daisy, Basketball themes forCMLauncher.We suggest you use our wallpapers & themestogether,verycharming & good looking.Contact us:Facebook : you want to make some special DIY wallpaper , just contactus,wewill make for you.