Top 19 Games Similar to SOS NOW - Panic Button

Panic Button 1.0
Panic Button turns your smart phone intoadevice which can help you inform your near and dear oneswheneveryou are in trouble.Features:* When you press the panic button, the app sends SMS tothreepeople from your contact list.* The app sends your location in the SMS so that people knowyourlast location.* You can use this app even when your screen is locked.* Free app
Botón de Alerta 1.0.10
Permite a los usuarios pulsar un botóncentralen su celular y generar una alerta de seguridad,activandoinmediatamente una comunicación telefónica con el 911 (ycualquierotro número de emergencias que el usuario configure), yenviandomensajes de alerta con información de geo localización auna listade contactos seleccionada por el usuario a través de unaampliagama de canales de comunicación tales como: SMS,correoelectrónicos y posteos en Twitter.Usos:o Violenciao Violencia domésticao Abusos y maltratoo Inseguridad en la vía públicao Emergencias Médicaso Adolescencia y Personas Mayoreso DiscapacidadUsos / ViolenciaProporciona a las víctimas de violencia doméstica o urbanaconconexión rápida a la policía y otros servicios deemergencia.La aplicación permite al usuario presionar un botón centralyactivar el o los contactos en forma inmediata,proporcionandoinformación de su ubicación vía maps.Usos / Emergencias MédicasLas enfermedades o accidentes domésticos puedenprovocarsituaciones en las que el paciente se encuentra limitadoparasolicitar ayuda e informar dónde se encuentra ( ACV,ataquecardíaco, etc.)Los accidentes automovilísticos, sobre todo en zonasrurales,hacen de esta potente herramienta una ayuda que puedellegar a servital para los equipos de ayuda médica.Usos / Adolescentes y Personas MayoresDiseñada para mejorar la vida de los adolescentes y laspersonasmayores, ofreciéndoles un mayor grado de seguridad ennuestrasociedad.Les otorga mayor libertad e independencia ambulatoria ya quesise sienten amenazados o perdidos solo tienen que presionar elbotónde alerta para informar exactamente el lugar donde seencuentran yrealizar recibir asistencia.Usos / DiscapacitadosLos servicios tradicionales de emergencia suelen serinaccesiblespara las personas con discapacidad sensorial omotrizEsta herramienta les permite enviar la alerta por SMS o emailconsolo presionar un botón y la ubicación.FuncionalidadesMensaje de EmergenciaEl usuario personaliza el mensaje de emergencia que luegoseráenviado por diversos canales a los destinatariosMarcado de EmergenciaPuede ser 911 y cualquier otro número de emergencia queelusuario elijaNúmero Ilimitado de contactosLos usuarios cargan la cantidad de contactos que quieraRedes SocialesEsta aplicación permite publicar el mensaje de emergencia enelTwitter del usuario.It allows users to pressacentral button on your phone and create a securityalert,immediately activating a telephone conversation with the 911(andany other emergency number the user to configure), andsendingalert messages with geo location information a contactlistselected by the user through a range of communication channelssuchas SMS, e-mails and postings on Twitter.Uses:or Violenceor domestic violenceor abuse and mistreatmentor insecurity in the streetor Medical Emergencyor Youth and Seniorsor DisabilityUses / ViolenceIt provides victims of domestic or urban violence withfastconnections to the police and other emergency services.The application allows the user to press a key or buttontoactivate the contacts immediately, providing locationinformationvia maps.Uses / Emergency MedicalDomestic accidents or illness can cause situations in whichthepatient is limited for help and report where you are (egstroke,heart attack, etc.)Car accidents, especially in rural areas, make this powerfultoolhelp that can become vital equipment for medical help.Uses / Teens and SeniorsDesigned to improve the lives of adolescents and theelderly,providing greater security in our society.It gives them more freedom and independence ambulatory becauseifthey feel threatened or lost only have to press the alert buttontoreport exactly where they are and make assistance.Uses / DisabilityTraditional emergency services are often inaccessible topeoplewith sensory or motor disabilitiesThis tool allows them to send alerts by SMS or email withthepush of a button and location.FeaturesEmergency MessageThe user customizes the emergency message which is thensentthrough various channels to recipientsEmergency DialingIt may be 911 or any other emergency number the usertochooseUnlimited number of contactsUsers upload the number of contacts you wantSocial mediaThis application allows you to publish the emergency messageonthe Twitter user.
Panik Butonu 2.9.4
In one moment of panic or emergency you can simply touch thepanicbutton!
Panic Alarm 4.1
Going to an unsafe area? Feeling unsafe? Medical emergency?Keepthisapplication handy and on your homescreen. Press theCircledicon toactivate a high pitched alarm that will alerteveryonenearby. PanicAlarm is here to give you one click alarmshould youneed it.Whatever situation or emergency you're in, PanicAlarmwill be thereto help you get help quickly. A must have if youlivein a dangerousarea or come across someone with badintentions.There are situationswhere you may just have time totouch an iconand doing nothingelse.. Just press the button, andthis app willtake as muchattention as possible from people aroundyou with aninstant loudalarm.
Seguridad en Linea 4.9.9
Have you ever wondered how to contribute to security? Ourreportingapp seeks to involve citizens in the creation ofsecureenvironments. Using people avoid longlines toreport public grievances and provides that informationtoauthorities in order to determine areas where crime is atitshighest. - Report anonymously, so no one knows your identity.-Receive a response from Medellin’s authorities. - Exploreyourcity’s safety on a specific area. - It has a safety networkfeaturefor emergencies. By activating the panic button, its sendsaconstant alert message to your friends and family. - Callstheclosest police quadrant according to the GPS. - Gathers in asingleapplication the required numbers in case of an emergency.It’s areliable and safe app, developed by citizens and forcitizens. Withyour help we fight crime! For comments or questionssend an emailto: [email protected] Warning: The applicationcan use datato show the map and your address.
ECU 911 1.4
La aplicación móvil del ECU 911permitereportar emergencias desde tu smartphone. Para el uso delaaplicación, por favor:- Instala la aplicación en tu dispositivo- Lee con cuidado y acepta los Términos y Condiciones de Uso- Ingresa tu información- Usa responsablemente tu aplicaciónRecuerda que la atención de emergencias es un derechociudadano,por tanto el uso de esta herramienta debe ser realizadode maneraresponsable.El reporte de emergencias reales puede salvar vidas, tu vidaesla razón de nuestra acción.Políticas de UsoEl Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911 se reservalosderechos de esta aplicación e impondrá las sanciones queestimepertinentes en caso de mal uso.Mal uso contempla reportes de emergencias que impliqueneldesplazamiento innecesario de recursos.- Mal uso inicial, bloqueo del aplicativo por 30 días.- Reincidencia inicial de mal uso, bloqueo del aplicativo por6meses.- Segunda reincidencia de mal uso, bloqueo definitivodelaplicativo.Toda información que se solicita e ingresa a esta aplicaciónseráutilizada exclusivamente con el propósito para el cualfuerequerido. La información ingresada debe ser verídica, a findebrindar una asistencia oportuna.Cómo reportar una EmergenciaPaso 1.- Escoge la Institución para atender tu emergencia.Paso 2.- Escoge el incidente que describa tu emergencia.Paso 3.- Confirma el envío de tu emergencia.The mobileapplicationallows report emergencies 911 ECU from your smartphone.To use theapplication, please:- Install the application on your device- Carefully read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use- Enter your information- Use responsibly your applicationRemember that emergency care is a civil right, so the use ofthistool should be done responsibly.The report actual emergencies can save lives, your life isthereason for our action.Use PoliciesThe Integrated Security Service 911 ECU reserves the rightstothis application and impose sanctions that it deems appropriateinthe event of misuse.Misuse includes reports of emergencies involvingresourceunnecessary scrolling.- Misuse initial application lock for 30 days.- Initial Recidivism misuse, application lock for 6 months.- Second recidivism misuse, final lock application.All information requested and enters this application willbeused solely for the purpose for which it was required.Theinformation entered must be true, in order to providetimelyassistance.How to Report an EmergencyStep 1. - Choose the institution to meet your emergency.Step 2. - Choose the incident that describes your emergency.Step 3. - Confirm the shipment of your emergency.
Emergency Alert button 2.8
The Emergency Panic Button is an app thatmustbe pre-installed on all Android devices!Improve your own safety by installing our emergency alert buttonandlet everybody know you are in trouble by letting the app sendashort alert notification to your friends or family via emailorSMS/text message and calling a number with a simple push ofthepower or soft widget button.If you care for the safety of your family members, lovedones,let them know about this App. Are you a lone worker orworkingsomewhere outdoors? You also need this App!Make sure to watch the embedded youtube video for proper wayofinvoking the emergency.Here is a short user review explaining some of themainfeatures: at a glance:✔ Android wear support (one button click required) - theonlyEmergency app with Wear support!✔ Set up a list of contacts (phone numbers or emails) and everytimeyou are in need of assistance (being attacked, robbed, lostorhaving health problems) you can issue an emergency call byacombination of presses on the power/sleep button (fastpresseswithin 2 seconds to avoid false alarms!) OR with a HomeScreen orLock Screen Widget (same number of fast presses forsafetyreasons).✔ Current location (either GPS, network or both) andpredefinedmessage will be sent to your selected contacts as SMS andorEmail.✔ A contact person set up by you will also be called✔ Home Screen and Lock Screen Widget✔ Use the sms contact feature to post on Twitter and Facebookwhenyou are in trouble via their post from sms features.✔ Set up a trusted list numbers and everybody in that list(oreverybody knowing the SMS command if you choose to do so) cansendSMS commands to the phone if they suspect that something wrongishappening to you, even if no emergency has been triggered.✔ Receive one time location updates or start automaticlocationspredefined by the device holder in the App'ssettings✔ Password protection, both for the app itself or for theSMScommands.✔ Auto enabling GPS. The app will try to auto enable the GPSchipeven if disabled in Android settings to get the bestcurrentposition (works on almost any Android device, but might notwork onsome!)✔ Stealth mode - Choose to have a notification icon in a caseofemergency or disable it and run the emergency in stealth mode,sothat potential abusers would not suspect anything.Use case scenarios:✔ Install the app on your device on the device of a familymember(parents, spouse, kids, relatives etc.), boy/girlfriend,friend youcare about and let them add you as a contact in a caseofEmergency.If they are in trouble, all they have to do is press thepowerbutton a few times and you will be notified of theiremergency.They can use the app as a panic button.✔ If you are being attacked, robbed, or just lost, havinghealthproblems and no way to call or text, just press the powerbutton afew times and all of your contacts will know that you areintrouble.✔ Your kids are running late from school and you are worried?NoProblem, just send a location request to their phones and youwillbe notified of their position.✔ You could also use the app to track your lost android orstolenandroid or find my phone.If you have questions, suggestions please email us from withintheapp or to the email below.Please make sure to check out our other cool Apps by clickingonmore from developerIcon by:
Panic Mate 1.1
Panic Mate is an Android app that cansavelives.(Now completely free without any adds!)With the press of one button you can notify your familyorfriends that you are in trouble. They will also receiveyourlocation.It's fast and easy to setup:1. Open Panic Mate.2. Set your Contact list. (Up to 5 email contacts and up to 5mobilenumbers)3. Set your custom pre-defined message.4. Add the widget button on your phone's home screen.The Panic Mate application contains 2 widgets that canbeused:Panic Button - When this button is pressed thefollowinghappens:Your contacts receive an e-mail and / or sms (txt) telling themthatyou are in trouble. They also receive your location.Callback Button - When this button is pressed thefollowinghappens:Your contacts receive an e-mail and / or sms (txt) requestingthemto phone you back. They also receive your location.Use the Panic Button when you are in trouble and use theCallbackButton when you simply need someone to phone you back.We have also added a feature in the application called"MyLocation". If you are lost, press "My Location" from the mainmenu.This will show your current location.For more detailed info see you like our application please feel free to leave ussomefeedback or contact us if we can help in any way.
Botón Pánico Alerta Tigre 2.0 1.0.0
El Botón de Pánico de Alerta Tigreesunaaplicación para smartphones del Municipio de Tigre quepermitequeel usuario registrado pueda enviar una alerta inmediataalCentrode Operaciones Tigre ante un hecho de extrema urgencia.La aplicación envia directamente la alerta alCentrodeOperaciones Tigre (COT) en donde un operador calificadorecibeelcaso y efectúa todos los pasos establecidos para dar cursoalasituación y resolver el problema de manera rápida yefectiva.Recuerde en casos de emergencia SIEMPRE llamar primero al911.Encaso que esto no sea posible, esta aplicación surge comounavíaalternativa de contacto con las autoridades para denunciaruncasode emergencia. Tan sólo presionando el botón de pánicosusdatospreviamente registrados en el sistema y sugeolocalizaciónsonenviadas automáticamente al Centro de OperacionesTigre.Si el hecho a denunciar lo permite, no siendo deextremaurgencia,la aplicación brinda además la posibilidad deeditar enforma manualla geolocalización y añadir un textodescriptivo delcaso, comoinformación adicional que el usuarioconsidererelevante.Condiciones de uso y avisos importantes:-Frente a una situación de emergencia debe comunicarsealnúmerode emergencias 911 previo a utilizar esta aplicación.-Esta aplicación es complementaria y de ningún modosuplantanireemplaza al número de emergencias 911.-El uso de esta aplicación puede conllevar el consumoadicionaldedatos y resultar en facturaciones extra por parte delprestadordelservicio, las cuales deberán ser abonadas por elusuario.-El funcionamiento de esta aplicación está sujeto alacorrectaconexión a internet, lo cual depende exclusivamentedelestado delequipo utilizado por el usuario y de su conexiónainternet através de un plan de datos y/o redes wifi.-La geolocalización depende de factores externos a laaplicaciónypuede ser inexacta.-El uso de esta aplicación asume la aceptación de éstostérminosycondiciones.Los usuarios de la aplicación deberán suscribirse alSistemadeProtección Ciudadana AlertaTigreen: vez suscritos, el Centro de Operaciones Tigre sepondráencontacto con el usuario para indicarle su usuario ycontraseña,oel usuario puede comunicarse al 5288-3400.The PanicButtonAlertTigre is an application for smartphones Township Tigerthatallowsthe registered user to send an immediate alert totheOperationsCentre Tigre to an event of extreme urgency.The application sends the alert directly to theOperationsCentreTigre (COT) where a qualified operator receives thecaseandperforms all the steps established to follow up thesituationandsolve the problem quickly and effectively.Remember ALWAYS emergency call first 911. If this isnotpossible,this application is an alternative means of contactwiththeauthorities to report an emergency. Just pressing thepanicbuttondata previously recorded in the system andgeolocationareautomatically sent to Tigre Operations Center.If fact denounce permits, not being of extremeurgency,theapplication also provides the ability to editmanuallygeolocationand add a text description of the case andadditionalinformationyou deem relevant.Terms of Use and important announcements:-opposite An emergency situation must be reported to911beforeusing this application.This app is complementary and in no way supersedes orreplacesthe911.-The Use of this application may result inadditionalconsumptiondata and result in extra-billing by theserviceprovider, whichshall be paid by the user.-The Operation of this application is subject totherightinternet connection, which depends exclusively on the stateoftheequipment used by the user and your Internet connectionthroughadata plan and / or wireless networks.-The Geolocation depends on factors external totheapplicationand may be inaccurate.-The Using this application you agree to thesetermsandconditions.Users of the application must subscribe to the AlertSystemofCivil Protection Tigerin: subscribed, Tigre Operations Center will contact theusertoindicate your username and password, or the user cancommunicateto5288-3400.
Panic Button\Emergency Widget 1.2.5
Emergency SMS Widget \ Panic button.This widget allow you to send your exact locationaddressautomatically in SMS to few people in seconds!Press the red button of the widget, in order to send a messagewithyour current location whenever you need.***New feature that allow you to send panic SMS by clicking 5,6or 7 times on the power off button in any time!***This might be very usefull in case of emergency.Easy to use, suitable for children.
SOS America 1.20150911
América TV
América Televisión pone a disposición de sus televidentes yusuariosde teléfonos inteligentes su aplicación SOS America, comounacontribución a su seguridad que le permite estar en contactocon unapersona o grupo de personas que usted defina como su reddeseguridad (personas más cercanas), para enviarles alertasensituaciones tales como:Peligro inminente SOS AlarmaEnvía una alerta y tu ubicación a toda tu red de contactos.SOS UbicaciónEnvía a tu red de seguridad (tus contactos elegidos) tuubicaciónactual gracias al GPS de tu teléfono móvil.DestinoEnvía conformidad como un mensaje de que llegaste a tu destinocontu ubicación según el GPS de tu celular.Sin AutoEnvía un mensaje a tu red de contactos indicando que notienesvehículo. Incluye tu ubicación.LlámameEnvía un mensaje a tu red de contactos con tu numero celular conlapetición de que te llamen.Además puedes solicitar la ubicación de cada uno de tus contactosdetu red de seguridad (siempre y cuando tengan instaladalaaplicación), así sabrás siempre donde se encuentran tusfamiliaresy amigos más próximos.Mantente más seguro creando tu red de seguridad con estaaplicaciónque América Televisión pone a tu disposición demaneragratuita.Requisitos:Sistema operativo Android 2.3.3 en adelanteEquipos Celulares con GPSPlan de datos o conexión inalámbrica a Intenet (wifi)Correo de Soporte técnico:[email protected] its viewers and users of smartphones its applicationSOSAmerica, as a contribution to security that lets you stay intouchwith a person or group of people that you define as yoursafety net(people closest) , to send alerts in situations such as:SOS Alarm imminent dangerSend an alert and your location to your entire network.SOS LocationSend your safety net (contact your elected) your currentlocationusing the GPS of your mobile phone.DestinationSend a message of conformity as you arrived at your destinationwithyour GPS location as your cell phone.No AutoSend a message to your network of contacts indicating that youdonot have vehicle. It includes your location.Call meSend a message to your contact with your phone number with arequestto call you.In addition you can request the location of each of your contactsinyour network security (provided they have installedtheapplication), so you always know where are your family andclosestfriends.Stay safer by creating your network security with this appthatAmerica TV offers you free.Requirements:Android OS 2.3.3 onwardHandsets with GPSData plan or Wi-Fi Intenet (WiFi)Mail Support:[email protected]
PDI Chile
Aplicación oficial de la PDI. En esteespaciote podrás enterar de las últimas noticias del mundopolicialmediante nuestras redes sociales, además de información delosprófugos de la justicia y personas extraviadas.Formal implementationofthe PDI. In this space you can find out about the latestpoliceworld through our social networks, and information offugitives andmissing persons.
SOS Call Emergency Numbers SMS 1.6.3
Little utility to have on hand thetelephonenumbers of emergency services, has also added severalfeatures likesending sms to a number which we have previously setas a favorite,whatsapp, telegram, email, etc.. . a message askingfor help, andattaching our geographical coordinates (latitude,longitude). Ithas also added a map which shows our current locationand mailingaddress (street name, number, postal code, city,province andcountry.At present time, SOS Call have the numbers of Spain,Argentina,México, UK, US, Belgium, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Albania,Armenia,Papúa Nueva Guinea, Azerbaiyán, Australia, Bulgaria,Croacia,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands,Finland,France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland,Hungary,Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,Luxembourg,Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Mónaco,Netherlands, Norway,Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino,Serbia, Slovakia,Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine,Vatican City,Colombia, Indonesia, India, Sudan, Arabia Saudi,Siria..
Silent Alarm Panic Button 1.4
Silent Alarm – the number one freepersonalsafety app for android, which in the event of an emergency,couldhelp save your life with a single touch.If you were in an emergency but could not contact the police,whowould you contact? Silent Alarm will contact five of yourcontactsfor you, with one touch. When in emergency mode, SilentAlarmretrieves your location from GPS, Wi-Fi and cell towers, andthensends SMS messages to your emergency contacts withyourlocation.After the initial message has been sent, it sends updateSMSmessages with your updated location. This can be customized tosendupdates at different intervals.When your contacts receive your messages, they can come toassistyou or send local law enforcement to your location.There are three ways to trigger emergency mode. The first andmostconvenient is the home screen widgets which require only onetouchto send your emergency messages. The second is by callingyourlocal emergency service phone number which can be donewithoutunlocking your phone completely. The third way is to go intoSilentAlarm, and press the large toggle button once.When you want to switch off emergency mode, go into the appandpress the large toggle button once. You will be required toenteryour PIN number to access the app and switch off emergencymode.This is to ensure emergency mode is not deactivated bysomeoneelse.For more information go to SOS, emergency, message, 911, 999, 112, panic,button,silent, alarm, location, SMS, text, help, tool,utility,essential
Emergency Button (SOS) 1.9
Red Brick
Send out emergency messages and yourlastlocation in just one click !Emergency Button is a necessary tool to protect yourchildren,parent, girl friend and anyone you care.Features:★ Instant Emergency Message (SOS)Send out instant emergency message (and your last location) injustone button click★ Timer Emergency Message (SOS)You can preset a emergency timer, e.g. 45 minutesStart the timer, then the emergency message will be sentoutautomatically after 45 mintuesYou can cancel the timer anytime you want.★ Message SettingCustomize your emergency message, just type anything you want(i.e.hey, I am in dangerous...)You can add up to 3 emergency message contacts.★ Message HistoryAll emergency messages sent to your friends are recorded inyourphone. You can review the history anytime.
Bull Horns Panic Button 4.4.4
Shake you phone to get help for free in an emergency. Armedresponseon demand.
SmartPanics 4.5.0
SmartPanics Allows the user to transmitalarmevents to electronic monitoring systems in a simple andefficientway.SmartPanics can help to quickly resolve a problem bynotifyingyour security service provider about your emergency.You must inquire about the configuration parametersandactivation of the application. Charges may be applied forthisfunction by your provider.The application has 3 buttons for sending alarms:• SOS/PANIC • FIRE • ASSISTANCEThe application also allows the user to associate numbers,fromtheir contact list, to be notified at the same time as thesecuritycompany.The user may select the desired method notifying theircontactsabout the alarm (telephone call or SMS).SmartPanics will be useful when:• Your safety is threatened (burglary, intruders in yourhome,kidnapping, etc.).• You are in a place where you can´t request assistance.• You have an accident and there is no one around to help.• You find yourself in an emergency situation and requiremedicalassistance• You go through a dangerous zone or neighborhood on yourwayhomeSmartPanics allows the user to send an emergency messagewhichwill display your satellite position (where available) so thatyoumay be found quickly. (The continuous use of GPS serviceswillquickly reduce battery charge).SmartPanics also has a “Delayed SOS” button, it allows theuserto be prepared by sending the alert beforehand with an optiontocancel within a determined time period. A sound notification canbeset activated to notify the user one minute before the alarmissent.For your safety, the application can be hidden after aDelayedSOS has been sent.To avoid false alarms from being sent, the application canbelocked with a username and password.ATTENTION:* Only use this application if you are in a realemergencysituation. (A Test button is available for testing thecorrectoperation of the application).* Satellite information about your location may be delayedorunavailable based on your location. However, the sent alarmwillreach its destination.SmartPanics only works when connected to a server ofanelectronic security company which provides monitoringservices.SmartPanics will be with you at all times, feel safe.Currently available in English, Spanish, Polish andPortuguese.Other languages coming soon.
Paniko, the panic button 0.1.1-preview
Paniko is an application that lets youcallforhelp silently, quickly and safely.You can use it when you are in distress, medicalemergenciesorany other time when you need help.Paniko main functions are:- Geolocation of alerts.- Alerts via email and SMS.- Alerts by social networks.- Integration with Facebook and Twitter.- Customize messages.- Establishment of emergency calls automatically.- Configuration of alert recipients.- Configuration of contact numbers.- Integration with the database of your contacts.- Possibility to activate the 'test' mode.- Integrated Contact Form.- Integrated Help and FAQ section.To start using Paniko, you must configure the numbersandemailaddresses of people to which you want the alerts to be sentinanemergency. You can customize the alert message that will besentbySMS and email. You can choose which phone number to useasareference for establishing automatic calls. And you candecidewhattypes of alerts will be sent.When you need it, by just pressing the red button onthemainscreen, your geographic location will be determinedandallnecessary alarms will be generated to transmitinformationaboutyour situation to your contacts. Paniko can alsousesocialnetworks to publish these alerts so that they areseenquickly inyour community and your group.* Paniko will be available completely free for a limitedperiodoftime. Take advantage of it!