4.9.9 / June 13, 2019
(2.8/5) (704)


Have you ever wondered how to contribute to security? Our reportingapp seeks to involve citizens in the creation of secureenvironments. Using seguridadenlinea.com people avoid long lines toreport public grievances and provides that information toauthorities in order to determine areas where crime is at itshighest. - Report anonymously, so no one knows your identity. -Receive a response from Medellin’s authorities. - Explore yourcity’s safety on a specific area. - It has a safety network featurefor emergencies. By activating the panic button, its sends aconstant alert message to your friends and family. - Calls theclosest police quadrant according to the GPS. - Gathers in a singleapplication the required numbers in case of an emergency. It’s areliable and safe app, developed by citizens and for citizens. Withyour help we fight crime! For comments or questions send an emailto: [email protected] Warning: The application can use datato show the map and your address.

App Information Seguridad en Linea

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Seguridad en Linea 4.9.9 APK
Have you ever wondered how to contribute to security? Our reportingapp seeks to involve citizens in the creation of secureenvironments. Using seguridadenlinea.com people avoid long lines toreport public grievances and provides that information toauthorities in order to determine areas where crime is at itshighest. - Report anonymously, so no one knows your identity. -Receive a response from Medellin’s authorities. - Explore yourcity’s safety on a specific area. - It has a safety network featurefor emergencies. By activating the panic button, its sends aconstant alert message to your friends and family. - Calls theclosest police quadrant according to the GPS. - Gathers in a singleapplication the required numbers in case of an emergency. It’s areliable and safe app, developed by citizens and for citizens. Withyour help we fight crime! For comments or questions send an emailto: [email protected] Warning: The application can use datato show the map and your address.
Ciudad en línea 1.1 APK
Con Ciudad en línea podrás ubicar rápidamentecualquier sitio en tu ciudad, conocer qué dicen otros usuariossobre ellos y compartir con tus familiares y amigos tu opiniónsobre restaurantes, centros comerciales, bancos y decenas lugaresque te rodean.Funcionalidades:- Buscar lugares cercanos a tu ubicación actual- Observar fotos, comentarios, teléfonos y direcciones- Recibir notificaciones sobre información que se produce enaquellos sitios que consideras favoritos¡No olvides descargar también la aplicación deUrbanismoEnlinea.com! (reporta huecos, vías en mal estado y todotipo de daños en la infraestructura de tu ciudad)With online City canquickly locate anywhere in your city, know what others are sayingabout them and share with your family and friends to reviewrestaurants, shopping centers, banks and tens places around you.Features:- Search for places near your current location- Observe photos, reviews, phone numbers and addresses- Receive notifications about information that occurs on sites thatyou consider favoritesDo not forget to also download the applicationUrbanismoEnlinea.com! (Reported gaps, poor state of roads and allkinds of damage to the infrastructure of your city)
Transporte en línea 1.0 APK
Ubica la estación de metro y metroplús máscercana, observa el trayecto de todos los buses e integrados enMedellín. ¡Planea tu movilidad!Locates undergroundstation and Metroplús nearest observes the way of all buses andintegrated in Medellin. Plan your mobility!
Urbanismo en línea 1.1 APK
Reporta huecos, vías en mal estado, grafitis ytodo tipo de daño en tu ciudad.Report hollow roads indisrepair, graffiti and all kinds of damage in your city.
TPMed 1.7.9 APK
We encourage the use of public transport and promote innovationinmobility. With TPMed, citizens can learn about the differentpublictransport alternatives that exist to move around in Medellínandaccess the city map to check the route of the routes and theirmainstops In addition, the application allows its users toreceiverecommendations of journeys from their point of departureand totheir destination, helping citizens to make better decisionswhenit comes to moving through their territory. Consider: -Theapplication operates in accordance with the official busstopsinstalled by the municipality of Medellín and according totheofficial nomenclature of the roads. - For the app to work itisnecessary that, before using it, the user checks that the GPS isonand that the device has data or connection to wifi.