Top 19 Apps Similar to 佛說四十二章經 Buddhism Studies/Sudra

好讀佛經(捐贈版本) 1.6
閱讀中文電子佛經當然是直讀好,好讀佛經主要提供:- 無廣告- 中文佛經直讀- 閱讀環境設置, 包括亮度,字體顏色,背景顏色 ,行間距離,字體距離,字體大小及 夜間模式.- 書籤管理 : 長按任何行可以添加新的書籤.-預設全螢幕, 閱讀時按中間彈出功能表,點選兩邊至上下頁.-音量按鈕轉頁模式-可選擇字形, 需要下載字形檔案到SDCard, 每個約10MB.- 支援語音廣播引擎 (SVOX), 需要獨立下載- 允許按百分比前往書頁注意 : 本軟體和好讀網站沒有直接關係. 本軟體只提供由好讀網站直接下載鏈接. 關於好讀小說,請聯絡好讀網站. 謝謝.Reading Chineseelectronicdirect reading Buddhist scriptures certainly good, goodreadingBuddhist scriptures main provider:- No ads- Chinese Buddhist direct reading- Read the environment settings, including brightness, fontcolor,background color, distance between rows, font distance, fontsize,and night mode.- Bookmarks: long press any row can add new bookmarks.- Default full screen, press the middle when reading pop-upmenu,tap on both sides to the top and bottom.- The volume buttons turn page mode- Select font, you need to download font files to SDCard, eachabout10MB.- Support Voice Broadcast engines (SVOX), requires aseparatedownload- Go to a page by percentage allowedNote: This software is easy to read and the site is notdirectlyrelated to the Software only provide a good read by thedownloadlink directly to the site about the good reading novels,pleasecontact a good read websites, thank you.
隨身佛經 6.1
The Buddhist scriptures provide you with a series ofBuddhistscriptures commonly used by Buddhists all over the world.
佛經在手(朗誦版) 2.0
智慧寶庫超實用「佛經在手」隆重推出!!!(推廣說明)1、無廣告、沒閃影,不會突然出現廣告大畫面,我們讓您靜心禮佛研經。2、大小字隨你意手指輕鬆拉放,年長者也能夠看清楚,終身受用。3、好佛經方便法,隨手積小功德大回向(禮佛>>誦持>>回向)。4、「影音輔助」輕鬆參照影音跟讀,還可以唱唱歌開心學佛。5、「經文解析」大德者細說明了解佛法深藏奧妙(彩色字清楚明暸)。6、「心靈療癒」以功德做回向懺悔、祈求、消災延壽都可以,隨你挑,歡喜就好。7、常用經文都選好,免得您四處尋覓在尋找。8、另外加裝「訊飛語音+」及Audio TTS之APP軟體還可提供朗讀功能。9、最重要全免費,只需您發心無畏施分享與通告。閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬請來信告知改善,感謝慈悲造福人群】4、「紅紫邊框」程式具記憶位置功能,「紅綠邊框」者具朗讀、彩字或重點整理或影音連網功能。(本書所造功德迴向原作及十方大德,功德無量)恭錄佛經如下01.般若波羅蜜多心經02.佛說八大人覺經03.大悲咒04.佛說阿彌陀佛經05.佛說父母恩重難報經06.佛說四十二章經07.金剛經08.地藏王本願經09.大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經10.藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經11.妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品祝大家法喜充滿
综合佛经大全 1.0
Jing Wen
我佛慈悲(佛經集) 1.8.2
為服務廣大的佛教信徒, 決定出版佛經手機版希望將來把佛經完整保留, 也希望能加入誦經功能如果想要任何經典, 可以 [email protected]請朋友們要到承光的臉書加加油, 按個讚, 宣傳一下喔關鍵字( polosoft )To serve themajorityofBuddhists, decided to publish Buddhist MobileversionHope that the Buddhist intact, also hope to jointhechantingfunctionIf you want any of the classic, you can [email protected] go to face book friends bearing light plus fuel,accordingtoa praise, publicity about oh 89% E9% 99% 90% E5% 85% AC% E5% 8F% B8 /399730390055119Keyword (polosoft)
般若波羅蜜多心經-佛教佛經祈福健康保平安 1.0.5
常讀心經,可念經祈福求健康保平安《般若波羅蜜多心經》,又稱《摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經》,簡稱《般若心經》或《心經》,是般若經系列中一部言簡義豐、博大精深、提綱挈領、極為重要的經典,為大乘佛教出家及在家佛教徒日常背誦的佛經。現以唐代三藏法師玄奘譯本為最流行。功能特點:1、特色的一日禪功能,領略更多佛教智慧2、支持字體、亮度、書簽、跳轉等多重功能3、最齊全、最專業的、畫面精美,是讀經愛好者的不二之選Often read theHeartSutra, chanting and praying can seek health security and peace"Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", also known as "MahaPrajnaParamita Heart Sutra", referred to as "Wisdom Heart Sutra"or"Heart Sutra" is a sutra series in a statement Jane YiFeng,profound, focused on the vital, extremely important classics,asMahayana Buddhism Buddhist monks and home daily recitationofBuddhist scriptures. Tang Dynasty Tripitaka Master Xuanzang nowthemost popular translations.Features:1 day Zen Features, and enjoy more of Buddhist wisdom2, support for fonts, brightness, bookmarks, jumps andothermultiple functions3, the most complete, most professional, beautiful screen,isread by enthusiasts choice
Buddhist Fables 3.8.32
Collect Buddhist fables,contain a lot ofinteresting,meaningfultale.
乾隆大藏经 佛经 1.29
阿弥陀佛 此应用是末学平时看经的一个应用,在GooglePlay的版本几经被禁,终于目前中国开发者也可以使用GooglePlay了,感恩佛陀,南无阿弥陀佛
學佛入門 2.0
佛梅電子大藏經 1.0a
Buddhist Tripitaka Mei Electronics
生活佛教 2.0
Ngu ngon Kinh Phat Giao 1.1
KINH BACH DU gom gan mot tram cau chuyen ngu ngon day sinh dongvasuc tich an tang cac gia tri triet ly giao duc nhan sinh doDucPhat ke ra de day ve giao ly va giao phap. Kinh co tac dungphobien Dao Phat bang phuong phap thi du. Duc Phat mang nhungtruyenxua co lien quan den thien ac, toi phuoc, bao ung lam thi ducu thede tu do neu ra su dai dot me lam, vach ro ra cai vo minh cuachungsinh. Da so truyen thuong lay hang nguoi binh dan hoac nhungke khodai qua muc lam doi tuong. Mot so truyen lai dung ca loai vatlamvai chinh. Sau moi truyen neu lam thi du la phan luan ban ngangon.Nghe truyen ngu ngon de thay ra y nghia roi linh hoi duoc loidaycua Duc Phat. Kinh co loi nhieu cho cac nguoi tu hoc, du daxuat giahay con la cu si va cho toan the Phat tu noi chung. Tonchi cua bokinh la muon dem anh sang tri tue de xua tan di man siam cua nhungy thuc vo minh trong qua trinh tu tap cua nguoi Phattu."Bach" la mot tram. "Du" la thi du. Soan gia da theo satnguyenban va chuyen noi dung cuon Kinh Bach Du thanh the "tho lucbat"voi nhung ngon tu binh di de moi nguoi de doc, de nghe, de hieuvade nho. Phan "loi ban" ngay sau truyen cung duoc chuyen thanhtho.(Tuy nhien thuc chat Kinh Bach Du chi gom 98 thi du mathoi).phat phap, phat giao, dao phat, kinh phat, ton giao, ducphat,phat hoc, kinh phat, kinh tung, truyen doc, truyen dao, giaophap,tu si, tu tap, dao hanh, nhiem mau, sach nghien cuu, Riponche,TayTang, An Do, tien kiep, tai sinh, coi chet, trung am, causieu,nguoi chet, can tu, giac ngo, coi ta ba, niet ban, nghiep luc,giaithoat, sieu linh, sieu nhien, sieu thoat, sieu do, thien dinh,sachhay, truyen hay, ke chuyen, y nghia, truyen co, truyen tho
Dharma Drum Collection 1.2
"The Complete Collection of Dharma Drum" by Master Sheng Yen
화엄경 2.1
JSJ Soft Com
가장 즐겨 읽는 불교경전 중 하나인 화엄경 원문과 해석, 불교경전앱 경전모음화엄경어플리케이션 입니다.원문과 해설이 아래 쓰여있어 읽기 편리합니다.전자책처럼 터치로 페이지가 이동하며 스크롤 기능이 있고 쉽고 빠르게 볼 수 있습니다.- 불교경전 화엄경 원문 해석- 북마크 기능- 불교경전독경 불교경전듣기- 원문 글씨크기 조절- 화면 밝기 조절Enjoy readingBuddhistAvatamsaka Sutra, one of the most original andinterpretation ofthe scriptures, Buddhist scriptures scriptures appAvatamsaka Sutracollection applications.It is written under the text of the commentary is convenienttoread.Go to the page as e-books and touch scrolling feature and canbeviewed quickly and easily.- Avatamsaka Sutra Buddhist scriptures originalinterpretation- Bookmark function- Listen chanting Buddhist scriptures Buddhist scriptures- Original text size adjustment- Adjust the screen brightness
臨終關懷 2.0
법성게 2.1
JSJ Soft Com
가장 즐겨 읽는 불교경전 중 하나인 법성게 원문과 해석, 불교경전앱 경전모음법성게어플리케이션 입니다.원문과 해설이 아래 쓰여있어 읽기 편리합니다.전자책처럼 터치로 페이지가 이동하며 스크롤 기능이 있고 쉽고 빠르게 볼 수 있습니다.- 불교경전 법성게 원문 해석- 북마크 기능- 불교경전독경 불교경전듣기- 원문 글씨크기 조절- 화면 밝기 조절Enjoy readingBuddhistscriptures, one of the most original and beopseonggeanalysis,collection of Buddhist scriptures scriptures appbeopseonggeapplications.It is written under the text of the commentary is convenienttoread.Go to the page as e-books and touch scrolling feature and canbeviewed quickly and easily.- Buddhist scriptures beopseongge original interpretation- Bookmark function- Listen chanting Buddhist scriptures Buddhist scriptures- Original text size adjustment- Adjust the screen brightness
佛說四十二章經淺釋 Portable Buddhim 2.4
    第一章 出家證果    第二章 斷欲絕求    第三章 割愛去貪    第四章 善惡並明    第五章 轉重令輕    第六章 忍惡無瞋    第七章 惡還本身    第八章 塵唾自污    第九章 返本會道    第十章 喜施獲福第十一章 施飯轉勝第十二章 舉難勸修第十三章 問道宿命第十四章 請問善大第十五章 請問力明第十六章 捨愛得道第十七章 明來暗榭第十八章 念等本空第十九章 假真並觀第二十章 推我本空第二十一章 名聲喪本第二十二章 財色招苦第二十三章 妻子甚獄第二十四章 色欲障道第二十五章 欲火燒身第二十六章 天魔嬈佛第二十七章 無著得道第二十八章 意馬莫縱第二十九章 正觀敵色第三十章 欲火遠離第三十一章 心寂欲除第三十二章 我空怖滅第三十三章 智明破魔第三十四章 處中得道第三十五章 垢淨明存第三十六章 輾轉獲勝第三十七章 念戒近道第三十八章 生即有滅第三十九章 教誨無差第四十章 行道在心第四十一章 直心出欲第四十二章 達世如幻由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果有任何建議,歡迎電郵通知。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。如涉及轉載版權問題,請電郵通知,我們會儘快把相關內容刪除。Chapter One monkfruitsyndromeChapter II demand stricken offChapter III to part with greedThe fourth chapter of good and evil and outChapter V turn light weight makeChapter VI endure evil without aversionChapter VII of the evil itself alsoChapter VIII of the saliva from dust pollutionChapter IX Returning to the Club RoadChapter Xi Shi Fu eligibleChapter XI Shi Sheng rice revolutionChapter XII cited difficult to persuade repairChapter XIII asked FateChapter XIV Will BaoshanChapter XV Will LimingChapter XVI homes love enlightenmentChapter XVII next to the dark pavilionChapter XVIII of the present study and other emptyChapter XIX true and false ConceptChapter I push this emptyCHAPTER reputation of the funeralChapter XXII fiscal bitter color strokesXXIII wife even prisonXXIV lust barrier RoadFor twenty-five chapters by fireTwenty-six chapters demons Rao BuddhaChapter 27 without the enlightenmentTwenty-eight chapters Italy Mamo verticalArticle IX positive outlook enemy colorCHAPTER desires awayXXXI mind still wants to deleteChapter 32 I destroy empty terrorChapter 33 Tomoaki HamaChapter 34 Office of enlightenmentChapter 35 deposit dirt JingmingChapter 36 onward winChapter 37 read shortcut to quitChapter 38 students that is offChapter 39 teachings no differenceThe fortieth chapter carriageway mindChapter forty straight out of the heart desireChapter 42 of the world illusoryBecause of various denominations have different rituals,carryBuddhist scriptures is not to join rituals.If you have any suggestions, please e-mail notifications.Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma Realmallsentient beings, have to smell law degree from sufferingmusic,reborn in the Pure Land.As relates to reprint copyright issues, please emailnotification,we will remove the content as soon as possible.