2.4 / July 12, 2016
(4.2/5) ()


    第一章 出家證果
    第二章 斷欲絕求
    第三章 割愛去貪
    第四章 善惡並明
    第五章 轉重令輕
    第六章 忍惡無瞋
    第七章 惡還本身
    第八章 塵唾自污
    第九章 返本會道
    第十章 喜施獲福
第十一章 施飯轉勝
第十二章 舉難勸修
第十三章 問道宿命
第十四章 請問善大
第十五章 請問力明
第十六章 捨愛得道
第十七章 明來暗榭
第十八章 念等本空
第十九章 假真並觀
第二十章 推我本空
第二十一章 名聲喪本
第二十二章 財色招苦
第二十三章 妻子甚獄
第二十四章 色欲障道
第二十五章 欲火燒身
第二十六章 天魔嬈佛
第二十七章 無著得道
第二十八章 意馬莫縱
第二十九章 正觀敵色
第三十章 欲火遠離
第三十一章 心寂欲除
第三十二章 我空怖滅
第三十三章 智明破魔
第三十四章 處中得道
第三十五章 垢淨明存
第三十六章 輾轉獲勝
第三十七章 念戒近道
第三十八章 生即有滅
第三十九章 教誨無差
第四十章 行道在心
第四十一章 直心出欲
第四十二章 達世如幻

由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。



Chapter One monk fruitsyndrome
Chapter II demand stricken off
Chapter III to part with greed
The fourth chapter of good and evil and out
Chapter V turn light weight make
Chapter VI endure evil without aversion
Chapter VII of the evil itself also
Chapter VIII of the saliva from dust pollution
Chapter IX Returning to the Club Road
Chapter Xi Shi Fu eligible
Chapter XI Shi Sheng rice revolution
Chapter XII cited difficult to persuade repair
Chapter XIII asked Fate
Chapter XIV Will Baoshan
Chapter XV Will Liming
Chapter XVI homes love enlightenment
Chapter XVII next to the dark pavilion
Chapter XVIII of the present study and other empty
Chapter XIX true and false Concept
Chapter I push this empty
CHAPTER reputation of the funeral
Chapter XXII fiscal bitter color strokes
XXIII wife even prison
XXIV lust barrier Road
For twenty-five chapters by fire
Twenty-six chapters demons Rao Buddha
Chapter 27 without the enlightenment
Twenty-eight chapters Italy Mamo vertical
Article IX positive outlook enemy color
CHAPTER desires away
XXXI mind still wants to delete
Chapter 32 I destroy empty terror
Chapter 33 Tomoaki Hama
Chapter 34 Office of enlightenment
Chapter 35 deposit dirt Jingming
Chapter 36 onward win
Chapter 37 read shortcut to quit
Chapter 38 students that is off
Chapter 39 teachings no difference
The fortieth chapter carriageway mind
Chapter forty straight out of the heart desire
Chapter 42 of the world illusory

Because of various denominations have different rituals, carryBuddhist scriptures is not to join rituals.

If you have any suggestions, please e-mail notifications.

Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma Realm allsentient beings, have to smell law degree from suffering music,reborn in the Pure Land.
As relates to reprint copyright issues, please email notification,we will remove the content as soon as possible.

App Information 佛說四十二章經淺釋 Portable Buddhim


文言文常用實詞簡表 6.2 APK
1. 文言文常用實詞簡表: 漫 滅 名 明 命 謀 難 平 戚 奇 ...2. 文言文:鄭伯克段于鄢 《左傳》, 曹劌論戰,蹇叔哭師...3. 實用文:演講辭 ,會議文書, 周記、日記 ,規章、指引、說明 ...如有錯漏,歡迎電郵通知。1. Classical notionalcommon profile: name Minh Man off to seek it hard Qi Qi ...2. Classical: Zheng Duan at Yan "Zuo" Cao Gui controversy, Jian Shucry division ...3. PRACTICAL: Speeches, conference documents, weekly, diary,regulations, guidelines, instructions ...If errors or omissions, please e-mail notifications.
隨 神 佛 經 : 佛 陀 小 故 事 5.0 APK
隨身佛經提供一系列普遍世界各地佛教徒所常用的佛學小知識1 釋迦牟尼佛生平事略2 遺教的結集3 因緣果報4 業報與輪迴5 僧伽的制度6 原始的僧團 - 佛陀的十大弟子7 皈依三寶8 受持五戒9 奉行十善10 佛像的起源11 佛、菩薩與鬼神的區別12 佛陀和指鬘外道13 世間的因果 - 四聖諦14 五蘊無我15 古代高僧事略16 古代信徒事略17 佛教常識簡介18 佛、菩薩19 阿羅漢、辟支佛20 大乘和小乘21 十二因緣22 八正道23 六度24 四攝25 高僧事略26 信徒事略27 佛典選讀28 四大名山29 佛陀之前的印度30 佛陀時代的印度31 佛陀的降生至成道32 佛陀的行化與涅槃33 三藏經典的結集34 佛陀的基本教義35 基本的實踐方法36 《雜阿含經》選37 大乘佛教的興起38 大乘的般若思想39 龍樹菩薩的中觀思想40 無着、世親的瑜伽行派(上)41 無着、世親的瑜伽行派(下)42 簡捷易行的淨土法門43 密宗常識44 《法華經‧方便品》選45 《阿彌陀經》選46 《般若波羅多心經》47 《中論‧觀有無品》48 《唯識三十頌》選49 佛教的傳入50 中國佛教歷代概況由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果有任何建議,歡迎電郵通知。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。Portable offers a rangeof universal Buddhist Buddhists all over the world commonlyBuddhist Tips1 Life birthplace of Sakyamuni Buddha2 left Collection of teaching3 karma retribution4 karma and reincarnation5 Sangha system6 original Sangha - ten disciples of Buddha7 convert Sambo8 Five Precepts9 pursue Treatise10 statues of originThe difference between 11 Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and spirits12 Buddha and finger Rosary heretics13 world of cause and effect - the Four Noble Truths14 pancakkhandha without me15 Ancient monk birthplace16 Ancient believer birthplaceAbout 17 Buddhist General Knowledge18 Buddhas, Bodhisattvas19 Arhat, pratyekabuddha20 Mahayana and Theravada21 Twelve Links22 Eightfold Path23 Six Degrees24 four photo 25 monks birthplace26 followers birthplace27 Buddhist Scripture Readings28 four famous mountains29 India before BuddhaTimes of India 30 Buddha31 Buddha's birth to become enlightened32 rows of Buddha and NirvanaCollection of 33 Pitakas34 basic teachings of Buddha35 basic practices36 "Miscellaneous Agama" option37 The rise of Mahayana BuddhismMahayana Prajna thought 3839 s Thought of Nagarjuna40 Asanga, Vasubandhu of Yogacara (on)41 Asanga, Vasubandhu yoga line faction (under)42 simple and easy Pure Land Dharma43 Esoteric Knowledge44 "Lotus Sutra ‧ convenience goods" election45 "Amitabha Sutra" election46 "Wisdom Polo Sutra"47 "in the concept of whether the goods on the ‧"48 "Consciousness thirty Song" option49 incoming Buddhism50 Chinese dynasties before BuddhismAs a result of sectarian rituals have not the same, carryBuddhist scriptures are not added rituals.If you have any suggestions, please e-mail notification.Willing to take the merit back to the Dharma Realm all sentientbeings, have to smell the law degree, from suffering music, rebornin the Pure Land.
Chinese Survival Kit 普通話急救包 3.2 APK
Learn to speak Mandarin (with Pinyin andEnglish translation), including various aspects, likeaccommodation, in hotel room , travelling and renting, check out,how to book a hotel room, recommendation , complaints at arestaurant, ordering, booking a table in restaurant andbanking.
地藏菩薩本願經 Buddhism Studies/Sutra 2.1 APK
佛教經典 Buddhism Studies/Sudra 2.1 APK
1.摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經2.清 靜 經 3.玉皇心印妙經 〈第十七代玄穹高上帝〉4.中 壇 元 帥 真 經5.福德正神真經6.先天斗帝敕演無上玄功靈妙真經7.太上說南斗六司延壽度人妙經8.太上玄靈北斗本命延生真經9.太上說東斗主算護命妙經 10.太上說西斗記名護身妙經 11.太上說中斗大魁保命妙經 由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果有任何建議,歡迎電郵通知。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。如涉及轉載版權問題,請電郵通知,我們會儘快把相關內容刪除。1. Maha Prajna ParamitaSutra2. Qing Jing by3. Jade Heart printed by wonderful4. The commander of the altar by the true5. Fudezhengshen Scriptures6. Imperial Edict play fighting congenital Supreme Xuangong ethericScripturesSouth Douliou Division relieving people say life extension through7. wonderful too8. Yuen Ling Compass on too natal Nobu Scriptures9. say too much on the East Main Operator fighting fortificationwonderful 经10. West say too much on fighting through the wonderful secret ofbodySaid the wonderful pearls of Quebec life insurance through 11. TooBecause of various denominations have different rituals, carryBuddhist scriptures is not to join rituals.If you have any suggestions, please e-mail notifications.Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma Realm allsentient beings, have to smell law degree from suffering music,reborn in the Pure Land.As relates to reprint copyright issues, please email notification,we will remove the content as soon as possible.
漫談佛法 : 禪宗篇 2.0 APK
1 淨土五經2 藥師佛3 佛經原文4 地藏經5 菩薩感應6 地藏菩薩7 法師文章8 金剛經9 因果報應10 觀世音菩薩
菩薩與羅漢的故事(上集)Buddha n Lo Han 2.1 APK
1 佛經故事選集序言2 大慈大悲觀世音菩薩3 解救苦難地藏菩薩4 般若智慧文殊菩薩5 德行圓滿普賢菩薩6 智慧第一的舍利弗7 神足第一的目犍連8 拈花心傳的大迦葉9 多聞第一的阿難陀10 在空中飛行的缽11 淨精進菩薩教化王子12 羅漢與大象13 貪吃的比丘14 昆多輸柯之死15 愚笨的槃特比丘16 挑糞人變成羅漢17 兩兄弟勸化父母信佛18 世界上什麼事情最快樂?19 世界上什麼事情最痛苦?由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果有任何建議,歡迎電郵通知。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。
藥師經 Buddhism Studies/Sudra 2.1 APK
1.藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經2.藥師本願經講記3.藥師琉璃光七佛 本願功德經釋義4.藥師琉璃光如來 本願功德經淺釋5.藥師經析疑6.藥師經提要由於各宗派的儀軌有所不相同, 隨身佛經的經文是不加入儀軌的。如果有任何建議,歡迎電郵通知。願以此功德,迴向法界一切眾生,聞法得度,離苦得樂,往生淨土。如涉及轉載版權問題,請電郵通知,我們會儘快把相關內容刪除。1. pharmacists glasslight Tathagata Honganji merit by2. Pharmacist by the willing mind speaking3. pharmacists glass light Qifo Honganji merit by theInterpretation4. pharmacists glass light Tathagata Honganji merit by theExplanation5. pharmacists DOUBT6. pharmacists feedBecause of various denominations have different rituals, carryBuddhist scriptures is not to join rituals.If you have any suggestions, please e-mail notifications.Would like to take this merit, back to the Dharma Realm allsentient beings, have to smell law degree from suffering music,reborn in the Pure Land.As relates to reprint copyright issues, please email notification,we will remove the content as soon as possible.