Top 10 Games Similar to english grammar 101

Learn English Grammar 51.1.8
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English Grammar Basic 1.1
INTRODUCTION:Indians have great love and admiration for Englishlanguage.Thisis, in spite of the onslaught by various GovernmentsinIndependentIndia, giving importance to native languages.Englishteachers areone of the most respected lots among thesociety. Eachteacher hashis technique in teaching English. Theauthor of thisarticle, as afreelance teacher to adults has somemethods to teachGrammar. Nineof them are listed in the followingparagraphs.I. Parts of Speech compared to Parts of Human Body:The author used to compare the 8 parts of speech toagorgeouslydressed woman as follows:1. Nouns and Pronouns: Head.2 adjectives and adverbs: Garments and ornaments.3. Prepositions and conjunctions: Various joints of thebody.4. Interjections: Footwear.5. Verbs: The LIFE in the human body...Head is the most important part of the physicalbody.Likewisenouns (and pronouns) form the subject and object ofasentence andlead the sentences in active and passivevoicesrespectively. Thesubject noun is the Karta (doer, owner) ofthesentence which itleads. & it determines the nature of theverbdepending onnumbers (singular or plural),Adjectives and adverbs are like ornaments andgarmentsaddinglustre and beauty to a sentence. A garment is not apart ofthephysical body but required to glorify a sentence. Apersonwhoknows the best use of adjectives stands unique inwritingandspeaking English. The problem with Indians lies mainlywithusageof adjectives. They wish to speak impressive English andmostofthe time they fail because of lack of vocabulary inadjectivesandadverbs.Prepositions and conjunctions are like internaljoints,joiningvarious parts and positioning them. The bodycannotfunctionproperly without these joints. A sentence will becompleteonlywhen conjunctions and prepositions are properlyformed.Otherwiseone has to depend upon sign language only.Thus, we have briefly seen a comparison of parts ofspeechtoparts of human body leaving discussions about VERBStothefollowing paragraphs.
English tutorial
Study English with grammar, vocabulary lessons and examples.
English Grammar Summary 1.2.020215
Nowadays, English is so popular in theworldthat a lot of young people are trying to master it in 4skills:listening English; speaking English; reading English andwritingEnglish. We create this app to meet people’s need to studyorrevise English grammar from basic to advanced level. Especially,weensure that this app is also useful for Vietnamese peopleinforeign countries.Usefulness of the app:This app is edited to summarize English grammar in the shortestwayin order that users can understand and practise easily. Insteadofhaving to bring a thick heavy English grammar book with a lotofdifficult knowledge, you only need 24 hours to learn andpractisesimply.Target users:- Students in Vietnam- Oversea Vietnamese students- Teachers, lecturer.- Staff working for foreign companies.- Vietnamese people in foreign countries.- Interpreters.Content:- Sentence structures- Tenses- Kinds of verbs, nouns, adjectives, articles,prepositions,conjunctions,etc.- Conditional sentences- Comparison- Reported speech.How to share the app:You can share the app easily to your friends through:Facebook,Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Zalo,etc.References:In order to create this app, we collected information from a lotofsources such as:- Basic English grammar practice- Listening English books- Pronunciation English books- Writing English books- Reading English books.In addition, we learned about teaching methods of famousEnglishcenters in Vietnam such as: British Council, Apollo,LanguageLink‎, and Clever learn, etc.This app is also useful for you to study English to takeTOEIC,IELTS or TOEFL exams.Hope you to master English as soon as possible! Please rateourapp for support. Thank you very much!
English Grammar 1.01
English Grammar
Learn Basic English Grammar 1 1.0
Grammar is a very old field of study. Didyouknow that the sentence was first divided into subject and verbbyPlato, the famed philosopher from ancient Greece? That wasabout2,400 years ago! Ever since then, students all over the worldhavefound it worthwhile to study the structure of words andsentences.Why? Because skill in speakingand writing is the hallmarkof alleducated people.Lesson by lesson, this book provides basic instruction in theeightparts of speech—nouns, pronouns, verbs,adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,andinterjections—as well as the standard patterns ofEnglishsentences.All students of English, be they native speakers or those whoarestudying English as a second language, willprofit from the fundamental introduction and review ofgrammarprovided by SADDLEBACK’S BASIC ENGLISHGRAMMAR 1 and 2. Helpful marginal notes throughout the bookshavebeen provided to reinforce existing skills and call attentiontocommon problem areas. We wish you every success in your pursuitofEnglishproficiency.
Drawchill app
Of making many English grammars there isnoend; nor should there be till theoretical scholarship andactualpractice are more happily wedded. In this field much valuableworkhas already been accomplished; but it has been done largelybyworkers accustomed to take the scholar's point of view, andtheirwritings are addressed rather to trained minds than toimmaturelearners. To find an advanced grammar unencumbered withhard words,abstruse thoughts, and difficult principles, is notaltogether aneasy matter. These things enhance the difficulty whichan ordinaryyouth experiences in grasping and assimilating the factsofgrammar, and create a distaste for the study. It is thereforetheleading object of this book to be both as scholarly andaspractical as possible. In it there is an attempt topresentgrammatical facts as simply, and to lead the student toassimilatethem as thoroughly, as possible, and at the same time todo awaywith confusing difficulties as far as may be.
English Grammar Essentials 1.0
Writing is a lot like playing the piano.Somepeople enjoy it more than others, and people who are good atitstudyand practice it. No one is born playing the piano, but anyone candoit if he or she wants. The same goes for writing. Ifyou’reinterested in learning about writing and in becoming abetterwriter, this book will help you demystify and acquire thecov- etedpower of the pen.This book covers the basics of writing: punctuation, usage,anddiction. There’s no fluff here; this book is for busy peoplewhowant to learn as much as they can as efficiently as possible. In20chapters, each of which you can complete in 20 minutes, youcanimprove your grasp of grammar. Each chapter contains a GrammarIQQuiz, lots of examples that illustrate the grammatical rules,andplenty of opportunities for you to practice the skills.
Grammaire Anglaise 1.0
Nowadays, English is spoken in manycountriesin the world. So a lot of young people are trying tomaster it in 4skills: listening English, speaking English, readingEnglish andwriting English. We create this app to meet people’sneed to studyor revise English grammar from basic to advancedlevel. Especially,we ensure that this app is also useful for Frenchpeople in foreigncountries.Usefulness of the app:This app is edited to summarize English grammar in the shortestwayin order that users can understand and practise easily. Insteadofhaving to bring a thick heavy English grammar book with a lotofdifficult knowledge, you only need 24 hours to learn andpractisesimply.Target users:Students in FrenchOversea French studentsTeachers, lecturer.Staff working for foreign companies.French people in foreign countries.Interpreters.Content:Sentence structuresTensesKinds of verbs, nouns, adjectives, articles,prepositions,conjunctions, etc.Conditional sentencesComparisonReported speech.How to share the app:You can share the app easily to your friends through:Facebook,Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, Wechat, Viber, Zalo, etc.References:In order to create this app, we collected information from a lotofsources such as:Basic English grammar practiceListening English booksPronunciation English booksWriting English booksReading English books.Learn English onlineEnglish grammar for French.In addition, we learned about teaching methods of famousEnglishcenters in French such as: British Council, Apollo, LanguageLink‎,and Clever learn, etc.This app is also useful for you to study English to takeTOEIC,IELTS or TOEFL exams.Hope you to master English as soon as possible!I would like to hear your feedback about the app. Please rateandcomment our app for support. Thank you very much!
Learn Basic English Grammar 2 1.0
Grammar is a very old field of study. Didyouknow that the sentence was first divided into subject and verbbyPlato, the famed philosopher from ancient Greece? That wasabout2,400 years ago! Ever since then, students all over the worldhavefound it worthwhile to study the structure of words andsentences.Why? Because skill in speakingand writing is the hallmarkof alleducated people.Lesson by lesson, this book provides basic instruction in theeightparts of speech—nouns, pronouns, verbs,adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,andinterjections—as well as the standard patterns ofEnglishsentences.All students of English, be they native speakers or those whoarestudying English as a second language, willprofit from the fundamental introduction and review ofgrammarprovided by SADDLEBACK’S BASIC ENGLISHGRAMMAR 1 and 2. Helpful marginal notes throughout the bookshavebeen provided to reinforce existing skills and call attentiontocommon problem areas. We wish you every success in your pursuitofEnglishproficiency.