Top 14 Games Similar to Крестики-нолики

Quixo Tic-Tac-Toe 1.1
An interesting logical board game on aclassictheme.Goal of the game: to make a series of 5 symbols in arow(horizontally, vertically or diagonally) as inusualtic-tac-toe.Everything would be simple if the dices were static, butplayerschange dice's location by moving one of series.And you can find yourself on the verge of defeat at any time!Are you good at calculating your moves and anticipatingtheopponent's moves?Can you unravel the hidden traps?Are you able to make a clever combination by yourself? Try it :)Game features:GAME WITH ANDROIDIn Quixo you can play alone - your Android's AI will help youwiththis.GAME FOR TWO PLAYERSIs your friend sitting next to you bored? Spend a fun timetogetherplaying Quixo.NETWORK GAMEPlay online multiplayer game Quixo with your friends andcolleagues!Now it's easy with Google Play Game Services! You justneed tochoose an opponent from your Google+ circles and send aninvitation!Or find random opponent in the network.Quixo is a registered trademark of Gigamic, Inc. (
Tic Tac Toe 2 1.1.7
Tic Tac Toe is an easy but nonetheless exciting game for peopleofall ages
Tic Tac Toe 2.0
Can you outsmart Android? Try TIC TAC TOE!
Ну погоди! Крестики Нолики 1.0
Классические Крестики Ноликипомотиваммультфильма "Ну погоди!". Играть можно каксискусственныминтеллектом, так и с другим игрокомTic Tac ToeClassicbasedon the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!". You can playwithartificialintelligence, and with another player
Tic-Tac-Toe Classic 1.0
Tic Tac Toe classic game will take youtotheold school days.simple game, which is the human VsArtificialIntelligence(computer).Fun game.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Add comments if you like this game.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +New version of this game will be released very soon.till then enjoy this game.
Tic Tac Toe On-Line 1.2
Tic-Tac-Toe is the next step of theclasictictac toe game for android. Get it now while it's free!This incredibly popular game is also known as NoughtsandCrosses(Naughts and Crosses), TicTacToe, Tick tack toe, X andO(Xs andOs), OXO, Tic-tac-toe or Tit-tat-toe.In Tic-Tac-Toe, two players take turns marking the spaces ina3x3grid with X and O marks. The player who succeeds inplacingthreerespective marks in a vertical, horizontal or diagonalrowwins thegameYou can play with your frinds, invite them to the gameorchalangerandom players detect your ability and power in theworldand be oneof top players. also you can play with CPU thathave 2levels whichare easy, medium and hard also you can play withyourfriends in thesame device.Stop wasting paper. Download this game now and play Tic TacToeonyour Android device for free!Tic-Tac-Toe On-Line is the best free game. Also knownas:noughts& crosses, linea, raya, cero, x's and o's, pencilandpapergames, free puzzle games. Common misspellings: ticktacktoe,naughts & crosses, tic tak toe, tick tock toe, tic tacto,x,o, xx, oo, xxx, ooo, xo, xoxo, xoxoxo
Tic Tac Toe Online 1.0
Rules.1. Each turn, you mark one of the small squares.2. When you get three in a row on a small board, you’ve wonthatboard.3. To win the game, you need to win three small boards in a row.You don’t get to pick which of the nine boards to play on.That’s determined by your opponent’s previous move.Whichever square he picks, that’s the board you mustplay in next. (And whichever square you pick will determinewhich board he plays on next.)A few clarifying rules are necessary:1. What if my opponent sends me to a board that’s alreadybeenwon?In that case, congratulations – you get to go anywhereyoulike,on any of the other boards.2. What if one of the small boards results in a tie?That the board counts for neither X nor O.
Fancy Tic Tac Toe 1.1
The basic rules.1. Each turn, you mark one of the small squares.2. When you get three in a row on a small board, you’vewonthatboard.3. To win the game, you need to win three small boards in a row.You don’t get to pick which of the nine boards to play on.That’s determined by your opponent’s previous move.Whichever square he picks, that’s the board you mustplay in next. (And whichever square you pick will determinewhich board he plays on next.)A few clarifying rules are necessary:1. What if my opponent sends me to a board that’salreadybeenwon?In that case, congratulations – you get to goanywhereyoulike,on any of the other boards.(This means you should avoid sending your opponent toanalready-wonboard!)2. What if one of the small boards results in a tie?That the board counts for neither X nor O.
TicTacToe (Крестики-нолики) 1.0
Крестики-нолики - логическая играмеждудвумяпротивниками на квадратном поле 3 на 3 клетки. Одинизигроковиграет «крестиками», второй — «ноликами». Игроки поочередиставятна свободные клетки поля, один всегда крестик, другойвсегданолик.Первый, выстроивший в ряд 3 своих фигуры повертикали,горизонталиили диагонали, выигрывает. Первый ход делаетигрок,ставящийкрестики. По завершении партии выигравшаястороназачёркиваетчертой свои три знака, нолика или крестика,составляющихсплошнойряд.Tic-Tac-Toe -logicgameplayed between two opponents on a square field of 3 by3cells.Each player has a "cross", the second - "Toe". Playerstaketurnsputting on the free cells of the field, one is always across,theother always toe. First, lined up in row 3 oftheirpiecesvertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins. The firstmoveismade by the player who crosses. At the conclusion ofthepartyprevailing party shall cross out feature of yourthreecharacters,or tac-toe cross forming a solid row.
Time Killer: Tic-Tac-Toe Cubed 1.0.2
After each turn, face cube moves in a random direction
Крестики-нолики. Думай 1.0.dumay
Это мое первое мобильное приложение -игра"Крестики-нолики". Релиз "Думай". Наверное, это самаятупаяреализация данной игры. В нее можно играть, но невозможновыиграть.Главное, что приложение работает.Качайте, играйте и наслаждайтесь.Пришлось перезалить релиз, но все в силе - если наберется100скачиваний, то выпущу новый релиз, где первый ход будет отвязанотцентральной ячейки. И покажу продолжение ролика.This is my firstmobileapp - the game "Tic-tac-toe." Release "Think." This isprobably themost stupid realization of this game. It can be played,but you cannot win. The main thing is that the applicationworks.Download, play and enjoy.Had perezalit release, but still in force - if you typed100downloads, it will release a new release, where the first movewillbe to get rid of the central cell. And I will show acontinuationof the roller.
Big Tic Tac Toe 1.9
Tic-tac-toe is a paper-and-pencil game fortwoplayers, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a grid.The player who succeeds in placing five respective marks inahorizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.The main tactic for winning the game is to build theintersection("forks"), which do not allow the enemy to block allpossible waysof constructing fiver. In order not to lose, isnecessary to timelyinterrupt the enemy's line of three or morepieces.
Крестики нолики (Тик Так) 1.0
Каждый из нас хотя бы раз в жизниигралвзнаменитые крестики-нолики, пытаясь построить в рядилиподиагонали 3 крестика или 3 нолика на девятиклеточном поле.Есливыдостаточно тренировались в этой игре, то, наверняка,знаете,чтодва опытных игрока всегда заканчивают партию вничью, иэтоделаетигру для них неинтересной. В этой статье вы прочитаете отом,каквыиграть в крестики-нолики или, по крайней мере, непроиграть,атакже узнаете все хитрости и секреты прохожденияэтойпопулярнойигры.Немного о правилах. Цель игры выстроить надевятиклеточномполеподряд 3 одинаковых фигуры (3 крестика или 3нолика)погоризонтали, по вертикали или по диагонали раньше, чемэтосделаетваш партнер по игре. Игра в крестики-нолики начинаетсясходаигрока, который ставит крестик в любой клетке на игровомполетрина три (отметим сразу, что у него гораздо большешансоввыиграть,чем у противника). После этого второй игрок ставитвлюбойсвободной ячейке нолик. Затем снова ходит крестик.Потомопятьнолик. И так продолжается до тех пор, пока:Кто-то из игроков не построит в ряд или по диагонали3крестикаили 3 нолика, и в результате чего будетпризнанпобедителем;Не останется свободных клеток, и на поле не будетприсутствоватьтрехидущих подряд одинаковых фигур — в этом случаеобъявляетсяничья.Each of us at leastonceinhis life played in the famous-tac-toe, trying to build in arowor adiagonal cross, or 3 3 devyatikletochnom toe on the field.Ifyou aresufficiently trained in this game, you probably knowthatthe twoexperienced players always end in a draw game, and itmakesthe gameuninteresting to them. In this article you will readabouthow to winat tic-tac-toe, or at least not lose, and learn allthetricks andsecrets of the passage of this popular game.A little about the rules. Goal of the game tobuildondevyatikletochnom field Streak 3 identical figures (3 or3crosstoe) horizontally, vertically or diagonally before itwillmakeyour partner on the game. Tic-tac-toe begins to turn theplayerwhoputs the X in any square on the playing field three bythree(noteimmediately that he is much more likely to win thantheenemy).Then the second player puts in any free cell toe.Thenagain, crosswalks. Then again toe. And so it continues aslongas:    Some of the players did not build inarowor a diagonal cross, or 3 3 toe, and as a result willbedeclared thewinner;    There will be free of cells and onthefieldwill not attend three consecutive identical figures - inthiscasethe draw.
Tic Tac Toe Online puzzle xo 1.8.0
Challenging online puzzle with classic and big board with 5 inaline the xo.