md.Games Apps

TicTacToe (Крестики-нолики) 1.0
Крестики-нолики - логическая игра междудвумяпротивниками на квадратном поле 3 на 3 клетки. Один изигроковиграет «крестиками», второй — «ноликами». Игроки по очередиставятна свободные клетки поля, один всегда крестик, другой всегданолик.Первый, выстроивший в ряд 3 своих фигуры по вертикали,горизонталиили диагонали, выигрывает. Первый ход делает игрок,ставящийкрестики. По завершении партии выигравшая стороназачёркиваетчертой свои три знака, нолика или крестика, составляющихсплошнойряд.Tic-Tac-Toe - logicgameplayed between two opponents on a square field of 3 by 3cells.Each player has a "cross", the second - "Toe". Players taketurnsputting on the free cells of the field, one is always a cross,theother always toe. First, lined up in row 3 of theirpiecesvertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins. The first moveismade by the player who crosses. At the conclusion of thepartyprevailing party shall cross out feature of your threecharacters,or tac-toe cross forming a solid row.
TapTime 2.2
Tired at work, boredom in transport, nothing to do at home? RunTaptime, tear to the full! Destroy balls, blast bombs, ice spheresand time rings. Throw in the neck boredom shameful and show yourfriends what a record you put in Taptime! Simple and stylish timekillers. Score the highest number of points, destroying everyobject that appears on the screen.
TapTime Halloween 1.0
You go in transport, you stand in a queue, you wait for something-do not be sad, launch TapTime Halloween immerse yourself intheatmosphere of the autumn holiday. Activate your fingers andeyes,fast-flying pumpkins will not let you get bored, surpassyourfriend's record, and be the best. Feel the atmosphere of theautumnholiday with TapTime Halloween. Destroy each pumpkin, usespecialpumpkin - abilities, strive to achieve the maximum record.