Top 12 Apps Similar to 바우길 도보 여행

녹색여행 두발로 2.0 2.9
보고, 걷고, 느끼는 두발로 떠나는 녹색여행에 대해 다양한 서비스로즐거움과 정보를 제공하는 모바일 앱(APP) 서비스 입니다.전국 곳곳의 자연경관, 역사, 문화자원이 뛰어난 문화생태탐방로를 안내합니다.두발로 여행하는 도보여행객들을 위해 한국관광공사에서 제공하는 모바일 앱(APP) 서비스 입니다.'녹색여행 두발로 2.0' 앱(APP)을 통해 전국의 다양한 녹색여행을 경험하세요.주요기능 :길정보- 문화체육관광부에서 선정 된 '이야기가 있는 문화생태탐방로' 에 대한 다양한 도보여행정보를 제공합니다.- 탐방로의 세부코스들에 대한 GPS 경로정보를 제공하여 지도상에 표시하여 조금 더 자세한도보여행정보를제공합니다.- 도보여행지 주변의 문화, 관광, 행사 정보를 제공하여 보다 알찬 도보여행이 되도록 지원합니다.길 안내- 여행하고자 하는 탐방로의 코스를 GPS 데이터 기반의 경로정보로 표시하여 실제 도보여행 시 좋은 길라잡이가 될수있습니다.- 도보여행길의 특성 상 헷갈릴 수 있는 코스들을 카메라를 활용한 증강현실(AR) 기능으로 좀 더 정확하고안전한도보여행길이 되도록 합니다.재미로- 탐방로 여행을 통한 포인트 누적기능, 증강현실을 이용한 보물찾기 기능을 통하여 녹색관광을 하는 도보여행객들에게재미와함께 다양한 혜택을 제공합니다.- 탐방로 곳곳에 숨겨진 보물을 찾아 도보여행의 재미를 더해보세요.S.O.S, 안심설정- 여행 시 발생할 수 있는 긴급한 상황을 위해 S.O.S 기능을 제공하여 언제 어디서든 112, 119 로 긴급연락을할수 있습니다.- 주기적으로 여행객의 안전을 확인하여 지인에게 알려주는 '안심설정' 기능을 제공해 돌발적으로 발생할 수 있는상황에대비할 수 있습니다.참여로- 탐방로여행 후기를 작성하는 기능을 제공하여 도보여행 사용자간의 여행정보를 공유할 수 있습니다.- 추천, 댓글 기능을 활용하여 더욱 알찬 여행정보를 공유해보세요.알리미- 공지사항, 행사, 이벤트 정보를 제공합니다.두발로 2.0 공식 FaceBook URL:
OruxMaps Donate
jose vazquez
ATTENTION, THIS IS THE VERSION 'DONATE'. IFYOUWANT, YOU CAN TRY THE FREE VERSION, WHICH IS IDENTICALTOTHIS.IMPORTANT!: NOT ALL ONLINE MAP SOURCES ARE NOW DOWNLOADABLE.SELECTANOTHER SOURCE IF YOU CAN NOT FIND THE OPTION TO DOWNLOADAMAP.Map viewer, track logger.You can use OruxMaps for your outdoor activities (running,treking,mountain bike, paragliding, flying, nauticsports,....)100% no adversisementsOnline and offline maps. Support to multiple formats:-OruxMaps format. You can use maps from Ozi Explorer transformedwita PC tool.-.ozf2-.img garmin (vectorial) -no full support is (vectorial from mapsforge). Support to custom themessimilatthan Locus themes.Support to Wms, you can use the application as a WMS viewer.Support to APRS sources.3D view.Support to multiple external devices:-GPS bluetooth.-Heart rate monitors, bluetooth Zephyr, Polar (includingbluettohsmart devices, like polar H7).-ANT+ (speed, cadence, heart rate, distance,...).-AIS information systems (experimental), for nautical sports,usingWifi o BT.More features:Support to KML KMZ and GPX formats.Share your position with your friends, display the position ofyourfriends in your device.Download online maps for offline use.Text to speech support.Profiles; save your preferences in your SD card.Statistics with graphics.Follow routes, with different alarms to alert you if you are nearawaypoint, or you are far from the route.Create/save wayponits, attaching photo/audio/videoextensions.Custom waypoints types, with your icons.Basic support to Geocaching.Correct the altitude of your tracks/routes using DEM files(offline)or online services.Search/download tracks or create tracks using online services from Cloudmadeoroffline using Broute app.Upload tracks tracking application-gpsgate protocolMore info here:
Outdoor Südtirol 3.9.5
Keep your outdoor activities organized the best way possible
OruxMaps 7.0.2
jose vazquez
Map viewer, track logger.You can use OruxMaps for your outdoor activities (running,trekking,mountain bike, paragliding, flying, nautic sports,etc.)Some permissions explained:1.-SEND_SMS: For new SOS feature.2.-GET_ACCOUNTS: For secure login in OruxMaps servers.3.-READ_CONTACTS: For fast friend selection.100% free100% no advertisementsOnline and offline maps. Support to multiple formats:-OruxMaps format. You can use maps from Ozi Explorertransformedwith a PC tool.-.ozf2-.img garmin (vectorial) - no full support is (vectorial from mapsforge). Support to custom themessimilarto Locus themes.Support to Wms, you can use the application as a WMS viewer.3D view.Support to multiple external devices:-GPS bluetooth.-Heart rate monitors, bluetooth Zephyr, Polar (includingbluetoothsmart devices, like polar H7).-ANT+ (speed, cadence, heart rate, distance, etc.).-AIS information systems (experimental), for nautical sports,usingWi-fi or bluetooth.More features:Support to KML, KMZ and GPX formats.Share your position with your friends, display the position ofyourfriends on your device.Download online maps for offline use.Text to speech support.Profiles; save your preferences on your SD card.Statistics with graphics.Follow routes, with different alarms to alert you if you are nearawaypoint, or you are far from the route.Create/save waypoints, attaching photo/audio/videoextensions.Custom waypoint types, with your icons.Basic support to Geocaching.Correct the altitude of your tracks/routes using DEM files(offline)or online services.Search/download tracks or create tracks offline using Broute app.Upload tracks tracking application-gpsgate protocolMore info here:
AlpineQuest GPS Hiking (Lite) 2.2.8b
AlpineQuest Lite is the free solutionforall outdoor activities and sports, including hiking,running,trailing, hunting, sailing, geocaching, off-road navigationandmuch more.You can access and store locally a large range ofon-linetopographic maps, which will remain available evenwhile beingout of cell coverage. AlpineQuest also supportson-board filebased maps, like MemoryMap(c) maps.By using the GPS and the magnetic sensor of your device(withcompass display), getting lost is part of the past: youarelocalized in real-time on the map, which can alsobeoriented to match where you are looking at.By staying fully operational out of cell coverage (as ofteninmountain or abroad), AlpineQuest assists you in all your desiresofdeep wilderness exploring...Don't hesitate, use it right now for free!PLEASE report suggestions and issues on our dedicatedforum (no registration needed,allquestions answered) and not in comments.Key features (for the full/paid version) are:★★ Maps ★★• Built-in online maps (with automatic localstorage;road, topo and satellite maps included);• Built-in online layers (road names andhillsshading);• Get more online maps and layers in one click from theincludedcommunity map list (Nokia maps, Yahoo! Maps, local topomaps,...);• Complete area storage of online maps foroff-lineuse;• On-board offline maps support (visit our website to getthefree map creator MOBAC);• Memory-Map support (QuickChart .QCT maps only, .QC3mapsnot compatible, test your maps using the free Liteversionfirst);• Multiple maps in layers display, with per-mapopacitycontrol;• Advanced SD memory card Map Explorer and Scanner.★★ Landmarks ★★• Create, display, save, restore unlimited number ofwaypoints,routes, areas and tracks;• Import/export GPX files, Google Earth KML/KMZfiles,CSV/TSV files;• Support OziExplorer WPT and GeocachingLOCwaypoints;• Save and share online locations with other users usingCommunityLandmarks;• Details, advanced statistics and interactive graphics onvariousitems;• Time Controller to replay time-tagged tracks;• Routes, tracks and areas creator;• Advanced SD memory card Landmarks Explorer.★★ GPS Position / Orientation ★★• On-map geolocation using GPS or Network;• Map orientation, compass and target finder;• Built-in GPS/Barometric track recorder (longtrackingcapable, running in a separate and light process);• Proximity alerts and leave path alerts;• Barometer support (for compatible devices).★★ And more: ★★• Metric, imperial and hybrid distance units;• GPS Latitude/Longitude and grid coordinate formats (UTM,MGRS,USNG, OSGB, Irish Grid, Swiss Grid, Lambert Grids, DFCI Grid,QTHMaidenhead Locator System, ...);• Ability to import hundreds of coordinate formatsfrom;• On-map grids display;• Full screen map view;• Multi-touch zoom;• ...About the "Phone state and identity" Android permission: due tothebackward compatibility of AlpineQuest with Android 1.5,thispermission is automatically added by Google Play.
마운틴북 2.0 1.0.3
블랙야크 마운틴북 어플리케이션은 등산, 등반, 암벽등반, 트래킹, 산행,탐방,MTB등 아웃도어활동을 지원하는 유용한 어플리케이션으로, 사용자가 트래킹이나 등산에 필요한 코스정보를 확인하고,자신의GPS 기록을 남길 수 있습니다. 마운틴북 앱은 아웃도어 활동을 하면서 얻는 다양한 경험을 간단하게 사진,메모,지점정보 등을 이용하여 기록하여 나만의 탐방기록을 만들 수 있습니다.마운틴북앱을 통해 블랙야크 명산100 챌린지 프로그램에 도전하고, 인증사진을 올리면 인증받은 산의 높이만큼그린카드포인트를 적립하는 등, 도전을 통한 다양한 즐거움을 얻을 수 있습니다.- 지도 및 GPS 트래킹- 나의 스토리 작성 및 웹사이트 동기화- 친구와 스토리 공유- 블랙야크의 다양한 챌린지 및 이벤트 소식을 확인- 2014 명산100 챌린지 정보- 그린카드 및 해피스텝 포인트 확인- 친구들에게 메시지 전송Black Yakmountainclimbing book application, climbing, rock climbing,trekking,hiking, exploring, MTB and outdoor activities to supportthepractical applications, the user is required to track andhikinginformation for the course, and to leave their GPS Loggercan.Mountain Books app has a variety of outdoor activitiestoexperience and get a simple picture, notes, information, andpointsto the record, you can create your own trail records.Black Yak through bukaep 100 Mountain Challenge programchallengesthe famous mountains, authentication photos as you raisethe heightof the mountains certified to earn points, such as agreen card,the challenge can be achieved through a variety offun.- Map and GPS tracking- My Story website creation and synchronization- Share stories with friends- Black Yak news and events, check the various challenges- 2014 100 Challenge about specialties- Green Card and Happy step check point- A message sent to friends
경남 둘레길 1.2.0
경남 둘레길 앱은 경남 전 지역의 아름다운 비경을 볼수 있는 54개둘레길을스마트폰을 통하여 직접 탐방코스를 확인하면서 즐거운 트레킹을 할 수 있는 서비스 입니다. 실시간으로 트레킹 안내를받고탐방거리 실적에 따라 최고 0.5%까지 우대금리를 제공하는 금융권 최초의 둘레길 연계 금융앱 서비스 입니다.주요기능 지역별 조회경남의 둘레길을 서부 경남지역과 동부 경남지역으로 나누어 지역에서 가까운 둘레길을 선택하여 탐방할 수 있는 기능거리별 조회트레킹 탐방자의 운동량에 따라 거리별로 둘레길을 선택하여 탐방할 수 있는 기능난이도별 조회-둘레길 코스별 경사도, 높이, 산악지형, 산길, 포장길 등 코스 특징에 따라 난이도(상,중,하)별로 분류하여이용자의취향에 맞게 선택하여 탐방 할 수 있는 기능테마별 조회경남의 둘레길을 산, 지역문화, 바다 등 3가지 테마 중 원하는 코스를 선택하여 탐방할 수 있는 기능둘레길 코스별 안내 내용-코스설명, 코스 자세히 보기, 코스안내, 교통정보, 거리 및 소요시간내 트레킹 정보-본인이 탐방한 둘레길에 대한 탐방거리 조회(탐방거리 실적에 따라 최고 0.5%까지 우대금리를 제공합니다.)다람이-평상 시 생활 주변에서 쉽게 운동할 수 있는 걷기, 뛰기, 등산, 자전거에 대한 이동거리와 운동량을 측정할 수있는기능알림마당-은행에서 알리고자 하는 공지사항 및 이벤트에 대한 정보를 제공하는 기능고객센터 : 1600-8585 / 1588-8585(평일 : 09:00 ~ 18:00)----개발자 연락처 :KYONGNAMBANKGyeongsangnam-doGyeongsangnam-do the entire area around the wayapps can see thebeautiful unexplored way around 54 directly throughthe trail of asmartphone, checking is a service that can be a goodtrek.Exploring distance trekking guide in real time based onperformanceunder the highest prime rate to 0.5% in the first roundthe wayfinancial institutions to provide financial linkage Appservice.Key FeaturesRegional ViewsGyeongsangnam-do Gyeongsangnam-western perimeter of the area andtheroad dividing eastern regions of Gyeongnam area around near theroadto explore the ability to selectViews by DistanceDepending on the distance of the exercise by trekking trailaroundthe road to explore the ability to selectQuery-By-Level- Around the road course-specific slope, elevation,mountainousterrain, path, pavement characteristics, depending oncoursedifficulty (upper, middle, and bottom) to suit the taste ofeachcategory by selecting the user the ability to exploreTheme ViewsGyeongsangnam-round mountain road, local culture, ocean, etc.Selectthe desired course of three themes to explore and theability toFor specific instructions around the road course- Course description, course details, course guidance,trafficinformation, distance and travel timeTrekking in the information- My two visits to the perimeter road trail distancequeries(distance trail along the top 0.5% of earnings up toprovidepreferential rates.)Sandy- Normally, life, walking around, you can easily exercise,run,climb, bike and go for a drive and the ability to measurethemomentumNews Release- That could be from a bank announcements and the ability toprovideinformation in the event ofCustomer Service: 1600-8585 / 1588-8585              (Weekdays:09:00- 18:00)
Quechua Tracking 1.5.1
Quechua Tracking, a new hiking experienceonyour smartphone.Quechua Tracking is a must-have app, providing essential featurestoenable you to track your hikes.GPS Tracking and permanent geolocation feature for your safety,arecord chart and option to create a hiking journal that youcanshare with your friends etc. Thanks to Quechua Tracking,yoursmartphone can be converted into a genuine outdoor GPS and cankeepa record of all your hiking experiences.Localization system and safety:Using the collaborative map, OpenStreetMap-Landscape, Quechuaallowsyou to find out your GPS position, in real time, anywhere intheworld.This map is updated with new details every day, thanks tothecontributions of internet users. It also has specialoutdoorgraphics (with contour lines, trails, vegetation,ski-lifts,etc.)Zoom available up to a scale of approximately 1/10000m (dependingonresolution of smartphone)If you wish to provide rapid and accurate information totheemergency services about your location, in the event ofanincident, you can simply send a screenshot of your position onthemap by text or MMS.If you're worried about poor network coverage during yourhike,Quechua Tracking includes a function that allows you to"download amap:" pay a one-off charge of EUR 1.99 (InApp Purchase)and thenyou can download, onto your mobile, the appropriate basemap forthe route you wish to take.Record chart:Quechua Tracking allows you to view your activity andyourperformances: altitude, cumulative elevation gain/loss,distancecovered, climbing speed, walking time etc. This will helpyou focusyour efforts and improve your hiking time.Hiking Journal:Start and finish points, elevation gain/loss, route, duration,speedetc. Quechua Tracking allows you to record information aboutyourtrip, combine photos and comments and create your veryownHikeBook®: a new type of hiking journal, incorporating yourfinestmemories.You can share photos taken during your hike, at any timeonFacebook™ or e-mail your Hikebook® to selected individuals.Main functions:-GPS tracking-Geolocation and tracking on OpenStreetMap-Landscape-Share your GPS position via text or send a screenshot of yourmapposition via MMS.-Downloadable map (chargeable)-"Mountain" record chart-Elevation profile-Save and share photos-Create and share a HikeBook®, a hiking journal documentingthethrill and excitement of the hiking experience
Agerola Experience 2
AgerolaExperience is a free app, in Italian and English, plannedtotransform your holiday into a unique experience. A usefultravelguide to easily find hiking trails such as the Path of theGods,urban trekking, cultural and historical points ofinterest,panoramic views and events. A traveling companion thathelps you infinding accommodation facilities, local typicalproducts and manymore tourist informations. √ Georefence and GPStracks also inoffline mode √ GPS tracks of the Path of the Gods andof the other13 paths √ GPS tracks of 7 urban trekking routes √ GPStrack ofbike tours √ Costumed itineraries and the possibility ofsharingthem with friends √ Alert System near historical andculturalinterest sites √ AroundMe System to find everything youneedclosest to you √ Accomodations √ Events √ Mobility
trekking-etc/viewer 3.5
An easy and handy on-the-field guide for your trekking.
World Explorer - Travel Guide 4.1
The essential guide for your travels, holidays and weekends !
해안누리길 3.1
각 지자체에서 추천한 노선을 대상으로 전문가들의 현지답사를 거쳐 주변 경관이 아름답고, 해양문화•역사를 체험할 수있는57개 해안누리길이 선정 되었습니다. 한국해양재단에서는 아름다운 해안누리길을 널리 알리고 해양에 대한 관심을증대시키고자해안누리길 어플리케이션을 제작하게 되었습니다. 바다를 사랑하고, 걷기 여행을 즐기는 많은 분들께 좋은 정보가되기를바랍니다.