Top 20 Games Similar to JLPT N3日本語能力試験三級検定

Japanese language test PRACTICE N1-N5 2.0.7
JLPT PRACTICE N1-N5 is a helpful tool to learn Japaneseandpreparefor a JLPT exam by studying JLPT vocabulary and Grammar.Youcannow select from the menu how you want to learn!!! Youneedmorethan Android4.1 device.
Learn Japanese N3(Quiz) 3.3
Viet Talent
Learn Japanese N3 (Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz) app is theeasiestway to prepare the JLPT N3 Test. ◇) Characteristic _ Hasonlinedictionary, you can touch any word to find meaning. _ Include200Grammar questions and 200 Vocabulary questions _ Compatiblewithall devices, special with tablet can use landscape orportraitorientation _ Easy to use and learn, has three Modes:Examination,Practice, Collection (all Quiz type). +) ExaminationMode : fromthe total of the questions take out 10,20 or 25(userselection)questions to test. After testing is complete, right andwrongresults for all questions, and displays the user's choice andtheanswers to each question. +) Practice Mode: All questionsaredisplayed in numerical order, the user can choose any questiontotest. The question that has been tested will be noted.+)Collection Mode: collection of favourite questions.
JLPT N3 Listening 1.10
JLPT N3 Listening Training is a useful app to learnJapaneseandprepare for a JLPT N3 level listening exam. Studycompanion fortheJapanese and JLPT exams For Levels N3. I hope youpass theexam!※You need Internet connection
日本語検定テスト【5級レベル】 1.0.0
このアプリでは日本語検定の5級程度の問題をテストできます。検定を受けない人も自分の日本語力を試してみましょう。日本語検定(にほんごけんてい)は、日本語の知識と運用能力を測定する検定です。問題は、敬語、文法、言葉の意味、漢字、語彙、表記で構成されています。・スキマ時間の国語の学習に・ちょっとした暇つぶしに・自分の漢字レベルを知りたい方・学校で国語の成績をのばしたい・ゲーム感覚で日本語を学びたいYou can test the5classabout issues of Japanese test with this app.People who do not receive the test also let's trytheirJapaneseforce.Japanese test (Nippon your test) is a test tomeasuretheknowledge and operational capability of the Japanese.Problem, honorific, grammar, word meaning of,Chinesecharacters,vocabulary, consists of notation.· Gap in learning time of national language- A little killing time· If you want to know my kanji levelI want to extend the language of performance in schoolI want to learn Japanese in the game feeling
Minna Vocabulary 1.2
Nahu Studio
Learn Japanese JLPT N3,N4 word & KanjibyMinna No Nihongo newwords in animation+ List of 50 lesson of words for easy to intermediate+ Show each newword in animation for writing order andwordstructure+ Take quiz for check maturity
PMM—JLPT N3 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation ofJapaneselearning and Japanese progress. However, many learners donot havegood method to memorize Japanese vocabulary because afewvocabulary memory methods are boring and dull. Hence, theyloseJapanese learning motivation and interest.In the world, more and more institute have used JLPT test tomakesure their employees or students have the sufficient abilityofJapanese proficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makesJapanesevocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen todrawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn tostrengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners'sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is acombination ofform, sound and meaning.The official version of " PMM—JLPT N3" app software can helpyoumemorize nearly 2874 JLPT N3 vocabularies quickly.
JLPT N2日本語能力試験2級検定 1.0.0
本アプリは日本語能力試験N2レベル形式の問題集を、第1部から第4部まで各20問のアプリです。日本語能力試験2級JLPTN2を目指す方々が文字・語彙・文法の分野をバランスよく学習することで、日本語能力がアップできます。隙間時間や電車で移動・通勤・通学時間中でも学習しやすいアプリです。「問題」・択一問題、4つ選択があります。・回答もつけております。・制限時間は一問20秒で設定しております。This application is a Japanese Language Proficiency TestN2formatquestions application from PART 1 ~ PART 4 20questionseach.「Questions」・4 selections answer・ Correct answer・Time limit for each question is 20 second此应用是日语能力考试N2级格式的练习题,从第1部至第4部各20个问题。「练习题」・选择题目・答案・每题解答限制时间是20秒Thisapplication is a Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2levelformatof the problem collection, is each from Part 1 to Part420questions of application.That those who aim to Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level2JLPTN2 to learn in the field of characters,vocabulary,grammarwell-balanced, I can up the Japaneseability.Gap time and it is an application that is easy to learn whileonthemove, commute time by train."Problem"· Alternatively problem, there are four selection.And Response also put.· The time limit we have set in one question 20 seconds.This application is a Japanese Language Proficiency TestN2formatquestions application from PART 1 ~ PART 4 ​​20questionseach."Questions"· 4 selections answer· Correct answer· Time limit for each question is 20 second此应 for Shi Date 语能 force Ko试 N2 级格 exemplarily Practice 题,从第onepart optimum Part 4 each 20 个问 题."Practice 题"· 选择 题目- Answer· 每题 answer limit system time Shi 20 seconds
日本語検定に挑戦クイズ 1.0.0
apri panda
日本語検定問題に挑戦!どれだけ正確な日本語を話せますか??あなたの日本語の正確さを検定しますさてあなたは、どのレベルでしょうか?日本語の総合力を測定する。漢字や語彙など特定の領域に限定せず、日本語の総合的な運用能力を測る。そのため、6つの領域から幅広く出題している。【1.敬語 2.文法(言葉のきまり) 3.語彙 4.言葉の意味 5.表記 6.漢字】生活場面を想定した問題で、実感をもって取り組むことができる。小学生から大人までを対象とする日本語検定では、各級受検者の世代や社会的な役割を想定し、出題内容をそれぞれの生活場面に合わせている。 得意な領域・不得意な領域がわかり、自分の日本語を見直すきっかけになる。受検者一人ひとりに作成される個人カルテ(成績表)には、小問ごとの正誤のほか、領域別得点率なども記される。これによって、自分の得意な領域やのばす必要のある領域がわかり、自分自身の日本語を見直すことができる。The challenge to the Japanese test !How much do you speak the exact Japanese? ?It will test your accuracy in JapaneseWell do you, would be what level?It measures the overall strength of the Japanese. It isnotlimited to specific areas such as kanji and vocabulary, tomeasurethe overall operational capabilities in Japanese. Therefore,it iswidely questions from six regions. [1. honorific 2. grammar(rulesof words) 3. vocabulary 4. meaning 5. representation 6.kanjiwords]Problem assuming a life scene, it is possible to work withafeeling. The Japanese test that target from elementaryschoolstudents to adults, it is assumed the generation and socialrole ofeach class examinee, have combined questions contents toeach lifescene.Find good areas, weak areas, it is an opportunity to reviewtheirown Japanese. Personal medical record that is createdexamineeindividual (report), in addition to the correctness of eachof thesmall question, is also written such as area-specific scoringrate.This, understand their good areas and areas that need toextend, itis possible to review their own Japanese.
N3 Kanji Quiz 1.0
■N3 Kanji Quiz is a powerful kanji study and training toolincludescomplete kanji and vocabulary required for the JLPT examsN3.■FEATURES:- Kanjis are grouped by grade and JLPT and subdivided into setsof42 for easy practice.- List of example compounds for each kanji.- Reading test to quiz you on kanji readings (onyomiandkunyomi).- Play kanji game- All of quizzes are free
Japanese language test N3 List 4.0
Study companion for the Japanese language test exams For Levels N3.
Ngữ Pháp N3 1.1
Nội dung của ứng dụng bao gồm các cấutrúcngữpháp cấp độ N3 được phân chia thành 6 tuần, mỗi tuần sẽ có6ngàyhọc tương ứng. Với sự phân chia này giúp bạn có thể nắmbắtđược dễdàng. Hy vọng rằng với ứng dụng này trong vòng 6 tuần bạncóthểnắm rõ hết ngữ pháp N3. Ứng dụng này có thể không tránhkhỏisaisót, hy vọng sẽ nhận được đóng góp ý kiến của các bạn. Mọiýkiếnxin gửi về email: [email protected]. Thank các bạnđãquantâm.The contentsoftheapplication including the grammatical structure N3 levelisdividedinto 6 weeks, 6 days per week will have theirrespectiveschool.With this division so you can easily grasp.Hopefully withthisapplication within 6 weeks you can understand thegrammar ofN3.This application can not avoid mistakes, hoping to gettheopinionsof you. All comments should be senttoemail:[email protected]. Thank you for your interest.
Ngữ Pháp N3 1.0
Ứng dụng Ngữ Pháp N3 dành cho các bạnđanghọctrình độ tiếng nhật N3, có thể tham khảo các mẫu ngữ pháp,vídụcác mẫu, một cách nhanh chóng.Chương trình bao gồm 123 mẫu ngữ pháp phục vụ cho các bạnhọctậpvà nghiên cứu========================================================Chương trình hiện đang phát triển các bạn có ý kiến đóng gópxingửivề email : [email protected] cảm ơn đã sử dụng
日文 N3 N4 N5 背單字 1.6.1
Jakevin Luo
課文功能全新上線!!!PS:語音設定方式到手機的「設定」>「協助工具」>「文字轉語音輸出」>「請選用Google文字轉語音引擎」其實是為了自己在通勤時間好背單字所開發的目前先放上動詞篇,陸陸續續會在增加單字與功能特色:1. 單手滑動就可以切換要背的單字2. 快速切換所選單字3. 雲端字庫:隨時更新最新字庫4. 符合JLPT 日文檢定 N5~N3範圍的單字字5. 畫面簡單,所以速度超快!6. 搜尋功能,可當字典使用7. 快速切換動詞 GroupThenewon-line text feature! ! !PS: Voice setting modeTo the phone's "Settings"> "Accessibility"> "Text-to-speech output"> "Please chooseGoogletext-to-speech engine."In fact, the word for their own good back in commutingtimedevelopedCurrently putting the verb first chapter, they graduallywillincrease vocabulary and functionsFeatures:1 sliding one hand you can switch back to the word2 fast switching of the selected word3 cloud font: always updated with the latest character4. Meets JLPT Japanese test N5 ~ N3 range word word5 pictures simple, so super-fast!6 search function can be used when using the dictionary7 fast switching verb Group
JLPT Grammar ( N1-N5) 2.0
mts studio
Ứng dụng tra cứu và học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật theo chương trìnhJLPTdành cho tất cả các trình độ N5, N4, N3, N2, N1. Các điểm ngữphápđều có nghĩa tiếng Việt và có ví dụ đầy đủ, rất tiện cho cácbạn tựhọc cũng nhưng tham khảo thêm ngoài buổi học chính. Các chứcnăngchính + Tra hơn 1000 mẫu ngữ pháp từ cơ bản đến nâng cao, có vídụminh họa Nhật Việt + Tìm kiếm mẫu ngữ pháp và ý nghĩa của các mẫu+Học ngữ pháp theo từng cấp độ JLPT + Luyện tập các mẫu ngữ pháp+Hạn chế phạm vi học theo từng cấp độ JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 +Đánhdấu lưu ý các mẫu ngữ pháp + Đánh dấu đã học các mẫu ngữ pháp
Japanese language test N3 FLAS 1.0
Japanese language test N3 Level Flash card. JLPT LevelN3Kanji,Verb,adj
JPLT N3 Pro 2.0
SgSoft INC
JLPT N3 Pro APPLICATION *** ***As for the application you're Exam N3.Application of this section we focus on kanji andvocabularypracticeWith these requirements in order to achieve N3 you need torememberabout ~ 650 from kanji, vocabulary and memory ~ 3,750 ~ 63samplesabout grammar.With the first version we have met almost complete for you.The main function of the application①VOCABULARY (語彙)- Selection Exam mode GOI (語彙), with ~ 3,750 lexical data tohelpyou better cram daily- The test we selected mode:Hiragana to KanjiHiragana to EnglishKanji to HiraganaKanji to EnglishEnglish to HiraganaEnglish to Kanji②KANJI(漢字)- The kanji exam we share the same design is called, the DATAsystemaround ~ 650 kanji we would like you to remember how toreadhiragana of ~ 650 words③GRAMMAR(文法)- With about 21 grammar patterns serve your reading andreference,you can enable fast lookup of better grammaticalform.There are specific examples section for each grammaticalform.- We hope you can remember how to use and how to put sentences.With the desire to serve the community better learning Japanese,andto improve better in future versions we hope to get morefeedbackand improvement from numerous users!Look forward to your help!
JLPT N3 Japanese Flashcards 1.1
Martin Ogg
StudyNWalk Japanese Beginner JLPTN3Flashcards. Learn Fast!Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phoneordevice! You can even Learn whilst walking! You can even addyourown words or phrases to learn from! (more below)Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learninganew language. But when you get off and walk to yourdestination,you can continue studying!Combine exercise and learning in a convenient and easy tousepackage, straight from your mobile device.JLPT (Japanese Learning Proficiency Test) is theInternationalstandard for Japanese learning assessment. This appteaches JLPT N3vocabulary to give continue your learning andefficiency at theJapanese Language.StudyNWalk Japanese (JLPT N3) contains 18 Courses with a totalof1962 different words for a total of 9810 flashcards, eachwithJapanese Text and Voice.A Translation Dictionary is also included to help find wordsatany time.StudyNWalk uses an SRS-FlashCard system to teach words. Eachnewword starts with a "Question". Think of the answer. Then swipedownto confirm. Swipe Right if you knew the answer correctly, orSwipeLeft if not. Unknown words will be repeated more frequentlyuntilyou learn them.Swipe InterfaceA new Swipe interface has been introduced to make using the appeveneasier when not looking at the screen.Walking mode / Normal modeEach Deck of words contains two methods of learning. Walkingmodeis great when you can't always look at the phone screen. Useyourearphones to listen to the words being spoken. The buttons onscreencan be easily pressed without looking at the screen.Normal mode provides a deeper level of learning, using voiceandtext together. Use this if you can look at the screen.You can switch between the two modes instantly bypressingSWITCH. Imagine you are on the train, you can use Normalmode. Butyou can still continue learning after stepping off thetrain andwalking to your destination, by switching to Walkingmode.Add Course FeatureCreate a CSV file (TAB Separated) from a Spreadsheet of wordsinExcel or Google Docs Spreadsheet, copy on to your mobilephoneSD-CARD or internal memory, then tell StudyNWalk which columnsarethe Local Language and Foreign Language. StudyNWalk willdownloadthe voice translations automatically. This limited to 100words inthis version.Feedback gratefully appreciated! I'm looking to improve thisappto make this a more effective study aid
Japanese Listen Practice (N3) 1.0.1
Japanese Listen Practice (N3) is Japnaese listen practice
JLPT N1日本語能力試験一級検定 1.0.0
本アプリは日本語能力試験N1レベル形式の問題集を、第1部から第4部まで各20問のアプリです。日本語能力試験1級JLPTN1を目指す方々が文字・語彙・文法の分野をバランスよく学習することで、日本語能力がアップできます。隙間時間や電車で移動・通勤・通学時間中でも学習しやすいアプリです。「問題」・択一問題、4つ選択があります。・回答もつけております。・制限時間は一問20秒で設定しております。This application is a Japanese Language Proficiency TestN1formatquestions application from PART 1 ~ PART 4 20questionseach.「Questions」・4 selections answer・ Correct answer・Time limit for each question is 20 second此应用是日语能力考试N1级格式的练习题,从第1部至第4部各20个问题。「练习题」・选择题目・答案・每题解答限制时间是20秒Thisapplication is a Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1levelformatof the problem collection, is each from Part 1 to Part420questions of application.That those who aim to Japanese Language Proficiency TestprimaryJLPTN1 to learn in the field of characters,vocabulary,grammarwell-balanced, I can up the Japaneseability.Gap time and it is an application that is easy to learn whileonthemove, commute time by train."Problem"· Alternatively problem, there are four selection.And Response also put.· The time limit we have set in one question 20 seconds.This application is a Japanese Language Proficiency TestN1formatquestions application from PART 1 ~ PART 4 ​​20questionseach."Questions"· 4 selections answer· Correct answer· Time limit for each question is 20 second此应 for Shi Date 语能 force Ko试 N1 级格 exemplarily Practice 题,从第onepart optimum Part 4 each 20 个问 题."Practice 题"· 选择 题目- Answer· 每题 answer limit system time Shi 20 seconds
일본어 상용한자 - 칸지 2136 2.49
Japanese kanji characters Sale 2136 is an app for learningChinesein order to grade assignments.