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油漆式速記法-超右腦韓語檢定初級試用 1.04
「油漆式速記法-超右腦韓語檢定初級試用」為「油漆式速記法-超右腦韓語檢定初級」的試用版本,試用版僅提供正式版中的300個字彙,以作為使用者實際體驗如何利用本方法及軟體快速記憶單字。用手機、玩單字;輕鬆學、輕鬆記。結合速讀與速記訓練,達到超強記憶效果,背單字記得「輕鬆」、「有趣」、「記得快」與「記得牢」。韓文檢定測驗(Test of Proficiency in Korean)簡稱TOPIK,為韓國教育部認證的韓文檢定考試,主要用來檢測母語為非韓文的外國人士韓文使用能力,除了可以作為申請韓國大學的標準,許多韓國企業也會要求應試者的韓文檢定成績,以用來判斷該人韓語能力。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。「油漆式速記法—超右腦韓語檢定初級」提供學習者以圖像方式學習韓語檢定初級必備單字,收錄1376個必備單字。軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。認知性測驗完成速讀後,進入測驗進行韓翻中答案的選擇,答題正確將進入下一個題目,答錯則會同時顯示正確的中、韓文字及發音,以加強印象。聯想性測驗練習將正確的中、韓文字連接起來,答錯時會顯示正確的中、韓文字及發音,以加強印象。觸覺性測驗藉由電腦的提示,將正確的韓文字拼出,答錯時會顯示正確的中、韓文字及發音,以加強印象。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到韓文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。"Paint-style shorthand - super junior brain Korean test trial" as a"paint-style shorthand - super junior brain Korean test" trialversion, the trial version only official version of 300 words, asthe actual user experience how to use this method and software fastmemory word.Using a mobile phone, playing with words; easy to learn, easy toremember. Combined with shorthand speed reading training, toachieve superior memory effect, remember back word "relaxed","fun", "remember that fast" and "remember the prison."Korean assessment test (Test of Proficiency in Korean) referredTOPIK, the Korean Ministry of Education certification examinationfor Korean, mainly used to detect non-native Korean Korean foreignpersons ability to use, in addition to the criteria as apply forKorean universities, many Korean companies Korean candidate will berequired to test scores to be used to determine the ability of theKorean people."Paint-style shorthand" combine "a lot, the whole brain,multi-level," the basic theory, in addition to fusion intuitiveright brain left brain thinking of speed reading test withwhole-brain learning elements, but also joined a multi-sensorystimulation, increase learning The breadth and intensity of thosememories. Easy to use visual learners (instant memory), auditory(native speakers live pronunciation), tactile (keyboard)three-pronged quickly word memory into long-term memory."Paint-style shorthand - super junior brain Korean test" toprovide learners with the image verification primary essential wayto learn Korean words, a collection of 1,376 essential words.Software Key features include cognitive, retrospective, Lenovo,multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse games unit, where "paint mousegame" combines classic games entertaining, easy to operate,adhesion, topicality and game mechanics and other characteristics,both learning and entertainment, customs, competition naturevocabulary learning games.Main ScreenContains shorthand classrooms, custom fonts, computer dictionary,description, production base, sound control button.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associative tests,multi-sensory tests, tactile quizzes, games, mouse paint unit, andpaint-style shorthand description of the Heart button.Cognitive testsComplete speed reading, turned into test for Korea in the answerchoices, the correct answer will go to the next topic, it will alsoshow the correct wrong answer, the Korean words and pronunciationsto enhance impression.Associative QuizExercises will correct, the Korean text linking answeredincorrectly displays the correct time, the Korean words andpronunciations to enhance impression.Tactile QuizBy computer prompts the correct Korean characters spell, wronganswer will display the correct Chinese, Korean words andpronunciations to enhance impression.Paint Mouse GameCombined market entertaining classic game, easy to play resistance,adhesion, topicality and game mechanics and other characteristics,the design combines learning, entertainment, customs, competitionnature vocabulary learning games.Shorthand range settingSelect shorthand course, thereby setting speed reading speed,range, press "Start Speed ​​Reading" button to start the wordsspeed reading, if the close human voice can reach "an eye for speedreading" the highest level. In addition, individuals can forcolors, fonts, fixed / non-fixed items such as fine setting.TranscriptComplete answer, the answer will be displayed and the length oftime the case, move the mouse to the bottom of Korean characters,you can also display the correct Chinese significance and can beguessed for a wrong answer or the text to be reviewed.Computer dictionaryPronunciation dictionary with the point that is conducive toself-test, and memories, and both queries, preview and reviewfunctions.
油漆式速记法-日文N2简体試用版 1.03
「油漆式速记法-日文N2简体試用版」为「油漆式速记法-日文检定N2简体版」的试用版本,提供正式版中300个字汇,以体验如何利用本方法及软件快速记忆日文词汇。JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test,日本语能力试验)是一种公信度高的日本语能力的国际性检测,由日本国际教育支持协会及日本国际交流基金会共同举办。2010年起JLPT开始实施新制,测验级数由四个级数改为五个级数,由难至易依序为N1~N5。N4和N5主要检测考生在课堂上学习的基础日语的理解程度,N1和N2则检测考生对生活中各种情境的理解程度。另外,N3是N4、N5迈向N1、N2的过渡级数,N3级难易度介于旧制2级与3级之间。本测验之合格证书可作为学校入学及职场工作之日语能力证明。有关「日本语能力试验」相关信息请查阅网址:http://www.jlpt.jp/。考生取得N2检定的合格证书,能理解生活中各种情境之日语。在读的方面,能看懂报章杂志及一般读物。在听的方面,能听懂一般速度的对话或新闻报导,并大致掌握内容大意。「油漆式速记法」结合「大量、全脑、多层次」的基本理论,融合右脑直觉性速读与左脑思考性测验,加入多重感官刺激,让学习者利用视觉(瞬间记忆)、听觉(母语人士真人发音)、触觉(键盘或触控操作)迅速将日文词汇转换为长期记忆。正式版软件收录日文检定N2级5000个基本词汇。主要功能包括认知性、回溯性、联想性、多感官、触觉性、油漆鼠…等单元。其中「油漆鼠游戏」结合经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的日文词汇学习游戏。主画面包含速记教室、自订字库、计算机字典、说明、制作群、声音控制钮。速记教室包括认知性测验、回溯性测验、联想性测验、多感官测验、触觉性测验、游戏鼠游戏等单元,以及油漆式速记心法的说明按钮。油漆鼠游戏结合市面上经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,设计兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。速记范围设定选择速记课程后,由此设定速读的速度、范围,按「开始速读」钮即可开始单字速读,若关闭真人发音,可达到「以眼速读」的最高境界。另外,个人可针对颜色、字体、定点/不定点等细项作设定。成绩单完成答题后,会显示答题的情况与时间长短,移动鼠标到英文字下方,还可以显示正确的中文意义,可针对答错或猜对的文字加以复习。计算机字典字典中随点即发音,有利于自我测验与回忆,并兼具查询、预习及复习的功能。
油漆式速記法-醫護英文專業字彙 1.05
油漆式速記法-超左腦句型多益字彙 2.03
正式版下載網址:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l041601在這個進入地球村的世代,學好外國語文成為現代人當務之急的功課,其中又以英文最為普遍。近年來在國際化的趨勢下,推展全民英語學習運動已成為教育界及民間普遍的共識。TOEIC(中文翻譯為多益)是由專門從事教育測驗的美國 ETS 研發之英語能力檢定考試,TOEIC的全名是Test ofEnglish for InternationalCommunication,中文翻譯成國際溝通英語測驗,是一種針對英語非母語人士所設計之英語能力測驗,主要測試英語非母語人士在國際商務職場中英語綜合能力。由於TOEIC測驗的內容強調以職場中常用的英語為主,為了可以真實貼近全球各地職場的需求,並期許測驗題的內容可以具備更多元化的題材,ETS特別將各種職場的地點與狀況,經常使用到的英文加以整理與收集,作為考試內容的出題重點,例如:一般商務、製造業、金融、預算、企業發展、辦公室業務、人事、採購、技術、房屋、地產、旅遊、外食、娛樂、保健…等職場議題,並期許TOEIC測驗分數高低所測試出來的英語能力指標,能代表著該受測者在國際職場環境中與他人以英語溝通的熟練程度。正因為TOEIC測驗屬於全球性在職場中最具代表性的檢定,有越來越多公民營機構、外商公司及跨國企業採用TOEIC成績作為員工英文能力的訓練成果、招聘或升遷的依據,由於職場中大多數企業TOEIC成績的要求,國內有越來越多的大學系所也要求學生在畢業前TOEIC成績必須考過多少分數,才能取得入學許可或順利畢業。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。。關於TOEIC的測驗型式,總共有二百題,全部為單選題,分作兩大部分:聽力與閱讀,兩者分開計時。由於必須於有限時間看懂所有的題目,為了快速且精確地回答考題,擁有大量的TOEIC考試出現頻率較高的字彙,就是考試成績高低的關鍵因素。在「油漆式速記法-超左腦句型多益字彙」正式版收錄多益測驗必考2000個單字及2000題精選句子。結合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗,達到多重感官刺激全腦學習的驚人效果,迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、分析性、油漆鼠遊戲等測驗單元。其中分析型測驗,屬於一種以克漏字方式來學習句型與加強單字記憶的測驗方式。各位必須從完整的句子上下文關係,來填上符合這個句子的正確答案,並且藉機測驗考生對字彙與文法的了解。「油漆鼠遊戲」結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。
PMM- Civil Servants Trial 1.06
"PMM- Civil Servants English Trial" is trialversion of "PMM-Civil Servants English" app software. It suppliesonly 300 vocabularies to let you understanding the main function ofthe official version. In the official version app software can helpyou memorize nearly 3000 Civil Servants English vocabulariesquickly.Official version download website:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l121001Vocabulary is the foundation of English learning and Englishprogress. However, many learners do not have good method tomemorize English vocabulary because a few vocabulary memory methodsare boring and dull. Hence, they lose English learning motivationand interest.Many students want to engage in the work of public servants inTaiwan. Besides, more and more government institute in Taiwan haveused English test to make sure their employee have the sufficientability of English proficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Englishvocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning.
油漆式速記法-學測指考必備單字 2.01
PMM—TOEFL (Thai) 1.03
This software is a Thai interface, designedfor the Thai people to learn TOEFL. English vocabulary is thefoundation of English learning and English progress. However, manylearners do not have any good method or motivation to memorizeEnglish vocabulary because a few vocabulary memory methods areboring and dull. Hence, they lose English learning interest.Painting Memory Method makes English vocabulary dynamicallymoveably appear on the screen to draw learners’ attention, makeslearners repeatedly learn to enhance memory, and adds sound tostimulate learners’ sense and listening. In a word, Painting MemoryMethod is a combination of sound, meaning, and form. In this Appsoftware, you can memory nearly 4500 TOEFL vocabulariesquickly.
PMM—JLPT N3 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Japaneselearning and Japanese progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize Japanese vocabulary because a fewvocabulary memory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they loseJapanese learning motivation and interest.In the world, more and more institute have used JLPT test tomake sure their employees or students have the sufficient abilityof Japanese proficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Japanesevocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning.The official version of " PMM—JLPT N3" app software can help youmemorize nearly 2874 JLPT N3 vocabularies quickly.
PMM—JLPT N2 (trial) 1.03
"PMM—JLPT N2 (trial)" is trial version of "PMM—JLPT N2" app software. It only supplies 300 vocabulariesquickly to let you understanding the main function of the officialversion.Official version download website:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l102701Vocabulary is the foundation of Japanese learning and Japaneseprogress. However, many learners do not have good method tomemorize Japanese vocabulary because a few vocabulary memorymethods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Japanese learningmotivation and interest.In the world, more and more institute have used JLPT test tomake sure their employees or students have the sufficient abilityof Japanese proficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Japanesevocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning.The official version of " PMM—JLPT N2" app software can help youmemorize nearly 5000 JLPT N2 vocabularies quickly.
油漆式速記法-超左腦句型公職考試 1.04
國家遴選優秀人才,提供多種公職考試,其中高普考、特考及初等考試為最具代表性的任用考試,不論您的科系背景,公務人員是許多畢業學生想從事的工作。公務人員除了相對於一般民間企業的工作較為穩定外,在其他的工作條件或待遇也較具優勢。英文為公職考試的共同科目,由於考試範圍廣泛,考生常不知如何準備,甚至放棄這個科目,將全部時間投入專業科目。因此,如果英文可以取得高分,往往是致勝的關鍵。公職英文考試著重在考試結果能準確預測應考者未來在公職領域英文的專業表現,而考好公職英文的關鍵因素,就是背誦大量考試出現頻率較高的字彙,因此認識這些重要字彙有助於快速且精確地回答考題。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。正式版收錄公職考試必考2000個單字及2000題精選句子。結合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗,達到多重感官刺激全腦學習的驚人效果,迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、分析性、油漆鼠遊戲等測驗單元。其中分析型測驗,屬於一種以克漏字方式來學習句型與加強單字記憶的測驗方式。各位必須從完整的句子上下文關係,來填上符合這個句子的正確答案,並且藉機測驗考生對字彙與文法的了解。「油漆鼠遊戲」結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。National selection oftalents, offers a variety of public examinations, including thecivil service examinations, Hedo and primary examination of themost representative appointment exam, regardless of your backgrounddepartments, civil servants, many graduate students who want toengage in the work.In addition to public servants with respect to the work of theprivate sector in general more stable, but in other workingconditions or treatment are more competitive advantage. English asa common subject of public examinations, due to the extensive scopeof the examination, the candidates often do not know how toprepare, and even give up this subject, the full time professionalsubjects. So, if you can get a high score in English, is often thekey to success.Public English examination focused on exam results canaccurately predict the future examinees professional performance inthe field of public service in English, and good public key factortest in English, is the recitation of a large number of test higherfrequency vocabulary, so understanding these important vocabularyhelp fast and accurately answer questions."Paint type shorthand" binding "a lot, whole brain,multi-level," the basic theory, in addition to whole brain learningelements fused intuitive right brain left brain speed reading andthought-provoking tests, but also added a multi-sensorystimulation, increase learning The breadth and intensity of thosememory. Easy to use visual learners (momentary memory), auditory(native speakers pronounce live), tactile (keyboard) three-prongedapproach to quickly converted into long-term memory wordmemory.The official version included compulsory public examination 2000words and 2000 title selection sentence. Combined with the rightbrain and left brain intuition speed reading test thoughtful,multi-sensory stimulation reaches the whole brain learning amazingresults, quickly converted into long-term memory word memory. Keyfeatures include cognitive, retrospective, associative,multi-sensory, tactile, analytical, paint mouse games quizunit.Where analytical tests, belongs to gram Dropouts way to learnthe sentence and strengthen a word memory test mode. You mustcomplete sentences from context to fill in the correct answer toconform to this sentence, and the opportunity to test thecandidates understanding of vocabulary and grammar."Paint mouse game" classic games combined market entertainment,features easy to play resistance, adhesion, Sexuality and gamesmechanisms, design of both learning and entertainment, clearance,the nature of the competition word learning games.Do not hesitate, act quickly to buy this software, so you have alot of words to learn shorthand hour power, is no longer a distantdream.
PMM—English Proficiency 8000 2.01
Using a mobile phone, play word; easy tolearn, easy to remember.There are a variety of English Proficiency Examinations that areset different testing standards for all ages or students ofdifferent grades object. For example: the basic aptitude test, 1000or 2000 words reference glossary, Ministry of Higher VocationalEducation List of Standard Characters, high school word table, GEPTbeginner, intermediate and so on.Vocabulary is the foundation of English learning and Englishprogress. However, many learners do not have good method tomemorize English vocabulary because a few vocabulary memory methodsare boring and dull. Hence, they lose English learning motivationand interest.Now, a lot of company or organizations in Taiwan have used theGEPT test to hire and promote their employees. Besides, more andmore academic institute in Taiwan have used GEPT test to make suretheir students have the sufficient ability of Englishproficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Englishvocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning.The official version of "PMM—English Proficiency 8000" appsoftware can help you memorize nearly 8000 vocabulariesquickly.
PMM—GEPT High-Intermediate 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Englishlearning motivation and interest.Now, a lot of company or organizations in Taiwan have used theGEPT test to hire and promote their employees. Besides, more andmore academic institute in Taiwan have used GEPT test to make suretheir students have the sufficient ability of Englishproficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Englishvocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning. The official version of " PMM—GEPTHigh-Intermediate " app software can help you memorize nearly 6000GEPT High-Intermediate vocabularies quickly.
油漆式速記法-TOEIC試用版 2.01
「油漆式速記法-TOEIC試用版」為「油漆式速記法-多益TOEIC字彙」的試用版本,試用版僅提供正式版中的前300個字彙,以作為使用者實際體驗如何利用本方法及軟體快速記憶單字。正式版下載網址:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l030901在這個進入地球村的世代,學好外國語文成為現代人當務之急的功課,其中又以英文最為普遍。近年來在國際化的趨勢下,推展全民英語學習運動已成為教育界及民間普遍的共識。TOEIC(中文翻譯為多益)是由專門從事教育測驗的美國 ETS 研發之英語能力檢定考試,TOEIC的全名是Test ofEnglish for InternationalCommunication,中文翻譯成國際溝通英語測驗,是一種針對英語非母語人士所設計之英語能力測驗,主要測試英語非母語人士在國際商務職場中英語綜合能力。由於TOEIC測驗的內容強調以職場中常用的英語為主,為了可以真實貼近全球各地職場的需求,並期許測驗題的內容可以具備更多元化的題材,ETS特別將各種職場的地點與狀況,經常使用到的英文加以整理與收集,作為考試內容的出題重點,例如:一般商務、製造業、金融、預算、企業發展、辦公室業務、人事、採購、技術、房屋、地產、旅遊、外食、娛樂、保健…等職場議題,並期許TOEIC測驗分數高低所測試出來的英語能力指標,能代表著該受測者在國際職場環境中與他人以英語溝通的熟練程度。正因為TOEIC測驗屬於全球性在職場中最具代表性的檢定,有越來越多公民營機構、外商公司及跨國企業採用TOEIC成績作為員工英文能力的訓練成果、招聘或升遷的依據,由於職場中大多數企業TOEIC成績的要求,國內有越來越多的大學系所也要求學生在畢業前TOEIC成績必須考過多少分數,才能取得入學許可或順利畢業。關於TOEIC的測驗型式,總共有二百題,全部為單選題,分作兩大部分:聽力與閱讀,兩者分開計時。由於必須於有限時間看懂所有的題目,為了快速且精確地回答考題,擁有大量的TOEIC考試出現頻率較高的字彙,就是考試成績高低的關鍵因素。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。。在「油漆式速記法-多益TOEIC字彙」正式版軟體中收錄TOEIC常考字彙4500字,軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。
PMM—Technical English 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Englishlearning motivation and interest.Painting Memory Method (PMM) makes English vocabularydynamically moveably appear on the screen to draw learners'attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthen memoryimpression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning. This software can help you memorizeEnglish vocabularies quickly.Painting Memory Method is based on "large quantity, whole brain,multi-level" theory, so that learners are easy to use visual(instantaneous memory), auditory (native speakers of human voice),tactile (touch operation) three ways to let the vocabularies memoryrapidly converted to long-term memory.PMM—Technical English is developed using industry-universitycooperation with Department of Applied Foreign Languages of LunghwaUniversity of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Our R & D teamcollects such as science and technology related fields, finishingnearly 2600 professional vocabularies, are very suitable for theadoption of information technology and foreign languagedepartments.The pronunciation of these words in the software, are appointed bythe foreign teachers personally recording, the correction of allthe vocabulary content and pronunciation quality control have beenmany times with multi-correction in order to be best quality.Software main function is as follows:The main screenIt contains "Fast memory classroom", "Custom fonts", "Computerdictionary", "Instructions", "Production team" and "Sound controlbutton".Fast memory classroomIt contains cognitive test, retrospective test, association test,test of multi-sensory, tactile test, and painting mouse game unit,as well as Painting Memory Method Help button.Painting mouse gameIt is the combination of classic games' entertainment, easy toplay, adhesion, topic, game mechanics and other characteristics.The design combines learning, entertainment, and contest of wordlearning game.The range settingSet speed, range, according to "Speed Reading" button you can startspeed reading, if shut down the human voice can reach the highestrealm of "an eye for speed reading". In addition, individuals canmake settings for colors, fonts, fixed / fixed-point and otherdetails.TranscriptWhen complete the answer, it will display the answer with thelength of time, move the mouse to the English words below, you canalso display the correct Chinese meaning to review for a wronganswer.Computer dictionaryDictionary pronunciation function is conducive to self-test, andmemories. Computer dictionary contains the function of the query,preview and review.
Painting Memory Method—Phrase 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Englishlearning motivation and interest.Painting Memory Method (PMM) makes English vocabularydynamically moveably appear on the screen to draw learners'attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthen memoryimpression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning. This software can help you memorizeEnglish vocabularies quickly.Painting Memory Method is based on "large quantity, whole brain,multi-level" theory, so that learners are easy to use visual(instantaneous memory), auditory (native speakers of human voice),tactile (touch operation) three ways to let the vocabularies memoryrapidly converted to long-term memory.Painting Memory Method—Phrase is developed usingindustry-university cooperation with Department of Applied ForeignLanguages of Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology in Taiwan.This release contains a variety of English Proficiency and Americanlife essential 1500 popular phrases.The pronunciation of these words in the software, are appointedby the foreign teachers personally recording, the correction of allthe vocabulary content and pronunciation quality control have beenmany times with multi-correction in order to be best quality.Software main function is as follows:The main screenIt contains "Fast memory classroom", "Custom fonts", "Computerdictionary", "Instructions", "Production team" and "Sound controlbutton".Fast memory classroomIt contains cognitive test, retrospective test, association test,test of multi-sensory, tactile test, and painting mouse game unit,as well as Painting Memory Method Help button.Painting mouse gameIt is the combination of classic games' entertainment, easy toplay, adhesion, topic, game mechanics and other characteristics.The design combines learning, entertainment, and contest of wordlearning game.The range settingSet speed, range, according to "Speed Reading" button you can startspeed reading, if shut down the human voice can reach the highestrealm of "an eye for speed reading". In addition, individuals canmake settings for colors, fonts, fixed / fixed-point and otherdetails.TranscriptWhen complete the answer, it will display the answer with thelength of time, move the mouse to the English words below, you canalso display the correct Chinese meaning to review for a wronganswer.Computer dictionaryDictionary pronunciation function is conducive to self-test, andmemories. Computer dictionary contains the function of the query,preview and review.
油漆式速記法-超右腦法語檢定初級試用 1.04
「油漆式速記法-超右腦法語檢定初級試用」為「油漆式速記法-超右腦法語檢定初級」的試用版本,試用版僅提供正式版中的300個字彙,以作為使用者實際體驗如何利用本方法及軟體快速記憶單字。用手機、玩單字;輕鬆學、輕鬆記。結合速讀與速記訓練,達到超強記憶效果,背單字記得「輕鬆」、「有趣」、「記得快」與「記得牢」。DELF (Diplôme d’ Etudes en Langue Française) 和DALF (DiplômeApprofondi en LangueFrançaise)是唯一的法語官方鑑定文憑,主要用來檢測法語使用能力。台灣法國文化協會是全台唯一經由合法授權,取得主辦DELF和DALF考試的機構。通過考試後,可取得法國教育部官方所頒發終生有效之法語鑑定文憑。DELFDALF共有6個級數的文憑,分別為DELF A1、DELF A2、DELF B1、DELF B2、DALF C1、DALFC2,這六個級數分別對應歐洲語言共同參考架構A1入門級、A2基礎級、B1進階級、B2高階級、C1流利級、C2精通級。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。「油漆式速記法—超右腦法語檢定初級」以圖像結合字彙速讀訓練,並搭配真人發音的方式,快速學習法語檢定初級字彙1817個,適用DELFA1-A2及TCF (Test de connaissance du français) 100-299分。軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。認知性測驗完成速讀後,進入進行法翻中測驗,答對將進入下一個題目,答錯則會同時顯示正確的中、法文字及發音,以加強印象。聯想性測驗練習將正確的中、法文字連接起來,答錯時會顯示正確的中、法文字及發音,以加強印象。觸覺性測驗藉由電腦的提示,將正確的法文字拼出,答錯時會顯示正確的中、法文字及發音,以加強印象。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到法文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。
油漆式速記法-GRE字彙 1.03
GRE(Graduate RecordExaminations),是由美國教育測驗服務社(Educational Testing Service,ETS)舉辦的世界性測驗,用來測驗大學畢業生的知識技能的掌握能力,在很多英語系國家特別是美國,GRE成績常被作為研究所或研究機構的申請入學重要參考條件。在歐洲也有越來越多的大學,把GRE作為英語授課課程錄取標準的其中一項。GRE測驗分為「普通測驗(General Test)」和「學科測驗(Subject Tests)」兩項:普通測驗是測量考生語文(Verbal)、計量(Quantitative)、和分析寫作(AnalyticalWriting)等三種能力。學科測驗則針對各種主要學科而設計,用以測量考生對專業科目的了解。GRE測驗著重在考試結果能準確預測應考者未來在學術成就成功的可能性,而考好GRE的關鍵因素,就是背誦大量考試出現頻率較高的字彙,這是因為GRE考試中會出現大量深澀的單字,認識大量單字有助於快速且精確地回答考題。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。。在「油漆式速記法-GRE字彙」正式版軟體中收錄GRE常考字彙4461字,軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。GRE (Graduate RecordExaminations), is a worldwide test by the United States EducationalTesting Service (Educational Testing Service, ETS) organized totest the knowledge and skills of university graduates to master theability, in many English-speaking countries, especially the UnitedStates, GRE scores are often used as an important referenceconditions for admission institute or research institutions. InEurope, there are a growing number of universities, the GRE coursestaught in English as one of the admission criteria.GRE test is divided into "ordinary quiz (General Test)" and"Attainment Tests (Subject Tests)" two:Ordinary language test is a measure of the candidates (Verbal),metering (Quantitative), and analytical writing (AnalyticalWriting), three capabilities. Subject Tests are designed for avariety of major subjects to measure the candidates understandingof the professional subjects.GRE tests focus on exam results can accurately predict thelikelihood of future academic success candidates are in, but thekey factor is good GRE exam, is to recite a lot of exams higherfrequency vocabulary, this is because there will be a lot of GREexam deep astringent The words, understanding a lot of words helpsto quickly and accurately answer questions."Paint-style shorthand" combine "a lot, the whole brain,multi-level" basic theory, in addition to whole-brain learningelements fused intuitive right brain and left brain thinking ofspeed reading test, but also adding multi-sensory stimulation,increase learning The breadth and intensity of those memories. Easyto use visual learners (momentary memory), auditory (nativespeakers live pronunciation), tactile (keyboard) three-prongedquickly converted into long-term memory word memory. .In the "paint-type shorthand -GRE vocabulary," the officialversion of the software in the collection GRE often test vocabulary4461 words, the software main features include cognitive,retrospective, Lenovo, multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse gamesunit, which "paints mouse game "combines classic gamesentertaining, easy to operate, adhesion characteristics ofresistance, Sexuality and game mechanics, etc., both learning andentertainment, customs, competition nature of word learninggames.Do not hesitate, act quickly to purchase this software, so youhave a lot of words to learn shorthand hour power, is no longer adistant dream.
油漆式速記法-超右腦德語檢定初級 1.03
用手機、玩單字;輕鬆學、輕鬆記。結合速讀與速記訓練,達到超強記憶效果,背單字記得「輕鬆」、「有趣」、「記得快」與「記得牢」。德語鑑定測驗(Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache, TestDaF®)為德語能力檢定測驗之一,本測驗為德國大學所承認,可作為外籍學生申請德國大學入學許可的德語鑑定考試。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。「油漆式速記法—超右腦德語檢定初級」以圖像結合字彙速讀訓練,並搭配真人發音的方式,快速學習德語檢定初級字彙1767個。軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。認知性測驗完成速讀後,進入進行德翻中測驗,答對將進入下一個題目,答錯則會同時顯示正確的中、德文字及發音,以加強印象。聯想性測驗練習將正確的中、德文字連接起來,答錯時會顯示正確的中、德文字及發音,以加強印象。觸覺性測驗藉由電腦的提示,將正確的德文字拼出,答錯時會顯示正確的中、德文字及發音,以加強印象。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到德文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。
油漆式速記法-餐旅英文 1.04
PMM—JLPT N4 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Japaneselearning and Japanese progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize Japanese vocabulary because a fewvocabulary memory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they loseJapanese learning motivation and interest.In the world, more and more institute have used JLPT test tomake sure their employees or students have the sufficient abilityof Japanese proficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Japanesevocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning.The official version of " PMM—JLPT N4" app software can help youmemorize nearly 2247 JLPT N4 vocabularies quickly.
Painting Memory Method—IELTS 1.03
English vocabulary is the foundation ofEnglish learning and English progress. However, many learners donot have any good method or motivation to memorize Englishvocabulary because a few vocabulary memory methods are boring anddull. Hence, they lose English learning interest.Painting Memory Method makes English vocabulary dynamicallymoveably appear on the screen to draw learners’ attention, makeslearners repeatedly learn to enhance memory, and adds sound tostimulate learners’ sense and listening.In a word, Painting Memory Method is a combination of sound,meaning, and form. In this " Painting Memory Method—IELTSVocabulary" App software, you can memorize nearly 5000 IELTSvocabularies quickly.
油漆式速記法-運動休閒英文專業字彙 2.02
與國立屏東科技大學休閒運動健康系產學合作開發的運動休閒英文收錄運動及休閒活動相關領域的專業辭彙1750個左右,包括奧運各種運動辭彙、休閒活動的專有術語及比賽規則術語,同時包括大聯盟MLB、NBA、NFL…等職業性比賽,並包括各種運動及休閒活動場景之對話中之關鍵字。主要收錄類別包括:1. 球類運動-籃球2. 球類運動-棒球3. 球類運動-網球4. 球類運動-排球5. 球類運動-足球6. 球類運動-高爾夫球7. 球類運動-乒乓球8. 球類運動-保齡球9. 球類運動-羽毛球10. 球類運動-撞球11. 球類運動-英式橄欖球12. 室內運動-瑜伽13. 室內運動-有氧舞蹈14. 室內運動-健身運動15. 室內運動-體操16. 室內運動-拳擊17. 戶外運動-射箭18. 戶外運動-自行車運動19. 戶外運動-田徑運動20. 戶外運動-鐵人三項21. 戶外休閒運動-登山/健行/礬岩/直排輪/慢跑22. 水域運動-游泳23. 水域運動-潛水/獨木舟/風帆/輕艇/水上芭蕾24. 冰上運動-冰上曲棍球/花式溜冰/滑雪25. 其它運動及奧運常用語油漆式速記法採取同步結合速讀與速記訓練,再加上多重感官刺激,迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶,可以讓使用者由1小時記憶20個單字,短時間進步到1小時速記400-500個單字。1.包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、觸覺性、多感官、油漆鼠等速記課程,以及速記心法的學習技巧說明。2.選擇速記課程後,可設定速讀速度、範圍,也可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點作設定。3.進行速讀時,電腦會以定點或不定點的方式來閃字,使速記者保持注意力來觀看單字。4.進入測驗時,答錯會同時顯示正確的中、英文字及發音,以加強印象。5.完成答題後,成績單會顯示答題情況與時間長短,並提供複習的功能。在軟體中這些單字的發音,都委由外籍老師親自錄音,所有的字彙內容的校正及發音品質的控管,都經過多次與多方的校正,以務求最佳的品質。
PMM—Computer English 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Englishlearning motivation and interest.Painting Memory Method (PMM) makes English vocabularydynamically moveably appear on the screen to draw learners'attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthen memoryimpression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning. This software can help you memorizeEnglish vocabularies quickly.Painting Memory Method is based on "large quantity, whole brain,multi-level" theory, so that learners are easy to use visual(instantaneous memory), auditory (native speakers of human voice),tactile (touch operation) three ways to let the vocabularies memoryrapidly converted to long-term memory.PMM—Computer English is developed using industry-universitycooperation with Department of Computer and CommunicationEngineering of National Kaohsiung First University of Science andTechnology in Taiwan. Our R & D team collects such as computerscience and Internet related fields, finishing nearly 1761vocabularies commonly used to computer employees, are ideal forcomputer science, information, and Information Engineering, andother related departments to adopt.The pronunciation of these words in the software, are appointedby the foreign teachers personally recording, the correction of allthe vocabulary content and pronunciation quality control have beenmany times with multi-correction in order to be best quality.Software main function is as follows:The main screenIt contains "Fast memory classroom", "Custom fonts", "Computerdictionary", "Instructions", "Production team" and "Sound controlbutton".Fast memory classroomIt contains cognitive test, retrospective test, association test,test of multi-sensory, tactile test, and painting mouse game unit,as well as Painting Memory Method Help button.Painting mouse gameIt is the combination of classic games' entertainment, easy toplay, adhesion, topic, game mechanics and other characteristics.The design combines learning, entertainment, and contest of wordlearning game.The range settingSet speed, range, according to "Speed Reading" button you can startspeed reading, if shut down the human voice can reach the highestrealm of "an eye for speed reading". In addition, individuals canmake settings for colors, fonts, fixed / fixed-point and otherdetails.TranscriptWhen complete the answer, it will display the answer with thelength of time, move the mouse to the English words below, you canalso display the correct Chinese meaning to review for a wronganswer.Computer dictionaryDictionary pronunciation function is conducive to self-test, andmemories. Computer dictionary contains the function of the query,preview and review.
油漆式速記法-資管英文 1.03
PMM—JLPT N2 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Japaneselearning and Japanese progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize Japanese vocabulary because a fewvocabulary memory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they loseJapanese learning motivation and interest.In the world, more and more institute have used JLPT test tomake sure their employees or students have the sufficient abilityof Japanese proficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Japanesevocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning.The official version of " PMM—JLPT N2" app software can help youmemorize nearly 5000 JLPT N2 vocabularies quickly.
油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級試用版 1.03
「油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級試用版」為「油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級」的試用版本,試用版僅提供正式版中的前300個字彙,以作為使用者實際體驗如何利用本方法及軟體快速記憶單字。正式版下載網址:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve13l032201全民英檢是由財團法人語言訓練測驗中心所發展的本土化英語能力檢測系統簡稱為GEPT(General EnglishProficiencyTest)。此測驗的對象並不侷限於在學學生才能參加。本著終身學習的理念及精神,在學學生及社會人士都可依照自己的能力報考適當的等級。因此,考題不會只侷限於教科書中,內容更加多元化及生活化。GEPT最大的特色便是考題相當本土化及生活化,符合考生的成長背景。近年來中國大陸、日本等也都自行發展符合國情的英語檢測系統。因此,全民英檢的誕生可謂國人和語文學習者的福音。全民英檢考試,總共分為:初級、中級、中高級、高級及優級五個等級,GEPT檢定考試共分為聽、說、讀、寫四個部分,通過全民英檢「中級」者,具有使用簡單英語進行日常生活溝通的能力,相當於高中畢業程度。凡是通過全民英檢合格標準的應試者皆發給合格證書,而以認證及執照評斷能力的工作職場是全球的趨勢,因此取得全民英檢的合格標準證書,一定可以為你求職或是求學有所助益。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。。正式版收錄全民英檢中級必考3000個單字及3000題精選句子。,軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。
PMM—GEPT Intermediate 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Englishlearning motivation and interest.Now, a lot of company or organizations in Taiwan have used theGEPT test to hire and promote their employees. Besides, more andmore academic institute in Taiwan have used GEPT test to make suretheir students have the sufficient ability of Englishproficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makes Englishvocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen to drawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn to strengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners' sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofform, sound and meaning. The official version of " PMM—GEPTIntermediate " app software can help you memorize nearly 5000 GEPTIntermediate vocabularies quickly.
油漆式速记法-法语检定初级简体版 1.04
用手机、玩单字;轻松学、轻松记。结合速读与速记训练,达到超强记忆效果,背单字记得「轻松」、「有趣」、「记得快」与「记得牢」。DELF (Diplôme d’ Etudes en Langue Française) 和DALF(DiplômeApprofondi enLangueFrançaise)是唯一的法语官方鉴定文凭,主要用来检测法语使用能力。台湾法国文化协会是全台唯一经由合法授权,取得主办DELF和DALF考试的机构。通过考试后,可取得法国教育部官方所颁发终生有效之法语鉴定文凭。DELFDALF共有6个级数的文凭,分别为DELFA1、DELF A2、DELF B1、DELF B2、DALFC1、DALFC2,这六个级数分别对应欧洲语言共同参考架构A1入门级、A2基础级、B1进阶级、B2高阶级、C1流利级、C2精通级。「油漆式速记法」结合「大量、全脑、多层次」的基本理论,除了融合右脑直觉性速读与左脑思考性测验的全脑学习元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加学习者记忆力的广度与强度。让学习者轻松利用视觉(瞬间记忆)、听觉(母语人士真人发音)、触觉(键盘操作)三管齐下迅速将单字记忆转换为长期记忆。「油漆式速记法—超右脑法语检定初级」以图像方式学习法语检定初级字汇1817个,适用DELF A1-A2及TCF (Testdeconnaissance du français) 100-299分。软件主要功能包括认知性、回溯性、联想性、多感官、触觉性、油漆鼠游戏等单元,其中「油漆鼠游戏」结合经典小游戏的娱乐性、易操作、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。主画面包含速记教室、自定义字库、计算机字典、说明、制作群、声音控制钮。速记教室包括认知性测验、回溯性测验、联想性测验、多感官测验、触觉性测验、油漆鼠游戏等单元,以及油漆式速记心法的说明按钮。认知性测验完成速读后,进入进行法翻中测验,答对将进入下一个题目,答错则会同时显示正确的中、法文字及发音,以加强印象。联想性测验练习将正确的中、法文字连接起来,答错时会显示正确的中、法文字及发音,以加强印象。触觉性测验藉由计算机的提示,将正确的法文字拼出,答错时会显示正确的中、法文字及发音,以加强印象。油漆鼠游戏结合市面上经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,设计兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。速记范围设定选择速记课程后,由此设定速读的速度、范围,按「开始速读」钮即可开始单字速读,若关闭真人发音,可达到「以眼速读」的最高境界。另外,个人可针对颜色、字体、定点/不定点等细项作设定。成绩单完成答题后,会显示答题的情况与时间长短,移动鼠标到法文字下方,还可以显示正确的中文意义,可针对答错或猜对的文字加以复习。计算机字典字典中随点即发音,有利于自我测验与回忆,并兼具查询、预习及复习的功能。关键词: DELF,DALF, CECRL, ALTE,TCF,TCFDAP,油漆,荣钦,速记,速读,法文,法语,法文能力检定,法语能力检定,法文检定,法语检定,单字,法文学习,右脑Using a mobile phone,playword; easy to learn, easy to remember. Combined with theshorthandspeed reading training, achieve superior memory effect,remember toback words "easy", "interesting", "remember that fast"and "rememberthe prison."DELF (Diplôme d 'Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF(DiplômeApprofondi en Langue Française) is the only officialidentificationdiploma in French, is mainly used to detect the useof Frenchlanguage ability. Taiwan and France Cultural AssociationisTaiwan's only through lawful authority to obtain DELF and DALFexamsponsored agencies. After the exam, can be obtained by theFrenchMinistry of Education official diploma lifelongvalididentification issued by the French. DELF DALF diplomas totalofsix stages, respectively DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1, DELF B2,DALFC1, DALF C2, which correspond to the six series of commonEuropeanlanguages ​​A1 entry-level reference architecture, A2 basiclevel,into the class B1, B2 high class, C1 fluency level, C2proficientlevel."Paint-style shorthand," combining "a lot, wholebrain,multi-level," the basic theory, in addition to whole brainlearningelements fused intuitive right brain and left brainthinking ofspeed reading tests, but also adding multi-sensorystimulation,increase learning The breadth and intensity of thosememories. Easyto use visual learners (momentary memory), auditory(nativespeakers live pronunciation), tactile (keyboard)three-prongedapproach to quickly converted to long-term memory wordmemory."Paint-style shorthand - super junior right brain French test"toimage the primary way to learn French vocabulary 1817certificationfor DELF A1-A2 and TCF (Test de connaissance dufrançais) 100-299points.Key functions include cognitive, retrospective,Lenovo,multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse games unit, which"paints mousegame" combines classic games entertaining, easy tooperate,adhesion, Sexuality and games Features mechanisms, bothlearningand entertainment, customs, race nature of word learninggames.Main pictureShorthand contains classrooms, custom fonts, computerdictionary,description, production group, voice control button.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associativetests,multi-sensory tests, tactile tests, paint mouse games unit,andpaint style shorthand description of the Heart button.Cognitive testsSpeed ​​reading is completed, turn into the conduct of thetestmethod, the correct answer will go to the next topic, itwillsimultaneously display the correct answer wrong, the lawandpronounce words, in order to strengthen the impression.Legend of the testThe correct practice, the law linking text will bedisplayedcorrectly, the French text and pronunciation when got itwrong, inorder to strengthen the impression.Tactile testPrompted by the computer, will spell out the correct method oftextwill be displayed correctly, the French text and pronunciationwhengot it wrong, in order to strengthen the impression.Mouse paint gameCombining classic games market entertainment, features easy toplayresistance, adhesion, Sexuality and game mechanism designcombineslearning, entertainment, customs, race nature of wordlearninggames.Shorthand range settingAfter selecting the shorthand courses, thus setting speedreadingspeed, range, press "Start Speed ​​Reading" button to startspeedreading words, if the close human voice can reach "an eye forspeedreading" the highest level. In addition, individuals canmakesettings for color, font, point / no point other fineitems.TranscriptsUpon completion of the answer, and the answer will show thedurationof the case, move the mouse to the bottom of the textmethod, youcan also display the correct Chinese meaning, can bereviewed forthe wrong answer or guess the word.Computer DictionaryDictionary pronunciation with the point that is conducivetoself-test and memories, and both inquiries, preview andreviewfunctions.Keywords: DELF, DALF, CECRL, ALTE, TCF, TCF DAP, paint,WingChin, shorthand, speed reading, French, French, FrenchProficiency,French Proficiency, French test, French test, words,learningFrench, right brain
PMM—TOEFL (Thai) (trial) 1.03
PMM—TOEFL (Thai) (trial) supply only 300vocabularies to let you understanding the main function of "Painting Memory Method—TOEFL (Thai)". In formal version, the amountof vocabularies is 4500. In this App software, you can memorynearly 4500 TOEFL vocabularies quickly.Official version download website:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l100501This software is a Thai interface, designed for the Thai peopleto learn TOEFL. English vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not haveany good method or motivation to memorize English vocabularybecause a few vocabulary memory methods are boring and dull. Hence,they lose English learning interest. Painting Memory Method makesEnglish vocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen todraw learners’ attention, makes learners repeatedly learn toenhance memory, and adds sound to stimulate learners’ sense andlistening. In a word, Painting Memory Method is a combination ofsound, meaning, and form. In this App software, you can memorynearly 4500 TOEFL vocabularies quickly.
油漆式速記法-觀光旅遊日語專業字彙 1.03
「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗,加入多重感官刺激,讓學習者利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤或觸控操作)迅速將日文詞彙轉換為長期記憶。由於這套方法在各校使用的情況不錯,實踐大學高雄校區觀光管理學系高琪雅老師與我們公司產學合作觀光旅遊日語專業字彙,針對觀光、旅遊領域精心挑選專業字彙,非常適合觀光、休閒及餐旅等相關科系的學生採用。軟體中的單字都委由日籍老師親自錄音,字彙的校正及發音,都經過多次校正,以務求最佳的品質。軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠…等單元。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、遊戲鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到英文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。"Paint-style shorthand"combine "a lot, the whole brain, multi-level" basic theory, fusionintuitive right brain and left brain thinking of speed readingtest, adding multi-sensory stimulation, so that learners use visual(momentary memory), hearing (native speakers live pronunciation),tactile (touch the keyboard or operating) Japanese vocabularyquickly converted to long-term memory.Due to the use of this method in the case of good schools, ShihChien University Kaohsiung Campus Management sightseeing touristhigh Saskia Japanese teacher cooperation with our professionalvocabulary academia, for sightseeing, tourism areas carefullyselected professional vocabulary, ideal for sightseeing , leisureand hospitality and other related departments employ students.Software word recordings are appointed personally by the Japaneseteacher, vocabulary and pronunciation correction, have beenrepeatedly corrected to aim the best quality.Software features include cognitive, retrospective, Lenovo,multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse ... etc. units.Main ScreenContains shorthand classrooms, custom fonts, computer dictionary,description, production team, sound control.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associative tests,multi-sensory tests, tactile quiz games mouse games unit, andpaint-style shorthand description of the Heart button.Paint mouse gameCombined market entertaining classic game, features easy to playresistance, adhesion, topicality and games mechanism designcombines learning, entertainment, customs, the nature of thecontest word learning games.Shorthand range settingAfter selecting the shorthand courses, thereby setting speedreading speed, range, according to "Start Speed ​​Reading" buttonto start speed reading vocabulary, pronunciation live if closed,could reach "an eye for speed reading" the highest level. Inaddition, individuals can make settings for colors, fonts, fixed /non-fixed and other fine items.TranscriptAfter the completion of the answer, and the answer will show theduration of the case, move the mouse to the bottom of the Englishword, you can also display the correct Chinese sense, can beguessed review for wrong answers or text.Computer DictionaryThat pronunciation dictionary with points in favor of self-testsand memories, and both inquiries, preview and review functions.
油漆式速记法-超右脑日文检定N5级试用版 1.03
「油漆式速记法-超右脑日文检定N5级试用版」为「油漆式速记法-超右脑日文检定N5级」的试用版本,提供正式版中的前200个字汇及200右脑联想图像,以体验如何利用本方法及软件快速记忆日文词汇。JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test,日本语能力试验)是一种公信度高的日本语能力的国际性检测,由日本国际教育支持协会及日本国际交流基金会共同举办。2010年起JLPT开始实施新制,测验级数由四个级数改为五个级数,由难至易依序为N1~N5。N4和N5主要检测考生在课堂上学习的基础日语的理解程度,N1和N2则检测考生对生活中各种情境的理解程度。另外,N3是N4、N5迈向N1、N2的过渡级数,N3级难易度介于旧制2级与3级之间。本测验之合格证书可作为学校入学及职场工作之日语能力证明。有关「日本语能力试验」相关信息请查阅网址:http://www.jlpt.jp/。考生取得N5检定的合格证书,能大致理解基础日语,在读的方面,能看懂以平假名、片假名或基本汉字词句、短文及文章。在听的方面,可以听懂上课或生活中速度较慢之简短对话。「油漆式速记法」结合「大量、全脑、多层次」的基本理论,融合右脑直觉性速读与左脑思考性测验,加入多重感官刺激,让学习者利用视觉(瞬间记忆)、听觉(母语人士真人发音)、触觉(键盘或触控操作)迅速将日文词汇转换为长期记忆。正式版收录JLPT895个基本词汇及右脑联想图像。主要功能包括认知性、回溯性、联想性、多感官、触觉性、油漆鼠…等单元。其中「油漆鼠游戏」结合经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的日文词汇学习游戏。主画面包含速记教室、自订字库、计算机字典、说明、制作群、声音控制钮。速记教室包括认知性测验、回溯性测验、联想性测验、多感官测验、触觉性测验、游戏鼠游戏等单元,以及油漆式速记心法的说明按钮。油漆鼠游戏结合市面上经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,设计兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。速记范围设定选择速记课程后,由此设定速读的速度、范围,按「开始速读」钮即可开始单字速读,若关闭真人发音,可达到「以眼速读」的最高境界。另外,个人可针对颜色、字体、定点/不定点等细项作设定。成绩单完成答题后,会显示答题的情况与时间长短,移动鼠标到英文字下方,还可以显示正确的中文意义,可针对答错或猜对的文字加以复习。计算机字典字典中随点即发音,有利于自我测验与回忆,并兼具查询、预习及复习的功能。"Paint type shorthand -super brain Japanese N5 level test trial version" to "paint formulashorthand - super brain Japanese test N5 Class" trial versionoffers the official version of the former 200 and 200 vocabularyLenovo brain image to experience how to use this method andsoftware fast memory Japanese vocabulary.JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test, JLPT) is aninternational detected a high degree of public confidence in theability of Japanese, jointly organized by the Japan InternationalEducation Support Association and the Japan Foundation.2010 began to implement the new system since JLPT, test seriesconsists of four stages to five stages, from hard to easy to order,is N1 ~ N5. The level of understanding of basic Japanese N4 and N5main testing candidates in the classroom learning, N1 and N2 isdetected candidate's understanding of life in a variety ofsituations. In addition, N3 is N4, N5 towards N1, N2 stages oftransition between the old system and 级 2 3 N3 between difficultylevel.The test of a certificate to prove Japanese language ability asschool enrollment and the work of the workplace. About the"Japanese Language Proficiency Test" related information visit ourwebsite: http: //www.jlpt.jp/.Candidates obtain a certificate accredited N5, can generallyunderstand basic Japanese, in terms of reading, can read hiragana,katakana, kanji or basic expressions, essays and articles. In termsof listening, you can understand brief conversation class or slowerof life."Paint type shorthand" binding "a lot, whole brain,multi-level," the basic theory, the integration of the right brainand left brain intuition Thinking of speed reading test, addingmulti-sensory stimulation, so that learners use visual (momentarymemory), hearing (native speakers human voice), tactile (keyboardor touch operation) Japanese vocabulary quickly converted intolong-term memory.The official version included JLPT 895 basic words and associatebrain images. Key features include cognitive, retrospective,associative, multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse ... etc. unit.Where the "paint mouse game" combine classic games entertaining,easy to play resistance, adhesion characteristics, Sexuality andgames mechanisms, both learning and entertainment, clearance, thenature of competition in Japanese vocabulary learning games.Home screenIt contains shorthand classrooms, custom fonts, computerdictionary, description, production base, sound control.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associative tests,multi-sensory test, tactile tests, games mouse games unit, andpaint style shorthand description of the Heart button.Mouse paint gameClassic games combined market entertainment, features easy to playresistance, adhesion, Sexuality and games mechanisms, design ofboth learning and entertainment, clearance, the nature of thecompetition word learning games.Shorthand range settingAfter selecting the shorthand courses, thereby setting speedreading speed, range, press the "Start speed reading" button tostart speed reading words, closing the human voice can reach "aneye for speed reading" the highest level. In addition, individualscan make settings for color, font, point / non-point and other fineitems.TranscriptsAfter completion of the answer, and the answer will be displayedthe length of time the case, move the mouse to the bottom ofEnglish words, you can display the correct Chinese meaning, can bereviewed for wrong answer or guess the text.Computer DictionaryThat dictionary pronunciation with the point, in favor of self-testand recall, and both inquiries, preview and review functions.
油漆式速記法-超右腦日文檢定N5級 1.03
JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test,日本語能力試驗)是一種公信度高的日本語能力的國際性檢測,由日本國際教育支援協會及日本國際交流基金會共同舉辦。2010年起JLPT開始實施新制,測驗級數由四個級數改為五個級數,由難至易依序為N1~N5。N4和N5主要檢測考生在課堂上學習的基礎日語的理解程度,N1和N2則檢測考生對生活中各種情境的理解程度。另外,N3是N4、N5邁向N1、N2的過渡級數,N3級難易度介於舊制2級與3級之間。本測驗之合格證書可作為學校入學及職場工作之日語能力證明。有關「日本語能力試驗」相關資訊請查閱網址:http://www.jlpt.jp/。考生取得N5檢定的合格證書,能大致理解基礎日語,在讀的方面,能看懂以平假名、片假名或基本漢字詞句、短文及文章。在聽的方面,可以聽懂上課或生活中速度較慢之簡短對話。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗,加入多重感官刺激,讓學習者利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤或觸控操作)迅速將日文詞彙轉換為長期記憶。本軟體收錄JLPT895個基本詞彙及右腦聯想圖像。主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠…等單元。其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的日文詞彙學習遊戲。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、遊戲鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到英文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。
油漆式速記法-超右腦日文檢定N5級試用版 1.03
「油漆式速記法-超右腦日文檢定N5級試用版」為「油漆式速記法-超右腦日文檢定N5級」的試用版本,提供正式版中的前200個字彙及200右腦聯想圖像,以體驗如何利用本方法及軟體快速記憶日文詞彙。正式版下載網址:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l080701JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test,日本語能力試驗)是一種公信度高的日本語能力的國際性檢測,由日本國際教育支援協會及日本國際交流基金會共同舉辦。2010年起JLPT開始實施新制,測驗級數由四個級數改為五個級數,由難至易依序為N1~N5。N4和N5主要檢測考生在課堂上學習的基礎日語的理解程度,N1和N2則檢測考生對生活中各種情境的理解程度。另外,N3是N4、N5邁向N1、N2的過渡級數,N3級難易度介於舊制2級與3級之間。本測驗之合格證書可作為學校入學及職場工作之日語能力證明。有關「日本語能力試驗」相關資訊請查閱網址:http://www.jlpt.jp/。考生取得N5檢定的合格證書,能大致理解基礎日語,在讀的方面,能看懂以平假名、片假名或基本漢字詞句、短文及文章。在聽的方面,可以聽懂上課或生活中速度較慢之簡短對話。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗,加入多重感官刺激,讓學習者利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤或觸控操作)迅速將日文詞彙轉換為長期記憶。在正式版軟體收錄JLPT895個基本詞彙及右腦聯想圖像。主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠…等單元。其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的日文詞彙學習遊戲。
油漆式速记法-韩语初级简体版用版 1.03
为「油漆式速记法-超右脑韩语检定初级简体版」的试用版本,提供正式版中200个字汇,以体验如何利用本方法及软件快速记忆韩语词汇。韩文检定测验(Test of Proficiency in Korean)简称TOPIK,为韩国教育部认证的韩文检定考试,主要用来检测母语为非韩文的外国人士韩文使用能力,除了可以作为申请韩国大学的标准,许多韩国企业也会要求应试者的韩文检定成绩,以用来判断该人韩语能力。「油漆式速记法」结合「大量、全脑、多层次」的基本理论,除了融合右脑直觉性速读与左脑思考性测验的全脑学习元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加学习者记忆力的广度与强度。让学习者轻松利用视觉(瞬间记忆)、听觉(母语人士真人发音)、触觉(键盘操作)三管齐下迅速将单字记忆转换为长期记忆。「油漆式速记法—超右脑韩语检定初级」提供学习者以图像方式学习韩语检定初级必备单字,收录1376个必备单字。软件主要功能包括认知性、回溯性、联想性、多感官、触觉性、油漆鼠游戏等单元,其中「油漆鼠游戏」结合经典小游戏的娱乐性、易操作、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。主画面包含速记教室、自定义字库、计算机字典、说明、制作群、声音控制钮。速记教室包括认知性测验、回溯性测验、联想性测验、多感官测验、触觉性测验、油漆鼠游戏等单元,以及油漆式速记心法的说明按钮。认知性测验完成速读后,进入测验进行韩翻中答案的选择,答题正确将进入下一个题目,答错则会同时显示正确的中、韩文字及发音,以加强印象。联想性测验练习将正确的中、韩文字连接起来,答错时会显示正确的中、韩文字及发音,以加强印象。触觉性测验藉由计算机的提示,将正确的韩文字拼出,答错时会显示正确的中、韩文字及发音,以加强印象。油漆鼠游戏结合市面上经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,设计兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。速记范围设定选择速记课程后,由此设定速读的速度、范围,按「开始速读」钮即可开始单字速读,若关闭真人发音,可达到「以眼速读」的最高境界。另外,个人可针对颜色、字体、定点/不定点等细项作设定。成绩单完成答题后,会显示答题的情况与时间长短,移动鼠标到韩文字下方,还可以显示正确的中文意义,可针对答错或猜对的文字加以复习。计算机字典字典中随点即发音,有利于自我测验与回忆,并兼具查询、预习及复习的功能。To "paint style shorthand- Super Junior Simplified right brain Korean test" trial versionprovides the official version 200 words, in order to experience howto use this method and software fast memory Korean vocabulary.Korean Certification Test (Test of Proficiency in Korean)referred TOPIK, the Korean Ministry of Education certification examKorean test, mainly used to detect non-native Korean Koreanexpatriates ability to use, in addition to a standard applicationfor Korean universities, many Korean companies Korean candidatewill be required to test scores to be used to determine the abilityof the Korean people."Paint-style shorthand" combine "a lot, the whole brain,multi-level" basic theory, in addition to whole-brain learningelements blend right brain and left brain intuitive thinking ofspeed reading test, but also added multi-sensory stimulation,increase learning The breadth and intensity of those memories. Easyto use visual learners (momentary memory), auditory (nativespeakers live pronunciation), tactile (keyboard) pronged quicklyconverted into long-term memory word memory."Paint-style shorthand - super junior right-brain Korean test"to provide learners with an image of primary essential way to learnKorean vocabulary test, included 1,376 essential words. Keyfunctions include cognitive, retrospective, Lenovo, multi-sensory,tactile, paint mouse games unit, which "paints mouse game" combinesthe classic game of entertaining, easy to operate, adhesion,topicality and games Features mechanisms, both learning andentertainment, customs, the nature of the contest word learninggames.Main ScreenContains shorthand classrooms, custom fonts, computer dictionary,description, production team, sound control.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associative tests,multi-sensory tests, tactile tests, paint mouse games unit, andpaint-style shorthand description of the Heart button.Cognitive testsSpeed ​​reading is completed, turn South Korea into the testcarried out in the answer choices, the correct answer will go tothe next topic, wrong answers are displayed simultaneously correct,the Korean text and pronunciation to enhance impression.Lenovo sex quizThe right to practice in Korean characters connect, it will showthe correct, and Korean characters and pronunciation when a wronganswer, in order to strengthen the impression.Tactile testWith prompt computer spell out the correct Korean characters willbe displayed correctly in Korean characters and pronunciation whena wrong answer, in order to strengthen the impression.Paint mouse gameCombined market entertaining classic game, features easy to playresistance, adhesion, topicality and games mechanism designcombines learning, entertainment, customs, the nature of thecontest word learning games.Shorthand range settingAfter selecting the shorthand courses, thereby setting speedreading speed, range, according to "Start Speed ​​Reading" buttonto start speed reading vocabulary, pronunciation live if closed,could reach "an eye for speed reading" the highest level. Inaddition, individuals can make settings for colors, fonts, fixed /non-fixed and other fine items.TranscriptAfter the completion of the answer, and the answer will show theduration of the case, move the mouse to the bottom of Koreancharacters, you can also display the correct Chinese sense, can beguessed review for wrong answers or text.Computer DictionaryThat pronunciation dictionary with points in favor of self-testsand memories, and both inquiries, preview and review functions.
油漆式速记法-超右脑西班牙语检定初级 1.03
用手機、玩單字;輕鬆學、輕鬆記。結合速讀與速記訓練,達到超強記憶效果,背單字記得「輕鬆」、「有趣」、「記得快」與「記得牢」。DELE是西班牙教育部授權西班牙塞萬提斯學院「InstitutoCervantes」舉辦的西班牙語言能力測驗,其檢測對象是針對非西班牙母語人士,通過檢定者將授予正式證書,且終身有效。廣泛受各國政府、商業公司及教育機構所承認。依語言能力程度區分為A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2,共六級,包含聽、說、讀、寫四部份。其中DELE A1及DELEA2證明您具備簡易及基礎西班牙語能力,相當「歐語能力評量共同參考標準」所制定六級檢定中之第一級 (A1)及第二級 (A2)。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。「油漆式速記法—超右腦西班牙語檢定初級」以圖像結合字彙速讀訓練,並搭配真人發音的方式,快速學習西班牙語檢定初級字彙2128個,這些字彙適用DELEA1及DELE A2。軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。認知性測驗完成速讀後,進入進行西班牙翻中測驗,答對將進入下一個題目,答錯則會同時顯示正確的中、西班牙文字及發音,以加強印象。聯想性測驗練習將正確的中、西班牙文字連接起來,答錯時會顯示正確的中、西班牙文字及發音,以加強印象。觸覺性測驗藉由電腦的提示,將正確的西班牙文字拼出,答錯時會顯示正確的中、西班牙文字及發音,以加強印象。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到西班牙文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。
Painting Memory Method—TOEIC 2.01
Vocabulary is the foundation of Englishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do not havegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a few vocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they lose Englishlearning motivation and interest.Now, a lot of company or organizations around the world haveused the TOEIC test to hire and promote their employees. In theworld, more and more academic institute have used TOEIC test tomake sure their students have the sufficient ability of Englishproficiency.Painting Memory Method makes English vocabulary dynamicallymoveably appear on the screen to draw learners' attention, makeslearners repeatedly learn to strengthen memory impression, and addssound to stimulate learners' sense and listening. In summary,Painting Memory Method is a combination of form, sound and meaning.The official version of " Painting Memory Method—TOEIC " appsoftware can help you memorize nearly 4500 TOEIC vocabulariesquickly.
油漆式速記法-ECL軍事英檢 1.03
ECL(English Comprehension LevelTest)軍事人員英文檢定,是美國國防部專為全球一百多個盟國軍事人員所設計的英語能力測驗。ECL測驗內容是以美國軍方位於德州語文學校的課程為依據,考試重點偏一般性實用英語,常於測驗中穿插軍事術語或階級名稱。通過ECL測驗的軍事人員,在閱讀及會話表達能力都有一定的水準,特別在軍事訓練或軍事採購,可以沒有語言溝通的障礙。本版本收錄ECL測驗必考單字3990個,並整理許多軍事用語,以提昇軍事人員專業英語能力。所有單字均由外籍老師錄音,在內容及發音品質,都經過多次與多方的校正。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。透過速讀瞬間記憶能力的訓練,搭配這些單字的真人發音,就像是一套多媒體互動光碟有聲書,長期大量聆聽這些純正的發音,一定可以大幅提升使用者英語聽力水準。軟體主要功能如下:主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到英文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。
油漆式速记法-日文检定N1级简体版 1.03
JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test,日本语能力试验)是一种公信度高的日本语能力的国际性检测,由日本国际教育支持协会及日本国际交流基金会共同举办。2010年起JLPT开始实施新制,测验级数由四个级数改为五个级数,由难至易依序为N1~N5。N4和N5主要检测考生在课堂上学习的基础日语的理解程度,N1和N2则检测考生对生活中各种情境的理解程度。另外,N3是N4、N5迈向N1、N2的过渡级数,N3级难易度介于旧制2级与3级之间。本测验之合格证书可作为学校入学及职场工作之日语能力证明。有关「日本语能力试验」相关信息请查阅网址:http://www.jlpt.jp/。「油漆式速记法」结合「大量、全脑、多层次」的基本理论,融合右脑直觉性速读与左脑思考性测验,加入多重感官刺激,让学习者利用视觉(瞬间记忆)、听觉(母语人士真人发音)、触觉(键盘或触控操作)迅速将日文词汇转换为长期记忆。正式版软件收录日文检定N1级6000个基本词汇。主要功能包括认知性、回溯性、联想性、多感官、触觉性、油漆鼠…等单元。其中「油漆鼠游戏」结合经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的日文词汇学习游戏。主画面包含速记教室、自订字库、计算机字典、说明、制作群、声音控制钮。速记教室包括认知性测验、回溯性测验、联想性测验、多感官测验、触觉性测验、游戏鼠游戏等单元,以及油漆式速记心法的说明按钮。油漆鼠游戏结合市面上经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,设计兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。速记范围设定选择速记课程后,由此设定速读的速度、范围,按「开始速读」钮即可开始单字速读,若关闭真人发音,可达到「以眼速读」的最高境界。另外,个人可针对颜色、字体、定点/不定点等细项作设定。成绩单完成答题后,会显示答题的情况与时间长短,移动鼠标到英文字下方,还可以显示正确的中文意义,可针对答错或猜对的文字加以复习。计算机字典字典中随点即发音,有利于自我测验与回忆,并兼具查询、预习及复习的功能。
油漆式速記法-SAT字彙 1.03
SAT (Scholastic Assessment Tests)測驗是由美國大學委員會委託教育測驗服務(Educational TestingService,簡稱ETS)定期舉辦的世界性測驗,在很多英語系國家特別是美國,SAT成績常被作為大學申請入學的重要參考條件。SAT測驗分為SAT Reasoning Test 和SAT Subject Test兩種。SAT ReasoningTest主要在測驗考生的英文程度、數學推論能力及英文寫作能力。SAT SubjectTest主要在測量考生在某一學科的知識和運用這些知識的能力。SAT考試結果能作為應考者進入大學後成績的參考資料,也可以用來比較不同學校畢業生程。考好SAT的關鍵因素,就是背誦大量考試出現頻率較高的字彙,認識大量單字有助於快速且精確地回答考題。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。在「油漆式速記法-SAT字彙」正式版軟體中收錄SAT常考字彙4443字,軟體主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到英文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。
油漆式速记法-超右脑日文检定N5级简体版 1.03
JLPT(Japanese Language ProficiencyTest,日本语能力试验)是一种公信度高的日本语能力的国际性检测,由日本国际教育支持协会及日本国际交流基金会共同举办。2010年起JLPT开始实施新制,测验级数由四个级数改为五个级数,由难至易依序为N1~N5。N4和N5主要检测考生在课堂上学习的基础日语的理解程度,N1和N2则检测考生对生活中各种情境的理解程度。另外,N3是N4、N5迈向N1、N2的过渡级数,N3级难易度介于旧制2级与3级之间。本测验之合格证书可作为学校入学及职场工作之日语能力证明。有关「日本语能力试验」相关信息请查阅网址:http://www.jlpt.jp/。考生取得N5检定的合格证书,能大致理解基础日语,在读的方面,能看懂以平假名、片假名或基本汉字词句、短文及文章。在听的方面,可以听懂上课或生活中速度较慢之简短对话。「油漆式速记法」结合「大量、全脑、多层次」的基本理论,融合右脑直觉性速读与左脑思考性测验,加入多重感官刺激,让学习者利用视觉(瞬间记忆)、听觉(母语人士真人发音)、触觉(键盘或触控操作)迅速将日文词汇转换为长期记忆。本软件收录JLPT895个基本词汇及右脑联想图像。主要功能包括认知性、回溯性、联想性、多感官、触觉性、油漆鼠…等单元。其中「油漆鼠游戏」结合经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的日文词汇学习游戏。主画面包含速记教室、自订字库、计算机字典、说明、制作群、声音控制钮。速记教室包括认知性测验、回溯性测验、联想性测验、多感官测验、触觉性测验、游戏鼠游戏等单元,以及油漆式速记心法的说明按钮。油漆鼠游戏结合市面上经典小游戏的娱乐性、易玩性、黏着性、话题性及游戏机制等特点,设计兼具学习、娱乐、过关、竞赛性质的单字学习游戏。速记范围设定选择速记课程后,由此设定速读的速度、范围,按「开始速读」钮即可开始单字速读,若关闭真人发音,可达到「以眼速读」的最高境界。另外,个人可针对颜色、字体、定点/不定点等细项作设定。成绩单完成答题后,会显示答题的情况与时间长短,移动鼠标到英文字下方,还可以显示正确的中文意义,可针对答错或猜对的文字加以复习。计算机字典字典中随点即发音,有利于自我测验与回忆,并兼具查询、预习及复习的功能。JLPT (JapaneseLanguageProficiency Test, Japanese Language Proficiency Test) isaninternational detect a high degree of public confidence intheability of Japanese, jointly organized by the JapanInternationalEducation Support Association and the JapanFoundation.2010 onwards JLPT implemented the new system, the testseriesconsists of four stages to five stages, from difficult toeasysequentially for N1 ~ N5. Basic level of understanding of N4and N5Japanese main test candidates in the classroom learning, N1and N2is detected the candidates' understanding of life in avariety ofsituations. In addition, N3 is N4, N5 towards N1, N2stages of thetransition between the old system two compatible withlevel 3 N3between difficulty level.The test of a certificate to prove as a Japanese languageabilityof school enrollment and workplace work. On "JapaneseLanguageProficiency Test" related information please refer to theURL: http://www.jlpt.jp/.N5 test candidates obtain a certificate, and cangenerallyunderstand basic Japanese, in terms of reading, in orderto be ableto read hiragana, katakana or basic kanji words, essaysandarticles. In terms of listening, you can understandshortconversation class or slower of life."Paint-style shorthand" combine "a lot, the wholebrain,multi-level" basic theory, fusion intuitive right brain andleftbrain thinking of speed reading test, addingmulti-sensorystimulation, so that learners use visual (momentarymemory),hearing (native speakers live pronunciation), tactile(touch thekeyboard or operating) Japanese vocabulary quicklyconvertlong-term memory.The software contains JLPT 895 basic words and right brainLenovoimages. Key features include cognitive, retrospective,Lenovo,multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse ... etc. units. Which"paintsmouse game" combines classic games entertaining, easy toplayresistance, adhesion characteristics, the topic of sex andgamemechanics, etc., both learning and entertainment,customs,competition nature of Japanese vocabulary learninggames.Main screenContains shorthand classrooms, custom fonts, computerdictionary,description, production base, sound control button.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associativetests,multi-sensory tests, tactile quizzes, games and other gamingmousecells, as well as paint-style shorthand description of theHeartbutton.Paint mouse gameCombined market entertaining classic game, features easy toplayresistance, adhesion, Sexuality and game mechanics, etc.,designcombines learning, entertainment, customs, competition natureofword learning games.Shorthand range settingAfter selecting the shorthand courses, thus setting speedreadingspeed, range, press "Start Speed ​​Reading" button to startthewords speed reading, if close human voice can reach "an eyeforspeed reading" the highest level. In addition, individuals canmakesettings for color, font, fixed / non-fixed and othersmallitems.TranscriptUpon completion of the answer, and the answer will show thelengthof time the case, move the mouse to the bottom of the Englishword,you can also display the correct Chinese meaning, can bereviewedagainst the wrong answer or guess text.Computer dictionaryDictionary pronunciation with the point that is conducivetoself-test and memories, and both inquiries, preview andreviewfunctions.
油漆式速记精選-日語基礎字彙 1.04
油漆式速記法-國中小版 1.03
「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。在「油漆式速記法—國中小版」軟體收錄了國民中學及國民小學必備的1200個基礎字彙,提供學習者以圖像方式學習,功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,其中「油漆鼠遊戲」結合經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易操作、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。在軟體中這些單字的發音,都委由外籍老師親自錄音,所有的字彙內容的校正及發音品質的控管,都經過多次與多方的校正,以務求最佳的品質。主畫面包含速記教室、自訂字庫、電腦字典、說明、製作群、聲音控制鈕。速記教室包括認知性測驗、回溯性測驗、聯想性測驗、多感官測驗、觸覺性測驗、油漆鼠遊戲等單元,以及油漆式速記心法的說明按鈕。油漆鼠遊戲結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。速記範圍設定選擇速記課程後,由此設定速讀的速度、範圍,按「開始速讀」鈕即可開始單字速讀,若關閉真人發音,可達到「以眼速讀」的最高境界。另外,個人可針對顏色、字體、定點/不定點等細項作設定。成績單完成答題後,會顯示答題的情況與時間長短,移動滑鼠到英文字下方,還可以顯示正確的中文意義,可針對答錯或猜對的文字加以複習。電腦字典字典中隨點即發音,有利於自我測驗與回憶,並兼具查詢、預習及複習的功能。"Painting MemoryAct"binding "a lot, the whole brain, multi-level" basic theory,easy touse visual learners (immediate memory), auditory (nativespeakershuman voice), tactile (keyboard) three-pronged quickly wordmemoryis converted to long-term memory.In the "Painting Memory Method - National Small Edition"softwareincluded in the junior high school and elementary school1200essential vocabulary base, to provide the learnerimage-wiselearning, including cognitive function, retrospective,associative,multi-sensory, tactile nature, paint mouse games unit,which"paints mouse games" combine classic games entertaining, easytooperate, the characteristics of adhesion, topicality andgamesmechanisms, both learning and entertainment, tricks, conteststhenature of the word learning game .Pronunciation of these words in the software arepersonallyappointed by the foreign teachers recording, calibrationandQuality Control pronounce all the vocabulary content, havebeenmany times with multi-correction, a view to the bestquality.Home screenShorthand contains classrooms, a custom font, computerdictionary,description, production base, sound control.Shorthand classroomIncluding cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associativetests,multi-sensory test, tactile tests, paint mouse games unit,and theHeart Painting Memory Help button.Mouse paint gameCombined market classic games entertaining, easy to playsexcharacteristics, adhesion, topicality and gamesmechanisms,designed both to learn, play, pass, the nature of thecompetitionword learning games.Shorthand range settingAfter selecting shorthand courses, thereby setting fastreadingspeed, range, press the "Start speed reading" button tostart speedreading words, closing the human voice can reach "an eyefor speedreading" the highest level. In addition, individuals canmakesettings for color, font, point / fixed point other fineitems.TranscriptsAfter the answer, the answer will show the situation and thelengthof time, move the mouse to the bottom of English words, youcanalso display the correct Chinese meaning can be guessed rightorwrong answer for a review of the text.Computer DictionaryThat dictionary with pronunciation points in favor of self-testsandmemories, and both inquiries, preview and review functions.
油漆式速記法-美國研究所入學考試字彙試用版 1.04
油漆式速記法-超右腦韓語檢定初級 1.04
油漆式速記法-超右腦多益精選字彙 1.04
PMM—GEPT Junior (Right brain) 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation ofEnglishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do nothavegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a fewvocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they loseEnglishlearning motivation and interest.Now, a lot of company or organizations in Taiwan have usedtheGEPT test to hire and promote their employees. Besides, moreandmore academic institute in Taiwan have used GEPT test to makesuretheir students have the sufficient ability ofEnglishproficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makesEnglishvocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen todrawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn tostrengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners'sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is acombination ofform, sound and meaning. The official version of"PMM—GEPT Junior(Right brain) " app software can help you memorizenearly 2300 GEPTJunior vocabularies quickly.
PMM—TOEFL (trial version) 1.04
Official version download website:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zctengine.android.leve12l041303English vocabulary is the foundation of English learningandEnglish progress. However, many learners do not have anygoodmethod or motivation to memorize English vocabulary because afewvocabulary memory methods are boring and dull. Hence, theyloseEnglish learning interest. Painting Memory Method (PMM)makesEnglish vocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screentodraw learners’ attention, makes learners repeatedly learntoenhance memory, and adds sound to stimulate learners’ senseandlistening. In a word, PMM is a combination of sound, meaning,andform.PMM—TOEFL (trial version) is try version of " PaintingMemoryMethod—TOEFL " App software. " PMM—TOEFL (trial version) "supplyonly 300 vocabularies to let you understanding the mainfunction of"Painting Memory Method—TOEFL". In formal version, theamount ofvocabularies is 4500. Using "Painting Memory Method—TOEFL"appsoftware you can quickly memory nearly 4500 TOEFLvocabularies.
PMM—GEPT Junior (Left brain) 1.03
Vocabulary is the foundation ofEnglishlearning and English progress. However, many learners do nothavegood method to memorize English vocabulary because a fewvocabularymemory methods are boring and dull. Hence, they loseEnglishlearning motivation and interest.Now, a lot of company or organizations in Taiwan have usedtheGEPT test to hire and promote their employees. Besides, moreandmore academic institute in Taiwan have used GEPT test to makesuretheir students have the sufficient ability ofEnglishproficiency.Painting Memory Method (abbreviation PMM) makesEnglishvocabulary dynamically moveably appear on the screen todrawlearners' attention, makes learners repeatedly learn tostrengthenmemory impression, and adds sound to stimulate learners'sense andlistening. In summary, Painting Memory Method is acombination ofform, sound and meaning. The official version of"PMM—GEPT Junior(Left brain) " app software can help you memorizenearly 2000 GEPTJunior vocabularies and 2000 example sentencesquickly.
PMM- Civil Servants English 1.06
Vocabulary is the foundation of English learning and Englishprogress. However, many learners do not have good method tomemorize English vocabulary because a few vocabulary memory methodsare boring and dull. Hence, they lose English learning motivationand interest. Many students want to engage in the work of publicservants in Taiwan. Besides, more and more government institute inTaiwan have used English test to make sure their employee have thesufficient ability of English proficiency. Painting Memory Method(abbreviation PMM) makes English vocabulary dynamically moveablyappear on the screen to draw learners' attention, makes learnersrepeatedly learn to strengthen memory impression, and adds sound tostimulate learners' sense and listening. In summary, PaintingMemory Method is a combination of form, sound and meaning. Theofficial version of "PMM-Civil Servants English" app software canhelp you memorize nearly 3000 Civil Servants English vocabulariesquickly.
油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級 1.04
全民英檢是由財團法人語言訓練測驗中心所發展的本土化英語能力檢測系統。此測驗的對象並不侷限於在學學生才能參加。本著終身學習的理念及精神,在學學生及社會人士都可依照自己的能力報考適當的等級。因此,考題不會只侷限於教科書中,內容更加多元化及生活化。全民英檢最大的特色便是考題相當本土化及生活化,符合考生的成長背景。近年來中國大陸、日本等也都自行發展符合國情的英語檢測系統。因此,全民英檢的誕生可謂國人和語文學習者的福音。全民英檢考試,總共分為:初級、中級、中高級、高級及優級五個等級,檢定考試共分為聽、說、讀、寫四個部分,通過全民英檢「中級」者,具有使用簡單英語進行日常生活溝通的能力,相當於高中畢業程度。凡是通過全民英檢合格標準的應試者皆發給合格證書,而以認證及執照評斷能力的工作職場是全球的趨勢,因此取得全民英檢的合格標準證書,一定可以為你求職或是求學有所助益。「油漆式速記法」結合「大量、全腦、多層次」的基本理論,除了融合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗的全腦學習元素外,更加入多重感官刺激,可增加學習者記憶力的廣度與強度。讓學習者輕鬆利用視覺(瞬間記憶)、聽覺(母語人士真人發音)、觸覺(鍵盤操作)三管齊下迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。。在「油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級」正式版軟體提供學習者以句型方式學習全民英檢初級字彙,使具基礎英語能力。正式版收錄全民英檢中級必考3000個單字及3000題精選句子。結合右腦直覺性速讀與左腦思考性測驗,達到多重感官刺激全腦學習的驚人效果,迅速將單字記憶轉換為長期記憶。主要功能包括認知性、回溯性、聯想性、多感官、觸覺性、分析性、油漆鼠遊戲等測驗單元。其中分析型測驗,屬於一種以克漏字方式來學習句型與加強單字記憶的測驗方式。各位必須從完整的句子上下文關係,來填上符合這個句子的正確答案,並且藉機測驗考生對字彙與文法的了解。「油漆鼠遊戲」結合市面上經典小遊戲的娛樂性、易玩性、黏著性、話題性及遊戲機制等特點,設計兼具學習、娛樂、過關、競賽性質的單字學習遊戲。不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。GEPT is the abilitytodetect the localization of English language training system bytheFoundation for the Development Test Center. This test object isnotlimited to students in the school in order to participate. Intheconcept of lifelong learning and the spirit of the students intheschool and the community can be in accordance with their abilitytoapply the appropriate level. Therefore, the questions arenotconfined to the textbooks, and more diversified content tolife.GEPT exam is the most important feature ofconsiderablelocalization and life, in line with the candidate'supbringing. Inrecent years, China, Japan, are also developing theirown Englishtesting system in line with national conditions. Thus,the birth ofGEPT described as Gospel people and language learners.GEPT exam, a total is divided into: basic, intermediate,senior,senior and excellent grade five level certificationexamination isdivided into listening, speaking, reading and writingpart, by GEPT"intermediate" who has use simple Englishcommunication abilityRichangshenghuo, the equivalent of a highschool degree graduate.Those who issued by GEPT eligibilitycriteria of candidates by keycertificate, and certification andlicense to judge the ability ofthe workplace is a global trend, andtherefore obtain a certificateGEPT eligibility criteria, and youwill be able to have a job orschool the helpful."Painting Memory Act" binding "a lot, the wholebrain,multi-level" basic theory, in addition to whole brainlearningelements fusion intuitive right brain left brain speedreading andthoughtful tests, but also added a multi-sensorystimulation,increase the learning by memory the breadth andstrength. Easy touse visual learners (immediate memory), auditory(native speakershuman voice), tactile (keyboard) three-prongedmemory word quicklyconvert long-term memory. .In the "Painting Memory Method - ultra left brainseizureIntermediate English sentence," the official version ofthesoftware to provide learners sentence GEPT primary way tolearnvocabulary, so a basic English skills.The official version included compulsory intermediate GEPT3000words and 3000 sentence topic selection. Combined withintuitiveright brain and left brain Thinking of speed readingtest,multi-sensory stimulation reaches the whole brain learningamazingresults, quickly converted into long-term memory wordmemory. Keyfeatures include cognitive, retrospective,associative,multi-sensory, tactile, analytical, paint mouse gamesquizunit.Wherein the analytical test, belongs to gram Dropouts waytolearn sentence patterns and reinforce word memory test mode.Youmust complete sentences from context to fill in the sentenceinline with the correct answer, and took the opportunity to testthecandidates understanding of vocabulary and grammar."Paint mouse games" market, combining classic gamesentertaining,easy to play sex characteristics, adhesion,topicality and gamesmechanisms, designed both to learn, play,pass, the nature of thecompetition word learning games.Do not hesitate, act quickly to buy this software, so you havealarge number of words per hour shorthand learning power, isnolonger a distant dream.