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Malta - FREE Travel Guide 21.1.20
Travel Malta: Illustrated Guide,PhrasebookandMaps. Includes: Island of Malta, Valletta, Gozo Island&moreMobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation.The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand alwaysinclude FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference TravelGuides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developedforyoursmartphone have the following features:✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - nonetworkaccessneeded once the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearbysightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so theyloadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates forattractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalandacategorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that novisitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and seeinyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individuallyselectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked bya starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map.MobileReference Travel Guides providedetailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks,transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and muchmore.This fully-functional guide is absolutely free. Thefullversion(only $4.99) adds Text-To-Speech and expands articleswithmoreinformation about attractions, history,culture,itineraries,phrasebooks and more. Listen to completearticles onthe go withText-To-Speech: double-tap on a word tostartText-To-Speech fromthe selected word or select Menu >StartText-To-Speech.Essentials: Maltese | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay Safe|StayHealthy | Contact | Respect | Buy1. Malta: Geography | Climate | Regions | History |Economy|Politics | Demographics | Culture | Knights of Malta2. Maps: Malta | Regions | Comino | Valletta3. Transport: Get in | Get around | Bus | Airport4. Attractions: See | Do | Top 10 | Megalithic Temples |Caves|Carnival | Climbing5. Island of Malta: Valletta | Other Malta (island)Towns:Attard| Balzan | Bidnija | Birgu | Birkirkara | Birzebbuga|Bugibba |Cospicua | Cottonera | Dingli | Fgura | Floriana|Gharghur | Ghaxaq| Gudja | Gzira | Hamrun | Iklin | Imtarfa|Kalkara | Kirkop | Lija| Marsa | Marsascala | Marsaxlokk | Mdina|Mellieha | Mgarr | Mosta| Msida | Naxxar | Paola | Pembroke |Pietà| Qawra | Qormi | Qrendi| Rabat | Santa Lucija | SantaVenera |Senglea | Siggiewi | Sliema| St. Paul's Bay | St.Julian's | Tarxien| Valletta | Xghajra |Zabbar | Zebbug | Zejtun| Zurrieq5.1 Landmarks: Blue Grotto | Buskett | Fort Tas-Silg |Ggantija|Ghajn Tuffieha / Golden Bay | Hagar Qim & MnajdraTemples |HalSaflieni Hypogeum | Hamrija Tower | Misrah Ghar il-Kbir|Paceville| Rotunda of Mosta | San Anton Palace | Skorba Temples|Ta'HagratTemples | Tarxien Temples | Victoria Lines | Verdala6. Valletta: Get in | Get around | Geography&Climate|History| Culture | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Get out6.1 Attractions: Map | Top 10 | See&Do | Buy |Museums|Buildings&Structures | Palaces | Churches |Places7. Gozo Island: Cities | Other destinations | History | Talk |Getin| Get around | See | Do | Eat | Drink | Stay safe|Respect7.1 Destinations: Victoria (Rabat) | Azure Window |Fontana|Ghajnsielem | Ggantija | Gharb | Ghasri | Inland Sea |Kercem|Marsalforn | Munxar | Nadur | Qala | Ramla Bay | SaintLawrence|Ta' Kenuna Tower | Ta' Pinu | Xaghra | Xewkija |Xlendi|Zebbug8. Comino: History | Get in | Get around | See | Do9. Other Islands: Cominotto | Manoel Island | Filfla|FungusRock-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.