Top 18 Apps Similar to 12 Products for Pregnant Women

7 products for young mother 1.0
The app contains the most importantproductstoincrease lactation breast milk while feeding the baby andgivesananswer to the question of what it depends on, and thataffectstheproduction of milk after childbirth. These simpleproducts helptostimulate and accelerate the process of productionof breastmilk,and to contribute to significantly increase it. Allproductsaresimple, presented in an easy list, with photosandexplanations.Breastfeeding - is very important. Eat a nursing mothershouldmakethe most diverse and balanced child should receivereceive allthenecessary vitamins and minerals from the mother'smilk. And tothequestion "how to improve milk supply" did notdisturb my mother,Icreated a simple and intuitive application. Ifthe baby doesnothave enough breast milk before the baby to finishfeedingmixtures,make sure whether your baby really malnourished.And thentry toimprove lactation using the products listed in theAnnex.
7 Beverages for Young Mother 1.0
An important issue in the first daysandweeksafter birth for breastfeeding mothers and their familiesistheissue of food and drinking regime, which should followtheyoungmother to saturate the vitamins of milk and nutrients, aswellasto increase lactation milk, milk production isverysensitiveprocess and proper drinking regimen may largely haveastimulatingeffect and increase milk production, improvelactationmilk.The need for a fluid in a woman regulated physiologicalmechanismofthirst, especially pronounced in the first weeks oflife. Thisisdue to the influence of the hormone oxytocin, which isinparallelwith the milk ejection reflex, and includes amechanismfor thirst.During the first weeks of feeding, women areoften verythirsty.This is normal, the body signals that it isnecessary toreplenishliquid stocks, to avoid dehydration.Consultantsrecommendbreastfeeding breastfeeding mother always putnext toeach otherduring feeding bottle or cup of water and drinkwheneveryou want.If you have long tormented by the question "howtostimulate milkproduction," then this app will tell you howtoadjust your dailyroutine to get healthy and useful milk.
20x O těhotenství 1.3
About 20x pregnancy
Pregnancy Calendar 1.0
Pregnancy Calendar - perfectassistantformanagement of pregnancy for women. You expectantmother, andisalready preparing for the appearance of the baby, thenthisappwill help you. And it will answer the questions, whathappenstoyou in the first nine months, and how the development ofthebaby.Calendar will take you from the day of conception ofasmallmiracle, up to the birth.The app will tell about how the pregnancy week byweek.PregnancyCalendar is a completely free application. Thisvirtualassistant isclearly useful for young mothers, it will beyouradvisor on allissues during pregnancy.Pregnancy - is a special condition of the woman,throughwhichevery girl who wished to become a mother. But ineveryday lifesofull of trouble, and everything you need to keeptrack of, sowiththe advancement of technology, your Android canhelp easethebustling life of a young mom. And as doctors advise,youshouldkeep a diary of pregnancy, where every day you writedownyourhealth. But writings so boring, and read the doctorisnotconvenient. But with pregnancy calendar application onyourdoorknocking has new technology, because the program has alotofuseful features that will speed up the data entry process,andalsodecorate it. Taking notes is very convenient, and withthedoctor'svisit you all will be on hand.So the built-in calendar can even warn you of the dangersigns,aswell as discomfort during pregnancy. But, ladies, youworthtoremember that pregnancy every woman is unique, andyourimportantand reliable source of advice is a physician who leadsthewholeprocess of pregnancy.Features Pregnancy Calendar:- The ability to calculate the time of delivery;- Organizer, keeping a personal journal;- Reference information about the state of themotherandchild;- A variety of useful tips;- Nice interface.Calendar pregnancy calendar pregnancy week byweekcalendarpregnancy calculate, calendar pregnancy week by weektocalculate,calendar, pregnancy sex, calendar pregnancy thebaby,calendarpregnancy the baby's sex, pregnancy calendar tocalculatethegender, pregnancy calendar to calculate the child'ssex,pregnancycalendar to calculate the date, pregnancy calendarbydates,pregnancy calendar due date, pregnancy calendar tocalculatethedue date, pregnancy calendar week by week to calculatethe datetocalculate the pregnancy calendar week by weekbirth,pregnancycalendar week by week the date of birth,pregnancycalendar week byweek to calculate the due date, a calendarofpregnancy andchildbirth, pregnancy calendar andmaternity,pregnancy calendarweek by week to calculate the floor,calendarweek of pregnancy thebaby's sex, pregnancy calendar week byweek tocalculate the sex ofthe baby, a calendar of pregnancyandchildbirth calculatepregnancy and childbirth calendar pregnancythebaby's sex,pregnancy calendar to calculate the date of birthsex,pregnancycalendar childbirth calculate sex of the baby ,pregnancycalendarto calculate the sex of the baby by date,calendarpregnancy andchildbirth by week, the term pregnancycalendar,pregnancy calendaronline pregnancy calendar to calculatetime,accurate pregnancycalendar, the Chinese pregnancy calendar,Chinesecalendarpregnancy calendar exact pregnancy weeks,pregnancycalendar by day, calendar calculation of pregnancy, acalendar ofpregnancy weekby week, pregnancy calendar photo, Chinesepregnancycalendarfloor, Chinese calendar pregnancy the baby'ssex,pregnancycalendar table calendar pregnancy week by weektocalculate theduration of pregnancy, pregnancy calendar for daysandweeks, theChinese pregnancy calendar to calculate,Chinesepregnancy calendarto calculate the floor, the Chinesepregnancycalendar to calculatethe sex of the baby, an accuratepregnancycalendar to calculate,calendar calculating the pregnancyweek byweek, pregnancy calendarchild sex table.
Pregnancy Diet Quick Guide 1.1
Indy App
Pregnancy Diet Quick GuideBest pregnancy diet is the secret to the healthy development ofyourbaby. Contrary to the popular belief of 'eat' for twoduringpregnancy period, you only need to add 300 calories to yourdailydiet in order to have a healthy pregnancy and diet.It might be difficult to maintain a well balanced firsttrimesterdiet due to nasty pregnancy symptoms like nausea andvomiting. Butthis shouldn't deter you from eating healthy. Discussabout pillswith your doctor during pregnancy so that anydeficiencies can beprevented.Pregnancy Diet Quick Guide FREE App cover- Pregnancy Diet Plan- Tips for the Selection of a Good Pregnancy Diet Plan- The Right Pregnancy Diet Keeps Both Baby and Mommy HealthyandHappy- You're Pregnant Now You Need a Good Pregnancy Diet Plan- Free Pregnancy Diet Plans - Take Online Help!- A Pregnancy Diet Plan For a Healthy and SuccessfulPregnancy- In What Way Does Your Diet Affect Your Pregnancy andWeight?- Pregnancy Diet Plans for You and Your Baby- List of Dangerous Foods You Should Avoid While Pregnant!- Best Odds Not Luck Or Chance- Healthy Pregnancy Depends On A Healthy Pregnancy Diet- A Recipe For a Healthy Pregnancy Diet- Simple Tips For a Healthy Pregnancy Diet- Alleviate Swelling With a Healthy Pregnancy Diet- 4 Healthy Pregnancy Diet Tricks To Help You and Your Baby ToBeHappy!- Your Healthy Pregnancy Diet- Tips and a Recipe- Tips For a Healthy You and a Healthy Baby- Foods to Eat When Pregnant and a Healthy Pregnancy Diet- Pre Pregnancy Diet How to Give Yourself a Better ChanceofConceiving- Pre-Pregnancy Diet Recommendations- Post Pregnancy Diet- Post Pregnancy Diet Should Be Balanced And Nutritious- Be Careful About Your Post Pregnancy Diet- Dos And Don'ts About Post Pregnancy Diet- Post Pregnancy Diet Needs- Post Pregnancy Diet - How to Lose Pregnancy Fat With ThreeDo'sand Don'ts- Post Baby Belly - Do You Know Which is the Right PostPregnancyDiet For You?- Choosing the Best Post Pregnancy Diet and What To Look For!- How to Lose Pregnancy Weight With a Post Pregnancy Diet- Finding The Best Post Pregnancy Diet- Safe Pregnancy Exercise - How to Warm Up and Cool Down- Pregnancy Exercise - Why You Must Stretch While YouArePregnant- Pregnancy Exercise - Why Moms-To-Be Must Be Strong- More..
Pregnancy Week by week 8.00005
A guide to conception, pregnancy week by week
Pregnancy Ultra Sound Prank 1.1
Are you looking for Pregnancy UltraSoundPrank? Trick your friends by this ultrasound scanner app byshowingthem that your phone has ultrasound scanning capability.This is acomplete fun gag free ultrasound app which will shock yourfriendsfor sure, the main thing is that you can trick yourgirlfriend thatshe is pregnant by showing her that your phone cando pregnancytest and you have ultrasound scanner installed in yourphone , doultrasound scanning in quick steps and show her that shegot apregnant ultrasound report!!Don’t show these ultrasound pranks in public you friends mightgetembarrassed. Let the fun begin with this ultrasound pregnancytest.count one more in your ultrasound app list with awesomepregnantscanner. Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone andwatch thebaby of your pregnant girlfriend! There is this app isjust a funapp, because it is technically not possible to ultrasoundwith aSmartphone.To use this just hold it to above their abdomen and movethisultrasound app over it and show them their kidneyultrasound,abdomen ultrasound etc , the main thing is that you cantrick yourgirlfriend that she is pregnant by showing her that yourphone cando pregnancy test and you have ultrasound scannerinstalled in yourphone , do ultrasound scanning in quick steps andshow her that shegot a pregnant ultrasound report !! Make anultrasound with yourmobile phone and watch the baby of yourpregnant girlfriend! Thereis this app is just a fun app, because itis technically notpossible to ultrasound with a Smartphone. Butthis didn’t know yourfriends, so you can trick them with this freeapp.How to use- Start the ultrasound app.- Select image for ultrasound result test or forultrasoundpranks.- Here comes the desired ultrasound scan test result.Disclaimer: This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecando real ultrasound so please use this ultrasound app for funandprank only , no ultrasound scan image is real in this app!!
WomanLog Pregnancy Pro 3.9.15
Calendar for every pregnant woman!
Medicadiet Método Intercambios 0.33
La aplicación Medicadiet MétodoporIntercambioses la primera aplicación diseñada para seguirunadieta porIntercambios.Esta es una versión BETA, como prueba de concepto.Convuestrofeedback desarrollaremos una aplicación más completamásadelante.¡Tenlo en cuenta en las valoraciones!Tutorial delaaplicación: Método por Intercambios es un método que te permiteperderpesode manera saludable y sostenible basado en unadietamediterráneasana y equilibrada. Igualmente sirve paradeportistas,personas quequieren ganar peso, mujeres embarazadasydiabéticos.Con el Método por Intercambios, aprendes a elegirlosalimentossegún tus gustos y tus circunstancias, y tambiénacalcularraciones de manera visual intuitiva, sin tener quepesar.De estemodo, podrás cambiar tus hábitos hacia unos mássaludablesybasados en la Dieta Mediterránea.Con esta versión beta inicial de Medicadiet, te olvidarásdetudiario en papel y podrás llevar cómodamente un registrodiariodelos intercambios que has comido. Y además:● Lleva a cabo un plan de adelgazamiento según elMétodoporIntercambios● Sincroniza la información entre varios dispositivos● Compartes tu diario con tu nutricionista Medicadiet● Lleva en tu móvil una tabla de (casi) todos losalimentosconequivalencia en intercambios● Guarda tus alimentos favoritos para facilitar tu registrodiariodeingestas.Os animamos a que utilicéis esta primera prueba deconceptodeMedicadiet Método por Intercambios para seguir elMétodoporIntercambios. Gracias a todas vuestras valoracionessobresufuncionamiento y sugerencias que nos hagáisllegarpodremoscontinuar con la mejora y desarrollo denuevasfuncionalidades.¿Quieres que un nutricionista diseñe un planpersonalizadoparaadelgazar?Los nutricionistas de Medicadiet pueden diseñar unplanpersonalizadopara tu situación: Dieta para PerderPeso,deportistas, menopausia,ganar peso, embarazo, etc.Contáctanos encualquiera de nuestroscentros, o porvideoconferencia. Reserva unaprimera consultagratuita o llámanos al (+34)91 550 3014.¿No conoces el Método por Intercambios?El Método por Intercambios está concebido como unsistemadeadelgazamiento basado en Dieta Mediterránea yEjercicioFísico,complementado con técnicas psicológicas de apoyoymotivación quepermiten alcanzar los objetivos propuestos ynorecaer en viejoshábitos.Es una evolución de la Dieta por Intercambios, queincluyeademásEjercicio por Intercambios y apoyo psicológico. Puedessabertodosobre este método en oacudir aloscentros de Medicadiet para que teloexpliquen enuna primera consulta gratuita.Beneficios del Método por IntercambiosSe trata de un sistema abierto y flexible que permitealaspersonas elegir los alimentos y la actividad físicasegúnsusgustos, manteniendo la motivación y evitando lasrecaídas.Elobjetivo del método es que las personas aprendan atomardecisionesautónomas sobre su alimentación, e incorporenhábitos deejercicioa su vida.¿Cómo funciona el Método por Intercambios?Un Intercambio de Alimento es una medida de valor calóricodelosalimentos, y un Intercambio de Ejercicio es un valordegastocalórico al hacer deporte. Una persona que sigue unplandeadelgazamiento con el Método de IntercambiossabecuántosIntercambios de alimentación debe comer, ycuántosIntercambios deejercicio debe realizar. Pero puede elegirelalimento o el deporteconcreto según sus gustos.La palabra “intercambios” hace referencia a laflexibilidadquetiene la persona para elegir, así como pararedistribuirlosalimentos a lo largo del día, y el deporte durantelasemana,adaptándose así a los imprevistos de la vida diaria.Además, el Método por Intercambios cuenta conunaimportantecomponente psicológica y de motivación para conseguirasíun cambiode hábitos hacia otros más saludables.TheapplicationMedicadietExchange Method is the first applicationdesigned tofollow a dietExchanges.This is a BETA version, as a proof of concept. Withyourfeedbackwe will develop a more complete implementation later.Takethis intoaccount in the ratings!ApplicationTutorial: for Exchange is a method that allows you toloseweighthealthily and sustainably based on a healthyandbalancedMediterranean diet. Also it serves to athletes who wanttogainweight, pregnant women and diabetics.With the method for Exchange, you learn to choosefoodsaccordingto your tastes and your circumstances, and alsotocalculate rationsintuitive visual manner, without sorrow.Thus,you can change yourhabits to a healthier and based ontheMediterranean Diet.With this initial beta version Medicadiet, you willforgetyourdaily paper and can easily keep a daily record oftheexchangesthat you've eaten. In addition:● Perform a weight loss plan according to themethodbyExchanges● Synchronize information between multiple devices● You share your journal with your nutritionist Medicadiet● Take your mobile a table of (almost) allfoodsequivalenceexchanges● Save your favorite foods to your dailyintakefacilitateregistration.We encourage you to use this first proof ofconceptMedicadietMethod for exchanges to follow the method forExchanges.Thanks toall your assessments of their performance andsuggestionsthat yousend us we can continue improving and developingnewfeatures.Would you like a nutritionist design a personalized plantoloseweight?Medicadiet nutritionists can design a personalized planforyoursituation: diet to lose weight, athletes, menopause,weightgain,pregnancy, etc. Contact us at any of our centers,orbyvideoconference. Book a free or call us at (+34) 91 550 3014.  You do not know the method for Exchange?Method for Exchange is designed as a system basedonMediterraneanweight loss diet and exercise, complementedbypsychological supportand motivation techniques that achievetheobjectives and not fallback into old habits.It is an evolution of the Diet by Exchanges, whichalsoincludesexercise and psychological support for exchanges. Youcanlearn allabout this method in orgoto centersMedicadiet to have it explained inafreeinitial consultation.Benefits Method for ExchangesIt is an open and flexible system that allows peopletochoosefoods and physical activity according to yourtastes,maintainingmotivation and avoiding relapses. The aim of themethodis thatpeople learn to make autonomous decisions abouttheirdiet,exercise habits and incorporate into your life.How does the method for Exchange?A Food Exchange is a measure of caloric value of foodandExchangeExercise is worth caloric expenditure during sports.Apersonfollowing a weight loss plan with Method ExchangesExchangesknowshow food should eat and how much exercise Exchangesmustperform. Butyou can choose the particular food or sport tosuityour taste.The word "trade" refers to the flexibility that a personhastochoose, and to redistribute food throughout the day,andsportduring the week, thus adapting to the risks ofeverydaylife.In addition, the method for Exchange hasanimportantpsychological and motivational component so as toachievea changeof habits to more healthy.
Seven Low Calories Snacks 1.0
This popular app for weight lossandmaintaininga healthy lifestyle includes seven prerasno dishesthatwill help younot break and make your diet healthy and tasty!Ifexcess weight isalready tired, but do not want to eattasteless,this app will helpyou. These dishes contained no morethan 100calories per serving, aswell prividilos value protein,fat,carbohydrate and water to each ofthe dishes. Hudey withpleasure!Problems with excess weight will remain in the past, choose adietisvery simple - download this app for free and be happyeverydaydelicious food. Soon your blog calories will begin todelightyouwith their performance, do not feed privyshayatheircalorieintake, protein, fat, carbohydrates and water, it isalow-carbdiet for the Hollywood cabbage svezhevyzhetyh juices.Withavariety of diets and calculators you can bring yourselftodespair,the main thing to choose optimalnayu diet forthemselves,accordingto the method Larisa Dolina. The optimum dietmustcontaindelicious foods and dishes, fast and efficient, in ordertoimproveyour mood and personal well-being. You can learn a lotaboutthemodes of delicious food, your rate of weight loss iscomplexandits food and products should contain all the delicious,you donothave nothing to deny yourself. Your blog weight lossshould beahappy and joyful, keep his eating such delicious food isagreatjoy. It allows you to lose weight at 20 to 10 kg in sixmonthsor 6months, together with other diets. Suitable forlactatingmothers,pregnant girls. The annex contains the bestproducts anddishesthat have been selected from the collection ofdiets fromaroundthe world, a large collection of diet and fromordinarypeople, andthe beauty of the nutrition and healthinstitutions.Served as asource of Dukan Diet, Atkins Diet, a greatdiet, lowdiet, dietKsenia Borodina, kefir economical diet cottagecheesediet,nutrition Institute of the USSR Academy of MedicalSciences,theJapanese cheese, buckwheat, fiber diet Elena Malysheva,andofcourse, the famous Kremlin diet! All the myths aboutlosingweightat home will remain in the past, your weight losscourse willbefilled with joy and goodies and you can lose all youwant.Do not miss your chance to eat tasty, in this app you willfindthebest dishes for your menu.
Я беременна (free) 6.20
SVD Soft
«Я беременна (free)» - пробная версия популярной программы«Ябеременна»: весь первый триместр – бесплатно. Скачайте программуиполучите своего личного консультанта по ведению беременности.Скаждой неделей вы будете узнавать о том, что происходит свашиммалышом, чему он научился за прошедшие дни и чего следуетожидать вближайшее время. Программа расскажет, что происходит свашим телом,чего следует опасаться, когда необходимо обратиться кврачу. Впрограмме: - Основной раздел На главном экране вы увидите,какрастет ваш малыш: с каждой неделей он становится всебольше,превращаясь из маленького «головастика» в человека. Каждаянеделябеременности подробно расписана: какие изменения ждут вас ивашетело, как развивается ваша крошка, какие органы у негоужеработают, а какие – только начинают формироваться. Высможетеследить за его новыми «умелками»: узнаете, когда он услышитвашголос, научится сосать свой пальчик или начнет«тренироваться»дышать и др. - Ежедневник с графиками веса и сдачианализов Следитеза изменениями своего веса и веса вашего малыша,узнавайте заранее,какие анализы и когда вам необходимо сдавать.Кроме того, высможете делать различные заметки, сохранятьфотографии, отмечать,что вас беспокоит, указывать, какие симптомыбыли у вас в тот илииной день, чтобы ничего не забывать на приеме уврача. - Раздел«Списки» Подробные списки вещей и документов вроддом. Теперь выничего не забудете! - Раздел «Видео» Смотритевидео и узнавайте,как правильно питаться во время беременности, какнаучиться дышатьпри родах, какие физические упражнения делать,чтобы облегчитьпроцесс и др. - Красивый виджет Вы можете разместитьна своемэкране красивый виджет, который автоматически будетподсчитыватьдни до рождения малыша. Дополнительно: - Экспортежедневника в PDFЕжедневник можно экспортировать в PDF, чтобысохранить накомпьютере или отправить по e-mail. - Консультацияврача Задополнительную плату вы можете получить ответы набеспокоящие васвопросы у своего врача в любое время. Для этого, унего должна бытьустановлена программа «Я врач».
Healthier foods Pro 3.0.0
Nature has rewarded us with many foods thatcanhelp us lose weight or be in our ideal without taking drugsorfollowing diets that can harm our health weight.Here you will discover and learn all about the healthiestfoodson the planet.Remember, there is nothing healthier than foods that natureoffersus.Leading a healthy life is the greatest gift we can offerourselves,our body and so enjoy the life.You can share this application with your relatives, friendsandacquaintances, so that they too can lead a healthy life andenjoyits great benefits.What I discover or learn in this application?In the section "Food" you will discover:healthy foods as much detailRecommendations for each foodWhat we must avoid consuming natural foodsFeatures foodLike taking food to avoid complicationsWith that eating these foodsThe best foods for weight lossThe best food to lose weightHealthy food that will astound you with its magnificent effectstoyour bodyThe best ingredients for weight lossFoods with vitaminsCarbohydrate foodsFoods rich in potassiumFoods without carbohydratesEating fat-free and healthyGluten-free foodsDetoxifying foodsfiber-rich foodsFood with natural antioxidantsFoods rich in protein and fiberFood for memoryFoods to lower tensionFoods to lower risks in diseases such as Alzheimer'sandepilepsyFoods to lower cholesterolLow calorie foodIron-rich foodsHealthy foodRecipeshealthy dietsHealthy Eating for PregnantDiets to defineFoods with magnesiumalkaline foodsFood 2016Organic foodTasty foodSpecial foodhomemade fast foodI do eat fast and cheapI make eating easy and fastHealthy food recipesHealthy dietFast foodFood for childrenFoods for pregnant packed with nutrientsFood and caloriesCalorie CounterNutritional valuesYour personalized dietDiet and exerciseEasy recipesHealthy food recipeshealthy food diethealthy fast foodHealthy Eating ChildrenHealthy Eating for PregnantHealthy Eating for womenHealthy Eating RecipesDiets to lose weight fastDiets to lose weighteffective dietsThe best diet for weight lossThe best diet for weight lossThe best diet to lose weight fastThe best diet to lose fatThe best food in the worldThe best food in the worldBest foods for the liverBest foods for your heartBest foods for kidneyBest food for the brainBest food for painBest foods for the liverBest Foods for musclesBest food for the heartBest food for the brainBetter food liverThe best food in the worldessential nutrientsbalanced dietsdissociated dietMenus dietsStreet foodChinese FoodValencian foodCatalan foodAndalusian foodMadrid foodFrench foodItalian foodJapanese foodAmerican foodMexican foodHow to prepare healthy foodHow to prepare healthy comidadHow to prepare balanced mealsHow to prepare nutrient-rich foodHow to prepare food for athletesHow to prepare food for overweight peopleHow to prepare food for young childrenHow to prepare food for pregnantHow to prepare low-fat mealCDRMeals included to discover its wonderful benefits and itsfeatures:avocados, cruciferous vegetables, eggs, beans and legumes,salmon,fruit, yogurt, nuts, lean meat, green leafy vegetables,cottagecheese, whole grains, grapefruit, tuna, seeds chia, applecidervinegar, boiled potatoes, soup, coconut oil, chili and manymore...
SOS Lactancia - Guía en Vídeos 3
SOS Crianza
La lactancia materna es instintiva paraelbebé,pero no para la madre.Necesitamos apoyo y asesoramiento para que todo vaya bien.Si quieres regalarle a tu bebé la mejor nutrición ytenerunvínculo fuerte con él, descárgate esta APP ahora ymiralosvídeos.ATENCIÓN: Es necesario tener conexión a internet parapoderverlos vídeos..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.¿Que obtienes con esta APP?.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Vídeos prácticos sobre estos temas:- 3 hábitos para disfrutar la lactancia.- Todo sobre el cojin de lactancia.- Falsos Mitos de la lactancia.- Fuentes fiables y contrastadas.- Cómo empezar bien la lactancia.- Cómo corregir un mal comienzo.- Motivacion para superar los problemas.- Síntomas de una mala posición.- Posición correcta paso a paso.- Toma completa sin que duerma.- Tomas en casa trucos.- Tomas en público: trucos.- Tomas nocturnas: trucos.- Todas las posiciones útiles para dar el pecho.- Cómo eliminar el biberón de leche de fórmula.- Cómo tener más leche.- Cómo retirar las pezoneras.- Cómo y cuándo usar el chupete.- Cómo extraerse leche.- Accesorios para la lactancia. ¿Son necesarios?- Solución a problemas habituales.- Qué encontrarás en cada etapa.- Cómo reducir las tomas.- Solución a problemas futuros..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Fuentes de información..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.*Información recopilada de los libros:- "Un regalo para toda la vida" de Carlos González- "Maternidad y lactancia" de Gro Nylander.- "El gran libro de la lactancia materna" de SuzanneyRayFredegill- "Guia Rápida de Lactancia" de Pilar Martínez*Información recogida del DVD divulgativo:- "El pecho no tiene horario" dirigido por Gro Nylander yapoyadoporla IHAN.*Congreso pro-lactancia materna 2013 organizado porlaFederaciónEspañola de Grupos de Apoyo a la LactanciaMaterna(FEDALMA):"Lactanica y diversidad".* 1 madre que superó todos los problemas conlalactanciamaterna.* 2 asesoras de lactancia materna.* 1 pediatra.* 1 ginecólogo..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Nota de Responsabilidad..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.La información proporcionada en la APP "SOS Lactancia"nopretendereemplazar la relación existente con tu médicoactual,sinocomplementarla.Todo el contenido ha sido creado en base a la experienciadeBetParé, una madre lactante que ha superado todos losproblemasconuna lactancia prolongada, en base a la experiencia deotrasmuchasmadres lactantes con las que ha hablado en los gruposdelactanciay de la profunda investigación que ha realizadoenlibros,reportages, congresos y charlas.Breastfeedingisinstinctive for the baby, but not for themother.We need support and advice to all is well.If you want to treat your baby the best nutrition andhaveastrong bond with him, and download this APP nowandwatchvideos.ATTENTION: You need internet connection to see the videos..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.What you get with this APP?.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Practical videos on these topics:- 3 habits to enjoy breastfeeding.- All about nursing pillow.- False Myths of breastfeeding.- Reliable and proven sources.- How to start breastfeeding well.- How to fix a bad start.- Motivation to overcome the problems.- Symptoms of a bad position.- Position Correct step by step.- Take complete without sleep.- Tomas in house tricks.- Tomas in public: tricks.- Tomas night: tricks.- All useful positions for breastfeeding.- How to remove a bottle of formula.- How to make more milk.- Removing the liners.- How and when to use a pacifier.- How to express milk.- Breastfeeding accessories. Are they necessary?- Solution to common problems.- You'll find in each stage.- Reducing the shots.- Solution to future problems..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Sources of information..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.* Information compiled from the books:  - "A gift for life" by Carlos Gonzalez  - "Pregnancy and lactation" Gro Nylander.  - "The Big Book of Breastfeeding" SuzanneandRayFredegill  - "Quick Guide to Breastfeeding" by Pilar Martinez* Information gathered from the informative DVD:  - "The chest has no timetable" directed byGroNylanderand supported by the BFHI.* Breast-feeding pro-Congress 2013 organized bytheSpanishFederation of Support Groups Breastfeeding(FEDALMA):"Lactanicaand diversity."* 1 mother who overcame all the problems with breastfeeding.* 2 breastfeeding counselors.* 1 pediatrician.* 1 gynecologist..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Note Responsibility..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.The information provided in the APP "Breastfeeding SOS"doesnotreplace the relationship with your current doctor,buttocomplement it.All content has been created based on the experience ofBethParé,a nursing mother who has overcome all the problemswithprolongedlactation, based on the experience of many othernursingmothers withwhom he has spoken in breastfeeding groups andof deepresearch thathas been done in books, reportages,conferences andlectures.
Pregnancy Symptom Quick Guide 1.1
Indy App
Pregnancy Symptom Quick GuideIf you are planning a pregnancy, take into account eachandeverypregnancy symptom you come across after youconceive.Thesesymptoms of pregnancy are the signals your body sendsto out,tomake you aware of your pregnancy. These symptomswillstartarriving within a couple of days after you conceive.Yourfirstpregnancy symptom can be anything. It can be a missedperiodor afeeling of nausea, cramping or even bloating. If youareconfusedabout which symptoms are to be considered aspregnancysymptoms andwhich ones are to be taken as common healthdisorder,get detailedfacts on pregnancy symptom. After all, apregnancysymptom is anindication that it is time to consult aphysician ortake apregnancy test.Pregnancy Symptom Quick Guide FREE App cover*Pregnancy Symptom*- Detect Pregnancy Before Pregnancy Test- The Classic Symptoms- How To Know You Are Pregnant- Determining Whether Or Not You Are Pregnant- A Must Read For Women- More...*Early Pregnancy Symptom*- Signs Tell That You Are Pregnant- Unusual Early Strange Pregnancy Symptoms- How to Detect Pregnancy by Yourself- Easy Identification Of Pregnancy- The Early Pregnancy Symptoms In Women- Early Signs To Detect Pregnancy- More...*Ectopic Pregnancy Symptom*- Never Ignore Ectopic It is an Emergency- Be Aware Of Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms- Top Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms- Understanding and Recognizing an Ectopic Pregnancy Symptom- How to get pregnant naturally- More...
Healthy Pregnancy 1.1
Want you improve the health of your fetusandfuture child?Staying healthy while pregnant is important not only foryourphysical and mental well being, but also for your growing babyis.Find out what you can do to have a healthy pregnancy — andahealthy baby — with the advice in this Howcast video series.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoHave a Healthy Pregnancy:1- How to Create Healthy Recipes for Pregnancy2- How to Avoid Health Complications during Pregnancy3- How to Deal with Pregnancy Back Pain4- How to Lower Pregnancy-Related Hypertension5- How to Sleep Comfortably during Pregnancy6- Quick Tips: How to Combat Morning Sickness7- How to Gain the Right Amount of Weight duringYourPregnancy8- How to Deal with Pregnancy Hemorrhoids9- How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy10- How to Prevent Pregnancy Bloating11- How to Combat Pregnancy Fatigue12- How to Deal with Pregnancy Indigestion13- How to Deal with an Itchy Pregnancy Stomach14- How to Deal with Gestational Diabetes15- How to Exercise When Pregnant16- How to Prevent Stretch Marks17- How to Minimize Pregnancy Stretch Marks18- How to Deal with Morning Sickness19- How to Deal with Your Labor Fears20- How to Find a Certified Midwife21- How to Induce Labor NaturallyDownload it for free! and Learn How to make lifestylechanges,getting proper nutrition, exercising regularly, andavoidingunhealthy/dangerous activities.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
101 Pregnancy Wheel Scanner 2.3
This free app will serve you qualitycontentabout-you can be afforded during your pregnancy-determine the normal position and the baby's growth insidemotherwomb-According to the Health Physics SocietyIf you want to recieve those benefits,you should considerthisapp in your choice.Some contents that101 Pregnancy Wheel Scanner offers:- Different Types of Sonograms During Pregnancy- Screening Tests in Early Pregnancy- Ultrasound Imaging During Pregnancy- Early Pregnancy Ultrasound- Ultrasounds During PregnancyThe best app for women If you desire to improve yourPregnancyWheel Scanner.101 Pregnancy Wheel Scanner is also now available onGooglePlay.Download it now.
Girl's Bell 2.0.5 (319)
Girl's Bell will remind you to take your pill.
MyPregnancy 1.1
Enjoy your pregnancy withnewmobileapplication!Pregnancy is not only joy but also a challenge formothertobe.That’s why Elevite® offers you help of new digitalconsultant.PREGNANCY CALENDAR is your interactive partner for all 40weeksofpregnancy.You always will receive up to date advices for each weekoftourpregnancy.You will learn how to take care of yourself during thisperiod,andhow to get fitted after.You will find illustrations to each week of pregnancy.Andallfitted into intuitive interface and comfortable design.In new application:All the information and illustrations about growing babyweekbyweekAdvices on healthy food and lifestyle for pregnant womenReminders on doctor’s appointments, tests etc.Practical recommendations for each period of pregnancy andforfirst3 months after labor: baby care, getting fittedPersonal account and opportunity to register a lotofindicatorpoints: ongoing week of pregnancy, date oflaboretc.Opportunity to post to your own diary, add your content,photosandultra sound photos, and opportunity to synchronize itwithyourpregnancy diary at the web site don’t worry about yourself and your baby togetherwithnewmobile application Pregnancy calendar!