Top 26 Apps Similar to シンプル買い物リスト

Shopping list - check list 3.11.14
Most simple and smart shopping list app.
Super Simple Shopping List
One of the simplest shopping listappsavailable!To add an item, press the + button. Type the item and selectcolor.That's it.It's dummies approved.Use comma or enter to add multiple items at the same time.Longpress on item to edit, swipe to delete it. Shake phone todeletechecked items. You can also double-tap on background toadditems.Colors represent categories, and can be anything you want.Forexample: names of the grocery stores (Tesco, Kroger, Aldi,Costco,...), opportunities (birthday, anniversary, Christmas, ...),shopsections (butcher, vegetables, drinks, ...), or whatever youwish.You may label the colors.When you're in the shop buying stuff from the list, just taptheitem to check it.You can share your grocery list with your friends or family. Youcansync between your devices.Note: when you install the app, it will be named just"ShoppingList".
Shopping List 2.2.1
The most easy Shopping List. Try it today.
Simple shopping list(shared) 1.9
Easy operation to share shopping list. No initial userregistrationis required.
簡単!買い物リスト 1.0.6
Little AP
簡単で使いやすさにこだわった「買い物リスト」です。商品名は音声入力もできるので冷蔵庫を開けながら必要なモノを登録する時に便利です!商品名を入力して、青い「メモボタン」を押せば数量や備考もメモできます。数量には個数の他にグラムやリットルなど標準的な単位が備わっているので、レシピを決めてから買い物に行く時など大変便利です。また、リストは2つ使うことができるのでスーパーとドラッグストアなど分けて使うことも可能です!〈その他の機能〉・端末のメニューボタンにてリスト名変更・削除ができます・チェックマークの入った商品を一括削除することができます*値段比較もできる無料アプリ「買い物比較メモ」と併せてご利用頂ければ、今まで以上に楽しく効率の良い買い物が出来ると思います!是非こちらもご利用下さい!!It is a "shoppinglist"was stuck to simple ease of use.I is useful when you need to register a trade name whileopeningthe refrigerator so you can also voice input!Note: You can also note the quantity and enter a productname,you can press the "Notes" button blue.Quantity is standard units such as grams or liters becausethenumber of other features, is very useful for example, when Igoshopping after deciding the recipe.It is also possible to use a separate, such as drug storesandsuper list so you can use two!Other• You can modify or delete the list name in the menu buttononthe terminal· You will be able to remove bulk products contain acheckmark* I think if you can use in conjunction with the "comparenotes"shopping free app that you can also compare prices, andefficientshopping can be fun than ever! Also available here for theworld!!
Amazon Shopping
Product Features* Customers are able to shop millions of products on any ofAmazon'ssites around the world from a single app* Quickly search, get product details, and read reviews onmillionsof products from Amazon and other merchants* Take advantage of 1-Click ordering, customer support, WishLists,create or find a baby or wedding registry, order tracking,andmore* Scan product barcodes and images to compare prices andcheckavailability using Scan It* Check out Gold Box Deals - including the Deal of the DayandLightning Deals, and get automatically notified when newdealsbecome available* Send and share links to products via email, SMS,Facebook,Twitter, and more* Sign-up for automatic shipment notifications to know whenyourorder ships and arrives* Buy with confidence, knowing that all transactions aresecurelyprocessed* Use your voice to search for products on Amazon or to trackyourorders and reorder items. Tap the microphone icon and say“trackorder” or “track my last order” to access open orders.Reorderproducts by saying “reorder paper towels” or “buymorebatteries”.Product DescriptionThe Amazon Shopping app lets you shop millions of productsandmanage your Amazon orders from anywhere. Browse, shopbydepartment, compare prices, read reviews, share productswithfriends, and check the status of your orders.Compare prices and availability by typing in your search, scanningabarcode or an image with your camera, or using your voice.Nevermiss a deal with easy access to Lightning Deals and the Dealof theDay. You can also sign-up for shipment notifications to knowwhenyour order ships and arrives. You have full access to yourShoppingCart, Wish Lists, payment and Prime shipping options,Subscribe& Save order history, and 1-Click settings, just likeon thefull site. All Amazon Shopping app purchases areroutedthrough Amazon's secure servers to encrypt and safeguardyourpersonal information.Important Note Regarding PermissionsPlease note that the Amazon Shopping app requires access tothefollowing services to operate properly:* Contacts: This permission is used to so that you can accessyourphone contacts from the Amazon app for the purposes ofsendingAmazon gift cards and inviting friends to use the Amazonapp.* SMS: This permission is used to simplify the process ofphonenumber verification when creating an Amazon account registeredtoyour mobile phone number.* Camera: This permission is for Scan It, a new way to searchforitems quickly by scanning them with your camera.* Flashlight: This permission is used to turn on the flashwhenusing Scan It in low light conditions.* Microphone: This permissions is used to support Voice SearchandVoice Shopping Assistant features.* Location: Location permissions are used to assist customersinsearching for Amazon Lockers near their current location.* Account: This permission is used for integration with Facebookandother social networks you have connected to your device toallow youto share products with friends and family.* Phone: This permission is used to pre-populate and dial theAmazonCustomer Service number.* Storage: This permission is required to support notificationsinChina.* Wifi: This permissions is used when setting up either aDashButton or Dash Wand using the Amazon Shopping app.OS Requirements: Requires Android OS 4.1or higher and arear-facingcamera. The Amazon App for Tablets is available onGoogle Play.Search for "Amazon Tablet" to install the app andbeginshopping.
Yahoo!ショッピング-アプリでお得で便利にお買い物! 8.15.0
お買い物はアプリで買わないと損!毎月5のつく日にTポイントが5倍になるのはアプリだけ!-----■ビギナー限定!アプリで毎日Tポイント3倍▼キャンペーン開催期間2016年12月20日(火)12:00〜2017年8月29日(火)23:59▼キャンペーンエントリー可能期間2016年12月20日(火)12:00〜2017年7月31日(月)11:59キャンペーン対象となる方は、自動エントリーとなります。条件によっては、対象とならない場合もございます。▼毎日Tポイント3倍対象期間自動エントリーした日から30日間(自動エントリーした日を含む)▼特典Yahoo!ショッピング アプリのトップページ、商品ページで対象であることが記載された方へ、新規ダウンロード特典としてその日から30日間毎日通常獲得ポイントの2倍を付与いたします。 ・100円未満の商品にはポイントがつきません。 ・ポイントは後日付与いたします。 ・ポイントは期間固定ポイントとなります。 ・本キャンペーン期間中、最大5000ポイント付与いたします。 ・本キャンペーン期間中、自動エントリーは1回のみとなります。キャンペーンについての詳細はこちらをご確認下さい。毎月5のつく日はアプリで買うとTポイント5倍!Yahoo!ショッピングをはじめてご利用の方は+2倍!ソフトバンクユーザーでスマートログイン設定をされた方は+5倍!Yahoo! JAPANカードを利用すると+2倍!そしてYahoo!プレミアム会員なら+4倍!合計すると、なんと最大18倍のチャンス!!-----■Yahoo!ショッピングの特徴■国内最大級の51万以上のストア、約2.7億点の商品とロハコ(LOHACO)商品のなかから、あなたにぴったりの商品を選べます。取扱商品は、- ファッション(人気のシューズやブランド品も)- 食品、飲料- スマホグッズ(スマホカバー、充電器など)- アウトレット商品- 季節商品(お花見グッズ、入学祝いの贈り物、卒業祝いのプレゼントや関連商品など)など種類豊富!【便利な新機能!】・検索でヤフオクの商品も探せるようになりました。・商品詳細から、より安い商品を見つけることが出来るようになりました。・ポイントくじやクーポンなど、おトクな情報を逃さないよう、アプリ内でお知らせします。・お届け希望日やキャンペーンをカレンダーに登録する機能を追加しました。【くじでTポイントがザクザクたまる!】・毎日挑戦できるポイントくじで、最大1000ポイント当たる!お買い物回数に応じて、必ず当たるショッピングくじに挑戦できます。たまったTポイントは、Yahoo!ショッピングなどのYahoo! JAPANサービスはもちろん、全国29万店舗で使えます。すでにTカードをお持ちの場合、Yahoo!JAPANIDにTカード番号を登録すれば、Tカードでためたポイントを初回のお買い物からご利用いただけます。また、ポイントキャンペーンの開始・終了などのおトクな情報をはじめ、Tポイントの有効期限が近い時や、Tポイント獲得時にもプッシュ通知でお知らせします。お得な買い時を逃しません!【お得なセールや特集が盛りだくさん!】・水曜22時は人気ストアによるナイトフラッシュセールを開催中!・毎日更新の82円&半額セールも好評実施中!・対象ストア限定のポイント10倍キャンペーンもお見逃しなく!-----■推奨環境サポートOSはAndroid 4.1以上です。■その他本アプリケーションはYahoo! JAPAN利用規約、ガイドラインをご確認のうえ、ご利用ください。・Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約・プライバシーポリシー・ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)★間違えやすいキーワードヤフーショッピング、やふーしょっぴんぐ、yahoo shopping,やほお,yahoo
買い物リスト[家族で共有][音声入力付き] 0.5.6
"Shopping list" is a useful app to shop while checking theeverydaygoods, grocery shopping list at the supermarket. Simpleinput is asimple shopping list.
ねこのてシリーズ お買い物メモアプリ 2.0
買い物先で何買うか忘れたり帰って来てから買い忘れに気づいたり…でも紙に書いてメモを取るのはめんどくさい!という方の為に。シンプルなお買い物帳アプリですがデータはサーバーで管理しているので家ではタブレットで入力。お出かけ先はスマホで確認なんてことができます。もちろんどちらか1台でもOK。入力が苦手な方の為に音声入力も付けました。ホーム画面にウィジェットを置けば一回タップするだけで入力画面が出るからさらに手間いらず!今後のアップデートは 冷蔵庫の中身も管理したいなぁ ・冷蔵庫管理アプリ連携機能を予定しています。After you come backIfyouforget what you buy in the shopping destinationOr notice to forgot to buy ...But I take notes to write it on a piece of paper it isannoying!Forthose who called.Although it is shopping book application simpleBecause it is managed by the server dataEnter the tablet at home.Outing can Oh My God confirmed by smartphone.It is OK with one of either course.Speech input was also put for the person who is weakininput.If you put the widget on the home screenInput screen comes out with just a single tapIt does not need further ado!Future updatesAnd I want to manage the contents of the refrigeratorRefrigerator-management application linking functionsI am planning to.
Shopping List S 1.0
Simple shopping notes app.
Qoo10 (キューテン) 5.0.5
Shopping and play. Qoo10 (Queten). You can shop fashion,cosmetics,home, digital products, etc. at great value at time salesthreetimes a day.
Grocery Shopping List: Listick 4.3.1
Grocery shopping list with cloud sync,widget,expense tracking, and much more!☆☆☆☆☆♥ With Listick, you will forget about paper lists forever! ♥♥ After spending my last grocery store visit using Listick,Igrabbed everything that I needed and managed to get throughWholeFoods in record time. ♥ -♥ To sync my list to my husband’s device and instantly add tohishoney-do list, that’s a super feature I’m going to use thisseason:) ♥ -☆☆☆☆☆Listick (Grocery Mate 2.0) makes shopping easy, fastandenjoyable. This app helps you spend less time in thestore,remember to buy everything you and your family need, and eventrackyour expenses! There’s an abundance of shopping listappsavailable, Listick gives you much more. Combining slick designwithimpressive features, it’s beautiful and easy-to-use!∞ UNLIMITED LISTS & TEMPLATESEasily create as many lists as you’d like! With templates youmaycreate complete list just in one tap. A built-in database ofitemssuggests goods as you type, and you add them to your list withatap of a finger. The app automatically identifies therelevantcategory/department, making shopping faster than everbefore.☝ DESKTOP WIDGETWant to always have your list at hand? Add a widget to yourdesktop,so you can cross off purchased items and browse yourshopping listson the go. You can even add an item to a currentlist or create anew list right from your desktop.☁ REAL-TIME LIST SYNCHRONIZATION IN THE CLOUDLists created and updated under one account areautomaticallysynchronized across all of your devices and the web inreal time.So, users without a smartphone can create and shareshopping listsvia and send them to otherpeople’ssmartphones. Now you can send your spouse shopping and additems tothe list after they’ve left!$ EXPENSE TRACKING & USER CATEGORIESKeep track of your spending by dates and by categories. Plus,thanksto this handy feature, you can transfer the total cost ofyourshopping from the list to Expenses with just one tap. It'sthefastest and easiest way to track your daily expenses forgroceriesand other products. You can even add your owncategories!More features:☆ Real-time notifications on list changes☆ Creating lists from incoming SMS☆ Filter items by category or department☆ Marking top priority items☆ Cross out goods as you go☆ Add prices, measurement units, and comments usingappsettings☆ Use and edit existing lists☆ Change list design themes☆ Send lists by SMS or via e-mail☆ Voice input of itemsThank you for choosing Listick! Try the full version for FREE for15days. In 15 days, you’ll be able to:• Buy the full version (with unlimited lists, synchronization inthecloud, lists’ sharing, widget, expense tracking, andmore!)• Buy necessary featuresIf you have any questions about Listick, please go“Options”-> “Settings”->”Help” or contact [email protected]
Shopping list 1.6
"Shopping list" - an application for managing shopping lists.
Wish: Shop and Save 23.33.1
Wish Inc.
Home & Life, Fashion, Electronics
IKEA Store
The IKEA Store app is here to make shopping in storesmoothandsimple. From planning your visit to findingandrememberingeverything when you get there, this is theperfectshoppingcompanion. GET ORGANISED Browse and search the IKEArange,then addproducts to a shopping list. Already made a shoppingliston theIKEA website? Simply log in to access it in the app*.PLANYOURTRIP Find the nearest IKEA store based on your locationandcheckopening hours and driving directions. See if products areinstockat your selected store so you can plan the best time toshop.VISITIKEA See where products on your shopping list are locatedinstoreand get helpful hints so you don't forget anything.Scanbarcodes,QR-codes and article numbers to get productinformationand addproducts to your list. Then swipe right onproduct to markit ascollected and left to remove it from the list.STAY INFORMEDANDSAVE There’s always something going on at yourlocal IKEAstore.The app keeps you up to date with events, offersand newproducts.Sign up or log in to your IKEA FAMILY account soyou cankeep adigital IKEA FAMILY card to hand and make greatsavings. — —*Currently the app will only synchronise with themostrecentlysaved shopping list on the website. Some features maynotbeavailable in all countries and all IKEA stores. Your useofthisapp is governed by the Application License Agreement.
ニッセンショッピングアプリ-ファッション通販- 6.82
Shopping from men's and women's fashion and children's clothingtocosmetics and interiors! Catalog shopping / mail order /shoppingapp with beauty goods, beauty appliances, cosmetics andfurniture
Reminder Shopping Memo 1.0.4
This app is a simple shopping memo.You can make a list of shopping to easily and can use itasachecklist.You can use the handy reminder feature withasimpleoperation.If there is a commodity to be purchased frequently, youcanregisterthe commodity, and to manage the remaining numberofdays.There is no extra features. Simple is best.And of course in the case of shopping, such asday-to-daynote,please use.
Bottom Keeper 1.04
A notepad for keeping priceinformation.Itmemorizes price information of various items andshows youthebottom price of each. It's been mainly designed for useinJapan,for example it uses 'yen' for the currency unit and someofpresetrecords are written in Japanese. Though that may be abothertonon-japanese users, I believe it's not a crucialmatter.
お買物リスト 1.1
Sokone Checker Lite 1.2.4
Sokone Checker LiteIt is the application which makes a note of the lowestpriceatthe time of shopping.You may be unable to remember whether it is cheap onecomparedwiththe price which the indicated price looked at inthepast.Whenever you register a price into this application,theapplicationcan show you the cheapest price.You can attach a category to registration goods, inordertoarrange the inputted information.You can give child-parent relationship to a category.Your category becomes a layered structure.A layered structure reduces your goods search labor.※Restore of the datafree version is only possible the backup.the free version backup data is possible to read does not correspond to the backup of network.if you change your device.please copy the file./sdcard/ files are saved in the path.If the English translation notation is mistakenwithinmyapplication, contact me by e-mail.
Amazon for Tablets
With the Amazon app for Android tablets youcaneasily search across Amazon’s catalog of millions of productstoquickly find what you are looking for, browse and shopbydepartment, and check out lightning deals and deals of theday.Product detail pages provide useful product information andallowyou to read and write product reviews or share productswithfriends.Enjoy features built especially for tablets, including a fun newwayto set aside items – press and hold on any product image andflingit to the bottom of the screen. The items are saved in a traythatis available to you throughout the entire app, making it easyforyou to get to your set aside items with one tap.All purchases made on the Amazon app for Android Tablets areroutedthrough Amazon's secure servers just as they are on the web.Andjust like the web experience, Android app customers enjoy thesamefunctionalities of the Amazon Shopping Cart, Wish Lists,orderhistory, payment and Amazon Prime member shipping options,and1-Click settings. Customers are able to shop any of Amazon'ssitesaround the world from a single app.** The current release supports Android tablets that are 7" to10"with resolutions from 600x1024 to 1600x2560 with Android OS4.0.3and up.Permissions:On Android devices with GPS, we access location information onlysothat we can provide customers with the option to send packages toanearby Amazon Locker (a feature only available in the US andUKcurrently). On Android devices with both WiFi and cellularradios,we access the phone only to determine which radio to usedependingon the strength of signal. On WiFi only products, thispermissionisn't applicable, but Android's security model requiresus to askon all installations. In order to securely send andreceive pushnotifications on your device (should you choose to doso), we needto use the following permissions: "Receive data fromInternet" and"Prevent tablet from sleeping". We require “ReadContacts”permission to make it easier for you to find and invitefriendsfrom your phone address book.* Microphone access: search Amazon catalogue of products usingyourvoice.* Install Shortcut & Read Settings: Used to create ashortcuticon for Amazon Cash if customers choose to have one.* Receive SMS: This permission is used to simplify the processofphone number verification when creating an Amazonaccountregistered to your mobile phone number.
最安値DX 3.3
Buy Note 1.0.35
This is a very simple app to make a list of shopping, save memosandmanage stocks of food and household items! Just take a notewheneveryou notice what you have to buy next! Once you save items,it willbe automatically saved on a history so that you can make alist fromthe history next time very easily! You don't need toretype the sameitem again! BuyNote shows you what you have to buyin the list ofthe calendar unless you tick the items! So you willnever forget tobuy something! BuyNote User Guide *Initial Window*The initialwindow is the calendar. A button of number 7 of theright-corner ofthe calendar is to switch the display from monthlyto weekly.*Buttons of the calendar (from the left)* 1) Add button:Select thedate and tap this button to move to "Enter List" window.2) Todaybutton: Go back to today's date. 3) Left&Right button:Move thedate right to left. 4) List button: You can see the listof saveditems. ----Shopping bucket button of the list----- You canmake anew shopping list by tapping each shopping bucket. ----Menubuttonof the list----- When you see the list, press menu buttonthen pressSearch. You can search items bykeywords.-------------------------------------------- 5) Notebutton: Pressthis button when you take a note or memo. -----Buttonsof Notewindow------- a) Search button: Search note by keywords. b)AtoZbutton: Switch the display by alphabet. c) Date button: Switchthedisplay by date. d) Add button: Make a new note ormemo.---------------------------------------------------- 6)Calcbutton: Display the calculator. *Menu buttons of thecalendarwindow( initial window )* 1) Setting: Customize thecalendar. 2)Password: Set a password. 3) Backup: Save data to SDcard. 4)Setting Mark: Customize mark list by tapping each mark youwant.You can shorten mark list. 5) Mark: Add mark to the date.-----Howto add marks on the calendar---- Select a mark you like.> Tapthe date to add the mark. -----How to delete the marks-----Selectthe same mark. > Tap the date where the same mark isdisplayed.6) Exit button: Exit app. *Make a shopping list!* 1) TapAdd buttonof the calendar. ---Enter List Window---- a) Category:Enter itemthat you want to buy. b) Select from the history of past:When youhave already saved the same items before, tap this button.The listof saved items will be displayed. Tap an item you want toadd tothe list. c) Memo: Take a memo. d) Select quantity fromcategories:Instead of typing the number, you can select quantitiesfrom thoselist. You can customize your own categories as well. Plusbutton isAdd button. You can create a new category. Pencil buttonis Editbutton. Edit the category and make a new. e): Quantity:Press thisbutton to type the number of the item. f) Delete button:Delete theitem. g)Add button (bottom of the window): Save the itemandcontinue to make a list without moving the window! h) Backbutton:Go back to the calendar. *When you go shopping* You can seethesaved items in the list of the calendar window. Tap one ofthosethen move to the List window. When you buy the item, tickthecheckbox! ----Email button of the list window---- Email: Youcansend the list to your familymember!------------------------------------------------------------------------PressBack button of the mobile to save and go back to thecalendar.Ticked items will be disappeared from the next day butdata is savedin the history of past purchase. Tick mark will beappeared when youbuy and tick items. Saved items will be in thelist of the calendarunless you buy and tick the items so you won'tforget to buysomething!
My Shopping List - to do list
Do you often make shopping lists or notes? This app is madeexactlyfor you.
Out of Milk - Grocery Shopping List 8.12.9_929
Out of Milk
Shopping List, Pantry List & To-DoListin a small, intuitive and easy-to-use app. With Out ofMilk,your Shopping List stays with you everywhere you go and you'llhaveit on-hand once you're ready to go grocery shopping. ThePantryList allows you keep track of your pantry items(spices,essentials, etc...) so that you always know what you haveat home.The To-Do list helps you keep track of any other items onyourdaily list.★ Creating an Out of Milk account, syncing and list sharingiscompletely FREE ★What the experts are saying:'The Out of Milk app is straightforward and offers three mainlistfunctions: shopping, pantry and to do.'Wall Street Journal'#1 of Top 25 Apps For Moms'Babble'Top 10 Most-Used Shopping Apps'Nielsen'How To Simplify your grocery shopping on Android'CNET'Grocery List Apps That Make Shopping, Syncing Lists Simple'MashableOur Features:★ Multiple shopping lists★ Sync and share your shopping lists with others in real-time★ Get notified of grocery deals while in a store (US only)★ Access your lists online from anywhereon★ Save time by grouping items into categories★ Easily scan or enter items in your shopping lists★ Make a To-Do list★ Shopping list history remembers items★ Pantry list lets you inventory anything so you always knowwhat'sin your pantry★ Share lists by text or email★ Move or copy items between shopping list and pantry list★ Displays grand total and running total on your shoppinglist★ Browse and search local grocery deals, sales and promotionsIf you’re a list maker who enjoys making grocery lists andothershopping lists with the free Out of Milk application and wouldliketo support ongoing development, please consider purchasing theOutof Milk Pro version. All funds from the upgrade will be usedfornew feature development, service and product improvements,andkeeping Out of Milk ad-free for our shopping list app users.That’sright! We’re so much more than your typical grocery listapp!### Permission Information ###For detailed information regarding the permissions used by OutofMilk, visit