Top 18 Apps Similar to 体重管理

peso - Diet&Weight Management 1.1.9
peso of recording diet Diet simple app The choice of theweightmanagement!
Casual dieting-weight manager- 4.1.7
New weight-management app with very popular cute illustrationsfromJapan!
Weight Loss Tracker - RecStyle 3.8.0
Your Free Diet, Fitness Beauty for Better Health(Body Fat,BMIPeriod Tracking)
A simple body weight maintenance app created with long term useinmind.
ゆる~く体重記録 1.0
気づいたときに記録して、ゆる~く体重記録! 理想の体重と、現在の体重を入力するだけ。忙しくても続けられる、かんたん体重記録アプリです。
WeightWar - Weight Tracker 2.10.14
Cleveni Inc.
Track your weight and diet systematically
Simple Weight Recorder
A simple tool to record yourweighthistory.Features:- Simple user interface- Chart- Color display for loss/gain- Weight goal and difference- Total loss- BMI- Units: ft/in/lb or cm/kg- [New!] Export as a CSV fileYou can usually open the menu by pressing MENU button on yourphone.The location of MENU button varies depending on the phoneyouuse.For how to use,visit
BodyWeight Record Lite 3.0.1
BodyWeight Record Lite is an application that manages thebodyweight.
Weight Manager2 1.0
You can see the change of your weight inthisapplication.Let's manage your weight with this application!1. You regist your weight (every one hour).2. You regist your goal weight.3. You choose the background.4. You can see the change of your weight in the graph.
HealthLog Ladys 1.0.43
HealthLog Ladys is very simple & easy to use! Simple tomanageyour health and plans! Just tapping a pensil (Event) buttonon thecalendar to register daily health conditions! This appcoverseverything all women need for managing their health and itcan bedone with one app! Manage also daily and repeated plans soyou canuse as an organizer! *HealthLog Ladys does not sync withGoogleCalendar. HealthLog Ladys Manual *Initial Window* InitialWindow is"Base Setting". The second time and after you startHealthLogLadys, the calendar appears first. Let's select backgroundfirst!1. Basic: background with an image. 2. White: whitebackgroundwithout the image. Select one you like! Next, registeryour periodcycle! 1. Menstrual cycle: it is the period from themenstruationonset to the next onset. 2. Menstrual period: it isfrom themenstruation onset to the end. 3. Day of ovulation: it isdifferentwith each person. HealthLog Ladys sets the ovulation14days backfrom the next period but this is just a reference. Ifyou know theexact ovulation day, please set the day here. 4.Irregular: If yourmenstrual cycle is irregular, tick the checkboxabove. It willcalculate the cycle at the avarage of the data ofmore than thepast three times. Unless you enter more than the dataof threetimes, it will automatically calculate the cycle of theabovenumbers. *After saving Base Setting* At this point, there isnodifference on the calendar's display. After you save thefirstperiod onset, the several marks appear on the calendar. *Whenyourperiod started* 1. Select the day that your period started,thentap "Tap Here to Create Event Lists." or a pensil (Event)button onthe calendar. 2. Move to "Daily To-Do". Select "Period"tag. 3.Tick the checkbox of "Start" then press "Back" button of themobileto go back to the calendar. The data will be automaticallysavedwith this action. *This is a common action ofGalleryAppapplications when there is no "Save" button. 4. You canconfirmmarks on the calendar. *When your period ended* Like when itbegan,select the end day on the calendar→tap Event button→move toDailyTo-Do→select the tag "Period". Tick the checkbox of"End"→press"Back" button of the mobile to go back to the calendar.The greentriangle on the date will turn pink. *Daily To-Do* 1.Select a daythen tap "Tap Here to Create Event Lists." or a pensil(Event)button on the calendar. 2. Move to "Daily To-Do". *Action*1. Tap"Action" tag from "Daily To-Do". 2. You can see the list ofthedefault event icons. Let's tap "Medication" icon as a sample.Apop-up "Medication" appears. the upper right button shows thetimeyou tapped the icon. You can change the time for example, thetimewhen you have to take the madication or the time you tookthemadication. You can save memo and set the alarm. Tap "Save"tofinish and go back to the calendar. 3. You can save more eventsinthe same way. You can edit the default event icons by pressandhold. → Select one icon that you want to edit then press andhold.→ A pop-up appears. <Edit window's buttons/from left>a)Add:adda new event icon and save with this button. b)Back:go backto DailyTo-Do. c)Delete:Delete the event icon. →Change name, sortand ifyou want to create subcategories, you can enter itemsSelectItemdialog box. 4.When you want to save an event that doesnot have onthe list, but not want to register a new event icon onthe list,tap "Add Event" icon (pink calendar & gray +)! → Enterthetitle name, change the time(if it is necessary), save memo.→Tapthe icon (pink calendar & gray +) to change the icon.→Tap"Save" to finish. →You can confirm saved events on the list ofthecalendar. 5.When you want to add a new event icon on the list,→Tap "Add" button (gray + icon).
weight log for diet 1.0.1
If you tired of weight managementofnumbersonly, or does not record the change in the day-to-daybodytype?Or from the date of starting the diet and training thebodytypeis how to change, let's record the results theprocess.To get the ideal body type, or to maintain the currentbodytype,therefore also not only numerically the day-to-daystate,let'salso recorded as an image.The transition of the state, for that can bedisplayednumericallyGraph image, making it ideal for motivationmaintenanceof diet andtraining.Main functionWeight recordOnce a day, and the numerical value of the body weight,bodyfat,muscle, you can record a memo image.Images, it can be recorded using the terminal of the camerafromtheapp.Graph displayCollectively the body weight, body fat, muscle (absolutevalueandpercentage), it can be displayed in a stackedgraphlinegraph.Line graph is also available display of movingaverage(3days).Because you can arbitrarily set the totalperiod-countingunit,aggregated for the past month the 3rd unit, youcan do thedisplay,such as a summary of the past three months on aweeklybasis.List displayIndividually the absolute value and percentage of bodyweight,bodyfat, muscle, you can list a number.Similar to the graph display, it is possible to arbitrarilysetthePeriod-counting unit.Image displayOf any date, the numerical value of the image and thebodyweight,body fat, muscle, and can be displayed side by sidetwodays.
News on the next update (ver2.5) Afterhavingupdated to ver2.5 which will be released in the last ten daysofAugust 2015, it is required to login and setup for update oftheapplication platform. Thank you for your kindcomprehension.I will carry out record attachment of the body data, and willlearnthe custom of measuring health. You can see at a glance changedatathat has been recorded because the graph display. Diet plannedispossible to set goals. [ Input items that can be ] -BodyComposition Monitor Weight/Body Fat %/MuscleMass/BoneMass/Visc.Fat Lv/ Basal Metabolic Rate/Matabolic Age/BodyWater%/BMI - Pedometer Steps/Calorie Expenditure/Exercise-Sphygmomanometer Lowest Blood Pressure/Highest BloodPressure/Pulse- Digital urine glucose meter Urine Glucose• Measure your body composition and count of steps.• Tanita product with wireless capability will transmit thedatato• Internet and software applications.• Recording your data• By using our wireless devices,• all your measurment data will transform• to the software application automatically.
ダイエット・カロリー・体重記録アプリもぐたん 1.14.2
◆ millionth DL diet app ◆ Cute "Mogutan" and record the weight!Dietin weight and calorie management! Bear to cheer the diet d (·(E) ·d)
Nestle Weight Control 3.4.3
*** This application is in Japanese only. ***Do you have you’re a target weight? If you’ve exceeded it,youmight feel heavy, and if you are lighter than it, you mightfeelmildly ill. It is essential to maintain your target weight.“NestleWeight Control” (free of charge) helps you to record yourdailyweight and body fat percentage easily. We recommendthisapplication for those who are conscious about their weightandphysical condition. Please use it to maintain a healthybalancedlifestyle.[NEW!]Additional functions:-Backup your app data with Google Drive/Dropbox-Push notification- upgrade information/campaign onNestleWebsite--What you can do with this App●Reach for your target weight!You can reach your target weight by recording your weighteveryday.●ChartWhen you rotate your device from portrait to landscape, thecalendarand list screens turn into a graph measuring your weight.Inaddition, you can easily see the relationship between yourweightand dietary life when you add “ate too much”, “out of shape”iconsetc.●Support MailWe offer a “Support Mail” service which encourages you tocontinueusing this function beyond the usual 3 day limit. Wesupport your“Weight Control” by encouraging you to keep on usingit, orproviding reminders not to eat too much in the seasons whenyoutend to eat a lot.※We consider the Mail Registration date to be the first day ofyour“Weight Control” program, and send appropriate contentsaccordingto the number of elapsed days, so please subscribe to”SupportMail” service right away.We hope you maintain a healthy dietary lifestyle withthis“Nestle Weight Control” function with which you can easilycontinueto record your daily weight.We are constantly updating this application for yourconvenience.Your feedback and opinions are highly appreciated.
執事とお嬢様のダイエット シンプル体重管理で簡単ダイエット 1.0.1
■GooglePlay健康&フィットネス部門 1位 獲得!•本アプリは、体重管理を通じてみなさまの健康&美容を強力バックアップ!おいしい食事をもう一品!食後のスイーツ最高!」まわりにはおいしいものが溢れていて、気が付けば体重が…。ダイエットしなきゃ!でも難しいものはちょっと……というアナタ!ダイエットに重要なのは、道具や無理な運動よりも意識して気を付ける事がイチバン!美容は日々の積み重ね。目で見て実感できるから続けられる。フィットネス後に記録をつけて体重管理。内側から目指せ!美ボディ!。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+.。o○アプリ内容○o1.)体重管理機能はシンプルかつ簡単!  お好きなタイミングで体重を入力、気になるBMI値も計算します。  難しい操作は一切ありません。  だから、無理なく継続して続けられます!2.)執事との関係…  目標設定の体重に近づくと執事との関係も近づく!  ゲットしたボイスやスチルはギャラリーに保存されるので  いつでも何度でも楽しめます!3.)SNSと連動!  ダイエットの状況や、執事との関係…  いろんな情報を共有できます!o○アプリの特徴○oメインの体重管理機能に乙女ゲーム要素をプラス。イケメン執事が頑張るアナタを応援します!キャラクターボイスにはあの大人気声優の置鮎龍太郎さんを起用!。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+。*゚+.*.。゚+..。*゚+.。ヘルスケア/健康/体重管理/乙女/美容/フィットネス/運動☆公式twitterではダイエットの豆知識を配信中☆■推奨OSバージョン■Android4.0以上■価格■ダウンロード無料/アプリ内課金あり
GenryouKeikaku Classic 3.1
This is a very simple application only of the record of weight.
あすけんダイエットアプリ カロリー計算や食事記録でダイエット 6.1.9
asken, Inc.
Diet weight management, nutrition management and health care canbedone! A diet support app that allows you to record yourdiet.Record your weight and make it a habit of dieting and recordmuscletraining
ダイエット 体重記録 - by クックパッドダイエット 1.0.2
\おかげさまでシリーズ110万ダウンロード突破!/体重管理や体重記録が15秒でできる『クックパッド ダイエットがお届けするレコーディングダイエット』アプリ。Android版がついに登場!最近の研究で、体重・体脂肪を記録するだけで「やせる」ことが紹介されました。まずは体重計に乗って、体重・体脂肪を自己管理することからダイエットをはじめてみましょう。現在の身長、体重をからダイエットコースを選択できます。目標の体重目指してダイエットスタートしましょう!【使い方は簡単】・毎日、体重計に乗って表示された 体重や体脂肪などの数字をそのまま入力するだけ。 ※お持ちの体重計にあわせて入力項目の設定、入力順が設定できます。・毎日の体重・体脂肪の変化は数字とグラフでしっかり表示。 グラフは1週間、1ヶ月、3ヶ月、半年、最大2年分を自由に切替え可能。・女性限定。生理日を入力すると「やせ期」が表示されます。・毎日の体重変化で『今日のぽちゃ度』『BMI』を表示します。クックパッド ダイエットはあたなのダイエットを応援しています!///////////////////////////////////////////////////- このアプリはダイエットの補助を目的とし、減量を保証するものではありません。- クックパッド ダイエット ラボの管理栄養士監修の元開発しました。///////////////////////////////////////////////////\ Thanks to series1.1million downloads surpassed! /Weight management and weight recording can be 15 secondsApp "Recording diet COOKPAD diet is to deliver".Android version is finally here!In a recent study, just to record the body weight, body fatand"lose weight" it was introduced.First of all, riding a weight scale, let's start the diet fromthefact that the body weight, body fat and self-management.The current height, you can choose a diet course from thebodyweight.Let's diet start with the aim goal of weight![Easy to use]• Daily, it has been displayed aboard the scalesJust a number, such as body weight and body fat todirectlyinput.※ set of input fields to match the scales you have, you can settheinput order.· Changes in the daily weight, body fat firmly displayedasnumbers and graphs.The graph for one week, one month, three months, six months,freelyswitching the maximum two years.And women limited. If you enter a physiological Sun "leanseason"will be displayed.It will display daily "Today's Pocha degree" in bodyweightchange to "BMI" ·.COOKPAD diet is supporting the diet of Atana!////////////////////////////////////////////////// /- This app is for the purpose of assisting in the diet, doesnotguarantee weight loss.- COOKPAD it was the original development of the diet oflabmanagement dietitian supervision.////////////////////////////////////////////////// /