Top 50 Apps Similar to Data Verifier

Folio ID: Wallet App & Cards 2.1.0
Mobile wallet to store loyalty cards, photo IDs and passports.FaceID scanner.
ID Card Wallet - Card Holder 1.3
Magnetic Lab
Store your ID card info such as Passport, RC Book, DrivingLicenseeat one place
UNJSPF Digital Certificate of Entitlement 2.2.1
The current paper-form based process for UNJSPFCertificateofEntitlement, to prove a beneficiaries eligibilityforcontinuedpension, caters to over 70 thousand beneficiarieslocatedin morethan 190 countries. As is uses postal services, theprocessis veryslow and cumbersome. This is a pilot programme to usemobileandblockchain technology for generating DigitalCertificateofEntitlement. The App uses facial biometrictechnology,livenesscheck and geo-location to submit a digitalcertificateofentitlement to a blockchain. Use of location helptheUNJSPFprovide services to the Track 2 beneficiaries. All userdateisstored securely either in the App or in data centresprotectedbyUN Privileges and Immunity. No cloud-based services areusedforprocessing of user information. During the pilot, thepaper-formCEprocess will continue so that the beneficiaries arenotdeniedtheir pension.
FLEXIPASS Keyless Mobile Acces 1.93
Fast access to your room with your smartphone.
Blockpass User-Controlled Identity 4.9.0
Blockpass provides users with a solution for self-sovereignidentitywhile limiting hacking risks. Following recent data breachscandals,it is evident that centralization of personal user datashould beavoided wherever possible. Blockpass provides analternativesolution for centralized data storage that will havetwo majorbenefits to consumers: 1. Users are in control of theiridentity andonly they can decide who accesses it 2. No centralizedserver storessensitive personal data When a user submits identitydetails anddocuments to Blockpass for verification, a copy isstored locallyand encrypted with a password on the user’s mobiledevice. The useris the only person who holds the password todecrypt it. AfterBlockpass receives the data and hashes it, it iscompletely erasedfrom the Blockpass servers. From that pointforward, user data onlyexists on the mobile phone of the user andnowhere else until he orshe decides to share it with third-partyservice providers,e-merchants and financial services, giving theuser complete controlover their personal data. As user’s data isdestroyed once verified,if hackers manage to breach the Blockpassservers, they will findonly unreadable data that has no value tothem, whatsoever.
Yourwallet 1.7.7
Mobile wallet for non-payment loyalty cards,tickets,boardingpassesand coupons.
CommonPass 1.7.1
CommonPass is a free app that helps you share yourhealthstatussecurely, so you can get back to travel, work, schoolandlife. Getwhere you want to go by using CommonPass to presentyourlab orvaccination results. How it works: Download thefreeCommonPass appto your smartphone, and use it to access yourtestand vaccinationrecords from authorized providers. Withyourconsent, thatinformation can be used to validate your healthstatuswithoutrevealing any other underlying personalhealthinformation.CommonPass generates a secure QR code for you toshowwhen youtravel or access certain locations and events. Yourhealthrecordsare stored securely and privately on your phone,entirelyunderyour control. CommonPass now supports SMART HealthCardvaccinationrecords from Walmart, Sam’s Club, Louisiana,California,and UCSDHealth. CommonPass is a service of The CommonsProjectFoundation.The Commons Project Foundation is supporting theeffortsof anumber of countries, such as Aruba, and US states, suchastheState of Hawaii, and others, to help enable a safe returntotravelaround the world.
ODK Collect
Open Data Kit
ODK Collect is a replacement for paperformswith support for geo-locations, images, audio clips, videoclipsand barcodes, as well as numerical and textual answers. ODKCollectcan evaluate complex logic to control the display promptsand toimpose constraints on their responses; it also supportsgroups ofrepetitive questions and data collection inmultiplelanguages.ODK Collect is designed to work out of touch with a cellularnetwork/ Wi-Fi during the data collection effort. Once back in thenetworkcoverage, the completed forms can be copied out of thedevice orsent to a server (you control) for analysis.ODK Aggregate is a free server. ODK Collect can use ODK Aggregatetodownload the form definitions and receive completed forms.ODKAggregate can generate CSV files or publish data inGoogleSpreadsheets, Google Fusion Tables and elsewhere. There is arobustuser community and many companies that can provide assistancetoorganizations deploying surveys based on ODK.Go to for more information.
Synchroteam 53.0.9
The Synchroteam Mobile Application is a key component ofourFieldService Management solution, akin to a mobilecontrolcenter,giving your mobile workers all the information theyneed toworkefficiently, and communicate with you in real time.Powerful&Secure Mobile Client : The Synchroteam client useanonboardEnterprise database and remain fully functionalwhateverthequality of your network coverage: data encryptionandtransactionalintegrity is maintained even when yournetworkconnection is lost.Work Order Management : Review workorderinformation beforestarting the job, and take advantageofinteractive assistancefeatures, such as: instantdrivingdirections, one-touch contactcalling, job description andreportreview. Job Center : Dealingwith work orders has never beenthisintuitive. Your job updatesare provided in real time, anddisplayedin a logical order: today,upcoming, late and completed.Job Report: Our interactive JobReports are tailored to request onlyrequiredinformation andautomatically record time milestones.Capturesignatures, photos,barcodes and parts/services usage.Notifications: Receivenotifications for new jobs, scheduled jobs orrescheduledjobs onyour mobile terminal. Notification settings arefullyconfigurable.Maximum Autonomy : Review previous workorders.Create, Rescheduleor Decline jobs. Access attachmentsassociated toa Job orCustomer. Activate/Deactivate Autosync and GPStracking.Who isSynchroteam for? Energy Maintenance Medical TelecomsSecurityHVAC
Buypass ID
Buypass AS
Safe, fast and single-sign-on Free to use, regardless of mobileorbank.
TP1600 23.05.579
TP1600 is Point Of Sale terminal compatible with SkaleetCoreBanking Platform.
SSL Toolkit 4.5.5
All-in-one toolkit, including SSL/TLS check, PEM parser,CSRgenerator and more
ReadID - NFC Passport Reader
The ReadID demo app (previously known asNFCPassport Reader) reads and verifies the RFID chip embeddedinelectronic passports, national identity cards and otherICAOcompliant identity documents (ePassport, or, in ICAO9309terminology, Machine Readable Travel Documents: MRTD). Theappoptically scans (OCR) the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) togainaccess to the embedded chip. It then reads the embedded chipusingNFC and displays the biographical and biometric information ofthedocument holder, as well as document information, afterwhichsecurity checks, such as Active Authentication, DocumentSignatureValidation, and Country Signature Validation, areperformed anddetailed results are shown.The app also supports electronic driving licenses (eDL, ISO18013,currently limited to Dutch driving licenses).FAQ AND MORE INFORMATIONPlease see our website for more information on how to use theReadIDdemo app including FAQs ( provide the ReadID demo app free of charge to demonstrateandimprove the underlying ReadID software. If you see opportunitiestouse ReadID, for example as part of the traditional bordercontrolinspection system use case or as part of innovative onlineusecases such as customer onboarding, then please contact [email protected] version of the app is provided as-is and without warranty.Theauthors make no claims about fitness for anyparticularpurpose.PRIVACYWe value your privacy and do not collect your personalinformation.For details, see our privacystatement FOR OPEN SOURCE LIBRARIES USEDSee "About" in the app.
e-gree: Simple, Fast and Secur 1.3.25
An absolutely innovative way to protect your interests!
HID Reader Manager 1.9.0
HID Global
HID Reader Manager streamlines management of compatible HIDSigno,iCLASS SE® and multiCLASS SE readers in the field.Administratorscan easily adjust configuration settings, upgradefirmware, inspectand export current reader status, and upgradecompatible readers tosupport Bluetooth and/or OSDP. -Bluetooth isused to communicatewith the reader hardware. If Bluetooth is notenabled communicationto readers will not function. -Calendar isused to log theerror/information. If Calendar is not enabledlogging will notfunction. -Location is used to obtain the locationof the Readerfor administration purpose and improving userexperience. IfLocation is not enabled communication to readers willnot function.
myNAS 2.1.34
MyNas is a mobile application for NAS card holders to accessqualityhealthcare.
PP&S 6.2.1
Subsplash Inc
Current world events, Biblical Prophecy and Archaeology all in one
Sign In App Companion 2.5.3
Quickly sign in, pre-register guests and access yoursite'sevacuation list.
Survey123 for ArcGIS 3.13.234
Survey123 for ArcGIS is a simpleform-centricdata collection GIS app. Using your ArcGISorganizational accountyou will be able to login into the app anddownload any forms thatmay have been shared with you. Once a formis downloaded, you willbe able to start collecting data. If workingoffline, yourcompleted forms will be saved locally. When connected,you cansubmit the data back to ArcGIS.Features:• Easy to use: The app has a simple workflow. Download yourforms,fill them out, and submit. Not much to explain so you cangetproductive immediately.• Smart forms: Survey123 for ArcGIS supports sophisticatedformswith advanced types, validation rules and skip logic. Thismakes iteasier for you to collect data with it. Quicker,easier,faster.• Built for ArcGIS: As you submit your data, we make itimmediatelyavailable for analysis and visualization. No datatranslation orcopies are necessary. Whatever you contribute fromthe field isinstantly useful.• ArcGIS identity: The identity you use when logged into theappgives you access to the just the forms that have been sharedwithyou. Using your ArcGIS identity keeps transactions secure andevenlets your organization track the work you do.
IDnow AutoIdent 4.10.0
IDnow GmbH
IDnow AutoIdent is an AI-powered solution that enablesyoutoquickly, easily and securely identify yourself from home orontheroad, at any time of the day, in just 2 minutes. All youneedisyour smartphone, a stable internet connection and yourvalidIDdocument. Say goodbye to all those long onboardingprocessesthatrequire you to spend time, effort and money to getanaccount.IDnow AutoIdent is a free, easy, fast, reliable andsecuresolutionto identify yourself at any time of the day whensigning upfor anew service. IDnow is an international expertforidentificationand eSigning solutions. Further information canbefound on ourwebsite Idnow AutoIdent runs onAndroidphones withfront and back cameras running at least Android5.Please note thatIDnow also offers the app IDnow Online Ident(forvideoverification). If your token is not accepted on thehomescreen,you may need to switch to the IDnow Online Ident app.
simPRO Mobile 9.3.5
Achieve end-to-end operations managementwithsimPRO(, a complete job managementsoftwaresolutionfor your business. The simPRO Mobile app givesfield stafftheability to do more on the job. Update job details,access siteandasset history, view timesheets and present quoteswith ease.FIELDSERVICE FEATURES: Enhance your field processes withsimPROMobile,an end-to-end field app. Streamline field serviceworkflows,managecustomer assets, increase first-time fixed ratesand enhancethecustomer experience. * Live scheduling updates *Record traveltimeand time spent on-site * Access scheduled andassigned, as wellassearch for any pending or progress jobs. * Seewho elseisscheduled to be on-site for the job * Status changes,such asacompleted job card, will trigger workflow processesforofficestaff * Offline functionality * Invoice and acceptpaymentsin thefield, with different options including cash orcreditcardpayments (Square Payments integration availabledependingonlocation) * Click-to-call site and job details *Preandpost-audits for enhanced safety * Pause work to stop theclockatany time * Comprehensive asset management * Inventorymanagement*Add notes, photos and other attachments with immediatesynctooffice * Capture staff and customer signatures and emailasignedjob card directly to any contact * High accuracyGPSnavigationTIMESHEET FEATURES: Build a workforce oftime-savvystaff. Easilytrack costs throughout project and servicework, andprovidescheduling information to field staff tomaximiseproductivity. *Clock on and off daily * Create new timeblocks forquotes, jobsand activities * Use pre-defined travelschedule rates(eg afterhours or long distance) to categorise traveltime * Add oreditbillable and non-billable work hours inreal-timeorretrospectively * Update records in real-timeorretrospectivelyfor billable and non-billable work * Easilyspreadtime betweenmultiple cost centres based on hours orpercentage ofworking time* Access site, customer and schedule notesalong withother keydetails such as activities, job descriptions andcostcentreinformation * Copy time blocks for employees, contractorsandplantequipment * View multiple weeks including past,currentandupcoming scheduled time. * Compare work scheduled andcompletedtoidentify and rectify unaccounted blocks of timeorconflictsCUSTOMER QUOTE AND SALES FEATURES Upsell and closemoresales inthe field with simPRO Mobile. * Add images, videosandmanuals tocreate visually appealing quotes on the fly *Offermultiple quoteoptions such as basic, intermediate and premium*Incorporatememberships and other services with standard pricingandsavingsdisplayed * Apply add-on pricing for discounted ratessuchas formultiple or same-day services * Email quotes and invoicestothecustomer
PassWallet - mobile passes 2.01.27
Fobi AI Inc.
Bringing mobile loyalty cards, vouchers, tickets and boardingpassesfor Android
Digidentity 4.3.1
You can use the Digidentity app incombinationwith your Digidentity account. Use ’Secure my account'to add anextra security layer to your account: a two-factorauthentication.You will be able to log in with this time-based codetogether withyour username and password. You can always use this,even withoutan internet or phone connection. The time-based codesare storedunder ‘My authenticators'.With ‘Upload documents' you can upload your identity documentstoidentify yourself during registration. You’ll be asked to takeapicture of your document and of yourself with the camera onyourphone.To add an even higher level of security to your account, youcancreate a smart card. To do so, you will be asked to create aPINcode. Every time you sign in to your account you will getanotification on your device with the request to enter thisPINcode.About DigidentitySince 2008 we are an online identity provider for Internet users.Wevalue privacy as no other can. We call this ‘privacy bydesign’.This inspires confidence. Check our track record: we are atthecore of eHerkenning and GOV.UK Verify (British DigID) and forbothof these systems we are a ‘trusted networkpreferredsupplier’.
Generate your QR Code and get started
IDsafe: ID & passport scanner
Scan your ID, passport and other documents and share them to PDF.
Via Mobile 8.7.4
Rapid and easy access to your meetingsandtraining sessions with ViaMobile videoconferencing!Via’s collaborative suite allows you to enjoy veryfriendly,experienced and multilingual Web conferencing andtrainingenvironments. With the power of a Cloud offer and thesecurity ofRISQ hosting, it deploys rapidly without requiringinstallationwhile leaving you in control of your user accounts andyourcontent. Via Mobile simplifies your communications andyourtechnical problems while going through firewalls andsecuritynetworks. You are thus free to participate with yourclients,employees and collaborators at your meetings and distancelearningand this, wherever they are located.The Web Collaboration environment and Via training offers you awiderange of interactive tools such as:- Presentation of documents (Office, PDF, images,multimedia,whiteboard)- Screen sharing and control- Camera, microphone and telephone- Annotations- Recording your sessions and exporting videos or podcasts- Instant messaging- Integration of Outlook calendar- Synchronization with your Active Directory- Managing user accounts- And much more!You can use Via Mobile if you already have a Via account or ifyouhave received an invitation to join an online activity asaparticipant.
KoboCollect v2023.2.4
KoboToolbox: Data collection for humanitarian, development&research settings
ERIN | Employee Referrals 2.3.0
Boost employee participation and increase employeereferralswithreferral texting, one-click mobile referrals, bonustracking,andSmart Referral recommendations. ERIN is the #1EmployeeReferralMobile app, supporting more than half a millionemployeesaroundthe world to make referrals easily. ERIN integratesdirectlywithyour ATS, or works stand-alone, to show youremployeeswhatpositions your recruiting for and allows them to sendreferralsbytext and email to their contacts. It doesn't stop atseeingjobsand making referrals, employees can track theirreferrals,getautomated referral recommendations, and can put theirown namesinfor a position using our internal mobile feature.Bonuswaitingperiods are automated to let your admins know exactlywhenbonusesneed to be paid and a ton of great features thatallowadmins toeasily manage bonus payments. Add your logo and showoffyour brandto your employees and candidates on all ofyournotifications andin the app and website. SSO providesconvenientand easy access foryour employees. Download ERIN and seewhy it'sthe most popularmobile referral solution in the App Store!
Certificate Maker 4.8.10
Certificate maker with templates. Create printable certificates.
Customer App - Zoho Assist 1.28.1
Customer App for Zoho Assist. Secure & Live Remote Assistforyour Mobile.
Charis App
Subsplash Inc
Discover God's plan for your life | Experience healing | Findyourpurpose
MTools - Mifare ACR122 PN532 20240201_R1
MTools Tec
Easy to write, compare and charge mifare card with with NFC,ACR122Uor PN532
Personal CRM by Covve 24.6.14
Organize your real-world relationships
Vamoos 3.9.0
Vamoos Ltd
Vamoos - a free app that lets you access your trip, hotel andvillainformation.
Intuitive to use, quicker to readrelevantinformation compared to a paper care plan, and empoweringcarestaff with great information at their finger-tips, thePASSsystemis helping to support care assistants to do a great jobeven betterwherever they are.The PASSsystem supports excellence in customer management,workingseamlessly across all major devices, from receiving careenquiries,to assessments, staff supervisions and customer reviewson tabletwhile out in the community, to delivery of care plans andreceiptof MAR sheets and diary notes from careassistants’smartphones.The PASSsystem improves the care delivered by homecareservices.Through improved clarity of care plans read by careassistants, theability to identify issues with medication and carein real-time,the PASSsystem is helping leading care services torevolutionisecare quality.Sound business and high quality care go hand-in-hand – efficiencyinbusiness creating opportunity to invest in the quality of care.ThePASSsystem saves homecare services a substantial amount ofmoney byremoving inefficiencies – an estimated saving equivalentto 15% ofnet profit.The PASSsystem is the only system available to providereal-timefeedback on how outcomes are being achieved for eachcustomer,transforming the quality of care reporting, andsupportingimprovement in care planning, the PASSsystem is your besttool todeliver excellence in CQC compliance.
HID Approve
HID Global
HID Approve is a multi-factor authentication solution fromHIDGlobal that delivers a simple and secure way for you tovalidatetransactions and authenticate. With push notifications anda simpleswipe-gesture you can approve an authentication ortransactionrequest on your mobile device. For mobile offline use,HID Approveenables you to generate one-time secure codes forstrongauthentication. HID Approve is a part of a broad range ofhardwareand software security tokens from HID Global that work withthe HIDAuthentication Platform. To get started with HID Approve youwillneed to download the App and enroll it with your serviceprovider.
ServiceDesk Plus SaaS HelpDesk 6.7.0
Provide uninterrupted IT support on the go with the ServiceDeskPlusmobile app.
Access FCU Mobile Banking 2021.06.02
Start banking wherever you are with Access FederalCreditUnionMobile Banking for Android! Available to all AFCUonlinebankingcustomers, Access FCU Mobile Banking allows you tocheckbalances,make transfers, pay bills, find locations andmore.Availablefeatures include: Accounts - Check your latestaccountbalance andsearch recent transactions by date, amount, orchecknumber.Transfers - Easily transfer cash between your accounts.PayBills-Easily pay bills anytime on the fly. Deposits-Depositchecksright from your Android phone. Locations - FindnearbyBranches andATMs. Additionally, you can search by zip codeoraddress. To learnhow we protect your privacy,pleasevisit
Amnesia: Memories 1.0.7
The romance adventure game "Amnesia" by Otomate, a game brandforwomen!
BizConnect - Card Scanner 2.9.8
100% Accurate Business Card Scanner & QR Code Scanner
Priceless Specials MEA 8.3
Priceless Specials MEA offers exclusive 2-for-1 savings,discountsand more!
Credit Card Manager Pro
The most complete and easy to use credit card manager on the planet
My Valamar 4.110.1
Uplift your stay at Valamar accommodation with innovativeappfunctionalities.
Vircarda 2.10.3
Vircarda securely stores and manages virtual smartcards with ease
Finom • Business Account 1.40.0
Finom is a financial service where you can open abankingaccount,connect your other banks and manage your invoices.Isn'tthat cool?Now you can do all these things in one place, andwe'reworkinghard to bring new features as fast as possible. Herearejust a fewthings that you'll find inside Finom app: - Openabanking accountin 5 minutes; - Connect your other banks andmanagethem in oneplace; - Make a SEPA or Direct Debit payments; -Receivemoney fromthe whole of Europe; - Create sub-accounts (wecall themwallets)and manage your cash flow. All of them have theirown IBANso youcan use each of them for different needs; - Issue aphysicalor avirtual card for yourself or your employees. You caneasilymanagecards and set up the limits; - Cover (we callitreconciliation)all your transactions with invoices or recipes.Youraccountantwill tell you big thanks for that; - Inviteyouremployees andeasily manage permissions for the whole team;-Connect youraccountant and let them do their job; - Usesmartfiltering andsearching of your transactions; - Tagyourtransactions andinvoices to keep everything in order; -Contactlesspayments withApple Pay; Feel free to contact us in thechat insidethe app orwrite a message to [email protected].
TalkRemit - Worldwide Money Transfer Online 1.33.7
Immediately send money to friends and family withtheultimateservice from TalkRemit. 🎁🎁🎁 Use the 3FREE promo code togetyourfirst three Xfer for free! 💸💸💸 TalkRemit’s moneytransferservicecan help you deliver funds all over the world inseconds.The setupprocess is fast and simple. There aren’t anyhidden fees -just amoney transfer charge. Install the app for anInstant Quotein justa few seconds! 👍What makes TalkRemit the bestchoice to sendmoneyabroad? 👍 ✔️ Look after your loved ones fromyour living roomwitha simple app to send money ✔️ Hook up your bankaccount and useamobile wallet for even easier money transfers ✔️Cashcollectionand bank deposit options are simple to set up✔️Automaticconfirmation receipts keep you updated about yourtransfer💰Aren’tall remittance services the same?💰 Nowadays almostall majoronlineways to send money abroad are safe, relativelylow-cost, andmaketransfers very quickly. Probably you’ve heardaboutTransferwise,Worldremit, SendWave, Taptap Send, Remitly,Paysend,TransferGo,Western Union, RIA, and Moneygram. We believewe’re abetter choicebecause of our commitment to no confusingpricingstructures, goodexchange rates, and ease of use for thesender andthe receiver.💬What else makes TalkRemit better thanotherservices?💬 TalkRemitis a community-focused business. Since2018,TalkRemit has helpedmore than 12,000 UK migrants stayconnected totheir communities. 1of 3 users joins TalkRemit becausesomeone intheir communityrecommends the service. TalkRemit is thecheapestway to send moneyto Africa. Support your parents, pay off acardbill, debtfinancing, or help build your home communitywithlow-costtransfers. TalkRemit has close connections tomanyAfricancommunities and has expanded in the EU to help evenmorepeoplesend money back to their family and friends.TalkRemitprocessesmore than 15,000 transactions to African andAsiancommunitiesevery month. Loans and utility bills are being paidoff,familiesare being supported, and home communities arestayingconnectedthrough TalkRemit’s money transfer service. 🗺️Wherecan Isendmoney from?🗺️ United Kingdom (GBP) - Switzerland (CHF)-Sweden(SEK) - Denmark (DKK) - Norway (NOK) - Spain -Portugal-Netherlands - Malta - Italy - Ireland - Greece - Germany -France-Finland - Cyprus - Belgium - Austria (all - EUR) - Croatia(HRK)-Bulgaria (BGN) 💱Where can someone pick up my moneytransfer?💱Fundscan be collected in 60+ countries worldwideincludingAustralia,Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Cote D'Ivoire,Djibouti,Ghana,India, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria,Pakistan,Philippines,Qatar, Senegal, Thailand, Uganda, United ArabEmirates,UnitedStates TalkRemit covers popular transfer corridorsto sendmoney toAfrica and Asia: UK to India UK to Kenya Sweden toNigeriaGermanyto Nigeria France to Morocco UK to United ArabEmirates UKtoBangladesh 📲How do I get started?📲 Download the app,and thenenteryour mobile number, a username and a password. We’llsend youatext to confirm your identity. We’ll have a fewquicksecurityquestions, and then you’re good to go! If moresecurity isneeded,we may ask for a photo ID. 🏦When will my moneyarrive?🏦Payments toa bank account, cash pickup, and mobile walletareusuallyinstantaneous. Bank account payments can take longerifthere is adelay in the receiving country. The TalkRemitCustomerSupport teamis available 24/7 for you! Check our SupportPortal,in-app Helpsection, or chat options if you have aquestion.TalkRemit, 6thFloor, 2 Kingdom Street, Paddington, London,W2 6BD.Talkremit Ltdis authorised and regulated by the FinancialConductAuthority(FCA) of the United Kingdom in accordance with thePaymentServiceRegulations 2017 and Electronic Money Regulation2011.Registrationnumber: 900825.
Doha Bank Mobile Banking 6.3.2
Doha Bank is committed to offer its customers the bestinclassproducts and services. We are pleased to offer anenhanced,vibrantand user friendly mobile banking App in English andArabicthatallows you to manage your finances on the move and roundtheclocksecurely. Experience quick logins withbiometricauthentication,stay connected with Doha Bank through Socioconnectand have quickview of your balances every time. To gainaccess tothis service,you need to download the application and useyourDBank Onlineusername and password or biometric to logininstantly.What DbankMobile offers you: · Self-Registration ·Biometric loginonsupported mobile devices · View balances andtransactions ·Local& Overseas funds transfer · Western UnionMoney Transfer·E-Statement (Accounts & Cards) · DownloadAccount andCreditCard Statements · Download IBAN Certificate ·Download,Share,Email Transaction Receipts · Debit, Credit &Prepaidcardservices · Utility bills and Card payments · ATM /DebitCardinstant block facility · Card Activation · ActivationofCreditCard for International usage · Redemption of RewardPoints·Prepaid e-vouchers · School fee payments ·CustomerInformationUpdate · Reset password / Bio-Pin (For biometricenableddevices) ·D-Cardless withdrawals · Loan Postponement ·SHARQInsurancePayment · Access to DB Global Markets · Connect toDohaSooq ·Apply Now for Products & Services ·UsefulInformation(ATM/Branch Locator, Forex Rates, Contact Us,PrayerTimings) ·Free Flights with Doha Miles · Notifications ·SocioConnectthrough Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn&WhatsApp
Military Retirement 2021.2
Military Retirement is a stand alone application intendedtoassistmilitary personnel from all branches of militaryservicebyinforming them of their benefits upon retirementfrommilitaryservice. Military Retirement gives assistancebycalculating anestimation of retirement pay based on the datayouenter. This datais secure and does not leave your device and isnottracked in anyway. Military Retirement incorporates highlydetailedalgorithms tocalculate your retirement pay to the highestlevel ofaccuracypossible. Compare multiple scenario options todeterminewhichretirement option is best for you. No Login required.Nopersonallyidentifying information to enter. No demographictrackingof whoyou are. No spam. Military Retirement works forActive DutyandReserve/Guard for the following types of retirementplans:FinalPay, High-3, BRS, and CSB/REDUX personnel.Specifically,MilitaryRetirement will calculate • RETIREMENT PAY :Based on Rank,Yearsand Months of Service, and Date of Retirement.Also works fortimein rank of less than 3 years. • SURVIVOR BENEFITPLAN : BenefitandPremium • TRICARE MEDICAL INSURANCE : Options andPremium•DISABILITY PAY : Based on disability rating • VETERANSGROUPLIFEINSURANCE : Coverage and Premium • FEDERAL TAXES : Basedonfilingstatus ** Note ** Information provided byMilitaryRetirementshould be used for educational and initialinformativepurposesonly. Should not be used to plan retirementbudget, asactualfinancial figures may slightly differ. LynnfieldLLCisdisabled-veteran owned.
Endress+Hauser SmartBlue
SmartBlue - the configuration tool by Endress+Hauser