Top 18 Apps Similar to Depression Help Brainwave

Depression 1.0.1
Learn skills to reduce your depression! All material was writtenbyalicensed psychotherapist (LCSW) with twenty-five yearsofcounselingexperience. You first rate the intensity ofyourdepressive symptomson a color coded scale from 1 (slightlyupset)to 10 (extremelydepressed). If you rate your depression as a8 orbelow, the app willproceed to the Change Thoughts Menu. FromtheChange Thoughts Menu,select one or more of the strategiesforchanging your thoughts.Changing your feelings by changingyourthoughts is the basis ofcognitive behavioral psychotherapy(CBT),the most widely practicedevidence based method of treatment.Whenready, proceed to Step 2. Ifyou rate your depression as a 9 or10(very or extremely depressed),you will be brought to theSafetyScreen that will assist you withsuggestions formaintainingsafety. After that screen, you canproceed to the ChangeThoughtsmenu to choose additional exercises.When you havecompleted thethought changing strategies of yourchoice, proceed toStep 2. InStep 2 select methods for makingLifestyle Changes thatwill reducedepression. After following theinstructions for theLifestyleChanges, you then move to the thirdset of skills in Step3 StressManagement, where you will select oneof ten differentrelaxationstrategies for managing stress. Afterimplementing thoseskills,you rate the level of depression again inStep 4 todetermine ifthe skills you chose were effective for you.If thelevel of thedepression has not reduced sufficiently, you willbegiven theopportunity to try again, selecting a different skillset.Thecontent presented is for your information only. It isnotasubstitute for professional advice, and it should not beusedtotreat a psychiatric or medical condition. If you havethoughtsofharming yourself or others, get immediate interventionfromaprofessional. Please consult your healthcare provideroracounselor if you have any questions or concerns. ***TestedonaNexus One phone.
Binaural Beats 1.3
Having trouble sleeping?Havingtroubleconcentrating? Have any psychological problems?Well, try Binaural beats! they help change the brainwavesinyourbrain for the better!Want to take a nana nap? try the Alpha wave!Want a deep sleep? try the Theta Wave!and heres a goodie;Looking for some extra arousal? try the Beta wave!Make sure you use stereo headphones/earphones for the fulleffectsofthese amazing waves!This may be of relevance to you if you are searching for:- Brain waves- Brain Beats- Binaural Beats- Binaural Waves- Sleep sounds- Brain tuner- Brain therapy- Binaural therapy- Depression help- Powerful headache treatment- Happy Boost- Study Aid- Sleep Induction- Relaxation- Creativity Boost- Weight loss
Binaural Beats Premium 1.12
Gamma brain waves are used for;-problem solving-high mental activity-consciousness-Enhanced serotonin release. Mood elevation,arousal,stimulant-migraine prevention e.t.cAlpha waves;-Super-learning new information, memorization,notcomprehension.-Enhanced serotonin release. Mood elevation,arousal,stimulant- Increased focus and awareness-Relaxation(while awake)-REM sleep-Lucid Dreaming-third eye opening e.t.cTheta waves-deep meditation-healing-relaxation-Reduces sleep required. Theta replaces need forextensivedreaming-Centre of Theta frequency. Activates creative frontal lobe-Schumann earth resonance. Grounding, meditative, Leavesyourevitalized-Increased memory, focus, creativity-Profound inner peace, emotional healing. Lowersmentalfatigue-NREM sleep e.t.cDelta waves-deep dreamless sleep-Release of Anti-Aging hormones-Related to O.O.B.E , Astral Travel, ESP, and otherphenomenon-Perfect intuition-Deepest possible level of mind / body relaxation-Connection with unconscious mind-Extreme bliss-relaxation e.t.cEndorphin Release-Brings happiness.-Creates happiness.All these waves have frequencies ranging from 0 to 40hz, so besurefor a great experience.NOTE: For best binaural beats perception, it is recommended thatyoulisten with headphones plugged as binaural beats sends wavesfromone ear to the other.Download now for FREE.
Another State Meditation 1.1
The GK Front
NEW! FULL GUIDE AND INTRODUCTION: State allows you to choose from acombinationofmeditation scripts, inductions, awakenings,beautifulmeditationmusic tracks and special effects.To those you can also add isochronic tones or Binauralbeatsthatallow you to control your brainwave frequency foreasilyattainingyour desired meditation levels. You can choose from10different'clicks' for the Isochronic tones or select Binauralbeatsandchoose the 'base' frequency from 40-200Hz. And of coursewithbothyou can select from a range of brainwave frequencies -1-40Hz-From Delta all the way to Gamma.The following sessions are included, and more scripts,musicandeffects are going to be added regularly for free to anyonewhoisbuying this app.* Seven pools meditation (for chakra healing)* Two sleep inducer sessions* Spirit Healers* Meeting your spiritual guide* A trip to Sheirch* Deep induction and soothing meditation musicPlease E-mail me if you find any bug or have anysuggestionsorideas! I strive to make this the best meditationapplication onthemarket, and help as many people as I can attainpeace andcomfortthrough meditation. [email protected]: Please listen carefully to the initialdisclaimerwhenyou first run a session.Meditation is a very safe, wonderful practice. However ifyouarefeeling any discomfort or have any illness orpsychologicalissuethat might cause you to be badly affected byguidedmeditations,please do NOT use this app. I do not holdanyresponsibility forusing this app, always consult withaprofessional medical doctoror therapist if in doubt.
Gnaural for Android 1.0.20140623
A binaural beat & isochronic tone generator intended as anaidto meditation.
Deep Sleep 1.0 Sleep Hypnosis 1.2
This app includes:• 22 minute NLP / self-hypnosis Deep Sleep audio programwithbinaural beat frequencies• 22 minute binaural beat frequencies music only audio***** Deep Sleep mp3 really works!Hi all. I listen to Michael's 'Deep Sleep' mp3 regularly andIfind it to be very effective. Even when I am stressed andworriedthat I won't be able to works. I admit that onoccasionI am inclined to 'decide' that the mp3 'will not work'because I amfar 'too stressed' for anything to help. On theseoccasions - thelast thing I remember is Michael's voice and thesoothing music -the next thing I know - the alarm clock is beepingand I have toget up for work! 10/10 - SJ***** Great Program!I've studied NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis for over five yearsandused it extensively. Michael does an excellent job ofincorporatingthe key principles of both in this program. As a guy,Michael'svoice is perfectly fine to listen to in this context. Ifind thatthe program is perfect to fall asleep to, particularlyfor repeateduse. I found it very nice that he didn't speak throughthe entireprogram because, well I was trying to fall asleep. Themusic isbinaural which is very effective for slowing down brainactivity inpreparation for sleep. He could easily charge $10 or$20 for theprogram so definitely check it out and use it for aweek straight(with headphones is best). - SteveHow Important Is A Full Night's Worth Of Sleep To You...?No Chemicals. All Natural. Deep Sleep.The audio component of Deep Sleep is designed withsoothingsounds and ambient dimensions to bring even the mostrestless ofminds to slow down and relax into restful REM sleep.Specific soundfrequencies scientifically shown to slow the brain'sactivity areused in this program to create an environment for deepsleep. Ifyou suffer from insomnia, anxiety, or random thoughtsrunningthrough your mind when you are trying to sleep, then try anaturalway to safely fall asleep.This app includes an audio program that is specificallydesignedto train your body how to enter a state of restful sleep.In veryshort time and with continual use of this program mostpeoplecreate an association between the sounds of this program andtheirbody allowing them to enter a healthy state of deep sleep.Begintomorrow differently; feeling completely rested and havingsleptwell... tonight.<-About the Developer->Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from the InstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in MarketingandAdvertising Management from Portland StateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as a hypnotherapistand atrainer of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Michaelencouragesyou to also download his free Intro to NLP app to listento Introto NLP and Experience Trance: An Overview ofEricksonianHypnosis.
Perfect Sleep w/Binaural Beats 20
An ultimate app for your Perfect Sleep.This app induces sleep with combination binaural beatswhichinvokessleep oriented brainwave and 1/f relaxation sounds.- Binaural beats very deep sleep- Binaural beats for deep sleep- Binaural beats for dreaming- Binaural beats for snooze- 20 relaxation sounds- Background mode is available- Quit timer is available
End Anxiety Brainwave Audio 0.73.13431.24525
Leigh Spusta
Psimatix Anti-Depression / Anxiety Audio RhythmsBreak through the cycle of depression and axietywiththisblissful soundscape.Created by internationally recognized brainwave audioexpertLeighSpusta and Powered byPsimatiX™ Brainwave Audio TechnologyAllow yourself to be gently guided by the blissful soundsastheysound you and promote brainwave rhythms that have beenshowntostimulate hemispheric synchronization of the brain,balancingthetwo halves for ideal processing and emotionalequanimity. THebrainbegins to produce seratonin andbeta-endorphines, whichnaturallycombat depressive experience. Youwill notice that anyfeelings ofanxiety are calmly replaced withrelaxantion. Alsoincluded is a 14hz rhythm that has recently beenshown to reducedepressionsymptoms, allowing you to move into a morecentered spaceofwell-being.This recording is in no way a replacement formedicalorpsychological treatment and is not presented as atreatmentorcure. This 20 minute recording will bring you into adeeplyrelaxedstate, so you are advised to not listen while driving.Thisappstreams using 3G or wifi connection. This recordinghasbeenproduced utilizing the proprietary PsimatiXªaudioentrainmentmethods to create powerful results.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertifiedTherapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof soundfrequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas workedwith several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety oftherapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician andhis knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneernew approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greaterefficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developerof the proprietaryPsimatiXªtherapeutic approaches andtechnologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/MonauralBeats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State/ Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music/ Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment- Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency/ Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy /Psychic / Intuition /ESP / Energy / Chakra / 3rd Eye /Pineal /Sound / Healing /Emotional / Release / Spiritual /Music
Anti Depression and Anxiety 0.73.13431.23467
Leigh Spusta
Psimatix Anti-Depression / AnxietyAudioRhythmsBreak through the cycle of depression and axiety withthisblissful soundscape.Created by internationally recognized brainwave audio expertLeighSpusta and Powered byPsimatiX™ Brainwave Audio TechnologyAllow yourself to be gently guided by the blissful sounds astheysound you and promote brainwave rhythms that have been showntostimulate hemispheric synchronization of the brain, balancingthetwo halves for ideal processing and emotional equanimity. THebrainbegins to produce seratonin and beta-endorphines, whichnaturallycombat depressive experience. You will notice that anyfeelings ofanxiety are calmly replaced with relaxantion. Alsoincluded is a 14hz rhythm that has recently been shown to reducedepressionsymptoms, allowing you to move into a more centered spaceofwell-being.This recording is in no way a replacement for medicalorpsychological treatment and is not presented as a treatmentorcure. This 20 minute recording will bring you into a deeplyrelaxedstate, so you are advised to not listen while driving. Thisappstreams using 3G or wifi connection. This recording hasbeenproduced utilizing the proprietary PsimatiXª audioentrainmentmethods to create powerful results.Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiXªtherapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones /MonauralBeats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization /Alpha State/ Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis /Hypnotic Music/ Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release /Chakra Alignment- Attunement - Balancing / Harmony / SchumannResonance / Frequency/ Mind Audio / Trance / Healing / Therapy /Psychic / Intuition /ESP / Energy / Chakra / 3rd Eye / Pineal /Sound / Healing /Emotional / Release / Spiritual / Music
Fight Depression Naturally 12.4.2
Easy ways to beat Depression through Food and simpleScientificTechniques
TinyRelax 2.3
❍ Who says smartphones take you out ofthemoment? Used smartly, they can open your mind and make youmorepresent than ever. Using proven, science-based techniqueswe’llshow you how to train your mind for a healthier, happier,moreenjoyable life.❍ TinyRelax is one of the most accessible apps, offering adecentcatalogue of free meditation tracks with and withoutnarrators,ranging from three to 30 minutes in length. This app isclear, easyto use and completely free.❍ This is a mindfulness and meditation app that is builtaroundyou. TinyRelax is perfect for those who are ready toincorporatemeditation and mindfulness into their entire day, withmeditationsthat target every aspect of your life, from sleeping, totraveling,to being online. Even if you have never tried meditationbefore,TinyRelax is a life-changer.❍ This is also a great way for beginners to startmeditation.Choose between options for sound and length of time, aswell asscenes from nature for you to visually focus on whileyoumeditate.❍ TinyRelax gives you access to many meditation sounds,music,and guided sessions with meditation experts.❍ Meditation, music, nature scenes all designed for you togetyour relaxation on & help you achieve your goals:sleep,working through difficult emotions, productivity, etc. Appprovidesa timer and meditations for different circumstances.This TinyRelax android app consists of these parts:1. Positive Affirmation: Free your mind, forget yournegativethoughts with happy thoughts and guided imagery.2. Do Nothing 'Can you do that': A minimalistic meditationtimeris great assistance if you like to meditate in silencewithouthaving to worry about keeping track of time.3. Guided Meditation : Take a little time to relaxandcultivating mindfulness in your daily life.4. You can listen best Meditation Music and calming musictoenrich your daily life.5. Binaural beats - Brainwave entrainment induce power nap,sleeprelaxation and other desirable mental states. Scientificallyprovenfrequencies help about dealing with stress anddepression.6. You can access best relaxing music, soothing music,ambientmusic and more 7/24.7. Pure Nature Sounds provide an oasis of calm that can helpyoufeel better and work more productively with relax music forstressmanagement. While stress goes away with anxiety meditation,Whitenoise helps you sleep in heavenly peace by relaxationmeditation.Also natural sleep aids to cures insomnia as a sleepsounds.8. bernArt is a collection of unique t-shirt and tee designtoreduce stress and increase collaborative activity asexpertclaims.Blog Posts - Get more insight, advice, and support:Zen Tips - Minimalism are about finding simplicity in thedailychaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we canfocuson what’s important, create something amazing, findhappiness.Daily wisdom to uplift you at every morning. You can feedyourbrain daily with inner peace quotes, since it needs to befedregularly just like the rest of your body.Self-Lİfe Coaching tools with best practice daily. Be yourownlife coach with coaching techniques and coaching tips.Mental Health - Emotional Well-Being : You can findmosteffective ways to reduce anxiety.With Simple mindfulness exercises, discover meditationtechniquesfor beginners and how to meditate properly with mantrameditationand walking meditation.Some of the great benefits:• Gain clarity, peace of mind, positive emotions&self-control• Increases serotonin production that improves moodandbehavior• You effectively reduce stress, reduce anxiety withbreathingmeditation• Brings body, mind, spirit in harmony withspiritualenlightenment• You can visualize powerfully with visualizationmeditation.• Binaural beats and mindfulness based cognitive therapysolveall the problem related to mental depression, sleepanxiety.
Brain Waves - Binaural Beats 8.0.1
Binaural Beats for Deep Sleep, Focus, Meditation & More!PureSound No loops
Binaural Beats and Relaxation 1.3
Systems USA
Binaural Beats and RelaxationBinaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditoryprocessingartifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specificphysicalstimuli.Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtlewaysthrough the entrainment of brainwaves and provide otherhealthbenefits such as control over pain.Binaural Beats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich WilhelmDove,and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th centurybasedon claims that binaural beats help induce relaxation,meditation,creativity and other desirable mental states.The effect on the brainwaves depends on the differenceinfrequencies of each tone, for example, if 300 Hz was played inoneear and 310 in the other, then the Binaural beat would haveafrequency of 10 Hz. See more: Binaural Beats and Relaxation can help you toinducerelaxation, sleep, creativity and many other desirablementalstates.Improve several aspects:* Make time go faster on flights.* Insomnia relief.* Power nap.* Self Hypnosis. Short meditation preset to unite your consciousandsubconscious mind.* Enhance concentrate and think clearly in learning.* Stimulates lucid dreaming.* Astral projection-Relaxation.* Assist in creative thinking.* Highest mental activity.* Good to Healing---Pain killer.* More...***** Some comments"Very cool binaural beats and relaxation app""Binaural Beats and Relaxation. My favorite free app""Awesome app binaural beats and relaxation""Love this binaural beats and relaxation app! Perfectforstudying and astral projection""Binaural beats and relaxation app helped me withinsomniarelief""Binaural beats and relaxation, the best binaural beats app""Nice... I found Binaural beats and relaxation that is usefulformy clients"******Binaural beats are very powerful and new presets mustbeexperienced carefully, in a safe environment. But rest assured,Ihave been using binaural beats for a few years now withgreatsuccess and without any concern.Try Binaural Beats and Relaxation. Binaural beatsreallywork.WARNING: The following people should not usebrainwavesentrainment applications like Binaural Beats andRelaxation:People subject to any forms of seizures or epilepsyPeople using pacemakersPeople suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or otherheartdisordersPeople taking stimulants, psychoactive drugs, or tranquilizersIf you like Binaural Beats and Relaxation, please rate it.
Binaural Chakra Therapy 3.1
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.
Binaural Beats and Relaxation 1.0
Binaural Beats and Relaxation Binaural beats, or binauraltones,areauditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds,causedbyspecific physical stimuli. Binaural beats reportedlyinfluencethebrain in more subtle ways through the entrainment ofbrainwavesandprovide other health benefits such as control overpain.BinauralBeats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich WilhelmDove, andearnedgreater public awareness in the late 20th centurybased onclaimsthat binaural beats help induce relaxation,meditation,creativityand other desirable mental states. The effecton thebrainwavesdepends on the difference in frequencies of eachtone,for example,if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in theother,then theBinaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.Seemore: So BinauralBeatsandRelaxation can help you to induce relaxation, sleep,creativityandmany other desirable mental states. Improve severalaspects: *Maketime go faster on flights. * Insomnia relief. * Powernap. *SelfHypnosis. Short meditation preset to unite yourconsciousandsubconscious mind. * Enhance concentrate and thinkclearlyinlearning. * Stimulates lucid dreaming.*Astralprojection-Relaxation. * Assist in creative thinking.*Highestmental activity. * Good to Healing---Pain killer.*More...Binaural beats are very powerful and new presetsmustbeexperienced carefully, in a safe environment. But restassured,Ihave been using binaural tones for a few years nowwithgreatsuccess and without any concern. ***** Some comments"Verycoolbinaural beats and relaxation app" "Binaural BeatsandRelaxation.My favorite free app" "Awesome app binaural beatsandrelaxation""Love this binaural beats and relaxation app!Perfectfor studyingand astral projection" "Binaural beats andrelaxationapp helped mewith insomnia relief" "Binaural beats andrelaxation,the bestbinaural beats app" "Nice... I found Binauralbeats andrelaxationthat is useful for my clients" "Powefullbinaural beatsapps" "Thebest relaxation app" "Relax with BinauralBeats andRelaxation"****** Try Binaural Beats and Relaxation. Itreallyworks!!!.WARNING: The following people should not usebrainwavesentrainmentapplications like Binaural Beats andRelaxation: Peoplesubject toany forms of seizures or epilepsyPeople using pacemakersPeoplesuffering from cardiac arrhythmia orother heart disordersPeopletaking stimulants, psychoactive drugs,or tranquilizers Ifyou likeBinaural Beats and Relaxation pleaserate it with 5 stars
Binaural Beats - PRO 1.0
App Creator 6
Use Binaural Beats to improve your mindandbody performance!This is a PRO version App, with professionals Binaural Beatsandit's FREEFree and without ads!!
Chakra Meditation 2.6
Chakra Activation, Balancing & Awakening with BinauralSolfeggioFrequency/Tones
Binality 2.27
Enhance your mind with Binality binaural entrainment.