Top 23 Apps Similar to iMigraine

Migraine Buddy: Track Headache 59.0.1688129546
Track Migraine Symptoms And Triggers With A Migraine &HeadacheTracking App!
Migraine Relief Hypnosis 2.55
Prevent migraine pain from interfering with your work, sleep,andlife*
Headache Log 1.5
A quick, easy and free way to track and understand your headaches
Migraine 1.0
Migraine is a chronic neurologicaldiseasecharacterized by recurrent moderate to severe headachesoften inassociation with a number of autonomic nervoussystemsymptoms.Typically the headache affects one half of the head,ispulsating in nature, and lasts from 2 to 72 hours.Associatedsymptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity tolight,sound, or smell. The app provides tips to control migraineheadache, pill reminder, option to track the pain.
Manage My Headache 1.3
Manage My Headache is best applicationwithadvanced reporting features. This Headache Tracker andTreatmentapplication is all about keeping record of yourheadachesand migraines. With each headache and migraines you canrecord howsevere the headache was and when it happened/ ended, aswell aswhat type of headache, locations of the headache pain,effects ofheadache on life, possible causes of headache, anymedicationstaken and if they provided relief. This diary app alsohas detailedreports along with graphs with option to share withyour healthcareprovider.Interesting feature is to add your own medicines, effectsofheadaches on your life, possible causes and location ofheadaches,automated headache evaluation/test. Manage My Headacheapp alsoprovides treatment feature to take appropriate actionagainstheadache.Pro features of Manage My Headache Diary include detailedreportbased on automated headache test and treatment of headacheswithBinaural mix of Delta Brain Waves based on Dr. LeonardHorowitz'shealing frequency.MANAGE MY HEADACHE LITE FEATURES:☆ Record ongoing and past headaches / migraines☆ Keep track of Date, Time and Duration of Headaches, PainLevel,Headache Types, Effect of Headache, Causes, MedicationTaken,Headache Location☆ Notes about headaches to keep track of food, mood, detailforassistance of doctor☆ Acts like a migraine journal that helps to identifymigrainetriggers like stress, lack of sleep, menstruation etc☆ Option to add new medicines, effects on headaches, possiblecause,location of headache☆ Automated Headache Evaluation Test (Yes or No)☆ Quick way to skip test and resume at a later time☆ Headache Log History by Date☆ Test History by DateUPGRADE: MANAGE MY HEADACHE PRO FEATURES:☆ Animated Summary Graphs: Pain Level vs Dates☆ Headache Short Summary Report☆ Detailed Test results☆ Tests time line history with 1st, 2nd and 3rd dominant symptomsofheadaches☆ Animated graph of dominant symptoms of headaches based on thetestresult☆ Brain waves treatment based on Dr. Leonard Horowitz'shealingfrequency☆ Detailed Reports in PDF that can be shared with yourdoctorsThis diary app can be an effective headache diary, usefulforheadache tracking, headache journal, migraine log,migrainetracker, migraine diary, migraine journal, migraine app,migrainerelief, headache relief, headache prevention andstoppingheadaches.Download Manage My Headache and start living a happier andhealthierlife today!
Migraine Diary 1.2
The Migraine Diary provides activeandpassivesupport and education to providers and patientsalike.Unlike othermigraine apps available on the market today,theMigraine Diary isquick and very intuitive for patients.Patientswill find itsnavigation and simple design easy to use andwill bemotivated tokeep using it to help them and their medicalproviders.The App allows health care providers, who are limitedonpatientvisit time to get the right data, compile and analysetherightinformation, and develop a treatment plan to maximizeimpactduringa patient’s medical appointment.Health care providers appreciate Migraine Diary andenjoyatechnology that improves their efficiency, offeringmeaningfulwaysto reduce their work/time burden and improve patientcare.The App includes a list of previous medicationswhichhelpproviders avoid “re-inventing the wheel” and helpobtaininsuranceapproval for new medications
Migraine Headache Relief Music 1.01
Do you struggle with frequent headaches? Do they make it hardforyouto concentrate and go through everyday life? No needforinvasivemedicine, Migraine Relief is the app you need tosolvethesehindering health problems. Migraine Relief usesthelatesttechnologies and discoveries to help you healyoursevereheadaches. These are binaural beats, special frequenciesthatmimicyour brainwaves, creating a specific effect on your mind.Haveyouever heard about them before? Apparently, isochronictonesrangingfrom 7Hz to 104Hz help you fight headaches and aretheperfectnatural remedies for migraines! Want to try them out?Well,if yousuffer from any kind of headache, just wear a pairofheadphonesand play the special wavelengths played in thesongscontained inthe app. Anyone that frequently experiencesvisualmigraine, ocularmigraine or cluster headache is said torespondpositively. The 10Songs are the following. The first iscompletelyfree for you toenjoy, while the remaining half can beunlocked inthe Premiumversion of Migraine Relief! Track Titles: 1.Migrainewith Aura 2.Migraine without Headache 3. Migraine BrainstemAura 4.HemiplegicMigraine 5. Retinal migraine 6. Chronic Migraine7.ClusterHeadache 8. Sinus Migraine 9. Vestibular Migraine10.HeadacheMedicine May this app be of help if you are trying tofightoffheadaches or migraines. We hope it can leave yourelaxed,soothedand refreshed. If you enjoy it, leave a review onhow tomake thisapp even better for you. For any suggestions,problems orrequests,please contact us at [email protected]
Migraine Diary 1.0.2
A migraine diary to record information about the attacks ofmigraine& headaches
My Ocular Migraine Journal 1.0
My Ocular Migraine Journal is used toassistinthe recording of triggers and symptoms, which isrecommendedbydoctors. It uses a series of checkboxes and textboxestoquicklyand efficiently record many of these triggers andsymptoms.It canbe used on a daily basis, or just on the days thatyou haveanocular migraine. If you come across a trigger or symptomthatyouexperienced, tap the empty box next to it to check it. Ifyouwouldlike to add additional information about the categorylisted,tapin the large, empty, rectangular box at the bottom ofthecategory,and type in the desired information.When all of this is completed, mark whether or not you aresendingitto your doctor. If you are, enter your first and lastname intothetextbox directly under it. Then, enter your emailaddress orthat ofyour doctor’s in the bottom-most left textbox.Then, insertthe datein the bottom-most right textbox. Once bothbottom-mosttextboxeshave been filled out, tap the “Send” button.Then goabout sending anemail as you usually do. If you sent theemail toyourself, you cancreate a folder in your email’s inbox.This newfolder can hold allof your entries and can be opened andlookedback upon.
Migraine Relief Hypnosis Pro 2.14
Surf City Apps
MIGRAINE RELIEF HYPNOSIS*◎ A single audio session of 30 minutes a day that is effective*injust 1–3 weeks◎ Hypnosis audio carefully read by the soothing voice of acertifiedhypnotherapist◎ Peaceful background music and nature sounds to helpyourelax◎ Hypnotic Booster with binaural beats to induce yourbrainwavefrequency into an optimal state for receivinghypnoticsuggestions◎ Separate volume controls for Voice, Background, andHypnoticBooster◎ Awaken at End feature can be disabled at bedtime for arelaxing,restful sleep◎ Repeat sessions or loop while you sleep◎ Continue listening to background sounds after thesessionendsINTERACT WITH USSurf City Apps offers a range of hypnosis apps to help you enjoyahealthier, happier, and more abundant life. Tell us how you useourapps to improve your SUPPORThttp://support.surfcityapps.comTERMS & CONDITIONS*DISCLAIMERResults not clinically proven. The content and services providedbythis Application are for educational purposes only and arenotintended to be a substitute for professional medicaladvice,diagnosis, or treatment. Never rely on information onthisApplication in place of seeking professional medicaladvice.Consult your doctor before using this Application if yousufferfrom a heart condition, mood disorder, epilepsy, or apsychiatricor neurological condition.
Headache Diary App 1.0
The Headache Diary will manage allyourchronicheadache’s events and create a report that willimprovemedicalmanagement.You can also manage your medications with scheduledalarmstonever forget to take your medicine.
Blue Light Filter - Night Mode 1.5.6
Help you sleep easily and protect your eyes by reducing blue light🌛
Yoga for Migraines 2.2.5
“Yoga for Migraine” provides a structured series of yoga poseswhichaim to relieve migraines. Headaches are often triggered andworsenedby stress, making this relaxation based therapy likely toprovidepain relief. This app can be helpful when practicedregularly whenyou are pain free to help prevent migraines.Migraines are adebilitating condition with no clear medicallyidentifiable cause.Ancient yogis claimed that migraines werecaused by weak air in thebody and stress affecting the nerves.Today they affect millions ofpeople, and are worsened by ourmodern lifestyle. The exercises in“Yoga for Migraine” are meant torelax the body and mind, improvecirculation, and increase lungcapacity. “Yoga for Migraine” drawsupon traditional hatha yoga andwas formulated by an expert inancient yogic methods. The programguides you through several yogaposes while emphasizing correctbreathing methods. As you becomeaccustomed to the exercises, youcan change the settings frombeginner to intermediate to advanced,for a longer more effectivesession. Yoga asanas include:-Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) -UrdhvaVajrasana (Upper Diamond) -SuptaVajrasana (Fixed Firm Pose)-Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)-Veerabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)-Bhujangasana (Snake Pose) –intermediate -Baddhakonasana Type 1(Cobblers Pose) – intermediate-Baddhakonasana Type 2 (CobblersPose) – intermediate -Dhanurasana(Bow Pose) – intermediate-Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) – advanced-Halasana (Plow Pose) -advanced This app has HD graphics and iscompatible withhigh-resolution tablets. Users may want to firsttry our app "CoreYoga" which is better suited for beginners. Afterpracticing "CoreYoga" for a few weeks, you should be able tocomfortably practice"Yoga for Migraine". **This App is availablefor the PC and Mac aswell**
Manage My Pain Lite
Track, analyze, and share your pain.Manage My Pain helps you and others better understand what youaregoing through. It has helped thousands of people withconditionslike fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, or back painbetterunderstand their symptoms and provide evidence of their painfortheir doctors, insurance companies, or government agencies.ManageMy Pain creates reports designed by doctors for doctors -ones thatyour doctor will actually read!• Track your pain using a simple, quick, yet powerfullycustomizableentry screen• Get insight to your condition through statistics, charts,graphs,and calendar views• Sync with the cloud to safe-keep your records and keep allyourdevices up to date• Share what you're going through by creating evidence-basedreportsfor diagnosis, treatment, and claims• Personalize your account by recording your medical andpersonalcharacteristics• Get support from a responsive team and detailed user guidesCreate and view your records anywhere, anytime, and from anyAndroiddevice, while knowing that your information will beprotected &secure.The Pro version adds:• the ability to view more than 10 records• background sync capabilitiesTo migrate from Lite to Pro (using online account):• Create an online account and synchronize your information• Install the Pro version and login to your accountTo migrate from Lite to Pro (without an online account):• Press the Backup/Restore button in the Lite version• Select Backup from the pop-up• Launch the Pro version, and press Backup/Restore• Select Restore from the pop-up• Select the latest backup file from the list that appears• Validate that all records exist in Pro and uninstall LiteDeveloped for patients suffering from and care-givers ormedicalprofessionals treating:• arthritis & rheumatism• cancer• chronic pain• headaches & migraines• fibromyalgiaQuestions? Bugs? Feature Requests? We want to hear from youtoensure a 5-star experience!• Website:• Twitter:!/lifecontrolsw• Facebook:• Google+: this pain management app to replace your hand-written:• pain diary• pain journal• pain log• pain tracker
My Migraine Solution Today 4.0.1
My Migraine SolutionToday,IntroducesSphenoCath® A new patented device and methodforachieving an (SPG)block in migraine patients. SphenoCath® is notapill or a patchfor migraines. SphenoCath® is a device thatdeliversanestheticthrough the nasal cavity, effectively and mostlypainfree. Theprocedure is done without the use of needles,cottonswabs, orharsh meds. For most the procedure is comfortable.Physicians have reported a very high success rateformostpatients that have the procedure done. The SphenoCath®iseffectivein most patients of all ages (young adults and adults),aswell aspregnant women—with minimal to no side effects. Andbecauseiteffectively delivers an SPG block, you can expect it toworkforall types of migraines and for most types of headachepain,fromcluster headaches to trigeminal neuralgia to atypicalfacialpainand more—with long-lasting relief. The (SPG) blockhasbeendescribed in the medical literature for over 100 years. Ithasbeenproven effective for many painful conditions. Themainlimitationto the procedure has been the delivery andtheinconsistency ofmedicine placement impacting results.TheSphenoCath® addresses allthose issues, making theprocedureeffective and consistent andquick. This time testedin-officeprocedure takes about 15 minuteswith very low risk. Thisprocedurecould give you a way to becomepain free and get your lifeback. Tolearn more,Download our App Today!!! And get serious aboutmanagingyourpain. See how the procedure is done. Locate a providerplus useourmigraine diary to track your headaches. Stay informed ofthelatesttreatments available to manage your pain and see whattheyaresaying about SphenoCath® SPG block.
Migraine Help 2.0
Dusko Savic
Try to relieve migraine by using alternative medicine methodsfromthis app.
Manage My Pain Pro
Track, analyze, and share your pain.Manage My Pain helps you and others better understand what youaregoing through. It has helped thousands of people withconditionslike fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, or back painbetterunderstand their symptoms and provide evidence of their painfortheir doctors, insurance companies, or government agencies.ManageMy Pain creates reports designed by doctors for doctors -ones thatyour doctor will actually read!• Track your pain using a simple, quick, yet powerfullycustomizableentry screen• Get insight to your condition through statistics, charts,graphs,and calendar views• Sync with the cloud to safe-keep your records and keep allyourdevices up to date• Share what you're going through by creating evidence-basedreportsfor diagnosis, treatment, and claims• Personalize your account by recording your medical andpersonalcharacteristics• Get support from a responsive team and detailed user guidesCreate and view your records anywhere, anytime, and from anyAndroiddevice, while knowing that your information will beprotected &secure.The Pro version adds:• the ability to view more than 10 records• background sync capabilitiesTo migrate from Lite to Pro (using online account):• Create an online account and synchronize your information• Install the Pro version and login to your accountTo migrate from Lite to Pro (without an online account):• Press the Backup/Restore button in the Lite version• Select Backup from the pop-up• Launch the Pro version, and press Backup/Restore• Select Restore from the pop-up• Select the latest backup file from the list that appears• Validate that all records exist in Pro and uninstall LiteDeveloped for patients suffering from and care-givers ormedicalprofessionals treating:• arthritis & rheumatism• cancer• chronic pain• headaches & migraines• fibromyalgiaQuestions? Bugs? Feature Requests? We want to hear from youtoensure a 5-star experience!• Website:• Twitter:!/lifecontrolsw• Facebook:• Google+: this pain management app to replace your hand-written:• pain diary• pain journal• pain log• pain tracker
Migraine Tracker 3.0
Keely Hicks
This app allows users to track theirmigrainesand headaches by storing them along with the food theyhave eaten.It also allows the user to get their current weather attheirlocation, which can help identify migraine triggers.
Natural Headache Remedies 5.0
Know about Natural Headache Remedies and get relief fasterusingNatural Remedie
Signs & Symptoms Migraine 1.0.0
The Signs & Symptoms Migrainehelpsthepatients to self-manage Migraine, using interactive tools.Thisappgives the patient important information regardingsignsandsymptoms of Migraine and management of the disease.Thisappalsoallows the patient to record and track Migraine levelsalongtimewith an incredible graphing option. The patient canshowtheserecords to the doctor and together improve thepatient’squality oflife. This app also allows the patient toremember whenand whichmedication to take to manage Migraine.Besides, the user can test its knowledge regarding Migraineinanamusing way through a little and funny quiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residentsofothercountries due to variations in medical practice anddrugapprovaland indications.This patient education application provides patients andHealthCarePractitioners with easy to access informationonMigrainemanagement.Created by Built by Doctors World.
MigraineTracker 1.0
Migraine Tracker is an app that letsyoutakecontrol of your migraines. By utilizing this app you willbeableto catch migraines before they happen so you don't have tositinagonizing pain.
Migraine Triggers Diary 1.2.2
Be your own scientist!Main advantages:1. PRIVACY:no registration required, noinformationsynchronization/disclosure.No datamining of yourinformation bythird parties. Your info isyour info, which isencrypted andremains solely on your device!2. GETTING STRAIGHT TO THE POINT:This app focuses only on the trigger factors to helpyoudeterminewhich of them might be more linked with yourmigraine.Isn't thatwhat you really need? This simplifies the wholerecordingprocessand reduces its time dramatically. What good isrecordingdataabout symptoms, like which side of the head it hurtsat, andotherthings, like the impact your migrain is having on yourlife,etc.(as important as they are), if what you really need is tofindoutwhich of the triggers are more statistically relatedwithyourpain, in order to advance towards a solution?Migraine Triggers Diary will let yourecordyourheadaches/migraines and the measurements of more than40knownmigraine triggers.As you record more and more measurements of headacheandtheirprobable triggers, the app will start showing youwhichtriggersare more correlated with your migraines for youtoinvestigatefurther.Also, this app will let you generate and share the reportofyourmeasurements and results, if you want to send it toyourdoctor.Benefits:- Your information is encrypted, and you can set upyourownkey/password or go without one!- Focus on the triggers- Rapid and Easy Input- Calculus of the correlations between each triggerandyourheadache- Plot of your migraine measurements in time- Chart of the distribution between your headacheandeachtrigger- Estimation and plot of the following regressionequations:lineal,exponential, logarithmic, power andpolynomial- HTML report generation for you to share with your doctor
Pzizz - Sleep, Nap, Focus 5.0.19
Sleep at the push of a button! Fall asleep fast, stay asleep&wake up refreshed