Top 48 Apps Similar to Einstein's secret book

V3CK: logic brain teaser 2.5
Dark Eye
Addictive and unique, V3CK is a brain teaser colorful who willtestyour logic!
HARD Penny Dell Logic Problems 3.7.1
No ads. Just like the magazines. Includes 10 puzzles to trybeforeyou buy.
Einstein's Riddle Logic Puzzle 7.5.5G
Rottz Games
Logic puzzles are your thing? Challenge your brain with thisPureLogic game.
Einstein Brain Training 1.6.5
Improve your brain fitness with daily memory, logic, math &wordexercises!

Learn Spanish Frase Game 1.7
Spanish language learning word games to improve vocabularyandgrammar w/ ease.
Art of Logic 1.9.1
Picture-perfect nonograms
Math Door | Math Riddle & Puzz 0.3.7
This math game will test your math puzzle and math riddlessolvingskills.
Brain Training - Logic Puzzles 87
CL - Games
Push the boundaries of your mind and unlock the hidden potentialofyour brain.
Try your puzzling and code-breaking skills on a quest forsecretknowledge.
Logic Puzzles Daily - Solve Lo 1.1.8
Work your way through level after level of the Professor'slogicpuzzle teasers
Magic Intuition 4.3.0_15
Improve your intuition, playing games! Benefit with the strongsixthsense!
Probability Math Puzzles 3.9
Math games for adults -- challenge yourself with 90+probabilitymath puzzles!
LogiBrain Grids 1.6.21
These logic puzzles are for the true logic problem fanatic! Canyousolve them?
Just Riddles 1.0.29
Boost up your brain power with tons of riddles!
Logical Defense 2.0.0
Prepare to battle against the sophists of the world withthisbeautiful app.
Logic Puzzle Kingdom 1.16.0
Challenging logic puzzles
Brainito - Words vs Numbers 3.3.1
Play with math and words! King of Words or Master of Numbers?
BibleUP! Bible Riddles 3.4.0
Test your Bible Knowledge.
Cryptogram - Decrypt Quotes 1.4.8
Decrypt the secret text and reveal the quote!
Palabra Perfecta - Gramática en español 1.1.8
Senior Games
¿Sabes más de ortografía que un niño de primaria o secundaria?Sicrees que eres bueno con la ortografía en español, ¡este estujuego! Demuestra que no hay nadie que te gane a la hora deescribirla palabra correcta o saber el significado de las palabras.Además,podrás aprender gramática y ortografía del castellano.Palabraperfecta es un juego para practicar y aprender español,dirigido aaquellos que ya dominen la lengua y quieran comprobarsuconocimiento en ortografía y gramática o a aquellas personasqueestán estudiando español. En él encontrarás diferentes frasesconlos errores más comunes en la lengua española; acentuación,formasverbales, confusiones en el vocabulario, uso demayúsculas,separación de palabras, uso de prefijos, etc. Seleccionala palabraadecuada y comprueba si has acertado. ¿Cómo se escribe?¿con “b” ocon “v”? ¿con “h” o sin “h”? ¿Sabes más de ortografía queun niñode primaria o secundaria? COMPLETA LAS FRASES CON LAPALABRACORRECTA El juego consiste en completar la frasepropuestaeligiendo una de las palabras que se presentan entrediferentesopciones. Podrás demostrar tus conocimientos de la lenguaespañolaen distintas áreas: Gramática Sinónimos AntónimosDefiniciones¡Diviértete encontrando la palabra correcta y demuestraque eres elque más sabe! Palabra perfecta está pensado paraaquellos amantesde la lengua que disfruten comprobando su nivel deconocimientos ytambién para profesores y alumnos que quieranenseñar o aprenderespañol de una forma divertida y amena. Apto paratodas las edadesy un ejercicio práctico para estudiantes deEducación Primaria ySecundaria. Contenido actualizadoconstantemente Erroresgramaticales y ortográficos variados 4 modosde juego Interfazsencilla e intuitiva Registro del récord personalconseguido encada juego Completamente gratuito SOBRE TELLMEWOWTellmewow es unaempresa de desarrollo de juegos para móvilespecializados en unafácil adaptación y usabilidad básica lo quelos convierten enideales para personas mayores o gente joven quesimplemente quierajugar una partida ocasional sin mayorescomplicaciones. CONTACTO Sitienes alguna sugerencia de mejora oquieres mantenerte informadosobre próximos juegos que vayamos apublicar, síguenos en nuestrasredes sociales. @tellmewow
Logic Master Tricky and Odd 2.8.5
Weez Beez
Boost your IQ with insane puzzles
Tử vi 12 con giáp - Tử vi 2023 4.6.0
View life horoscopes and daily, weekly horoscopes, see horoscopesof12 zodiac animals!
Kakuro (Cross Sums) 1.0
Kakuro (Cross sums or Cross Addition) is a logic puzzlethatmixesCrosswords and Sudoku. The goal is to insert digits from 1to9into each cell, just like Sudoku. Every line has a sumwhichneedsto be achieved, each number can only occur once in arow.EachKakuro game always has only one possible solution. Thispuzzlegameexcels as a Kakuro game because it is made by Kakuroplayers.Ithas a clean design and easy controls and a lotofcustomisablefeatures to help new players. FEATURES: - modernlayout- multipledifficulties - hundreds of puzzles for eachdifficulty -googleplay games achievements - google playleaderboards for everypuzzlepack - auto-save your progress for eachpuzzle -undo/redofunctionality - selected cell highlight -crosshairhighlight(optional) - error detection - combinationhighlighter(optional) -sum highlight - timer (optional) - phone andtabletsupport
Logic Puzzles - Brain Fun 3.7.6
The highest rated logic grid puzzle app, with ranked puzzlesandmultiple sizes.
The Power of Your Subconscious 10.0
best one
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind PDF subconscious mind knowloveread joseph
Braindom 2: Brain Teaser Games 2.1.2
Thinking games meet logic puzzle riddles. Wash your brain &findout who did it!
kosmopolit 6.16.88
The app of the game: [kosmopoliːt]
Aprende Con Psicotécnicos 1.0.42
Learn to solve psychometric tests IQ with our free app
Cryptograms · Decrypt Quotes 1.83
Enjoy Cryptograms, decrypt famous quotes in this fun puzzle game!
Garam - Logic puzzles 4.0.5
Intuitive and addictive, excellent logic puzzles! Excellentmathriddles!
LEVEL-5 Inc.
Play Case 01: ‘The Hand That Feeds’ for free in this StarterKitversion!
ReadUp: Ayuda a leer mejor 1.85
Improving reading and reading comprehension is fun with theGlifingmethod
Dingbats - Between the lines 1.83.0
Romain Lebouc
Can you guess the famous idioms from the drawings ? Solvehundredsof dingbats
Latter-day Saint Puzzles 2.7.10
Games and Puzzles related to The Church of Jesus ChristofLatter-day Saints
Train your Brain - Attention 2.2.6
Senior Games
Improve your attention and focus skills with brain training games.
Smart Games - Logic Puzzles 4.2
Come spend time playing this incredible collection of smart games
Busy Brain: Inside out puzzle 0.9.12
Improve your brain power with smart challenges. Join logical&tricky mind games
Periodic Table Quiz 2.4.9
Learn all informations about periodic table!
Cryptogram Puzzle Quotes Game 2.1.0
Solve cryptograms of 60,000+ inspiring quotes by 11,000+ authors.
Forest of Atonement 1.10
Strategic card battle with the story of the Seven Deadly Sins
Mind games, puzzle games 1.3.1
Play now fun jigsaw puzzle games with beautiful pictures,braingames for adults
Play The Bible Ultimate Verses 2.73
RD Games, Inc
Imagine PLAYING the BIBLE in this awesome new game!
Learn Music Notes
Jungle Music is an educational game for learning how to readmusicnotes.
Psicool - Brain games and ment 1.3.7
Improve your memory and wits with mind training and fun braingames!
Brain Games 8.1
Train your brain and have fun with these great games
Brain games, logic puzzles 2.5.1
Test your mind with fun logic puzzles