Top 20 Apps Similar to Cliente Real

Work Log: Work Hours, Timesheet & Invoice 4.8.13
Work Log is a fast and easy app for recording workinghours,sendingtime sheet or invoicing customers. Employees,contractorsandfreelancers use Work Log as a simple and professionalmobileworklog solution. Keep track your work hours, sendtimesheettomanagers, automatically calculate salary or invoicetoyourcustomers on your phone. Cloud Synchronization ★ Easy touseWorkLog on multiple devices. Key Features ★ Record workhourseasily ★View your work hours and earnings ★ Analyze workhoursquickly ★Report in Excel, CSV and HTML format ★ Create invoiceinseconds ★Track multiple jobs and clients ★ Track expense,mileageandovertime ★ Auto overtime calculation P.S. If you like theapp,wewill love it if you could give us a good rating. Itreallydoeshelp on our mission to making small business time sheetas fastandhassle-free as possible. Thank you for choosing our WorkLogapp!
My Work Shifts 2.2
Effective app to keep track of their work days and shifts worked
My Worktime - Timesheet 1.07
Note: The basic app costs about the price of a coffee (14dayunlock). Please use the Google Play Card or your Telecomproviderto make the in-app purchase. Check out our Facebook Page.MyWorktime is the kind of app that makes your smartphone a greattoolfor tracking your jobs, calculating your pay and trackingyourproject time. A great tool for clock-in, timecard, attendance,jobtracker, hours billing, hours tracking, project tracking, oncalltracking, overtime tracking, bonus hours tracking, reconcilingwithyour company paycheck and much more... ➤ Track your time byday,week, month, and year ➤ Enter your hours as "At work",createcustom Activity records or use the pre-defined list ➤ UseCheck-in/ Check-out buttons for real-time start/stop ➤ Add theWidget fortimer mode ➤ Check the many examples to get started (Mytemplates)➤ Create standard working day templates ➤ Copy previousworking day(time sheet) ➤ Track your vacation allowance in hours ➤Trackpayout amounts (Expenses, Overtime, etc)
 ➤ Use the manyReports tocheck your balances ➤ Export your reports to CSV and HTMLformat
 ➤Set your tracking preferences (minute intervals, defaults,etc)
 ➤Personalize it (choose heading, choose background)
 ➤ Backupyourdata with Dropbox or via email ➤ Works offline so you can workfromanywhere/anytime
 ★ A great alternative to your excelspreadsheet
★ this app is perfect for freelancers, theself-employed and anyonewho needs to keep track of working hours ★Use as a backup timetracker to check your employer's clock-in /punch-in or timecardsystem ➤ Enter your standard working day usingtemplates: - Createa standard template to store your usual workingday - You cancreate templates for each day of the week (Set workingdays) OR -You can create templates for each situation (MyTemplates) - Youcan copy the last day and modify the start/endtimesretrospectively ➤ Track your times on the go in real-time(Widget):- Use the "Fast-Check-in" button - Update the End timeusing‘check-out’ (stop) button - Hit ‘Next’ button when you areready tocheck-in again. - Install the Widget for easy access Emailus [email protected] for any questions. This base versionisfree for 14 days. You have the option of in-app-purchase for:a)unlocking the 14 day timesheet history limit b) enableexportingyour report result by email c) backup to Dropbox Enjoy!
Vendus - Faturação POS 1.8.1
Invoicing POS software that records and controls its salesinseconds.
Timesheet PDF - Easily track hours worked 1.44
Create weekly or bi-weekly or monthly time sheets. 1.Enteryourtime.2.Sign (and counter-sign) the PDF. 3.Email /MMS/Printforpayment....It's that simple. NOTE:Timesheet PDF is freetotrial,then subscription is required. Feature list: •Quicktimeentry -simply tap hours to pre-fill times withyourdefaults.•Automatically calculate pay based on inputs. •Threetimesheetreports to choose from -Detailed PDF - you specify thedaterange(monthly, yearly...) -Single Page Weekly PDF -SinglePageBi-WeeklyPDF (2 weeks) •Add expenses or additional payments.•Perdiem /allowance amounts. •Annual and Sick Leave. •ThreeOvertimeoptionsto choose from -Daily. Automatic daily calculationwhenhoursexceed the daily limits you set. -Weekly.Automaticweeklycalculation when the weekly total hours exceed thelimit youset.-Or Manual overtime entry. •Set hourly rate and travelrateforeach client. •Change the overtime rate for individualdaysorpublic holidays. •Custom logo from device photo library.•Signandsend timesheet as PDF email attachment or upload togoogledrive.•MMS time sheet as an image. •Password protectPDF.•Optionalcomments for each day. •Optional mileage or tripsentry.•Displaytime durations as decimal or hr/min. •Tax Label and%option. •Timesheet / timecard reporting job hours forselectedcriteria. andmore... NOTE:Timesheet PDF is free to trial,thensubscription isrequired. Timesheet PDF automaticallycalculatesyour daily hoursand total rates. Keep track of your dailylog withTimesheet PDF.In accordance with our fair use policy thisapp islimited to 1user per licence. The app contains hoursvalidation perweek.
Signed Jobs Management 3.90
Do not lose your work! Saves invoices for your phone and forgetthepaper!
WorkIO (Working hours)
The easiest way to compute your work time
N2F - Expense Reports 1.22.5
N2F is the solution that will take the headache out ofmanagingyourexpense reports! Just take a picture of your receipt,thesmart scanextracts all important data and fills in yourexpensereport in aflash (date, amount, currency, taxes... areinstantlycompletedwithout any manual entry!) With the legalarchivingoption, you nolonger need to keep your paper receipts. N2Falsoknows how tomanage your supplier invoices (Uber,Easyjet,, Amazon,PayByPhone, etc.), you just need to sendthemby email [email protected] and they will automatically be addedtoyour expensereport. The app works on both smartphonesandcomputers with our webapp and saves time for everyone:Employees:✓ Save your expenses inless than 5 seconds through themobile app✓ Go paperless by takingphotos of your receipts ✓ Yourmileageallowances are calculatedautomatically (tax or personalizedscale)✓ Easily print yourexpense report in a clear, customizablePDF orExcel summary ✓Organize your expenses per month, per project,percustomer, pertrip ... ✓ In a hurry? Just enter theminimuminformation, and N2Fwill remind you that your expenseisincomplete Managers: ✓ Approveyour team's expense reportsthrougha customizable workflow ✓ Savetime with an easy-to-readdashboardfor business expenses ✓ Quicklysee expenses that wentoverauthorized limits ✓ Invoice your clientsmore easily: N2F doesthejob for you! Accounting and AdministrativeServices: ✓ Nomoredouble entries! N2F generates the output filefor youraccountingsoftware ✓ N2F automatically calculates therecoverableVAT ✓ Setthe appropriate limits for your business(expense policy) ✓Checkreceipts in no time from the web dashboard✓ Quicklyreimburseemployees with SEPA export or accountingsoftware import✓Effectively track your fleet of vehiclesExecutives: ✓ Saveyourstaff time by choosing N2F ✓ Track thebudget for businesstripswith our powerful reporting tool ✓Optimize business expensesandmileage allowances ✓ Save on yourtravel expense budget! Wantmore?✓ Log in to the web app to makemass entries or accessthereporting module ✓ All internationalcurrencies are available(atautomatically updated rates) ✓ Manageyour projects,yourcustomers, your business, your travel expenses ✓Create yourownanalytical axes and determine their display bycategory ✓ Viewthe'my expense reports' list for a quick summary ✓Track yourmileageand travel expenses per vehicle and period WithN2F, yourbusinessexpenses, travel expenses and mileage allowanceswill(finally) bemanaged effectively! Easy integration withaccountingsoftware,ERP, IMP and other softwares: Sage, Cegid, SAP,Quadra,Quadratus,Loop, Ibiza, EBP, Divalto, QuickBooks, Oracle,JDEdwards,PeopleSoft, Workday, Microsoft Office 365, SSO, FTP.N2FhasAPI/web services to connect your IS. Move easily fromyouroldexpense management application (Expensya, Xpenditure,SAPConcur,ExpenSify, Expense It, JenJi, CleEmy, notilus InOne,Rio,Captio,Zaho, Spendesk, certify, etc.) to N2F. If a featureseems tobemissing, if you have ideas for improvement, if you wouldlikeademonstration, please contact us!
Work Time Worked Hours Tracked 4.35
Control your time worked, report it easily, andincreaseproductivity.
Facturas Cloud: Your Invoicing App 2.0.11
Facturas Cloud is a billing App that will allow you tocontrolyourbusiness in an agile and simple way. Specially designedforSMEsand freelancers. CARRY OUT YOUR OPERATIONS WHEREVERYOUAREWHENEVER YOU NEED IT We are convinced that one of theadvantagesofan online billing program is precisely this, that youhavethepossibility to use it whenever you need it, at any timeandfromany device. ALL THE INFORMATION OF YOUR BUSINESS IN ASINGLEAPP -Various types of documents: Invoices, budgets,deliverynotes,proforma invoices, receipts and expenses. - Contacts:Clientsandsuppliers. - Products and services. WITHOUT LOSING DETAILOFYOURACCOUNTS - Collections and payments: You will be able towritedownboth the collections that customers are making, andthepaymentsyou make to your suppliers. You will know at alltimeswhatcollections and payments are pending or have expired.-Bankreconciliation: You will have the possibility ofregisteringallthe movements as if you were a bank entity andcontrast themwiththose of your real bank. WITH THE BEST REPORTS Foryou to beawareof the evolution of your business, you will havedashboardsandreports with the information that interests you:-Economicevolution. - Benefits obtained. - Cash flow. - Taxsummary.- Salesand purchases by product or service. - Operationscarriedout. SAVETIME WHEN CREATING YOUR DOCUMENTS - Copy: You willcreatea newinvoice by copying an existing one in a couple ofclicks.-Templates: You can create your own templates. Theinformationfromthis template will be used automatically in yournewdocuments:Payment method, legal conditions, taxes, graphicaspect,etc. -Automatic numbering and unlimited series: You will notsearchagainto find out which is the last invoice you made, wealready doitfor you. In addition, you will have as many series asyouneed,each one with its own independent numbering. And whatabouttheturn of the year? You decide what to do. Do you wantthenumberingto be restarted or to continue the previousyear?MASSIVEOPERATIONS We know that your time is money and that iswhywe giveyou the possibility of carrying out massiveoperations.These aresome examples: - Create an invoice frommultiple deliverynotes. -Send in a single e-mail all the estimatesthat a clienthasrequested. - Mark as collected all the invoicesthat you havebeenpaid in the last month. - Download in PDF thedelivery notesforthe last quarter. - Mark as accepted all thequotes from thelastweek that your clients have hired you. REDUCEPROCEDURES WITHYOURMANAGEMENT How much time do you invest insending allyourdocumentation to the agency? Document scans, paperprints,e-mailsor even trips to the office. You will be able to saveallthoseprocedures and spend more time on what matters, yourbusiness.Andhow can you do it? You just have to enter the email ofyouragency.They will receive access to Invoices Cloud from wheretheycan seeyour invoices and expenses to include them inthestatements. Oncedone, they can mark them as processed and youwillbe informed ofeverything. PROFESSIONAL IMAGE You will havethepossibility toconfigure a multitude of parameters to adjusttheformat and designof your documents. You will projecttheprofessional image youdeserve adapted to your business brand.Whatcan you configure? -Graphic appearance: logo, colors, font,fontsize, margins,background image etc. - Format of the numberingofyour documents.How is the numbering of your documents?F-0001/2020?Or maybeF0000001-20? You decide how you want the systemto work.-Multi-currency. You can use the currency you need.Thewholeprogram automatically starts working with that currency.Inwhatlanguage do you want your customers to receive theinvoicedata?You can also configure it as you need.
TSQ HoursTracker: Keep work log, create timesheet 2.1.134
Time Squared
TSQ Work Hours Tracker helps you track your work time andeasilykeepa work log. Simple, straightforward and organized. Theperfectworkhours tracker and time clock forself-employed,freelancers,contractors, hourly workers andemployees. Calculateyour earnings,invoice or next pay stub. Trackedwork hours can beexported as anExcel time-sheet, submitted topayroll or used todraft yourinvoices. Time Squared is not a freeservice. The freedownloadallows a limited number of time entries tobe tracked aspart of afree trial. Key Benefits: • Stay organized bykeepingtrack of workhours and seeing reports by pay period, week ormonth• Earn yourfull due, by easily keeping track of daily andovertimehours andpay • Reduce the clutter and hassle in your lifewith asimpleone-click time calculator • View how long you've beenworkingat aglance with notification widget • Mark your records as"paid"whenyou receive a payment How it works: You can use the appintwoways: • Punch in when you start the workday and punch outwhenyourwork is finished. You can also track any breaks youtakeduringthis period. • Simply add a new time entry. Define thestartandend and you're good to go. Your work log hours are savedtoyouraccount and backed up to the cloud. This data is simplyforyourtimesheet reference and not used by us for any otherpurpose.Idealwork hour tracker for people that work with multipleclientsorjobs, e.g: trades professionals, contractors,accountants,lawyers,self-employed, construction... • Flexible workhourstracker; timecalculator for single or multiple jobs Whengeneratinga time-sheetyou can decide to export data for aspecificproject/job and amixture of time periods: current workday,week, orpay period.Giving you the flexibility to export the workhours youwant. Thegenerated file will include all information. Itwill alsoincludetimes in decimal format. • Save time andreuseinformationInformation like clients, projects and hourly ratesaresaved andre-used automatically. Keeping your work log up todatehas neverbeen so easy. • View earnings: - by month, week,workday,custompay period (e.g: bi-weekly) - as time-sheet forindividualprojectDaily and weekly overtime work hours and rates aretrackedandapplied automatically. Set up when overtime kicks inviathesettings. • Sharable time-sheet You can share your work logasanattachment. Email it, text or use a messaging app. Youcanalsosimply keep it as a spreadsheet file, used with Excel,SheetsorOpenOffice. If you have Google Drive, Dropbox orsimilarappsinstalled on your phone, you can save your time-sheetstraighttothese services. • Safe backup with cloud sync Yourworkloginformation is all automatically synced to the cloud, soyoucanwork and get paid worry free! Using your hour tracker forworkbutsuddenly have to restart your phone? or run out ofpower?Noproblem! The timer will keep on running and you won'tloseyourwork log no matter what! • Who is work hours tracker for?Ourhourtracker is for contractors, business owners,self-employed,hourlyemployees and freelancers, anyone who wouldneed to trackworkhours using a work time clock app. Hours Trackeris made byTimeSquared co. Send us your feedback!
Crewmeister for Employees 1.0.33368
Crewmeister for Employees allows you to track yourtimes,communicatewith your colleagues via the CrewChat and accessyourtimesheets,absences & shifts. All Features: - You cantrackyour times andbreak times with just one click and evenallocate itto projects. -Add notes to your tracked times. - Alldata istautomatically syncedwith your supervisors account. - Letthe appremind you to track yourtimes, based on hours of the day oryourlocations. - Overview onyour monthly working hours as wellasvacations and sick leave days.- use the CrewChat to chat withallyour colleagues without the needof having their personalphonenumbers. - Chat groups allow you tohave a conversationwithmultiple colleagues at the same time. - Seeyour currentshiftplan- updated in real time. - The mobile shiftplan informsyou on anynew shifts or changes in your shift scheduleviapush-notification.For Admins: To manage employees,times,vacations, shifts orprojects we recommend using thecrewmeisterbrowser app on
Worktime Tracking 2.70
Manage work time of employees inside and outside their workplace
Work Log Pro 8
Quickly and easily keep track of your work shifts
NGSD for Android 5.1
Computacenter’s NGSD mobile application underpins our‘EnablingUsersand their Business’ philosophy by digitising thefront end ofyour ITservice desk, using an interactive andintuitive mobile appto ensureaccess from a range of tablets andmobile devices,anywhere atanytime. NGSD gives you access to ITsupport andinformation througha range of self serve options. It’sintuitiveand easy to use,delivering a truly collaborative andagileapproach to managing usersupport right across thecontemporaryworkplace. You must be a NGSDregistered user in orderto use thisapplication. Why use this app? •An application servingmobile ITusers. • You can access IT supportanytime, anywhere • Beempoweredwith instant knowledge to meet yourneeds • Your locationisleveraged to present relevant information inlocal language•Proactive push ticket status and information such asmajorincidentnotifications and updates Key Features: • BroadcastNotices• Issueand Request statuses • Knowledge Search • Log anIssue • Log'OnBehalf Of’ another user • About Me • My Kit •PushNotificationsfor updates Computacenter’s global servicedeskprovides a uniqueIT support solution that no one else canmatch. Weare digitisingthe front end of the support experience,whilstproviding skilledpeople and globally consistent processes attheoperational backend. No one else does this and offers it asanoff-the-shelf,wholesale solution for customers toconsume.Computacenter's nextgeneration service desk is location,language,tools and customerindependent. It integrates withmultipleplatforms enabling you toleverage existing IT investments.For moreinformation onComputacenter services
Clockodo Time Tracking 8.0.8
Clockodo GmbH
Time tracking software for companies
Jenji - Expense Tracker 4.4.6
Life is too short to spend time on doing business expenses!Gotreceipts, per-diem, invoices, trip expenses, mileage claims?Jenjitakes care of it all! Use our receipt scanner on yourbusinessexpenses to get the reimbursement, import your digitalinvoices,claim per diems or manage trip expenses with our precisemileagetracker/mile logger. Stay compliant, no more lost orrejectedbusiness receipts! The best part of it, it’s that Jenji isa freeexpense management solution! • It’s Paperless: Your companycanadopt an ecological, productive, and economical approach bygoingpaperless on your expense management just by using ourreceiptscanner and our expenditure tracker. • It’s Automated: Allyourbusiness receipts and invoices are processed automatically,withouterrors after using the Jenji receipt scanner. • It uses AI:Jenjiartificial intelligence allows you to analyze all your dataandgives you a global view of your business expenses. It’s muchmorethan just an expenditure tracker or a mile logger. • It’s easytointegrate: Our Jenji Platform integrates all your internalandexternal data sources into a single point. Making yourexpensereimbursement faster and smarter. Jenji is not justanexpenditure/receipt tracker, mileage tracker, or a smartscannerfor you to manage receipts. Jenji is an app that isreinventing theway companies are managing their business expenses.Companies andpeople can benefit from one of the fastestexpense/receipt scannersof the market and a precise mileagetracker, giving you real-timedata and visibility through apaperless and automated expensetracker. Nowadays more than 35.000companies all over the worldtrust Jenji! You can start improvingyour company business expensestoday, download the app or get incontact with us on our website:
timr – time tracking with GPS 10.2.2
Keep track of working time (timesheets) and project time,includingmileage log
Clyo Mobility 0.140
Clyo Systems
Your cash at your fingertips!
SaTurnos Pro Calendar 4.79
Management of work shifts