Top 11 Apps Similar to Bus Plana

Salou al mòbil 1.4.0
The Official Salou's APP
Tarragona Travel Guide 120
Ahh…Tarragona. It’s no secret that it’s oneofour favourite cities. And while this ancient Roman city isstillpractically unknown outside Spain, it manages to surpriseanddelight all those who visit. And it’s these same travellerswhoseexperiences and recommendations bring this guide to life andhelpyou discover the real Tarragona.
Tarragona Guide 1.0
Tarragona City Guide searches andnavigatesnearby businesses around your location.This app finds restaurants, Banks, ATMs, Bus stops,Hospitalsetcnear your current location.*Auto detect user location by GPS.*Now works even without GPS , by detecting themobiletowerlocation.*30 categories which covers almost all businesses.*Address, Phone, Website option for each businesses.*One touch directions for each item though google maps.If your need is to find local business , you are at therightplace.Tarragona city guide is one of the best localbusinessdirectoryavailable in play store .
Tarraco - Tarragona Romana 1.2
Guia interactiva de la Tarragona Romana.Editorial Piolet desenvolupa aquesta guia pilotinteractivadeTarragona Romana amb:- Monuments: ubicació, informació, imatges,contacte,horaris,preus.- Museus: ubicació, informació, imatges,contacte,horaris,preus.- Xarxes socials- Rutes: Ruta romana i ruta dels primerscristians.Indicacions,horaris, informació- Audioguías dels principals monuments i museus.- Notícias de la ciutat.Material promocional d'Editorial Piolet, contacta'ns:Nicaragua 46 ,Barcelona, 08029Phone: 934 39 98 [email protected]:// mapofRomanTarragona.Editorial Piolet pilot developed this guide withinteractiveRomanTarragona:- Monuments: location, information, images,contactschedules,prices.- Museums: location, information, images,contactschedules,prices.- Social networks- Routes: Roman route and route of the firstChristians.Directions,hours, information- Audio guide of the main monuments and museums.- News of the city.Editorial Piolet promotional material, contact:Nicaragua 46, Barcelona, ​​08029Phone: 934 39 98 [email protected]://
Hoteles Salou 1.0
Recibe ofertas y descuentos delosmejoreshoteles y lugares de interés de Salou, La PinedayPortAventura.Periódicamente publicaremos ofertas de los Hoteles deTarragonaenlas poblaciones de Salou y proximidades. Más de90hotelesdisponibles alrededor de la zona de Port Aventura, enlaspoblacionde Salou y La Pineda, muy cercanas a Tarragona capital.Geolocaliza los hoteles recomendados por la aplicacionasicomolugares de interes en las localidades de Salou yLaPineda:Discotecas, Ambulatorios, Restaurantes, Transporte,lugaresquever.Actualmente la aplicación está en desarrollo (Beta),esperamosirincluyendo más información en breve y que todasaquellaspersonasque disfruten de Salou, sus playas y su fiesta esteveranousen estaaplicación para localizar todos aquellos puntosdereferencia de lazona.La aplicación irá creciendo con ofertas, descuentos yeventosqueesperamos incluir en nuevas versiones. A algunas deesasnovedadespodrás acceder sin necesidad de actualizar ya quelassecciones seactualizan dinámicamente.Puedes solicitar información de los Hoteles y susofertasenviandoun mail y en breve podrás reservar cualquiera desesos másde 90hoteles a través de la plataforma de reservas Bookingo delsistemade reservas hoteleras Adminhotel.Disfruta de Salou, de sus playas, sus restaurante,sualegria.Salou dispone de todas las comodidades de unapoblacioncostera muybien comunicada con Aragón, Barcelona,Madrid,Valencia,... y no esde extrañar su gran afluencia deturistas deZaragoza y Barcelonaentre otros. Y no nos olvidamos deInglaterra,donde Salou tieneamplia fama sobretodo entre los jovenesteenagerspara celebrar susviajes de final de curso, es por eso queen breveofreceremos laaplicacion en inglés.Esperamos que useis la aplicación "Hoteles Salou"paraencontrarel hotel más cercano o el recomendado pornuestrosexpertos de lazona de Salou, La Pineda y PortAventura.*** Nota Legal: Toda la información obtenida en estaaplicacionparamóviles y tablets android está disponible online deformagratuitade registro públicos abiertos con permiso tacito oexpresopara sureproducción. Asi mismo no usamos logos de hotelesyotrosestablecimientos y en caso de usar algún logooimagenrepresentativa es con el consentimiento expreso dedichohotel,restaurante o establecimiento. Los datos deGeolocalizaciónseobtienen según derechos de uso de la api de GoogleMapsparadesarrolladoresEn el caso de que un establecimiento de los hoteles ylugaresdeSalou/La Pineda aquí expuestos no desee salir en la Appoconsidereerróneos sus datos o deban modificarse rogamos seponganencontacto a través del email de desarrollador [email protected] from the best hotels and attractions of Salou,LaPinedaand Port Aventura.Periodically publish deals Hotels of Tarragona in the townsofSalouand proximity. More than 90 hotels around the PortAventura,in thetown of Salou and La Pineda, very close toTarragonacapital.Geolocate those recommended by the application as wellasplacesof interest in the towns of Salou and La Pinedahotels:Nightclubs,clinics, restaurants, transport, places tosee.Currently the application is under development (Beta), wehopetoincluding more information shortly and that all thosewhoenjoySalou, its beaches and its summer holiday use thisapplicationtolocate all those landmarks in the area.The application will grow with offers, discounts andeventsthatwe hope to include in new versions. Some of thoseinnovationsyoucan access without upgrading as the sectionsaredynamicallyupdated.You can request information of hotels and their offersbysendingan email and will soon be able to book any des thoseover90 hotelsthroughout the Booking reservation platform orAdminhotelhotelreservation system.Enjoy Salou, its beaches, its restaurant, its joy. Salouhasallthe amenities of a coastal population well connectedwithAragon,Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia, ... and it's notsurprisinghisgreat influx of tourists from Zaragoza and Barcelonaamongothers.And do not forget England, where Salou hasextensivereputationespecially among young teenagers to celebratetheirtravel end ofcourse, it is why soon offer the applicationinEnglish.We hope that you use the "Salou Hotels" app to findthenearesthotel or recommended by our experts in the area of​​Salou,LaPineda and PortAventura.*** Disclaimer: All information obtained in thisapplicationforandroid phones and tablets is available online forfree frompublicregisters open with tacit or express permissionforreproduction.Likewise not use logos of hotels andotherestablishments andshould use any logo or image isrepresentativewith the expressconsent of the hotel, restaurant orestablishment.Geolocation dataare obtained according rights to usethe GoogleMaps API fordevelopersIn the case of an establishment of hotels and places of Salou/LaPineda presented here do not want to go into the Apporconsidererroneous data or should be changed please get in touchviaemaildeveloper [email protected]
Costa Brava Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostof the Costa Brava in Spain with a POI database and searchbuiltin.The Costa Brava (Rugged Coast) is in Catalonia, in thenortheastof Spain. It has rocky cliffs and a mix of pebble andsandybeaches.Cities on the Costa Brava offline mappa mapinclude:Begur,Blanes, Calella de Palafrugell, Lloret de Mar,Palamós, Palsand Tossa de Mar. The coast between Roses and Tossa deMar has manydelightful small coastal towns, such as Pals, Begur,Tamariu,S'Agaró, Empuriabrava, Llafranc, L'Estartit, Aigua Blava,Fornells,Calella de Palafrugell, Calonge, Palamós and Sant FeliudeGuíxols.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map forCostaBrava:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entire cityandPOI database to your phone and travel without anInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges. Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximum zoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes moments todownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search a dozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, also handyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transport stops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and street namesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latest OpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get free updates totheapp and map forever as long as we add new versions.Install your offline mappa map for the Costa Brava,Spainnow!Follow us @Facebook:
Guide of Costa Daurada 120
Costa Daurada is full of amazing places you just can’tmiss.Discoverthese places and more in this guide based ontheexperiences of realtravelers who’ve been to this magical cornerofsouthern Catalonia.You’ll love it! Features: - Over 80placesrecommended by realtravelers who’ve been there before.-Categories: What to See, Whereto Eat, and Where to Stay. -Allcontent and maps are available todownload and offline use, soyoucan enjoy your trip withoutconnections or roaming fees.
Horarios de tren 2.29
Take your mobile schedules Renfe: Commuter, MD, LD and Feve.
Tarragona 24 h 1.0.2
The Tarragona 24 hrs. application,availableforfree in Catalan, Spanish, English French, German andRussian,letstourists and citizens access information abouttourism,leisure,culture, commerce and gastronomy, amongst others,throughtheirmobile phones. The application user can benefit from the geo-locationsystemformuseums and monuments, services,accommodation,restaurants,beaches, etc. The application geo-locatesthe user andsets out theroute in order to get to the chosen place,whether bycar or onfoot. The user can share the places of interest on FacebookandTwitter.And also give them a positive vote through the Wup!system,a wayto get recommendations from other users. There is alsotheoptionto add it to your favourites. Moreover, you can also access the Roman, Medieval, Modernistandthefirst Tarraco Christians’ routes. For each one you can getthelistof the places it covers, with the location, how to gettheiron footor by car and other interesting data abouttheseplaces. The application also contains a section about promotions andtheusercan receive them according to their favourite categories.Youaregiven the route to get to the establishment that offersthepromotionand you can share it on the social networks. The calendar section of the application allows you toaccesstheagenda of events that can be shared on the TwitterandFacebooksocial networks.
Ruta Costa Brava 1.0
Entre Girona y Barcelona tepresentamosestepaisaje tan agreste como espectacular, con pueblosdepescadores,bellas calas de aguas transparentes yunainfraestructura turísticaque hace las delicias de todoslosviajeros.Fieles a nuestro principio de que el camino es tan importantecomoeldestino, tendrás TODO INCLUIDO en una sola ruta, paraviajarsinmás.Nuestras rutas no se tratan de un navegador convencional sinoderecorridos y sitios perfectamente marcados yestudiadospornosotros mismos (o colaboradores) en muchos lugaresdel mundo yquete ofrecen:- Probablemente la ruta más bonita para tu destinoconduciendotupropio vehículo o de alquiler con rinconesencantadoresy,muchasveces, por carreteras secundarias que elturismo másconvencionalsuele ignorar y que te harán descubrir lasbellezasocultas dellugar.- ¡¡¡Fácil!!! Descárgate nuestra ruta, activa el receptorGPSentu móvil Smartphone o tablet, y síguela totalmente offline.Sincoste telefónico ni conexión de datos o a expensas delacobertura.Solo tienes que seguir nuestra línea en el mapa a pie,encoche, enmoto o como tu desees.- Lugares de interés turístico pero además, lospequeñossitiosque normalmente se apartan de las rutas más visitadasy quesondesapercibidos y que guardan un atractivo especial- Opciones de hoteles, campings, restaurantes, bares ylugaresdeocio que por alguna razón, sea su calidad o singularidadoambientecreemos que debes tener en cuenta yencontrarásperfectamentemarcados en el mapa de tu Smartphone.- Los mapas que te ofrecemos junto con la ruta introducidaentuteléfono móvil también te permiten pasear por lasciudadesypueblos sabiendo en todo momento tu posiciónduranteelrecorrido.- Nuestro deseo de que disfrutéis de nuestros recorridosavuestroaire, sin prisas y saboreando los lugaresdelrecorrido.Características de la ruta:Distancia: 57 km.Días sugeridos: 2-3 días aunque es una zona perfectaparapasarvuestras vacaciones.Época del año: todo el año. En verano para disfrutar de susplayasacambio de gran afluencia turística.Dificultad: nula.Apta para: Perfecta para la familia, amantes de la historia,delanaturaleza, del senderismo y de la gastronomía ydelbuenvinoVehículo: automóvil, motos, autocaravanas y cicloturismo.Precio: GRATUITARutas alrededores: Costa Brava Sur completa. CostaBravaNortecompleta.BetweenGironaandBarcelona bring you this very rugged and spectacularscenerywithfishing villages, beautiful coves with clear water andatouristinfrastructure that will delight all travelers.Following our principle that the journey is as importantasthedestination, you all included in one route, totravelwithoutmore. Our tours are not about a conventional browser ifnotwell-markedroutes and sites and studied by ourselves (orparties)in manyparts of the world and they offer:- Probably the most scenic route to your destinationdrivingyourown vehicle or rental with charming corners and, often,backroadsthan the more conventional tourism usually ignore andyouwilldiscover the hidden beauties of the place.- Easy! Download our route activates the GPS receivertoyourmobile smartphone or tablet, and pursue it completely offline.Nophone or data connection cost or expense of coverage.Justfollowour line on the map by foot, by car, by bike or asyouwish.- Tourist attractions but also small sites thatnormallydepartfrom the most visited and routes that are unnoticedandkeeping aspecial attraction- Options hotels, campgrounds, restaurants, barsandentertainmentvenues for some reason, is their qualityoruniqueness or environmentwe believe that you have to considerandfind well-marked on the mapof your Smartphone.- The maps that we offer along with the path you enteronyourmobile phone also let you wander the cities and townsknowingyourposition at all times during the tour.- We wish you enjoy our tours at your leisure,savoringunhurriedand travel places.Route characteristics: Distance: 57 km.Suggested days: 2-3 days although it is a perfect locationtospendyour holidays.Season: all year. In summer to enjoy its beaches inexchangeforlarge tourist population.Difficulty: no.Suitable for: Perfect for families, history buffs, nature,hikingandgastronomy and good wineVehicle: car, motorcycle, RV and cycling.Price: FREETours around Costa Brava full South. Costa Brava Nortecomplete.
Barcelona and Catalonia - FREE 21.14.20
Travel Barcelona and Catalonia,Spain:illustrated city guide, phrasebook, and maps (Mobi Travel)MobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation. The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand always include FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference Travel Guides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developed foryoursmartphone have the following features:✔ Street level GPS map covers entire Barcelona andCataloniaregions.✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - no network accessneededonce the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearby sightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so they loadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates for attractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalanda categorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that no visitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and see inyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individually selectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked by a starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map.✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesMobileReference Travel Guides provide detailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks, lodging, historyand muchmore. They are indexed alphabetically and by category,making iteasier to access individual articles. Attractions can beviewed onan offline GPS map.This fully-functional guide is absolutely free. The fullversion(only $4.99) adds Text-To-Speech and expands articles withmoreinformation about attractions, history, culture,itineraries,phrasebooks and more. Listen to complete articles onthe go withText-To-Speech: double-tap on a word to startText-To-Speech fromthe selected word or select Menu > StartText-To-Speech.TABLE OF CONTENTS:1. Essentials: Spanish Phrasebook | Catalan Phrasebook |Drivingin Europe | Units Conversion2. Introduction to Spain: History | Geography | Regions3.1. Maps of Barcelona: City Map | Barri Gotic | Metro|Trambesòs | Districts3.2 Maps of Catalonia: Attractions4. Barcelona4.1 Barcelona: Tourism Offices | Geography | Eat | Drink|Sleep4.2 Barcelona Transport: Get in | Get around4.3 Barcelona Attractions: Top 10 | A-Z List | Itinerary|Beaches4.4 Barcelona by Area: Ciutat Vella | Eixample | Gràcia|Barceloneta | Get Out4.5 Barcelona Landmarks: Buildings & Structures | Churches|Towers4.6 Landmarks by Architects: Antoni Gaudí | Josep Puig i Cadafalch|Lluis Domènech i Montaner5. Catalonia5.2 Province of Barcelona: Barcelona | Vic | Montserrat|L'Hospitalet de Llobregat | Sitges | Badalona | CerdanyoladelVallès | Martorell | Mataró | Granollers | Sabadell | Terrassa|Igualada | Manresa | Berga | Sant Cugat del Vallès |LaLlacuna5.3 Province of Girona: Overview of Costa Brava | Girona |Figueres| Lloret de Mar | Tossa de Mar | Blanes | Sant Feliu deGuíxols |Olot | Salt | Palafrugell | Banyoles | Palamós | Cadaqués| Ripoll| Camprodon | Puigcerdà | Besalú | Mataró5.4 Province of Lleida: Lleida | Early Romanesque churches atVallde Boí | La Seu d'Urgell | Mollerussa | Cervera | Tàrrega|Balaguer5.5 Province of Tarragona: Tarragona | Salou | Reus | TortosaThis app is part of the MobileReference Spain series.Thecomplete series includes:- Barcelona and Catalonia- Madrid and Central Spain: Castile-La Mancha, Castile-LeonandExtremadura- Andalusia- North of Spain: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, BasqueCountry,Navarre, La Rioja, and Aragon- Eastern Spain: Murcia, Valencia- Balearic Islands- Canary IslandsDownload these free guides to cover the entire map of Spain.-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.