Top 50 Apps Similar to English Words A1-C1 | 2Shine

Learn English Words Free 3.1.0
Vocabulary Trainer for Learning English: Learn to SpeakEnglishforTravel, Business, Dating, Study & School.•Flashcarddictionary with English translations of 10,000 words.•Fastestgrowing language course education app for mobile&tablet:500,000 new users/month. • 100% Free English lessonsforbeginners,advanced learners, adults and kids. Build asolidvocabulary injust 10 mins per day. Pioneering sleeplearningfunction designedwith leading researchers. Learn the mostfrequentEnglish words andtravel phrases quickly, before yourholidays.Proven methodologyfor accelerated and stress-free learningofEnglish. Over 10.000words and phrases with images andqualityaudio. More than anyother app! Learn vocabulary whiledriving,running or doinghousework in listening-only mode. It's 100%free.Give it a try anddownload now! Key Features: ► 10,000Flashcardscontaining Englishwords and phrases with theirtranslations ►Listening-only modeincluded ► Accelerated learningmethod withspaced repetitions,based on the latest research foroptimummemorization ► Qualityaudio pronunciation and images ► Nointernetconnection requiredwhile learning (offline) ► Fromabsolutebeginners to advancedlearners ► Adapts to mobile phones andtablets► Sleep Learning:Learn English words while you sleep. Savehours ofvocabularystudy. Based on the latestacademicresearch: it compare to other language learning apps? ► 100%Free:Nolimitations of content or functions in an attempt to makeyou buyapaid version. Everything is free. ► More Words andCourses:Coursesadapted to fit your language learning objectives,whether youwantto study the language for your job, your holidaysor justforasking someone on a date. ► Adjustable Learning Speed►AcceleratedLearning Methodology: Research in the fieldofvocabulary learningshowed that spaced repetition languagetraininggives the bestresults for memorization in language lessons.Plusoptionalrelaxation music can increase studentmemorycapacity(superlearning). ► Add your own vocabulary lists: Ifyouare takinga course at a school, university or private academy,youcan addthe words from your textbook and learn them here insteadoflookingthem up in a dictionary. ___ Do not download this app ifyouwantto learn grammar. This app is designed for rapidlearningofvocabulary and phrases. For learning grammar thoroughly(suchastenses and verb conjugations) the best option is toattendalanguage course ideally in a country where the languageisspoken.On our website you cancompareover10000 reviews of language courses & programsworldwide.Thebest app is no replacement for a English course, butcan helpmakethe vocabulary learning part of any course so mucheasier.___Available Flashcard Language Course Lessons: ► MostFrequentWordsin English - Beginner A1 (500 words) - ElementaryA2(501-1250) -Lower Intermediate B1 (1251-2250) - UpperIntermediateB2(2251-3500) - Advanced C1 (3501-5000) ► DatingPhrases -Dating,Romance and Going Out ► Practise Business English-BusinessVocabulary ► Exams - TOEFL - IELTS - TOEIC ► Travelphrases-Basics ___ Contact us at [email protected] or visitourforum:
English words with RocketEng 1.5.10
Learn English vocabulary quickly and effectively
Учить Английские Слова 1.8
Umma Apps
English words. 15,000 most popular. + Audio, translations,examples.Is free!
English grammar test offline 3.25
English language basic knowledge. English learning grammar.
Курсы английского. Учить с ED 2.2.9
Learn English for free. English courses. Learning English.
Learn English words & phrases 6.0.5
Memorizing English words and increasing the vocabulary oftheEnglish language.
PhrasePal: English Phrases 5.0.5
Improve your English speaking fast
Английский язык за 16 часов. 1.0.60
Full and free version of the application, including 32 lessons andalibrary.
English with Wordwide: words 5.0.116
Appvise LLC
Learning English is easy! You just need to learn English words.
English learning books 3.25
Easy spoken english learning app. English phonetics and phonology.
Learn English with English Clu 2.0.51
Watch interesting English lessons right on your phone or tablet!
Learn English 1.9.0
Learn English 9000 Common words & phrases offline and support32native language
English Irregular Verbs 2.1.4
Learn English Irregular Verbs with exams, images, sentences,andflashcards.
Multilang cards: Learn Words 0.2.3_release
Patrycja Apon
Learn Spanish, French and German words on cards and becomeapolyglot
WordBit Anglais
Small habits can help progress. Study automatically!
English Irregular Verbs 6.0.3
Learn English irregular verbs fast, fun and easy!
Irregular Verbs In English 2.5
This small and useful app will help you learn and testEnglishIrregular Verbs.
Английский язык с Engo 3.0.20
Learn English only 10 minutes a day and the result will not belongin coming!
English 90000 Words & Pictures
Application to Learn Vocabulary , Its offline and 100%FREE.Everything is FREE.
Polish effortlessly 3.8.2
Polish from scratch to Upper Intermediate (B2)
Learn English Vocabulary 4.3.3
Improve your vocabulary in English. More than 5,000 wordsclassifiedby topics.
WordBit 英语 (自动学习) -简体
Unconsciously we can increase the number of words Little habits="huge development As a habit, automatic learning English!
English Irregular Verbs 1.8.7
English irregular verbs with pronunciation
WordBit Английский язык
Learn words without noticing! Words learn on their own! On thelockscreen! (wordbeat)
WordBit Angielski
Small steps lead to big changes. Learn English through a habit!
Полиглот. Английские артикли 2.08
Articles in the English language? Nothing is easier!
Английский разговорник 7.0.0
Phrasebook with pronunciation, word learning, spelling and tests
English Vocabulary 2.2.2
Top 2000 English Words with example sentences and audio files
English Irregular Verbs 1.2.0
Learn English words and improve vocabulary quickly usingthisvocabulary builder
Слова, фразы: школа полиглотов 2.33
Приложение содержит несколько тысячнаиболееиспользуемых английских слов с примерами употребления,разбитых нагруппы по 500 по принципу частотного словаря. Перваягруппасодержит самые часто используемые слова, вторая - менее частоит.д. Также в приложение входит около восьмисот типовыхфраз,помогающих запоминать слова в контексте предложений иосваиватьанглийские грамматические конструкции.Оно может быть полезно как для школьников любого возраста, так идлявзрослых, изучающих английский язык самостоятельно; какдляначинающих, так и для продвинутого уровня."Учим слова. Школа полиглотов" помогает в запоминании словбезутомительной зубрёжки, даёт возможность отрабатыватьанглийскоепроизношение.Урок (в разделе "Слова") можно проходить в режиме изучениядлязапоминания новых слов, или в режиме тестирования для оценкизнанийи закрепления изученного. Можно воспользоватьсявозможностьюсформировать свой список для изучения - "Отобранное".После урокаприложение предлагает выполнить работу над ошибками, илиповторитьурок целиком в режиме изучения или тестирования. Такжевсепоследние ошибки фиксируются в разделе "Последние ошибки",чтопозволяет отрабатывать слова, вызвавшие затруднения.Хорошознакомые слова можно пометить как "Изученные".Алгоритм подстраивается под уровень знания английскихсловобучающимся, чаще предлагая более проблемные для негослова.Внимание на них также акцентируется с помощью возможностиповторавыполненного с ошибкой упражнения и работы над ошибкамипослезавершения урока.Также доступен режим фонового изучения, позволяющийизучатьанглийский язык за рулём или во время рутинныхзанятий.В разделе "Фразы" содержатся сгруппированные по сложноститиповыефразы и выражения, позволяющие изучать слова вконтекстепредложений, закреплять грамматические конструкции ианглийские"языковые штампы", полезные для повседневногообщения.The applicationcontainsseveral thousand most commonly used English words with theuse ofexamples, divided into groups of 500 on the basis of thefrequencydictionary. The first group contains the most commonlyused words,the second - less frequently, etc. Also included in theapp abouteight standard phrases to help you remember words in thecontext ofthe proposals and to learn English grammar.It may be useful for students of any age and for adults whoarelearning English on their own; both for beginners and foradvancedlevel."Learn the words. School polyglots" helps in learning thewordswithout the tedious cramming, it makes it possible topracticeEnglish pronunciation.Lesson (in "Word") can take place in the mode of study tomemorizenew words, or in test mode for evaluating knowledge andconsolidatelearned. You can take the opportunity to create your ownlist tostudy - "Search". After the lesson, the application offerstoperform work on our mistakes, or repeat the lesson entirely inthemode of examination or testing. Also all the latest bugs arefixedin the "last error" that allows you to fulfill the wordsthatcaused the trouble. Familiar words can be markedas"Learned".The algorithm adapts to the level of knowledge of studentsofEnglish words, often offering more problematic word forit.Attention also focuses on them by using the Replay abilitytoperform error exercises and work on the bugs after the lessoniscompleted.Also available is the study of the background mode, which allowstolearn English while driving or during routine activities.Under "phrases" contains grouped by complexity of typicalphrasesand expressions that allow to study the word in the contextofproposals to consolidate grammar and English "languagedies",useful for everyday communication.
Tobo: Learn Czech Vocabulary 2.8.5
Czech language learning: Study & practice words, verbs&phrases with flashcards
TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards 3.6.1
Learn English vocabulary words for the TOEFL with freeflashcardsfrom Magoosh.
Английский с Анной самоучитель 2.1.4
Gulak Anna
English language with video on English grammar, AudioReading,online language learning
English Vocabulary Builder for 0.8.3
Build your English vocabulary with 1800 words. For GRE®, SAT®&Everyday Life!
English Vocabulary Words IELTS 8.2.1
English Essential Words for IELTS: Get ready for IELTS!
Learn Czech. Speak Czech
ATi Studios
Learn Czech with free lessons daily. LetMondlyteach you the Czech language quickly and effectively. Injustminutes you’ll start memorizing core Czech words, formsentences,learn to speak Czech phrases and take part inconversations. FunCzech lessons improve your vocabulary, grammarand pronunciationlike no other language learning method. Beginneror advancedlearner, traveler or business professional with a tightschedule?The app works great and dynamically adjusts to yourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Czech language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Czech language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofCzech grammar lessons and at the end of a full semester’slanguagecourse you could barely translate a sentence or say“Hello!” to aforeigner. That’s the traditional way to learn alanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Czech phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Czech pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Czech words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Czech clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningCzech. Mondly teaches you Czech vocabulary by offering youcorewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Czech. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreCzechvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakCzechclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Czech verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Czech is different from persontoperson. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Czech lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
3000 palabras: aprende inglés 7.2.20
Appvise LLC
Aprende ingles solo por 10 minutos al dia.
Learn English. Listening 3.09
This application is designed to teach English speech reception.
Английские слова – учить язык 2.21.0
Learn English using cards with Angry Words. Englishlanguagelearning.
Verbos en Inglés V 5.5.3
Learn English totally free.
Я ГОВОРЮ Учить Английский Язык 108.0
Учить английский на базе техник ведущих полиглотов мира.Быстронаучим говорить!
English Phrasal Verbs 2.2.0
The most widespread English Phrasal Verbs.
Daily English Words 3.5.16
The collection of daily use English words with meaning for beginner
My Dictionary - polyglot 9.8
Polyglot: English, German, Spanish, French, Russian and manyotherlanguages
English vocabulary by picture 8.2.7
oCoder App
PicVoc, English vocab, essential vocabulary, talkEnglish,LearnEnglish