kbmobile Apps

СмСочные поздравления 1.3.2
Раньше я использовал эти поздравления, толькоесли нужно было поздравить в ответ. Например прислал мне друг смс впрощёное воскресенье. Я то и не знаю что сегодня прощёноевоскресенье, а не ответить как-то не удобно. Искать в интернете неприходитя. Просто сразу выбираю и отправляю ему в ответ. Хорошонадо сказать экономит время. Но вот один раз был занят и чуть незабыл бабушку поздравить с днём рождения. Из-за разницы во временипозвонить не получается. Бабушка уже спит. Чтобы не будить,отправляю смс. На следующий день ответ: “Спасибо за поздравления встихах. Очень приятно! А вот Толик, забыл поздравить!”. Толик – этодругой её внук. Я был очень доволен тем, что доставил бабушке такуюрадость. А Вы хотите сделать приятно своим близким и не оказатьсяТоликом? :)Уже сейчас в нашей стране отмечается более 200 праздников.Каждое застолье не обходится без душевных поздравлений. Ониявляются традиционным украшением любого торжества. Если Вы хотитепоразить всех, то всегда должны иметь в запасе несколькооригинальных поздравлений. Установите себе наше приложение и клюбому празднику у Вас найдутся теплые слова пожеланий, в полноймере выражающие все Ваши чувства.Часто близкие находятся далеко от нас. Но несмотря на расстоянияв одном коротком смс сообщении можно передать все свои пожелания ипоздравления. Вам больше не придётся искать поздравления винтернете и вручную вводить их в смс сообщение. Теперь Вам большене нужно тратить на это время. Наше приложение уже содержит более1500 смс поздравлений и в будущем их число будет увеличиваться. Вамостанется только выбрать понравившееся и отправить.Уже сейчас есть поздравления ко всем основным праздникам,включая Новый год, Рождество, 8 марта и множество других.Приложение полностью на русском языке, не требует доступа кинтернету и не содержит рекламы. Купите приложение прямо сейчас иВаши родные и близкие получат много радости и положительныхэмоций.
Секреты здорового питания 1.5.3
Как похудеть с помощью блокнота и ручки.Потребность человеческого организма в калориях зависит от оченьбольшого количества факторов. Например у спортсменов занимающихсятриатлоном она достигает 6000ккал. В то время каксреднестатистическому взрослому человеку требуется от 1800 до2500ккал. Чем тяжелее мышечная работа, тем больше затрачиваетсяэнергии, и тем больше калорий должен получить организм с пищей. Инаоборот - чем меньше человек напрягает мышцы, тем меньшепотребность в калориях.Чтобы определить своё потребление калорий, я стал записывать всепродукты съеденные за день. А потом просто считал количествокалорий. Операция прямо скажем нудная, но очень полезная. И вот чтоя заметил за собой.За чашкой чая, я частенько съедаю парочку шоколадных конфет.Причём обычно этого даже не замечаю. При подсчёте калорий явыяснил, что с каждым таким чаепитием получаю дополнительные100-150ккал. Затем я стал обращать внимание, что по дороге измагазина домой, съедал один сникерс или пачку чипсов с баночкойколы. Сникерс давал мне лишних 300ккал. Чипсы с колой около260ккал.Со временем мне стало тяжело делать все подсчёт вручную. Я решилнаписать приложение, в котором можно вести такой дневник. Котороебы за меня считало количество калорий. И вот оно перед Вами.Надеюсь, что с его помощью Вы сможете найти лишние калории в своёмрационе.Основные возможности.Это приложение позволит Вам легко вести дневник питания, уделяяэтому всего лишь несколько минут в день. Вам не нужно будет тратитьдополнительное время на расчёт калорий, белков, жиров, углеводов,витаминов и минералов, приложение всё посчитает за Вас. А вдополнение ко всему получите набор вкусных и полезных рецептов.Ключевые слова: счётчик калорий, дневник питания, рецепты,белки, жиры, углеводы, калории, ккал, витамины, минералы, списокпокупок, микроэлементы, макроэлементы, продукты, питание, рацион,полезные рецепты.
Мой рацион Lite 1.1
Мой рацион Lite является бесплатной версиейприложения 'Мой рацион: здоровое питание' и представляет собойсчётчик калорий, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов.Приложение полностью на русском языке и не содержит рекламы. Дляработы приложения не требуется подключение к интернету.Если Вам понравилось это приложение, Вы всегда можете приобрестиполную версию. Для этого просто наберите в поиске: 'Мойрацион'.Основные возможности:- Составление дневника питания.- Подсчёт дневного потребления каллорий, витаминов и минералов.
How long to fly 1.0
Application calculates distance between airports and time toflight.
English в кармане: Аудирование 1.1.1
Сегодня владеть английским языком - значитнетолько уметь читать со словарем, но и воспринимать английскуюречьна слух. У Вас когда-нибудь возникали трудности сэтим?Недопонимания при общении с коллегами или клиентами наанглийскомязыке? При участии в видео конференциях или совещаниях?Рано илипоздно, они могут превратиться в серьёзные проблемы. Выходесть ион достаточно прост! С помощью нашего приложения, Выбудетеежедневно улучшать восприятие английской речи на слух.Сейчас, в условиях хронической нехватки времениобучениеиностранным языкам должно быть мобильным. Вам непотребуетсяспециально выделять время для занятий. Всего 15 минутдва раза вдень будет достаточно, чтобы увидеть первые результатыуже черезмесяц. Вы сможете практиковаться с помощью своего телефонав любоевремя, например вечером, вместо просмотра телевизора илиутром,пока едете на работу.Вы можете использовать случайно появившееся свободное времядляулучшения своего английского. Выполнять упражнения вмаршрутке,электричке, поезде или самолёте. Перед сном илинаоборотпроснувшись утром.Уроки из самых различных тематик: новости, политика, экономикаимногое другое. Каждая запись разбита на предложения,содержащиемного часто используемых английских слов. Прослушав, Вамнеобходимоввести услышанный текст. В конце ввода Вы сможетесравнить свойвариант с правильным и увидеть сделанные ошибки.Если Вы уже занимаетесь изучением английского языка.Запоминаетеновые слова. Учите правила грамматики. Аудированиепревосходнодополнит Ваше обучение, а также будет полезно не толькоВам. Вашидети, друзья или знакомые, изучающие английский язык, также смогутулучшить свои навыки разговорного английского.Уделяя каждый день по 15-30 минут уже вскоре Вызаметитепрогресс. Восприятие английской речи на слух станет гораздопроще.Не теряйте драгоценное время, установите приложение иначнитесовершенствовать свой английский уже сегодня.Today proficientinEnglish - it means not only to be able to read the dictionary,butalso to perceive the English language at the hearing. Have youeverhad difficulties with this? Misunderstandings whencommunicatingwith colleagues or clients in English? Whenparticipating in videoconferences or meetings? Sooner or later,they can turn into majorproblems. There is a way, and it is quiteeasy! With our app, youwill daily improve the perception of Englishlisteningcomprehension.Now, in the face of chronic lack of time, languagetrainingshould be mobile. You do not need to specifically allocatetime topractice. Just 15 minutes twice a day will be enough to seethefirst results within a month. You will be able to practicewithyour phone at any time, for example at night, instead ofwatchingTV or in the morning before going to work.You can use a randomly appears and free time to improvehisEnglish. Perform the exercises in the bus, train, train orplane.Before going to sleep or waking up in the morning onthecontrary.Lessons from a wide range of topics: news, politics,economics,and much more. Each entry is divided into sentences ofmanycommonly used English words. After listening, you must enterthetext heard. At the end of the input you can compare yourversionwith the right and see the mistakes made.If you are already engaged in the study of English. Memorizenewwords. Learn the rules of grammar. Listening perfectlycomplementyour training, and will be useful not only to you. Yourkids,friends, or acquaintances, English language learners, as wellbeable to improve their English conversation skills.Paying every day for 15-30 minutes soon you will noticeprogress.The perception of English listening comprehension will bemucheasier. Do not waste your precious time, install the app andstartimproving your English today.
Счётчик калорий 1.2
Если Вы привыкли следить за своим питанием иконтролировать потребление калорий - это приложение для Вас.Счётчик калорий поможет Вам сосчитать количество потребляемыхкалорий и сохранить эту информацию в персональном журналедля удобного и быстрого доступа.★ Приложение представлено полностью на русском языке.★ Для работы приложения не требуется интернет.
French language tutorial 3.24
French language tutorial. Learn french in 30 days.
Spanish verbs conjugation offline 3.14
In this application you will be able to learn 300 commonspanishwords and phrases. Spanish verbs conjugation offline. Duringthetraining you need to choose the correct translation fromtheoptions. Easy to use - you don't need to add words fortraining.All words and phrases are available in the application.Spanishlearning apps. You just need to train every day. Learnspanish forfree. You can study in two ways. First type is to saythe word frompicture. Second training type is to listen spanishword and find iton the pictures. Two types of learning will helpyou to easy recallthis word later. Spanish verbs conjugationoffline. Applicationdoesn't have any limits for words and phrasesstudying. You canremember all words many time during the day.Spanish learning apps.This application is effective and interestingway to learn yourfirst spanish words and phrases. Learn spanish forfree. • Twotraining types. • Spanish verbs conjugation offline. •Dailyindicator will help you to track progress. • Applicationworksoffline and doesn't need internet connection. Spanishlearningapps. • This app is free and contains ads. • Learn spanishforfree.
Learn french through english 3.25
Learn french 6000 words. Learn french intermediate.
Learn how to speak french free 3.16
With this application you will be able to learn 300 commonfrenchwords. Learn how to speak french free. During the trainingyou needto choose the correct translation from the options. Easy touse -you don't need to add words and phrases for training. Allwords areavailable in the application. Study french offline. Youjust needto train every day. French b1. You can study in two ways.Firsttype is to say the word from picture. Second training type istolisten french word and find it on the pictures. Two typesoflearning will help you to easy recall this word later. Learn howtospeak french free. Application doesn't have any limits forwordsand phrases studying. You can remember all words many timeduringthe day. Study french offline. This application is effectiveandinteresting way to learn your first french words andphrases.French b1. • Two training types. • Learn how to speakfrench free.• Application works offline and doesn't need internetconnection.Study french offline. • Daily indicator will help you totrackprogress. • This app is free and contains ads. • French b1.
French books for beginners 3.24
French books. French app. French learning apps for beginnersoffline.
Learn portuguese phrases 2.4
In this application you will be able to learn 300 common portugalwords. Learn portuguese phrases. During the training you need tochoose the correct translation from the options. Easy to use - youdon't need to add words and phrases for training. All words areavailable in the application. Portuguese phrases. You just need totrain every day. Learning brazilian portuguese. You can study intwo ways. First type is to remember translation from portugal toyour native language. Second training type is to remember backwardtranslation from your language to portugal. Two types of learningwill help you to easy recall this word later. Learn portuguesephrases. Application doesn't have any limits for words and phrasesstudying. You can remember all words many time during the day.Portuguese phrases. This application is effective and interestingway to learn your first portugal words and phrases. Learningbrazilian portuguese. • Two training types. • Learn portuguesephrases. • Daily indicator will help you to track progress. •Application works offline and doesn't need internet connection.Portuguese phrases. • This app is free and contains ads. • Learningbrazilian portuguese.
Learn german online. 3.25
Teach german. Learn german online.
Italian conversation 3.25
Italian conversation. Learn italian. Italian offline.
Spanish phonetics 3.24
Spanish phonetics. Spanish pronunciation. Learn spanish idioms.
Easy german learn to speak 3.25
Easy german learn to speak. Learn german offline.
Portuguese dictionary offline 3.23
Portuguese dictionary offline. Learn portuguese. Portuguese words.
Elementary english grammar 3.22
Main goal of this application is to learn basic english grammarrules. Elementary english grammar This app is perfect forelementary levels. It contains eight chapters. Each chaptercontains short and clear explanations of english grammar, quizzesfor each lesson. In the first chapter you can find lessons andtests about nouns identifying. Second chapter contains topics aboutconcrete and abstract nouns. Learn english grammar app From thirdchapter you will know rules of using singular and plural nouns.Fourth chapter contains topics and tests about count and noncountnouns English grammar exercise In the fifth chapter you will findlessons and quizes about verbs identifying. From sixth chapter youwill know rules of using action verbs and linking verbs. Seventhchapter contains basic topics about phrasal verbs. Elementaryenglish grammar. In the last chapter you will find theory and testsabout articles and demonstratives. Learn english grammar app. Thiselementary course contains: * 49 english grammar lessons. * Quizzesfor each topic of english grammar. Short description of topics inthis application: * Identifying nouns. * Elementary english grammar* Concrete and abstract nouns * Singular and plural nouns. *Regular and irregular plurals. * Count and noncount nouns. * Learnenglish grammar app * Proper and common nouns. * Identifying verbs.* The verb base. * Action verbs and linking verbs * Phrasal verbs *English grammar exercise * Articles.* Demonstratives.
Learn italian verbs 3.25.1
Learn italian verbs. Italian language learning. Italian dictionaryoffline.
French learning apps 3.24
French learning apps free. French level a1. French language.
Learning spanish for beginners 3.24
Learn first words spanish. Spanish vocabulary pop quiz.
Learn spanish grammar offline 3.24
Learn spanish grammar offline. Spanish language teacher. Spanishlearning games.
Portuguese learning apps 3.0
With this application you will be able to learn 300 commonportugalwords. Portuguese learning apps. During the training youneed tochoose the correct translation from the options. Easy to use- youdon't need to add words for training. All words are availableinthe application. Learning portuguese free. You just need totrainevery day. Portuguese translator. You can study in two ways.Firsttype is to say the word from picture. Second training type istolisten portugal word and find it on the pictures. Two typesoflearning will help you to easy recall this word later.Portugueselearning apps. Application doesn't have any limits forwordsstudying. You can remember all words many time during theday.Learning portuguese free. This application is effectiveandinteresting way to learn your first portugal words.Portuguesetranslator. • Two training types. • Portuguese learningapps. •Daily indicator will help you to track progress. •Applicationworks offline and doesn't need internet connection.Learningportuguese free. • This app is free and contains ads. •Portuguesetranslator.
Learn conversational spanish 3.24
Spanisch vokabeln offline. Spanish language learning.
Learn english intermediate 3.25
Learn english intermediate. English essay app 10th. Englischvokabeln kostenlos.
Learn french through english 3.25
In this learn french through english you will learn common Frenchwords.
German conversation 3.22
With this application you will be able to learn 300 commongermanwords. German conversation. During the training you need tochoosethe correct translation from the options. Easy to use - youdon'tneed to add words for training. All words are available intheapplication. German pronunciation app. You just need to traineveryday. German business. You can study in two ways. First type istoremember translation from german to your native language.Secondtraining type is to remember backward translation fromyourlanguage to german. Two types of learning will help you toeasyrecall this word later. German conversation. Applicationdoesn'thave any limits for words studying. You can remember allwords manytime during the day. German pronunciation app. Thisapplication iseffective and interesting way to learn your firstgerman words.German business. • Two training types. • Germanconversation. •Daily indicator will help you to track progress. •Applicationworks offline and doesn't need internet connection.Germanpronunciation app. • This app is free and contains ads. •Germanbusiness.
German verb conjugation 3.22
In this application you will be able to learn 300 commongermanwords. German verb conjugation. During the training you needtochoose the correct translation from the options. Easy to use -youdon't need to add words for training. All words are availableinthe application. Learn german 101. You just need to traineveryday. German learning free. You can study in two ways. Firsttype isto remember translation from german to your native language.Secondtraining type is to remember backward translation fromyourlanguage to german. Two types of learning will help you toeasyrecall this word later. German verb conjugation.Applicationdoesn't have any limits for words studying. You canremember allwords many time during the day. Learn german 101. Thisapplicationis effective and interesting way to learn your firstgerman words.German learning free. • Two training types. • Germanverbconjugation. • Daily indicator will help you to track progress.•Application works offline and doesn't need internetconnection.Learn german 101. • This app is free and contains ads. •Germanlearning free.
German language learning free books 3.22
In this application you will be able to learn 300 commongermanwords. German language learning free books. During thetraining youneed to choose the correct translation from theoptions. Easy touse - you don't need to add words for training. Allwords areavailable in the application. Free german vpn. You justneed totrain every day. German pronunciation. You can study in twoways.First type is to say the word from picture. Second trainingtype isto listen german word and find it on the pictures. Two typesoflearning will help you to easy recall this word later.Germanlanguage learning free books. Application doesn't have anylimitsfor words studying. You can remember all words many timeduring theday. Free german vpn. This application is effective andinterestingway to learn your first german words. Germanpronunciation. • Twotraining types. • German language learning freebooks. •Application works offline and doesn't need internetconnection.Free german vpn. • Daily indicator will help you totrack progress.• This app is free and contains ads. • Germanpronunciation.
Italian language course 3.25.1
Italian language course. Italian language test. Learn italianphrases.
German words learn deutsch 3.25
German words learn deutsch. Learn german language free. Teachyourself german.
Portuguese conjugation 2.6
Brazilian portuguese vocabulary. Learn portugal portuguese.
Learn european portuguese 2.4
Learn to speak portuguese free. Learn portuguese language - quickaudio course.
Рецепты на каждый день. 2.3.14
Simple recipes for every day. Does not require access to theInternet.
Learn english in 30 days 3.23
Main goal of this application is to learn English grammar.Learnenglish in 30 days. This app is perfect for preintermediatelevels. It contains four chapters. Each chaptercontains short andclear explanations of English grammar, quizzesfor each lesson andfinal test. English essay app offline In thefirst chapter you canfind lessons and tests about subject andobject pronouns,possessives, countable and uncountable nouns,singular and pluralnouns, indefinite article. Second chaptercontains topics aboutarticles and comparatives. Study englishgrammar offline. Fromthird chapter you will know rules of usingsuperlatives,participial adjectives and adjectives. Learn englishin 30 days.Fourth chapter contains topics and tests about presentsimpletense, present continuous tense and past simple tense. Youwillknow how to construct positive, question and negative forms. Inthefifth chapter you will find lessons and quizes about pastsimpleand past continuous. English essay app offline. From sixthchapteryou will know about present perfect, present perfectcontinuous andfuture simple. In the last chapter you will findtheory and testsabout zero, first and second conditionals. Also youwill know aboutpassive. Study english grammar offline. This appcontains: * 47English grammar lessons. * Quizzes for each topic ofEnglishgrammar. * 7 chapter final tests. Short description oftopics inthis application: * Subject, object and reflexive pronouns* Learnenglish in 30 days * Possessive adjectives and pronouns *Countableand uncountable nouns * Singular and plural nouns *Indefinite anddefinite article * English essay app offline * Some,any *Something, anything, someone, anyone * Comparatives * Studyenglishgrammar offline * Present simple and past simple tenses
English grammar offline app 3.25
English writing practice app. English learning app offline nepali.
Teach spoken english offline 3.25
In this application you will listen and learn common English words.
Learn to speak italian offline 3.25
Italian language in english. Learn italian basic.
Learn italian offline 3.23
With this application you will be able to learn 300 commonitalianwords. Learn italian offline. During the training you needtochoose the correct translation from the options. Easy to use -youdon't need to add phrases and words for training. All wordsareavailable in the application. Free italian language learningapps.You just need to train every day. Easy learning italian. Youcanstudy in two ways. First type is to say the word frompicture.Second training type is to listen italian word and find iton thepictures. Two types of learning will help you to easy recallthisword later. Learn italian offline. Application doesn't haveanylimits for phrases and words studying. You can remember allwordsmany time during the day. Free italian language learning apps.Thisapplication is effective and interesting way to learn yourfirstitalian phrases and words. Easy learning italian. • Twotrainingtypes. • Learn italian offline. • Application works offlineanddoesn't need internet connection. Free italian languagelearningapps. • Daily indicator will help you to track progress. •This appis free and contains ads. • Easy learning italian.
Brain exercise for study 1.9.2
Memory improvement techniques and tricks. Mnemonics. Brain exercisefor study.
German audio lessons 3.25
In this application you will listen and learn common German words.
English language and literature 3.23
In this application you will be able to learn and listencommonEnglish words. English language and literature. During thetrainingyou need listen english phrase and choose the correctanswer fromthe options. Easy to use - you listen and repeat wordsduring thetraining. All phrases are available in the application.You justneed to train every day. English c1 c2. With thisapplication youmay study new words. Just listen english phrases andrepeat word byword. Application doesn't have any limits for newwords studying.You can repeat all exercises many time during theday. Thisapplication is effective and interesting way to learn newenglishwords. Englisch vokabeln lernen kostenlos. All phrasesareorganized in topics. Study english offline. Daily indicatorwillhelp you to track progress. Application works offline anddoesn'tneed internet connection. Learn english quiz app. This appis freeand contains ads. Teach me how to speak english fluently.
Audio spanish lessons free 3.23
In this application you will be able to learn and listencommonSpanish words. Audio spanish lessons free. During thetraining youneed listen spanish phrase and choose the correctanswer from theoptions. Easy to use - you listen and repeat wordsduring thetraining. All phrases are available in the application.Freespanish language learner. You just need to train every day.Learnspanish offline free. With this application you may studynewwords. Just listen spanish phrases and repeat word by word.Audiospanish lessons free. Application doesn't have any limits fornewwords studying. You can repeat all exercises many time duringtheday. Free spanish language learner. This application iseffectiveand interesting way to learn new spanish words. Learnspanishoffline free. All phrases are organized in topics and Audiospanishlessons free. Daily indicator will help you to trackprogress.Application works offline and doesn't need internetconnection.Free spanish language learner. This app is free andcontains ads.Learn spanish offline free.
English grammar exercise for practice 3.23
Main goal of this application is to learn basic englishgrammarrules. English grammar exercise for practice This app isperfectfor elementary levels. It contains eight chapters. Eachchaptercontains short and clear explanations of english grammar,quizzesfor each lesson and final test. In the first chapter you canfindlessons and tests about prepositions of place, movementandposition. Second chapter contains topics about prepositionsoftime. English app learn english From third chapter you willknowrules of using common phrasal verbs. Fourth chapter containstopicsand tests about phrasal verbs that take an object. In thefifthchapter you will find lessons and quizes about passive.Englishgrammar app offline. This elementary course contains: • 46englishgrammar lessons. • Quizzes for each topic of englishgrammar. • 4chapter final tests. Short description of topics inthisapplication: • Prepositions of time. • English grammar app•Prepositions of place. • Passive. • Learn english us forbeginners• Common phrasal verbs. • Prepositions of position. •Englishgrammar worksheet • Phrasal verbs that take an object.
Learn english everyday 3.25
English conversation practice app offline. English languagepractice.
English c1 level 3.23
With this application you will be able to learn commonEnglishidioms. English c1 level. During the training you need tochoosethe correct answer from the options. Easy to use - you don'tneedto add idioms for training. All idioms are available intheapplication. Business english pod. You just need to traineveryday. English vocabulary builder app. Many people thinkthatlearning vocabulary is just learning new idioms. However it isnotenough. You also need to know what other idioms it combines withtomake expressions in English. English c1 level. Applicationdoesn'thave any limits for idioms studying. You can remember allidiomsmany time during the day. Business english pod. Thisapplication iseffective and interesting way to learn new englishidioms. Englishvocabulary builder app. • All idioms are organizedin topics. •English c1 level. • Daily indicator will help you totrackprogress. • Application works offline and doesn't needinternetconnection. Business english pod. • This app is free andcontainsads. • English vocabulary builder app.
Wifi study app in english 3.23
With this application you will be able to learn commonEnglishwords. Wifi study app in english. During the training youneed tochoose the correct answer from the options. Easy to use -you don'tneed to add words for training. All words are available intheapplication. English 52. You just need to train every day.Englishlanguage lab. Many people think that learning vocabulary isjustlearning new words. However it is not enough. You also need toknowwhat other words it combines with to make expressions inEnglish.Wifi study app in english. Application doesn't have anylimits forwords studying. You can remember all words many timeduring theday. English 52. This application is effective andinteresting wayto learn new english words. English language lab. •All words areorganized in topics. • Wifi study app in english. •Daily indicatorwill help you to track progress. • Application worksoffline anddoesn't need internet connection. English 52. • This appis freeand contains ads. • English language lab.
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Collective nouns of english 3.23
With this application you will be able to learn common Englishwordsand phrases. Collective nouns of english. During the trainingyouneed to choose the correct answer from the options. Easy to use-you don't need to add words and phrases for training. Learnenglish100. All phrases and words are available in theapplication. Youjust need to train every day. Many people thinkthat learningvocabulary is just learning new phrases and words.English teachapp. However it is not enough. You also need to knowwhat otherwords and phrases it combines with to make expressionsin English.Collective nouns of english. Application doesn't haveany limits forwords and phrases studying. You can remember allwords many timeduring the day. Learn english 100. This applicationis effective andinteresting way to learn new english phrases.English teach app. •All words and phrases are organized in topics.• Collective nouns ofenglish. • Daily indicator will help you totrack progress. • Learnenglish 100. Application works offline anddoesn't need internetconnection. • This app is free and containsads. • English teachapp.
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