Top 23 Apps Similar to Calendar every day

Business Calendar 2 Planner 2.48.5
Your daily calendar planner for work, family & private events
Calendar Widget (key) 1.1
Simple and beautiful calendar widget with the month view andtoday'sagenda
aCalendar+ Calendar & Tasks
Tapir Apps GmbH
aCalendar+ is the premium version ofaCalendar- please try the free calendar app aCalendar first!aCalendar+ gives you many additional calendar features andyourpurchase supports further development and helps protectingtheendangered Mountain Tapir.EXTRA FEATURES (aCalendar+ or as In-App-Purchase)● Public holidays (and school holidays for some countries)-configurable in the calendar list● Color themes (UI and Widget colors, dark background - NOTeventcolors: those are defined by your calendar service)● Business features (Invite attendees, link contacts,free/busy,private, profiles, share as ICS, ...)● Tasks (manage Google Tasks or tasks from CalDAV/OpenTasks)● No ads (removes the occasional advertisement)♥ Tapir Apps donates 10% of all revenue (app purchase, IAP, ads)torainforest conservation through our friends at WorldLandTrustFEATURES● intuitive navigation with smooth transitions● day, week, month and year view● Fullscreen widgets● flexible recurrences like every 3 weeks, every 17 days, oreveryMon, Wed and Fri● 48 colors per calendar● per-event colors (if supported by the event's calendar)● custom event font size● birthdays & anniversaries with photos from youraddressbookand editing● uses Android's native calendar backend and synchronization● no battery drain through polling● moon phases and zodiac signs for birthdays● QR barcode sharing of events● 12/24h clock honoring system settings● optimized text display and improved line-breakUSAGE● move forward and backward in the calendar by swiping verticallyorvolume rocker● switch between calendar views with a horizontal swipe (openstheday or week you start the swipe gesture on) or double-tap fordayview● tap to open a calendar event● long-press to add new calendar event● long-press on mini-month to go to today or jump to date● tap on photo to open quick contact menu● 3-finger-tap: configurable action● Drag'n'Drop: tap plus long press in day view (use volume rockertochange day)PERMISSIONSaCalendar only requests permissions needed for appfunctionality.aCalendar+ respects your privacy and will NEVER sendany of yourprivate data anywhere unless configured by YOU. Pleasecontact usif you have questions about permissions.TRANSLATIONSaCalendar+ is translated into more than 30 languages, mostlybyvolunteers - please let me know if there is a badtranslationsomewhere or you want to add your language.LOVE♥ If you like aCalendar+, please show your support by leaving agoodrating and recommending it to your friends ♥APP2SDUnfortunately app2SD cannot be supported, because homescreenwidgetsdo not work from SD in Android. But aCalendar+ is optimizedforspeed and small memory footprint.ROADMAP (Planned features)● further Tasks improvements (e.g. contact linking)● Popup notifications● alternative calendar system support (Chinese, Hebrew,Indian,Persian, Islamic/Hijri, etc.) - already available in thedatewidget!
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Calendar+: Sync, customize & optimize scheduling!
To Do List 4.29
Splend Apps
Easy to use To-Do List. Remember everything and get things done!
Органайзер, ежедневник, задачи 1.2.3
Органайзер TimeMaster позволяет вести: — список задач иподзадач,—календарь, — дневник (или хронометраж), — контакты, —файлы.Атакже с помощью планировщика вы можетеувеличитьэффективностькоманды: — ставить задачи коллегам, —обсуждать задачивкомментариях, — контролировать исполнение задач ворганайзере.Ценавопроса: 1. Premium версия (первый месяц приподтвержденииe-mailбесплатно), далее от 99 руб. в мес. 2.Бесплатная версия(неограничена по времени использования): до 30открытых задач. Влюбоймомент можно перейти с одной версии надругую. Чем особеннохорошежедневник. Вы можете: — Перетягиватьзадачи из списка задачнакалендарь органайзера, — Фильтровать общийсписокзадачпланировщика по папкам (контекстам) или контактам.—Фильтроватьсобытия в календаре ежедневника по папкам и контактам.—Получатьуведомления о сообщениях в органайзере, новыхзадачах,новыхсотрудниках и с прочей информацией. — Посмотретькакдревовидныйсписок задач планировщика, так и линейныйсписокзадач,отсортированный по порядку, по дате и по приоритету.—Ежедневникподдерживает все популярные методикитайм-менеджмента,например,GTD. Вся информация приложенияежедневникасинхронизируется свеб-версиейонлайн-органайзера и доступна вамс любогоустройства из любойточки мира! Станьте эффективнее вместесTimeMaster! Подробнее оразделах: Рабочий день: На этомэкранеорганайзера Вы можетепросматривать линейный список задач(ToDo) ирасписание на день. Приэтом Вы можете перетягивать задачиизсписка задач (ToDo) нарасписание дня ежедневника. Календарь:Естьдва представлениякалендаря в планировщике - неделя и месяц.Вкаждом представлениикалендаря Вы можете показать все задачиисобытия или можетеотфильтровать задачи и события, показавтолькозадачи и событияопределенного направления деятельности(папки,контекста). Задачи: Вэтом разделе органайзера Вы можетесоздатьсписок всех своих задач,разбить задачи на простые шаги(наподзадачи), т.е. построитьдревовидный список задач.Отнеситезадачи и подзадачи к тем или инымконтекстам (папкам)иликонтактам. После этого Вы можетеотфильтровать общийдревовидныйсписок задач по контекстам иликонтактам. Контексты: Вэтом разделеежедневника Вы можете создаватьдревовидный списокконтекстов.Например, Вы можете создать контекст(папку) для Рабочихзадач иконтекст для Личных задач. Рабочиезадачи могут делитьсянаОсновную работу и дополнительную. Контакты:Этотразделпланировщика Вы можете использовать в качествеконтактнойкнижки.Благодаря этому по каждому человеку Высможетехранитьцентрализовано все телефоны, email и прочуюинформацию,которуюраньше хранили в контактных книжках. И этаинформациябудетдоступна с любого устройства. Кроме того, Вы сможетевестивпланировщике списки задач по контактам, чтобы знать,какиезадачиВы должны выполнить для кого-то (например, начальника),акакиезадачи должны выполнить для Вас. Файлы: Храните ворганайзерефайлыцентрализовано, привязывайте файлы к задачам,храните старыеверсиифайлов. Дневник: С помощью функции дневникежедневника Выможетевести хронометраж своей работы и жизни, т.е.учитывать, начто ушлоВаше время, в какие моменты вы былимаксимальноработоспособны, акогда потратили время впустую. ПричемВы можетевести учет временитаким образом, что указывать, на какуюзадачуушел тот или инойпромежуток времени в дневнике. Врезультате,благодаря хронометражуВы знаете, на какую задачу скольковременипотратили. Можетевносить запись в дневник вручную, а такжевдневник автоматическиделаются записи, когда Вы завершаетезадачиили меняете процентвыполнения задачи. СообщенияПолучайтекомментарии по задачам прямов органайзере, также узнавайтео новыхсотрудниках, об изменениях взадачах (задача поставлена,принята кисполнению, завершена и т.п.)Ежедневник TimeMaster - длятех, ктоценит время!
Day by Day Organizer
Day by Day is a planning applicationdesignedto fully implement Google Calendar and GoogleTasksas all-in-one Android application. With its help you canplan yourfuture schedule using any Android device and this schedulewill beavailable for all your phones and tablets connectedtoInternet.Features:▪ presentation of events and tasks in one list▪ synchronization with Google Calendar and Google Tasks▪ incorporation of your contacts’ birthdays into thecommonlist▪ easy-to-handle agenda and month view▪ text month view, text week view, day view▪ interactive widget on the device desktop▪ configurable widget layout▪ lock screen widget in Android 4.2+ Jelly Bean▪ birthday reminder▪ voice input▪ search functionDemo mode in free version has the following functions(afterdemo mode is over, only in full version):▪ text month widget, week widget - Android 4.1+ supported▪ ability to use different profiles in widgets and the app▪ invitations for events and check of guest list▪ Tasker app is supported. E.g. you can have a task reminder togooff when you come towork.▪ subtasks or todo lists in your events and tasks▪ rich set of options for recurrent task▪ priority in tasks▪ users can share text information from another app with Day byDay,for example, when creating task or event (full versiononly)You will be able to create the events with fixed beginning andend,as well as the events which due to a certain time or whichcould bepostponed, in any case you will be prompted to set areminder whichwill help you keep track on your schedule.This organizer is so simple that no further explanation isactuallyneeded, just download and enjoy!Use our Chrome (Chromium) extension to add tasks andeventsquickly right from your desktop!For more details visit Chrome WebStore: DayByDay team wishes you more interesting events and tasksyouwould love to accomplish with a little help from Day byDay!You can make a translation of the application to your languagehere: can vote for new features or suggest your own onehere: by Day team
Checklist: good habit for life
Plan your day, manage time, complete tasks, set reminders,trackrepeating tasks
Shift Calendar (since 2013)
This app is designed for all hard-workingshiftworkers. You can add customized shifts easily.
The major feature of this App is 'Easy to Use'. Wheneditingyour shifts, you can select a range of days (rather than oneday)to set. Thus, you can set your schedule (roster, planner) infewseconds. Then, you can transmit your schedule to friends (viaSMS,WhatsApp, and so on) by clicking one button. In addition,the'Cloud Shift' function allows you to exchange calendars withyourfriends.If you have any suggestion/question, welcome to send an email tome.E-mail: [email protected]:
(1) If you don't have Menu button on you device, you canopenMenu by clicking the right-top menu.
(2) While editing, youcanselect a range (rather than one day) of days to setsimultaneously.(3) To prevent alarm clock delay, please disable thebatteryoptimization function or add Shift Calendar into whitelistif youwant to use the alarm clock function.
Permission Description:
(1) Storage (Modify or delete the contents of your SD card):Thispermission is used for the Backup/Recover function. You canbackupyour shift data on the SD card.

(2) Run at startup (execute programs after boot completed):Thealarm clock will be restarted automatically after rebooting.Thispermission is required to achieve this goal.
(3) Full network access: This permission is required tosupportCloud Shift function.
(4) Find accounts on the device: This permission is requiredtosupport Cloud Shift function. Shift Calendar will useemailaddresses (Gmail) to identify users. Shift Calendar will NOTknowyour password. Shift Calendar will NOT distribute youremailaddress to any third-party (include your friends).
(5) Read Calendar: The events from Google Calendar will be showninthe Note page.(6) Control Vibration: This is used for the alarmclockfunction.This app is the first app that adopts the design of 'selectingarange of days'. (Since May 15, 2013)
Simple Calendar 3.0.9
simple calendar widget * shows current month and date * widgetsize4x3
Calendar 5.43
Calendar shows the current day, sunrise and sunset,historicalevents and more.
Calendar Widget: Month/Agenda 6.71
Milan Sillik
All in one: agenda widget, calendar widget and built-in alarms
Simple Calendar Widget 3.2.11
Simple calendar widget that shows current month and today's events
Moniusoft Calendar 7.3.2
Moniusoft Calendar helps you manage eventsinyour life.You can create your own notes and set reminders.Your notes are safe on your device. No one has access to yournotesunless you want to share them with your friends.You can use the application even if you don't have access totheInternet.Features:- Creating your own notes.- Repeating events every specified period (days, weeks,months,years).- Setting reminder alarms.- Sharing via various channels (e-mail, SMS, Bluetooth, ...).- Importing and exporting your events to a file.- Customizable appearance. Several predefined themes (light,darkand translucent).- Language selection regardless of the system settings.
Производственный календарь SJ 2.9.12
Calendar Superjob - best navigator work, weekends and holidays!
Shift Work Schedule Calendar 3.2.0
This work schedule app is a calendar widget for people whoworkshifts + Alarms
My Shift Calendar 1.42
This program is work calendar for people which work in shifts.
Simple Calendar 1.0
Maks Welf
Really simple, beautiful,lightweightcalendar.In it there is nothing superfluous: only themostnecessary.Features calendar:- Beautiful design- Tablet support- The minimum amount of advertising- Ability to select year/month/date manually, and see,forexample,what day of the week will have such number- Support for Russian and English language- Work with the entire area of the screen- Ability to switch to Pro Version. For example, ifYouinterferewith advertising, or You want to thankthedeveloper.Please note that different versions of the Android interfacewillbedifferent. To see how the calendar will look like onYourversionAndroid, look at the screenshot that mentions YourversionofAndroid. If You want to buy the Pro Version, You can dosobyclicking in app "Buy Pro". I would be glad if You leavefeedbacktothe program.
BlackBerry Hub+ Calendar 2.2312.3.231204237
View all your events and sync multiple calendars in one app
Ukraine Calendar 2023 3.0.0
Agus Haryanto
Ukraine Calendar with public holidays 2019 - 2023
Calendar Event Reminder 2.54
Milan Sillik
Never miss any event again - replace default calendar"beep"reminders!
XPlanner 1.8.93
Convenient scheduler and electronic service report onAndroiddevices now!
Calendar 2023, agenda 8.2
Stylish and very simple to use agenda displaying your events andreddays.