Top 12 Apps Similar to TREK PIEMONTE

TREK2 PIEMONT Historische Wege zwischenPiemontund der SchweizTrek2 Piemont ist eine kostenlose App, mit der du diebestenHistorischen Wanderwege des Ossolatals zwischen Piemont undderSchweiz immer griffbereit hast: Stockalperweg, Strà Granda,StradaAntronesca, Via dell'Arbola, Via del Gries-Sbrinz, ViadelMercato.Lade dir die App herunter, such dir eine Tour aus und losgeht's!Der Audioguide gibt Informationen über den Weg und dieUmgebung undwenn du das GPS auf deinem Smartphone aktivierst,werden der Weg,die einzelnen Etappen, sowei die wichtigstenSehenswürdigkeiten aufder Karte angezeigt - wie ein richtigerReiseführer und immerdabei!DAS GIBT ES ZU SEHEN:- sehenswerte Naturschönheiten und die wichtigsten Gipfel, wiedieCascata del Toce (Wasserfall), die Schluchten der ValleAntigorio,der Griespass, die Alpe Bettelmatt;- historische Überreste, vom Menschen erschaffene Werke undMuseenreich an Geschichte, wie der Stockalperturm, derSimplon-Adler, derSpiegel von Viganella, das Walser- und Goldmuseumin Macugnaga, derHeilige Berg Calvario in Domodossola -UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe;- die besten Adressen in deiner Nähe, zum Essen undÜbernachten:Hütten, Biwaks, Agriturismen, kleine Hotels,Campingplätze,B&Bs, Restaurants mit lokaler Küche und Läden fürtypischeProdukte.Die mobile App kann auch offline verwendet werden: dubrauchstalso nicht unbedingt immer eine Internetverbindung, umalleAngebote des Ossolatals und des Piemonts nutzen zu können.Trek2 PIEDMONTHistoricalroutes between Piedmont and SwitzerlandTrek2 Piedmont is a free app that lets you have theOssolabetween Piedmont and Switzerland, the best historical trailsathand: Stockalperweg, Stra Granda, Strada Antronesca,dell'ArbolaVia, Via del Gries sbrinz, Via del Mercato.Download the app down, examined you a tour and let's go!Theaudio guide provides information about the path and theenvironmentand if you activate the GPS on your smartphone, the waythe stagesare sowei the main attractions on the map - like a realguide andalways with you!THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE:- Picturesque natural beauty and the main peaks as the CascatadelToce (waterfall), the gorges of Valle Antigorio the Gries Pass,theAlpe Bettelmatt;- Historical remains, man-made works and museums rich in history,asthe light sleepers, the Simplon eagle, the levels of Viganella,theWalser and Gold Museum in Macugnaga, the Holy Mount CalvarioinDomodossola - UNESCO World Heritage Site;- The best places near you, to eat and sleep: huts, bivouacs,farmhouses, small hotels, campgrounds, B & Bs, restaurantswithlocal cuisine and shops for local products.The mobile app can also be used offline: so you do notalwayshave an Internet connection in order to use all thefacilities ofthe Ossola Valley and the Piedmont can.
The free SwitzerlandMobility app is theperfectapp for anybody who is out and about in Switzerland:- maps of Switzerland from swisstopo up to a scale of 1:25,000(thebest)- 32,000 km signposted non-motorized routes (national, regionalandlocal)- complete network of signposted hiking trails (60,000 km)- 25,000 public transportation stops linked to the timetable oftheSwiss Federal Railways (planning a tour with publictransportationwas never easier)- information on 4,500 points of interest on the way, suchasovernight accommodations, bicycle service stations, etc.positioning system and compass function (you always know whereyouare)With SwitzerlandMobility Plus you can additionally- download and store swisstopo maps to be used in areaswithoutnetwork coverage (no more problems with dead zones)- download and store tours you designed, includingelevationprofile, hiking time, distance and altitude (separatelyandeasily)Please note:- The app requires network coverage (useable withoutnetworkcoverage with SwitzerlandMobility Plus).- No tours can be entered with the app.Constant use of the GPS may considerably reduce the lengthofbattery life.Requires a screen resolution of min. 480x320 pixels (HVGA)andmultitouch. Unfortunately, the Samsung GT-S6102 or GT-S5570,amongothers, does not fulfill this requirement.
Hiking Map Switzerland 1.1
Daniel Tekel
The application contains anofflinetopographical map of Switzerland with existing hikingtrails,peaks, elevation contours, tourist sites, and so on.Theapplication can record your trek and then show it on themap,calculating the statistics and rendering the elevationprofiles.Your recorded trails can be also easily exported to GPXand KMLformat. The map scale is 1 : 35,000.Application features:- shows your current position on the map,- searches locations on the map,- shows current coordinates, elevation, and accuracy of GPS,- records your track (also while running in background),- calculates your recorded track statistics (distancecovered,duration, elevation gain, speed, ...),- renders elevation profiles,- exports your recorded track into GPX or KML file (file iseithersaved on memory card or sent by email),- adjusts GPS accuracy (lower accuracy settings extend thebatterylife).The map in this application was generated using data fromtheOpenStreetMaps project. This data is licensed under(c)OpenStreetMap contributors. The map tiles and design islicensedunder (c) Daniel Tekel.]Important warning: Do not substitute the application map fortheofficial hiking maps in your area. The application mapcurrentlycovers approximately 90% of the existing trails. Theauthor of thisapplication assumes no responsibility for any mapinaccuracies.
Map of Switzerland 1.22
This application turns your Android device into a GPS navigatorwithoffline maps.You can search easily locations in Switzerland and you can addthemto your route.Discover interesting places near you: accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas, theatres, auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sport areas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest cities inSwitzerland:Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne, Bern, Lucerne,Winterthur, St.Gallen, Lugano, Biel and others.How do I use maps on my SD Card?Go to General settings->Data storage folder and choose afolderon extSdCard.Starting Android version 4.4.x Android has changed the rules sothatno application can write to the external SD card anywhereoutsideits new standard folder Android/data/[PACKAGE-NAME].So you can only place the data in the standard SDfolder:(extSdCard)/Android/data/com.navigatorpro.gpsThis application is based on Osmand project under the GNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Wanderapp 2.31
Wanderapp is a multimedia-tourguidewithtopomaps for Switzerland and the european alpine region.Wanderappisdesigned for the application at hiking, themetrails,geocaching,mountainbiking, cycling, snow trail tours, skitours,site seeingtours etc.Runs on:All Android-Phones from version 2.1.Features:- Free storage of high quality SwissTopo maps onmobilephone.Offline using.- All routes, POI's and maps can be saved on the phone (incasethereis no phone connection on the way).- Tours by QR code on mobile phone loaded.- Original, free Topo maps from scale 1:25'000forSwitzerland,Germany and Austria.- Openstreetmaps and Opencyclemaps for worldwide use.- Complete footpath, cycling and further networks tooverlaythemaps. Examples: footpath network Switzerland,cyclingnetworkSwitzerland and South Germany, ....- Integrated tour-guide with over 7500 professional createdroutesinthe field of hiking, theme trails, cycling, mountainbike,skitours,snow trail tours, transalp etc.- Over 250'000 Points of interests, likehotels,museums,sights.- Routing via leisure-path networks e.g. from point A to pointBviafootpaht network.- Free text search in all databases (for ex.mountainnames,locations, addresses, etc) and alignment oft he maponthesepoints.- Recording of your own routes and waypoints and saving themonthephone or on User guidance: without initial effort or previousknowledgeeasilyoperated.Attention:If the App is moved to the background, theGPS-receivingcontinues.This can quickly discharge the battery.
Swiss parks 1.9.13
In the “Swiss Parks” App, you will find the best hikingtrails,biking and e-bike routes as well as many ideas for familyoutings.The app also gives numerous ideas for winter, such assnowshoetrails, winter hikes, sledge runs or ice rinks. On top ofthat,users will enjoy an overview of the Swiss parks, their naturalandcultural highlights as well as original cooking recipeswithvarious local and regional specialities from the parks. Allmapsare based on official Swiss maps. In remote areas, it ispossibleto use the itineraries offline (with no network connection)- justdownload the desired route beforehand. All the activities canbeaccessed by public transportation. Parks are the mostoriginalnatural and cultural landscapes in Switzerland. They are toa largeextent intact, variegated and dynamic and they are eithernaturalhabitats or those designed in harmony with nature by humans.Thepopulation of the park communities are proud of theirexceptionallynatural and cultural heritage. They have undertaken tomaintain itand to use it with respect. Your mobile guide to theparksincludes: - Park portraits 
- Best hikes
 - Best bike ande-biketours 
- Top natural and cultural points of interest - Winterandsummer family activities - Best winter hikes and snowshoe hikes
-Tips for accommodation and meals
 - Swiss parks’ recipes

Swiss Pro Map 6.1.0
Garzotto GmbH
Offline maps and essential functions for mountain sports,hiking,aviation, etc.
Switzerland Travel & Explore O 2.0.6
Explore places, nature, routes, map & cuisine fromSwitzerlandTravel Guide!
Wanderführer Europa 3.0
Die bewährten WanderführerdesOutdoor-Spezialisten BRUCKMANN – jetzt in einer App!+++ Sommer Special: Reduzierter Preis bei allen InApp Käufen!-je nur EUR 2,99 +++• Touren in 96 Regionen Europas• Jeweils zwischen 30 bis 100 Touren pro Region• Von der Familienwanderung bis zur mehrtägigen ÜberschreitungvonHütte zu Hütte• Einfache Bedienung der AppTOPOGRAPHISCHE KARTEN, OFFLINE NUTZBAR:• Topographisches Kartenmaterial von Kompass und OSM• Die Karten sind 100% offline nutzbar (nacherstmaligemDownload)• GPS-Tracks exportierbar zu jeder Tour sowieaktuellePositionsbestimmungERST TESTEN, DANN KAUFEN:• Nach Erstinstallation sind 60 Beispiel-Touren mit an Bord.WeitereTouren gibt es per In-App Kauf.• Jedes InApp-Tourenpaket enthält 30 - 100 Touren und kann vordemKauf geprüft werden.• So geht's: Alle Touren auf Karte > Filter >gewünschtesPaket auswählen > Filtern:• Zu sehen ist eine Vorschau mit Tourname, Hm, DistanzundAusgangspunkt Position auf KarteALLE TOUREN VON UNSEREN WANDEREXPERTEN:• Alle Touren wurden von unseren Wander-Autoren vorOrtgeprüft.• Komfortabel: Die App lotst Sie bequem via Google MapsNavigationzum Ausgangspunkt der Tour.NOCH OFFENE FRAGEN?Kontaktieren Sie unseren App-Support: [email protected] TOUREN-REGIONEN IM ÜBERBLICK:Wandern im oder Wandern in (den) Allgäu, Alpe-Adria Trail,Alpen,Ammergau, Bayern, Bayerische Hausberge, Berchtesgaden,Berlin,Berner Oberland, Bodensee, Brandenburg, Bregenzerwald,Chiemgau,Chiemsee, Cinque Terre, Comer See, Cortina, Dolomiten,Eifel,Elbsandstein-Gebirge, Elsass, Engadin, Erzgebirge,Fichtelgebirge,Frankenwald, Fränkische Schweiz, Gardasee, Garmisch,Goldsteig,Golf von Neapel, Gran Canaria, Graubünden, Harz,Isarwinkel, Jura,Kaisergebirge, Karwendel, Kitzbühel, Korsika,Kufstein, La Gomera,La Palma, Lago Maggiore, Lechtal, Ligurien,Luganer See, Madeira,Mallorca, Maximiliansweg, Meran, Norwegen,NRW, Nürnberg,Oberallgäu, Oberbayern, Oberwallis, Odenwald,Osttirol, Pfalz,Rennsteig, Rheinsteig, Rhön, Rothaarsteig, Rügen,Ruhpolding,Ruhrgebiet, Schwäbische Alb, Schwarzwald, Seealpen,Sizilien,Slowenien, Sölden, Spanischer Jakobsweg, Schottland,Spessart,Straßburg, Südtirol, Taunus, Tegernsee, Tessin, Toskana,Umbrien,Usedom, Vintschgau, von Hütte zu Hütte, Wallis,Wetterstein,Zillertal, ZugspitzeThe proven hikingtheoutdoor specialist BRUCKMANN - now in one app!+++ Summer special: Reduced price for all InApp purchases!-Depending only EUR 2.99 +++• tours in 96 regions of Europe• Between each 30 to 100 trips per Region• From family walks to multi-day overrun from hut to hut• Ease of use of the appTopographic maps, used offline:• Topographic maps of compass and OSM• The cards are 100% offline accessible (afterinitialdownload)• GPS Tracks exportable to every tour and current positioningTry before you buy:• After initial installation 60 Example tours on board. Othertoursare via in-app purchase.• Each InApp tour package includes 30-100 tours and can betestedbefore buying.• How it works: All tours Map> Filters> desiredpacketfilter> filters:• You can see a preview with Tour name, Hm, distance andstartingpoint location on mapALL TOURS OF OUR HIKING EXPERTS:• All tours were tested by our hiking-authors on site.• Comfortable: The app guides you conveniently via GoogleMapsNavigation to the starting point of the tour.Outstanding issues?Please contact our App Support: [email protected] TOURS REGIONS AT A GLANCE:Hiking in or walking in (the) Allgäu, Alpe-Adria Trail,Alpine,Ammergau, Bavaria, Bavarian local mountains, Berchtesgaden,Berlin,Bernese Oberland, Lake Constance, Brandenburg, BregenzForest,Chiemgau, Chiemsee, Cinque Terre, Lake Como, Cortina,Dolomites ,Eifel, Elbsandstein Mountains, Alsace, Engadin,Erzgebirge,Fichtelgebirge, Franconian Forest, FranconianSwitzerland, LakeGarda, Garmisch, Goldsteig, Gulf of Naples, GrandCanary,Graubünden, resin Isarwinkel, Jura, Kaiser Mountains,Karwendel,Kitzbühel, Corsica, Kufstein , La Gomera, La Palma, LakeMaggiore,Lech Valley, Liguria, Lake Lugano, Madeira,Mallorca,Maximiliansweg, Meran, Norway, NRW, Nuremberg, Oberallgäu,UpperBavaria, Upper Valais, Odenwald, East Tyrol, Pfalz,Rennsteig,Rheinsteig, Rhoen, Rothaarsteig , Rügen, Ruhpolding, Ruhrarea,Swabian Alb, the Black Forest, Alps, Sicily, Slovenia,Sölden,Spanish Way of St. James, Scotland, Spessart, Strasbourg,SouthTyrol, Taunus, Tegernsee, Ticino, Tuscany, Umbria,Usedom,Vintschgau, from hut to hut, Wallis, Wetterstein,Zillertal,Zugspitze
SWISSVIEW App for SmartphoneSwitzerland as you have never seen it before.

Quick andeasydownload of the spectacular helicopter recordings by SWISSVIEWtoyour Smartphone. More than 1,600 films include all of theregionsof Switzerland. The integrated map and search function helpsyouwith your orientation.You additionally get interesting information as well asdetailedsubtitles of the respective area overflown.Your favorite movies, you can collect in a favorites list.If you want to download your films in HD quality and be abletowatch them without being connected to the Internet, you cantakeout a year’s subscription for CHF 10.00.
Offer and features:» All regions of Switzerland in more than 1,600 films» Filter for regions, categories, bestsellers» Search function facilitates finding the desired films» Interactive map of Switzerland (Google Maps)» Interesting information on each film» Detailed subtitles for all films (can be deactivated)» Download function with subscription» GPS positioning» HTTP streaming» Recordings from 1997–2006 in standard definition (SD)» Recordings as of 2007 in high definition (HD)» Film length: approx. 3 minutesPrice: 1 year-subscription CHF 10.00Keywords: Switzerland | Swiss | Alps | Nature | Matterhorn|Lucerne | City | Hiking | Panorama | Outdoor | Zurich
Outdoor Schwyz 3.9.3
The comprehensive outdoor experience app for the canton of Schwyz.