voxinzebox Apps

Destination Rennes (EN) 1.02
Official application Destination Rennes -Tourism Office performed by Vox Inzebox / Zevisit.Visit Rennes by taking advantage of the audio guides includingexpert interviews, scripting, archives, and sound effects. 8 keysteps of the city to discover the capital of Brittany. Degemer matda Roazon. Welcome to Rennes.
TREK PIEMONT Grenzübergreifende Wege zwischenPiemont und der SchweizTrek Piemont ist eine kostenlose App, mit der du die bestenWanderwege des Ossolatals zwischen Piemont und der Schweiz immergriffbereit hast: das Simplon-Fletschhorn-Trekking, dieMineralientour, die Andolla-Tour.Lade dir die App herunter, such dir eine Tour aus und losgeht's! Der Audioguide gibt Informationen über den Weg und dieUmgebung und wenn du das GPS auf deinem Smartphone aktivierst,werden der Weg, die einzelnen Etappen, sowei die wichtigstenSehenswürdigkeiten auf der Karte angezeigt - wie ein richtigerReiseführer und immer dabei!DAS GIBT ES ZU SEHEN:- sehenswerte Naturschönheiten und die wichtigsten Gipfel, wie dieTöpfe der Riesen von Gondo und der Simplon-Adler, einzigartigeMineralien und Kristalle, der Simplonpass und der Pizzod'Andolla;- historische Überreste, vom Menschen erschaffene Werke und Museenreich an Geschichte, wie die Walserhäuser, der Heilige BergCalvario in Domodossola - UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe - und das Ecomuseumin Simplon Dorf;- die besten Adressen in deiner Nähe, zum Essen und Übernachten:Hütten, Biwaks, Agriturismen, kleine Hotels, Campingplätze,B&Bs, Restaurants mit lokaler Küche und Läden für typischeProdukte.Die mobile App kann auch offline verwendet werden: du brauchstalso nicht unbedingt immer eine Internetverbindung, um alleAngebote des Ossolatals und des Piemonts nutzen zu können.TREK PIEDMONTCross-border routes between Piedmont and SwitzerlandTrek Piedmont is a free app that lets you have the best hikingtrails between the Ossola Piedmont and Switzerland at hand: theSimplon Fletschhorn trekking, tour the minerals that Andollatour.Download the app down, examined you a tour and let's go! Theaudio guide provides information about the path and the environmentand if you activate the GPS on your smartphone, the way the stagesare sowei the main attractions on the map - like a real guide andalways with you!THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE:- Picturesque natural beauty and the main peaks as the pots of thegiants of Gondo and the Simplon eagle, unique crystals andminerals, the Simplon pass and the Pizzo d'Andolla;- Historical remains, man-made rich in art and history museums,such as the Walser houses, the Holy Mount Calvario in Domodossola -UNESCO World Heritage Site - and the Eco Museum in Simplonvillage;- The best places near you, to eat and sleep: huts, bivouacs, farmhouses, small hotels, campgrounds, B & Bs, restaurants withlocal cuisine and shops for local products.The mobile app can also be used offline: so you do not alwayshave an Internet connection in order to use all the facilities ofthe Ossola Valley and the Piedmont can.
TREK2 PIEMONT Historische Wege zwischenPiemont und der SchweizTrek2 Piemont ist eine kostenlose App, mit der du die bestenHistorischen Wanderwege des Ossolatals zwischen Piemont und derSchweiz immer griffbereit hast: Stockalperweg, Strà Granda, StradaAntronesca, Via dell'Arbola, Via del Gries-Sbrinz, Via delMercato.Lade dir die App herunter, such dir eine Tour aus und losgeht's! Der Audioguide gibt Informationen über den Weg und dieUmgebung und wenn du das GPS auf deinem Smartphone aktivierst,werden der Weg, die einzelnen Etappen, sowei die wichtigstenSehenswürdigkeiten auf der Karte angezeigt - wie ein richtigerReiseführer und immer dabei!DAS GIBT ES ZU SEHEN:- sehenswerte Naturschönheiten und die wichtigsten Gipfel, wie dieCascata del Toce (Wasserfall), die Schluchten der Valle Antigorio,der Griespass, die Alpe Bettelmatt;- historische Überreste, vom Menschen erschaffene Werke und Museenreich an Geschichte, wie der Stockalperturm, der Simplon-Adler, derSpiegel von Viganella, das Walser- und Goldmuseum in Macugnaga, derHeilige Berg Calvario in Domodossola - UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe;- die besten Adressen in deiner Nähe, zum Essen und Übernachten:Hütten, Biwaks, Agriturismen, kleine Hotels, Campingplätze,B&Bs, Restaurants mit lokaler Küche und Läden für typischeProdukte.Die mobile App kann auch offline verwendet werden: du brauchstalso nicht unbedingt immer eine Internetverbindung, um alleAngebote des Ossolatals und des Piemonts nutzen zu können.Trek2 PIEDMONT Historicalroutes between Piedmont and SwitzerlandTrek2 Piedmont is a free app that lets you have the Ossolabetween Piedmont and Switzerland, the best historical trails athand: Stockalperweg, Stra Granda, Strada Antronesca, dell'ArbolaVia, Via del Gries sbrinz, Via del Mercato.Download the app down, examined you a tour and let's go! Theaudio guide provides information about the path and the environmentand if you activate the GPS on your smartphone, the way the stagesare sowei the main attractions on the map - like a real guide andalways with you!THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE:- Picturesque natural beauty and the main peaks as the Cascata delToce (waterfall), the gorges of Valle Antigorio the Gries Pass, theAlpe Bettelmatt;- Historical remains, man-made works and museums rich in history,as the light sleepers, the Simplon eagle, the levels of Viganella,the Walser and Gold Museum in Macugnaga, the Holy Mount Calvario inDomodossola - UNESCO World Heritage Site;- The best places near you, to eat and sleep: huts, bivouacs, farmhouses, small hotels, campgrounds, B & Bs, restaurants withlocal cuisine and shops for local products.The mobile app can also be used offline: so you do not alwayshave an Internet connection in order to use all the facilities ofthe Ossola Valley and the Piedmont can.
Mont Sainte-Odile 1.0
The spiritual roots of Alsace are here, at 763metres above sea level, on this mountain that can be seen from theentire plain : Mont Sainte Odile.On this rock, history, religion, culture, and nature cometogether in sometimes unexpected ways.Thousands of pilgrims and visitors come here each year.Access audio guides lasting 2 to 3 minutes. Listen to expertsand people connected with this place, discover through interviewsthat tell the history and stories of this sanctuary dedicated sincethe 8th century to the patron saint of Alsace, Saint Odile.
Destino Rennes 1.02
Aplicación oficial de Destino Rennes - Oficinade Turismo realizada por Vox inzebox / Zevisit.Visite Rennes aprovechando las guías de audio, que incluyenentrevistas con expertos, escenarios y efectos de sonido. 8 etapasclave de la ciudad para descubrir la capital de Bretaña. Degemermat da Roazon. Bienvenido a Rennes.Official application ofRennes destination - Tourist Office by Vox inzebox / Zevisit.Visit Rennes leveraging audio guides, including interviews withexperts, scenarios and sound effects. Eight key stages of the cityto discover the capital of Brittany. Degemer mat gives Roazon.Welcome to Rennes.
Route de la Dombes dans l'Ain 1.1
A deux pas de Bourg-en-Bresse et de Lyon,entre Rhône et Saône, les Alpes et le Beaujolais en fond, la Dombesvous offre un spectacle fantastique reflété par plus de milleétangs. La Dombes est un territoire de découverte et un magnifiqueterrain de détente et de retrouvailles en famille où vous pourrezadmirer les pêches d'étang aux aurores avant de profiter d'unebalade à cheval ou en calèche tirée par des chevaux dombistes. Vouspourrez également vous y arrêter pour déguster ses carpes cuisinéespar bon nombre de cuisiniers.La route de la Dombes sur Android vous permet de découvrir dixsites incontournables, sous forme d'une balade audio à découvrir àvotre rythme. Profitant de fonctionnalités de géolocalisation et deréalité augmentée, vous ne serez jamais perdu.Le guide audio vous transporte de la Tour du Plantay aux bordsdes étangs à Saint-Nizier-le-Désert, vous invite à une enquêtegourmande à Joyeux, vous offre la découverte du plus grand étang dela Dombes à Birieux, vous fait découvrir le fonctionnement desétangs à Lapeyrouse, vous dit tout sur la pisciculture àDompierre-sur-Veyle, vous ouvre les portes de l'une des églises lesplus remarquables de la Dombes à Saint-Paul-de-Varax, vous dévoileles secrets du château de Bouligneux et de l'ancien château féodald'Ambérieux-les-Dombes.
Forteresse de Chinon 1.0
L'application "guide de visite multimédia" dela forteresse royale de Chinon vous propose des parcours de visiteaménagés qui rendent ce monument accessible à tous, familles etpublics empêchés.Des films, des jeux, des reconstitutions 3D, des bonus... vouspermettent d'en savoir plus sur la forteresse et de revivre lesscènes mythiques de l'histoire de France qui s'y sontdéroulées.Les publics empêchés y trouveront des visites adaptées à chaquehandicap : moteur, visuel, auditif et mental.The application"multimedia tour guide" of the royal fortress of Chinon offerstrail paths that make this monument accessible to all families andpublic prevented.Movies, games, 3D reconstructions, bonus ... allow you to learnmore about the fortress and relive the mythical scenes from thehistory of France which took place there.Prevented public will find tours tailored to each disability:motor, visual, auditory and mental.
Clermont Fontaines 1.2
Application officielle de l’Office de Tourismeet des Congrès de Clermont-Ferrand.Visitez Clermont-Ferrand en découvrant ses fontaines et écoutezl'histoire de la ville au travers de 30 étapes audio.Official application ofthe Office of Tourism and Congress of Clermont-Ferrand.Visit Clermont-Ferrand uncovering fountains and listen to thehistory of the city through 30 audio stages.
Provence Gallery - Italiano 1.2
E se tu vedessi la regione Provenza-Alpi-CostaAzzurra attraverso gli occhi dei gradi pittori? Camminare nei postidi Cezanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Monet o Braque e scoprire sotto unaltro angolo i luoghi mitici della pittura del XIX e XX secolo,grazie alla Gallery PACA. Vera accompagnatrice del tuo soggiorno inProvenza Alpi Costa Azzurra, l'applicazione Gallery PACA tiavvertirà ogni volta che starai nei pressi di un paesaggio che haispirato i più grandi artisti. Potrai ascoltare la storia delquadro zoomando nelle riproduzioni, troverai inoltre aneddoti suipittori e la regione... E se senti l'ispirazione artistica, perchénon partecipare al concorso “Uguaglia i pittori” che vi permette dipostare le vostre personali interpretazioni dei paesaggi? Magaripotrai vincere un soggiorno per 2 persone in Provenza Alpi CostaAzzurra. Gallery PACA è un'applicazione ufficiale del ComitatoRegionale del Turismo Provenza Alpi Costa Azzurra.And if you saw the regionProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur through the eyes of painters degrees?Walking in positions of Cezanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Monet andBraque and discover another corner under the mythical places of thepainting of the nineteenth and twentieth century, thanks to theGallery PACA. True companion of your stay in Provence Alps FrenchRiviera, the application will warn Gallery PACA every time you'renear a landscape that has inspired the greatest artists. You willhear the story of the picture zooming in reproductions, you willalso find anecdotes about artists and the region ... And if youfeel artistic inspiration, why not participate in the "Matchespainters" that allows you to post your personal interpretations oflandscapes? Maybe you could win a holiday for 2 people inProvence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Gallery PACA is an official RegionalTourism Committee Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur.
TREK PIÉMONT Routes transfrontalièresPiémont-SuisseTrek Piémont est l’application gratuite que met entre vos mainsles itinéraires des excursions des Routes Historiques des valléesdell'Ossola, à la frontière du Piémont et de la Suisse : Le trek deSimplon Fletschhorn , la Tour des minéraux et la Tourd’Andolla.Téléchargez l’application, choisissez une ballade et partez ! Unaudioguide vous raconte le chemin et le parcours à suivre; enactivant le GPS sur votre smartphone , vous pouvez visualiserl’itinéraire sur la carte, une étape en particulier et les pointsd’intérêts qui sont les plus proches , comme avec un vrai guidetouristique personnalisé à portée de main.CE QUE VOUS POUVEZ Y TROUVER :- Des attractions naturelles qui méritent le détour et lessommets les plus connues comme par exemple les marmites des génatsde Gondo, l’aigle de Sempion, des minéraux et les cristaux uniqueset insolites, le col du Simplon ou la dentelle d’Andolla;- Des lieux historiques , fruits de la civilisation et des muséeshistoriques comme ceux du gîte de Walser, le Calvaire du Mont sacréde Domodossola , classé au patrimoine mondial de l’ UNESCO , etl'Ecomusée de Simplon Dorf;- Les meilleurs endroits du coin pour manger et pour séjourner :les refuges ,les campings, les logements éco responsables ,lespetits hôtels, chambres d'hôtes, les restaurants pittoresques etles magasins de produits typiques.L’application mobile est aussi utilisable hors ligne: vousn’aurez plus besoin d’avoir une connexion internet toujours àdisposition pour profiter pleinement des merveilles que les Valléesd’Ossola et le Piémont ont a vous offrir.TREK PIEDMONT borderroads Piedmont, SwitzerlandTrek Piedmont is the free application that puts your handsroutes trips Historic Routes dell'Ossola valleys on the border ofPiedmont and Switzerland: The trek Fletschhorn Simplon, the mineralTour and Tour of Andolla.Download the app, choose a ballad and Go! An audio guide tellsyou the path and the path to follow, by activating the GPS on yoursmartphone, you can view the route on the map, a particular stepand interest points that are closer, like a real personalized handyguidebook. WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions worth a visit and the best known exampleof pots génats Gondo tops, eagle Sempion, minerals and unique andunusual crystals, the Simplon or the Andolla lace;- Historical sites, fruits of civilization and historical museumslike the cottage Walser, the sacred Mount Calvary Domodossola, aWorld Heritage Site by UNESCO, and the Living Museum of SimplonDorf;- The best from local places to eat and stay: shelters, campsites,eco housing officials, small hotels, guest houses, quaintrestaurants and shops of typical products.The mobile application can also be used offline: you will notneed to have an internet connection always on hand to enjoy thewonders of the Ossola Valleys and Piedmont have to offer you.
TREK2 PIEMONTE Vie Storiche Piemonte-SvizzeraTrek2 Piemonte è l'app gratuita che mette nelle tue mani gliitinerari escursionistici sulle Vie Storiche delle Vallidell'Ossola, al confine tra Piemonte e Svizzera: Via Stockalper,Strà Granda, Strada Antronesca, Via dell'Arbola, Via delGries-Sbrinz, Via del Mercato.Scarica l'app, scegli un tour e parti! Un’audioguida ti raccontail percorso e il territorio circostante; attivando il dispositivoGPS del tuo smartphone puoi visualizzare sulla mappa l'itinerario,le singole tappe e i punti di interesse più vicini a te, come unavera e propria guida turistica a portata di mano.COSA PUOI TROVARE:- attrazioni naturali che meritano di essere visitate e le cime piùfamose, come la cascata del Toce, gli Orridi della Valle Antigorio,il Passo del Gries, l'Alpe Bettelmatt;- reperti storici, opere dell'uomo e musei ricchi di storia tra cuila Torre Stockalper, l'aquila del Sempione, lo specchio diViganella, il Museo Walser e dell'Oro di Macugnaga, il Sacro MonteCalvario di Domodossola - patrimonio UNESCO;- i migliori posti vicino a te dove mangiare e pernottare: rifugi,bivacchi, agriturismi, piccoli alberghi, campeggi, b&b,ristoranti caratteristici e i punti vendita di prodotti tipici.L’app mobile è navigabile anche in modalità offline: non dovraiquindi preoccuparti di avere una connessione internet sempre a tuadisposizione per poter sfruttare tutto quello che le Vallidell'Ossola e il Piemonte hanno da offrirti.TREK2 PIEDMONT PiedmontHistorical Routes-SwitzerlandTrek2 Piedmont is the free app that puts in your hands thehiking trails on the Historical Roads of Ossola Valley, on theborder between Piedmont and Switzerland: Via Stockalper StraGranda, Road Antrona, dell'Arbola Via, Via del Gries-Chees , MarketStreet.Download the app, choose a tour and go! An audio guide tells youabout the location and surrounding area, activating the GPS deviceon your smartphone, you can see on the map the route, theindividual stages and points of interest closest to you, as a realtour guide at your fingertips .WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions that deserve to be visited and most famouspeaks, such as the Toce waterfall, the gorges of the ValleyAntigorio, the Gries Pass, Alpe Bettelmatt;- Historical artifacts, works of man and historical museumsincluding the Tower Stockalper, the eagle of the Simplon, themirror of Viganella, the Walser Museum and Gold of Macugnaga, theSacro Monte Calvario in Domodossola - UNESCO World HeritageSite;- The best places around you to eat and spend the night shelters,camps, cottages, small hotels, campgrounds, bed & breakfasts,quaint restaurants and shops of typical products.The mobile app is navigable even in offline mode so you will nothave to worry about having an internet connection at your disposalto take advantage of all that the Ossola Valley and Piedmont haveto offer.
TREK2 PIÉMONT Routes historiquesPiémont-SuisseTrek2 Piémont est l’application gratuite que met entre vos mainsles itinéraires des excursions des Routes Historiques des valléesdell'Ossola, à la frontière du Piémont et de la Suisse : la routeStockalper, la Strà Granda, la Rue Antronesca, la route del’Arbola, ou celle de Gries-Sbrinz et du Marché.Téléchargez l’application, choisissez une ballade et partez ! Unaudioguide vous raconte le chemin et le parcours à suivre; enactivant le GPS sur votre smartphone , vous pouvez visualiserl’itinéraire sur la carte, une étape en particulier et les pointsd’intérêts qui sont les plus proches , comme avec un vrai guidetouristique personnalisé à portée de main.CE QUE VOUS POUVEZ Y TROUVER :- Des attractions naturelles qui méritent le détour et les sommetsles plus connues comme par exemple la cascade del Toce, les orridide la Valle d’Antigorio, le chemin de Gries ou encore l'AlpeBettelmatt;- Des lieux historiques , fruits de la civilisation et des muséeshistoriques comme ceux de la Tour de Stockalper, de l’aigle duSempion, du miroir de Viganella, le Musée Walser mais aussi celuide l’or de Macugnaga et le Calvaire du Mont sacré de Domodossola -classé au patrimoine mondial de l’ UNESCO;- Les meilleurs endroits du coin pour manger et pour séjourner :les refuges ,les campings, les logements éco responsables ,lespetits hôtels, chambres d'hôtes, les restaurants pittoresques etles magasins de produits typiques.L’application mobile est aussi utilisable hors ligne: vous n’aurezplus besoin d’avoir une connexion internet toujours à dispositionpour profiter pleinement des merveilles que les Vallées d’Ossola etle Piémont ont a vous offrir.TREK2 PIEDMONT PiedmontRoad historical and SwitzerlandTrek2 Piedmont is the free application that puts your handsroutes trips Historic Routes dell'Ossola valleys on the border ofPiedmont and Switzerland: the road Stockalper the Stra GrandaAntronesca Street, Road the Arbola or that of Gries-Sbrinz andMarket.Download the app, choose a ballad and Go! An audio guide tellsyou the path and the path to follow, by activating the GPS on yoursmartphone, you can view the route on the map, a particular stepand interest points that are closer, like a real personalized handyguidebook. WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions worth a visit and the best-known such as thewaterfall del Toce, the orridi the Valle d'Antigorio path Gries orAlpe Bettelmatt summits;- Historical sites, fruits of civilization and historical museumssuch as the Tower of Stockalper the eagle Sempion, the mirrorViganella the Walser Museum but also the gold Macugnaga and MountCalvary Sacred Domodossola - World Heritage of UNESCO;- The best from local places to eat and stay: shelters, campsites,eco housing officials, small hotels, guest houses, quaintrestaurants and shops of typical products.The mobile application can also be used offline: you will not needto have an internet connection always on hand to enjoy the wondersof the Ossola Valleys and Piedmont have to offer you.
La Sarthe 1.0
Bienvenue dans la Sarthe !Découvrez la Sarthe "nature" à vélo, sur l'eau, dans les jardins oudans les bois.Découvrez la Sarthe "hors des sentiers battus" lors de vacanceschics, de voyage d'affaires ou au travers de visites d'entreprisessarthoises.Découvrez la Sarthe de la "culture et du patrimoine" au travers deses festivals, musées, abbaye et artisanat d'art mais aussi en vouspromenant au Mans ou dans les cités de caractère dudépartement.Découvrez également la Sarthe "en famille".La Sarthe est aussi un territoire qui fait la part belle aux sens :expérimentez les activités extrêmes, les sports mécaniques maisgoûtez aussi aux plaisirs du zen et de la gastronomiesarthoise.La Sarthe vous réserve de nombreuses surprises. Découvrez tous lesbons plans pour préparer votre séjour avec ce magazine spécial.Ce magazine vous est proposé par l'Agence départementale dedéveloppement économique et touristique de la Sarthe.Welcome Sarthe!Discover Sarthe "nature" bike on the water, in the gardens or inthe woods.Discover Sarthe "off the beaten path" in chic holiday, businesstrip or through company visits and Sarthe.Discover Sarthe "culture and heritage" through its festivals,museums, abbey and craftsmanship, but also walking in Le Mans or inthe cities of the character department.Discover also the Sarthe "family".Sarthe is also an area that is heavily loaded with meaning:Experience the extreme sports, motor sports, but also taste thepleasures of Zen and the Sarthe gastronomy.Sarthe you many surprises. Discover all the tips to prepare yourstay with this special magazine.This magazine is offered by the Departmental Agency for Economicand Tourism Development Sarthe.
Gallery PACA 2.0
Et si vous voyiez la région Provence AlpesCôte d'Azur à travers les yeux des plus grands peintres ?Marchez dans les pas de Cézanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Monet ou Braqueet découvrez sous un autre angles les lieux mythiques de lapeinture du XIXeme et Xxème siècle, grâce à Gallery PACA.Véritable compagnon de votre séjour en Provence Alpes Côted'Azur l'application Gallery PACA vous préviendra lorque vouspassez près d'un paysage qui a inspiré les plus grandsartistes.Vous pourrez écouter l'histoire du tableau tout en zoomantdans les reproductions, trouver des anecdotes sur les peintres etla région...Et si vous vous sentez une âme d'artiste, pourquoi ne pasparticiper au concours "Egalez les peintres" qui vous permet deposter vos propres interprétation des paysages ? Qui sait, vouspourriez peut-être gagner un séjour pour 2 personnes en ProvenceAlpes Côte d'Azur ?Gallery PACA est une application officielle du Comité Régionaldu Tourisme Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.And if you saw theProvence Alpes Côte d'Azur through the eyes of the greatestpainters?Walk in the footsteps of Cézanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Monet, Braqueand discover a different angle mythical places of the painting ofthe XIX and XX century, with PACA Gallery.True companion of your stay in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur PACAGallery application will notify you lorque you pass by a landscapethat has inspired the greatest artistes.Vous can listen to thehistory of painting while zooming in reproductions, find anecdotesabout the artists and the region ...And if you feel the soul of an artist, why not participate in thecontest "Egalez painters" that allows you to post your owninterpretation of the landscape? Who knows, you may be able to wina trip for 2 persons in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur?PACA is an application gallery official Regional TourismCommittee Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
Le Havre Grand Ecran 1.0
Une application officielle de l'Office deTourisme de l'Agglomération Havraise.En route pour une balade cinéphile au Havre !Grâce à l'application Le Havre Grand Ecran, revivez les grandesscènes du cinéma tournées au Havre.Avec cette application, vous pourrez :- être géolocalisé pour découvrir les lieux de tournages àproximité- voir des extraits de films et des bonus de l'INA pour en savoirplus sur le cinéma.- activer l'alerte Companion ©, qui vous prévient lorsque vouspassez près d'un lieu de tournage.Découvrez la ville en marchant dans les pas des plus grandscinéastes !A formal application ofthe Tourist Office of Le Havre Agglomeration.En route to a trip to Havre cinephile!Thanks to Le Havre Big Screen application, relive the great scenesof movies filmed in Havre.With this app, you can:- Be geolocated to discover filming locations nearby- See film clips and bonus INA to learn more about cinema.- Activate the alert Companion ©, which alerts you when you go neara location.Discover the city in the footsteps of the greatestfilmmakers!
Clermont Fountains 1.2
Official application of the Tourist andConvention Office Clermont-Ferrand.Visit Clermont-Ferrand by discovering its fountains and listen tothe history of the city through 30 audio stages.
Champagne-Ardenne n°1 1.0
Bienvenue en Champagne-Ardenne, pour unebalade de saison entre vignobles, nature et détente !Retrouvez tous les bon plans pour votre séjour en Champagne-Ardenneavec ce premier numéro automne-hiver 2011.
Champagne-Ardenne 1.0
Bienvenue en Champagne-Ardenne.Nous vous proposons 14 étapes incontournables enChampagne-Ardenne, sous forme d'une balade audio à découvrir àvotre rythme. En profitant des fonctionnalités de géolocalisationet de réalité augmentée, vous pourrez flâner tranquillement, sansjamais vous perdre !La balade vous propose 2 parcours : la Route touristique duChampagne pour découvrir Bar-sur-Aube, Bar-sur-Seine (Les Riceys),la montagne de Reims, la côté des Blancs, la vallée de la Marne, lemassif de Saint-Thierry ou encore Château-Thierry. L'autre parcoursvous emmène à la découverte du patrimoine de la région avecCharleville-Mézières, Reims, Troyes, le lac du Der, la vallée de laMeuse (Monthermé), la forêt d'Orient, Colombey-les-deux-Eglises.Suivez le guide et ouvrez grands les yeux et les oreilles pour cesbalades en Champagne-Ardenne.
Destination Rennes 1.01
Application officielle de Destination Rennes -Office de Tourisme réalisée par Vox inzebox / Zevisit.Visitez Rennes en profitant des guides audio incluant interviewsd'experts, scénarisation, archives et bruitages. 8 étapes clés dela ville pour découvrir la capitale de la Bretagne. Degemer mat daRoazon. Bienvenue à Rennes.Official applicationdestination Rennes - Official conducted by Vox Inzebox / Zevisit.Visit Rennes enjoying audio guides including expert interviews,script, archives and sound effects. 8 key steps of the city todiscover the capital of Brittany. Degemer mat da Roazon. Welcome toRennes.
Champagne-Ardenne n°2 1.0
Ouvrez les yeux , enfourchez vos vélos,préparez vous à la détente, La Champagne-Ardenne met sa tenue deprintemps et ça vous va bien !Préparez votre saison en Champagne-Ardenne, avec ce numéroPrintemps-Été 2012.
ONF Salamandre 1.0
The foresters invite you to discover Vierzonforest along the Salamander trail with the ONF Salamanderapplication. The trail is open to people of all ages whatever theircondition. Accessible to all, this walk of just over two kilometreswill put the wind in your sails and bring you closer to nature. Awealth of unforgettable experiences and visual delights awaits youin the heart of the forest. Find out how to identify birdsong andtypes of trees; learn about the Vierzon oak and trees in general aswell as forest animals and the teeming life in a forest pond. -Please note that by keeping the GPS running in the background,battery autonomy time may be seriously limited.
Ziel Rennes - Tourismusbüro 1.01
Sound-Effekte. 8 Etappen Schlüssel der Stadt,die Hauptstadt der Bretagne zu entdecken. Degemer Mat da Roazon.Willkommen bei Rennes.Kontaktieren Sie für weitere Informationen Ziel RennesSound-Effekte. 8 Etappen Schlüssel der Stadt, die Hauptstadt derBretagne zu entdecken. Degemer Mat da Roazon. Willkommen beiRennes.Sound effects. 8 stageskeys of the city to discover the capital of Brittany. Degemer Matas Roazon. Welcome to Rennes.Contact us for more information destination Rennes soundeffects. 8 stages keys of the city to discover the capital ofBrittany. Degemer Mat as Roazon. Welcome to Rennes.
Routes des vins du Beaujolais 1.5
Venez découvrir la richesse et la convivialitédu vignoble Beaujolais avec ses châteaux, ses magnifiques paysagesde coteaux sans oublier ses grands vins.Tout au long de la Route des Vins du Beaujolais, nous avonssélectionné pour vous le meilleur du vignoble : caves, patrimoine,hébergements, restauration, événements... L’offre oenotouristiquedu Beaujolais est désormais à portée de…doigts !Discover the richness andusability of Beaujolais vineyard with its castles, its magnificentlandscape of hills without forgetting its wines.Throughout the Route des Vins du Beaujolais, we have selected foryou the best of the vineyard: caves, heritage, accommodation,catering, events ... The offer of Beaujolais wine tourism is nowrange ... fingers!
Pays de Cocagne 1.0
Welcome to the blue gold country.In the "Pays de Cocagne", in the Tarn, a single plant changedeverrything : woad.Explore 10 sites, in the heart of the Albi-Toulouse-Carcassonnetriangle.Directly access audio guides of approximately 3 minutes durationthat tells the story of each place.Thanks to augmanted reality and geolocation you'll never getlost.Listen to commentaries from witnesses and experts who know and lovethe Pays de Cocagne.Select wich one you want to listen to:-Albi-Lisle sur Tarn-Briatexte-Lavaur-St Sulpice la Pointe-Puylaurens-Dourgne-St Paul Cap de Joux-Lautrec-Montdragon
Strada dell'Olio 1.0
La Strada dellextravergine Castel del Montepromuove lolio extravergine doliva DOP Terra di Bari Castel delMonte e il turismo gastronomico. La Strada riunisce inassociazione: produttori di olio e di specialità agroalimentari,artigiani, operatori del turismo, enti pubblici. La strada segue unpercorso circolare di oltre 150 Km tra ulivi secolari, bellezzepaesaggistiche e testimonianze storiche, individuando due tipi diitinerari: quello naturalistico archeologico che parte da Casteldel Monte, tocca la Murgia, Minervino, Canosa e quello romaniconormanno svevo che tocca Andria, Barletta, Trani, Bisceglie,Corato.The Road dellextravergineCastel del Monte promotes the oil extra virgin olive DOP Terra diBari Castel del Monte and culinary tourism. La Strada combinesassociation: oil producers and specialty food, artisans, tourismoperators, public agencies. The road follows a circular path ofover 150 km between olive trees, beautiful scenery and historicalsites, identifying two types of routes: the naturalisticarchaeological From Castel del Monte, touches the Murgia,Minervino, Canosa and the Norman Romanesque touches Swabian Andria,Barletta, Trani, Bisceglie, Corato.
Champagne-Ardenne n°1 English 1.0
Welcome to Champagne-Ardenne, for a ride ofthe season between vineyards, nature and relaxation!Find out the right plan for your holiday in Champagne-Ardenne withthis first issue fall-winter 2011.
Champagne-Ardenne n°2 English 1.0
Open your eyes, get on your bike, get ready torelax, Champagne-Ardenne is holding its spring and looks good onyou!Prepare your trip in Champagne-Ardenne, with this Spring-Summer2012 release.
Gran Tour des Monviso und Tour der BessaneseTrek3 Piemont ist eine kostenlose App, mit die dich aufeinerWanderung durch das Hochgebirge zwischen Italien undFrankreich,durch die grandiose Landschaft des Monviso und dersüdlichenGraijischen Alpen begleitet.Lade dir die App herunter, such dir eine Tour aus und losgeht's!Der Audioguide gibt Informationen über den Weg und dieUmgebung undwenn du das GPS auf deinem Smartphone aktivierst,werden der Weg,die einzelnen Etappen, sowie die wichtigstenSehenswürdigkeiten aufder Karte angezeigt - wie ein richtigerReiseführer und immerdabei!DAS GIBT ES ZU SEHEN:- sehenswerte Naturschönheiten- historische Überreste, vom Menschen erschaffene Werke undMuseenreich an Geschichte- die besten Adressen in deiner Nähe, zum Essen und ÜbernachtenDie mobile App kann auch offline verwendet werden: dubrauchstalso nicht unbedingt immer eine Internetverbindung, umalleAngebote des Piemonts nutzen zu können.Grand Tour of Monvisoandtour the BessaneseTrek3 Piedmont is a free app accompanies you on a hikethroughthe mountains between Italy and France, through themagnificentscenery of Monviso and the Southern Alps with theGraijischenyou.Download the app down, examined you a tour and let's go!Theaudio guide provides information about the path and theenvironmentand if you activate the GPS on your smartphone, the waytheindividual stages, as well as the main attractions on themapdisplay - like a real guide and always with you!THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE:- Significant natural beauties- Historical remains, man-made works and museums richinhistory- The best places near you, to eat and sleepThe mobile app can also be used offline: so you do notalwayshave an Internet connection in order to use all thefacilities ofthe Piedmont can.
Provence Gallery - Japan 1.2
さて、『プロヴァンス・アルプ・コートダジュール地域』を、偉大な画家たちの目をとおして、ご覧いただけましたか。ぜひ『プロヴァンスギャラリー』にて、セザンヌ、マ-ティス、ヴァンゴッホ、モネ、ブラク、の足跡をたどり、19~20世紀に描かれた神秘的な絵画を、ちがった視点からとらえてみてください。アプリケーション『プロヴァ-ンスギャラリー』では、あなたの『プロヴァンス・アルプ・コートダジュール』滞在中に、これらの芸術家がインスピレーションを得た景色を、いっそう間近に感じていただ-けるよう、お手伝いいたします。絵画をズームすることにより、その作品の作家、地域、歴史、逸話などを聞くことができます。そして、あなたの自身に芸術センスが湧いて-きたなら、『芸術家に匹敵』コンクールに、お気に入りの景色を応募してください。『プロヴァンス・アルプ。コートダジュール、二名様ご招待』が獲得できるかもしれませ-ん。バックグラウンドで実行されているGPSの継続的な使用は劇的にバッテリ寿命を減らすことができます。Now, through the eyesofgreat artists, or you can see, the "Provence-Alpes-Coted'Azurregion." In the "Provence" Gallery Come and Cezanne, Ma-Please try to capture from the perspective of the footstepsOrtiz,Van Gogh, Monet and Brac, was different, a mysteriouspainting waspainted in 19-20 century. Applications "Purovu~a-"Well, your" performance gallery I was feeling more up close,thescenery during your stay in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur ",theseartists were inspired -As you kick, will help. By zooming the painting, you can heartheauthor of the work, community, history and anecdotes. Andgivesrise to sense your very own art -I came, to contest "comparable to the artist", please applyyourfavorite views. "Provence-Alpes. "Invitation to the Côted'Azur,like that might be able to gain Ni-mei -No.Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallyreduce battery life.
Soissons Visit 1.0
There’s more to Soissons than just a vase!Discovery of the town in 10 stages that retrace the historyofthis town of Art and History. From the Romans to theMerovingianstaking in the Middle Ages, the wars, art deco andmodernarchitecture.Direct access to audio guides lasting 2 to 3 minutes. Listentothe audio bonuses that go into greater depth on particularsubjectswith interviews with experts on historical issues andpersonaleyewitness accounts.
Sarthe 1.0
Welcome to Sarthe!Discover Sarthe “nature” by bike, on the water, in the gardensorin the woods.Discover Sarthe “off the beaten track” on stylishholidays,during business trips or through visits to localcompanies.Discover Sarthe “culture and heritage” through itsfestivals,museums, abbey and arts and craftsand by strolling aroundLe Mansor the small towns of character in the department.Discover “family friendly” Sarthe.Sarthe is also a region of sensations: try out theextremeactivities and motor sports on offer as well as experiencingthepleasures of relaxation and local gastronomy.Sarthe has many surprises in store for you. Find greatholidayideas in this special issue magazine.This magazine is brought to you by the Sarthedepartmentaltourist and economic development agency.
Hill itineraries in Southern PiemonteTrekking Piemonte is the free app that offers you severalhikingitineraries over the hills of the Province of Asti andAlessandriaand in the area of Langhe and Roero.Download the app, choose a tour and go! You will walk inthemiddle of vineyards and forests and discover the nature, thescentsand tastes of these territories. An audioguide will describetheitinerary and the surrounding territory; by activating yoursmartphone GPS device you can view on the map the itinerary,thestop-overs and the points of interest which are closer to you,as areal tour guide at your fingertips.WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- natural attractions- historical finds, human works and museums rich in history- the best places close to you where you can eat, spend thenightand visit wine cellars.The mobile app can be used also in the offline mode: youdon'tneed to worry about having internet connection at yourdisposal inorder to enjoy what Piemonte can offer you.
Percorsi collinari nel sud PiemonteTrekkking Piemonte è l'app gratuita che ti proponealcuniitinerari escursionistici sulle collinedell’Astigiano,dell’Alessandrino e delle Langhe e Roero.Scarica l'app, scegli un tour e parti! Camminerai tra vigneeboschi, e scoprirai la natura, i profumi ed i sapori diquesteterre.Un’audioguida ti racconta il percorso e il territoriocircostante;attivando il dispositivo GPS del tuo smartphone puoivisualizzaresulla mappa l'itinerario, le singole tappe e i punti diinteressepiù vicini a te, come una vera e propria guida turistica aportatadi mano.COSA PUOI TROVARE:- attrazioni naturali- reperti storici, opere dell'uomo e musei ricchi di storia- i migliori posti vicino a te dove mangiare, pernottare evisitarecantine.L’app mobile è navigabile anche in modalità offline: nondovraiquindi preoccuparti di avere una connessione internet semprea tuadisposizione per poter sfruttare tutto quello che il Piemonteha daoffrirti.Hilly in thesouthernPiedmontTrekkking Piedmont is the free app that proposes some hikinginthe hills of Asti, of the Alexandrian and the Langhe andRoero.Download the app, choose a tour and go! You will walkthroughvineyards and woods, and see nature, the aromas and flavorsof thisland.An audio guide tells you about the location and surroundingarea,activating the GPS device on your smartphone, you can see onthemap the route, the individual stages and points of interestclosestto you, as a real tour guide at your fingertips .WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions- Historical artifacts, works of man and historical museums- The best places near you where to eat, stay andvisitwineries.The mobile app is navigable even in offline mode so you willnothave to worry about having an internet connection at yourdisposalto be able to take advantage of everything that Piedmonthas tooffer.
TREK PIEMONTE ItinerariTransfontalieriPiemonte-SvizzeraTrek Piemonte è l'app gratuita che mette nelle tue mani ilmegliodegli itinerari escursionistici delle Valli dell'Ossola, alconfinetra Piemonte e Svizzera: Simplon Fletschhorn Trekking, TourdeiMinerali, Tour dell'Andolla.Scarica l'app, scegli un tour e parti! Un’audioguida tiraccontail percorso e il territorio circostante; attivando ildispositivoGPS del tuo smartphone puoi visualizzare sulla mappal'itinerario,le singole tappe e i punti di interesse più vicini ate, come unavera e propria guida turistica a portata di mano.COSA PUOI TROVARE:- attrazioni naturali che meritano di essere visitate e le cimepiùfamose, come le marmitte dei giganti di Gondo, l'aquiladelSempione, minerali e cristalli unici e insoliti, il PassodelSempione o il Pizzo Andolla;- reperti storici, opere dell'uomo e musei ricchi di storia tracuile baite Walser, il Sacro Monte Calvario di Domodossola-patrimonio UNESCO - e l'Ecomuseo di Simplon Dorf;- i migliori posti vicino a te dove mangiare e pernottare:rifugi,bivacchi, agriturismi, piccoli alberghi, campeggi,b&b,ristoranti caratteristici e i punti vendita di prodottitipici.L’app mobile è navigabile anche in modalità offline: nondovraiquindi preoccuparti di avere una connessione internet semprea tuadisposizione per poter sfruttare tutto quello che leVallidell'Ossola e il Piemonte hanno da offrirti.TREK PIEDMONTPiedmontItineraries Transfontalieri-SwitzerlandTrek Piedmont is the free app that puts in your hands the bestofthe hiking trails of the Ossola Valley, on the borderbetweenPiedmont and Switzerland Simplon Fletschhorn Trekking, TourofMinerals, Tour dell'Andolla.Download the app, choose a tour and go! An audio guide tellsyouabout the location and surrounding area, activating the GPSdeviceon your smartphone, you can see on the map the route,theindividual stages and points of interest closest to you, as arealtour guide at your fingertips .WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions that deserve to be visited and mostfamouspeaks, such as potholes of Gondo, the eagle Simplon, mineralsandcrystals unique and unusual, the Simplon Pass orLaceAndolla;- Historical artifacts, works of man and historicalmuseumsincluding the huts Walser, the Sacro Monte Calvario inDomodossola- UNESCO heritage - and the Living Museum of SimplonDorf;- The best places around you to eat and spend the nightshelters,camps, cottages, small hotels, campgrounds, bed &breakfasts,quaint restaurants and shops of typical products.The mobile app is navigable even in offline mode so you willnothave to worry about having an internet connection at yourdisposalto take advantage of all that the Ossola Valley andPiedmont haveto offer.
Wege durch die Hügellandschaft imSüdenPiemontsTrekking Piemont ist eine kostenlose App, die dir mehrereWanderwegedurch die Hügel der Gegend um Asti, Alessandria sowieLanghe undRoero vorschlägt.Lade dir die App herunter, such dir eine Tour aus und losgeht's!Wandere durch Weinberge und Wälder, entdecke die Natur, dieGerücheund Aromen dieser Gegend. Der Audioguide gibt Informationenüber denWeg und die Umgebung und wenn du das GPS auf deinemSmartphoneaktivierst, werden der Weg, die einzelnen Etappen, sowiediewichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der Karte angezeigt - wieeinrichtiger Reiseführer und immer dabei!DAS GIBT ES ZU SEHEN:- sehenswerte Naturschönheiten- historische Überreste, vom Menschen erschaffene Werke undMuseenreich an Geschichte- die besten Adressen in deiner Nähe, zum Essen, Übernachten unddemBesuch von Weinproduzenten.Die mobile App kann auch offline verwendet werden: dubrauchstalso nicht unbedingt immer eine Internetverbindung, umalleAngebote des Piemonts nutzen zu können.Paths through the hillstothe south of PiedmontTrekking Piedmont is a free app that proposes you severaltrailsthrough the hills of the area around Asti, Alessandria andLangheand Roero.Download the app down, examined you a tour and let's go!Hikethrough vineyards and woods, discover the nature, the smellsandflavors of the area. The audio guide provides information aboutthepath and the environment and if you activate the GPS onyoursmartphone, the way the individual stages, as well as themainattractions on the map display - like a real guide and alwayswithyou!THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE:- Significant natural beauties- Historical remains, man-made works and museums richinhistory- The best places near you, to eat, stay and visit thewineproducers.The mobile app can also be used offline: so you do notalwayshave an Internet connection in order to use all thefacilities ofthe Piedmont can.
Pays de Vesoul 1.0
This is an official application of the PaysdeVesoul Tourist Office.Discovering the Pays de Vesoul in 20 stages.Nature and heritage, in the heart of the medieval city and inthesurrounding countryside.Direct access to 2 to 3 minute-long audio guides. Discoverthehistory of the great and the good and of the man in the streetaswell as some unexpected natural treasures
Trek3 Piemonte è l'app gratuita che mettenelletue mani il trekking di alta montagna nei grandiosi paesaggi,traItalia e Francia, del Monviso e delle Alpi Graie meridionali.Scarica l'app, scegli un tour e parti! Un’audioguida tiraccontail percorso e il territorio circostante; attivando ildispositivoGPS del tuo smartphone puoi visualizzare sulla mappal'itinerario,le singole tappe e i punti di interesse più vicini ate, come unavera e propria guida turistica a portata di mano.COSA PUOI TROVARE:- attrazioni naturali- reperti storici, opere dell'uomo e musei ricchi di storia- i migliori posti vicino a te dove mangiare e pernottareL’app mobile è navigabile anche in modalità offline: nondovraiquindi preoccuparti di avere una connessione internet semprea tuadisposizione per poter sfruttare tutto quello che il Piemonteha daoffrirti.Trek3 Piedmont is thefreeapp that puts in your hands the high mountain hiking inthegrandiose landscapes, between Italy and France, the MonvisoandGraian south.Download the app, choose a tour and go! An audio guide tellsyouabout the location and surrounding area, activating the GPSdeviceon your smartphone, you can see on the map the route,theindividual stages and points of interest closest to you, as arealtour guide at your fingertips .WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- Natural attractions- Historical artifacts, works of man and historical museums- The best places near you where to eat and stayThe mobile app is navigable even in offline mode so you willnothave to worry about having an internet connection at yourdisposalto be able to take advantage of everything that Piedmonthas tooffer.
Capture 1.1
Avec CAPTURE, le patrimoine se collectionne !CAPTURE propose une découverte originale et ludique dessitespatrimoniaux en France et dans le monde. Cette découverteconsisteà récolter des vignettes disséminées sur le territoire etlescollectionner dans un album collector, sur support papierou/etdans l'app dédiée ! Pour collecter ses précieuses vignettes,vousdisposez de la liste des distributeurs clairement affichéssurvotre album et géolocalisés dans l’application.On trouve 2 séries de vignettes : les vignettes classiques etlessuper vignettes qui sont associées à des séquences multimédias.Pourdéclencher la séquence multimédia, il suffit de prendre enphoto lavignette avec l'app CAPTURE. C'est facile. Laissez-vousprendre aujeu de la collection pour visiter autrement !Première destination : la Route de la Bresse dansl'Ain.Découvrez le patrimoine riche de la Route de la BResse,sessavoir-faire ancestraux, des idées balades, la gastronomie etlespaysages du bocage bressan. Belle balade et bonne collection!Important : pour pouvoir utiliser CAPTURE, vous devezautoriserl'application à utiliser l'appareil photo de votresmartphone. Eneffet, cela permettra à l'app de scanner lesvignettes récoltéespour déclencher les séquences multimédiasassociées.With CAPTURE, heritageiscollecting!CAPTURE offers an original and fun discovery of heritage sitesinFrance and in the world. This discovery is to collectstampsthroughout the territory and collect them in a collector'salbum,on paper and / or in the dedicated app! To collect itspreciousvignettes, you have a list of distributors clearlydisplayed onyour album and location-in the application.There are 2 sets of thumbnails: conventional super thumbnailsandthumbnail images are associated with multimedia sequences.Totrigger the multimedia sequence, simply take a picturethumbnailwith the app CAPTURE. That's easy. Let you take the gameof thecollection to visit otherwise!First destination: the Road of Bresse in the Ain. Discovertherich heritage of the Road Bresse, its ancestral know-how,ideaswalks, gastronomy and landscapes of the Bressan grove. Nicerideand good collection!Important: To use CAPTURE, you must allow the application touseyour smartphone camera. Indeed, this will allow the scannerappthumbnails collected to trigger associated multimedia clips.
Briançonnais (Italiano) 1.0
Applicazione ufficiale della comunitàdeicomuni del BriançonnaisApprofittate di una visita ludica, pedagogia e interattivadelpatrimonio del Briançonnais grazie alle funzionidigeolocalizzazione e realtà aumentata.Ciascuno di questi 12 comuni sono presentati da 5audioguide:1. Briançon2. Cervières3. Grave4. La Salle-les-Alpes5. The Monêtier-les-Bains6. Mongenèvre7. nevada8. Puy-Saint-André9. Saint-Chaffrey10. Val-des-Prés11. Villar d'Arene12. Villard-Saint-PancrasL'applicazione contiene un lettore di QRCode che permettediaccedere direttamente ai contenuti audio tramite lasegnaleticaposta sui monumenti.Enforcement officer ofthecommunity of common BriançonnaisEnjoy a visit playful and interactive pedagogy of the assetsofBriançon with features such as geolocation andaugmentedreality.Each of these 12 municipalities are presented from 5audioguides:1. Briançon2. Cervières3. Serious4. La Salle-les-Alpes5. The Monêtier-les-Bains6. Mongenèvre7. Nevada8. Puy-Saint-André9. Saint-Chaffrey10. Val-des-Prés11. Villar d'Arene12. Villard-Saint-PancrasThe application contains a QRCode reader that allowsdirectaccess to audio content through the signs placed onthemonuments.
Coeur des lacs de Champagne 1.0
The application reveals the destination"Coeurdes lacs de Champagne". Let's discover the heart ofthisdestination between History and Art. The audio tourdeliversinformations with 85 point of interests : art andarchitecture withthe wood-timbered churches, the castle of Brienne.Gastronomy withChampagne or sauerkraut. History with the templars,Napoléon... Manand nature with the "Carrières Telle" or the lake ofDienville.Nature with its resurgence of endemics species. Let'sdiscover thesecrets of the "Cœur des lacs de Champagne".
RallyVisit 1.0
Découvrir la ville en jouant ?RallyVisit vous permet de visiter autrement. Seul, en coupleouen famille, vous jouerez, résoudrez des énigmes, découvrirezdesendroits étonnants, vous cultiverez, vous laisserezsurprendre,....Vous serez guidés par nos mascottes Théophile etVictor et par lespersonnages les plus inattendus.Installez cette application sur votre Smartphone etprofitezd'une visite différente.Et en plus du plaisir, il y a des cadeaux à gagner !A vous de jouer...Explore the city playing?RallyVisit allows you to visit otherwise. Single, coupleorfamily, you play, solve puzzles, discover amazing places,youcultivate, you will leave surprise .... You will be guided byourmascots and Théophile Victor and most unexpected characters.Install this application on your phone and enjoy adifferentvisit.And more fun, there are prizes to be won!Have fun ...
Messina zevisit 1.1
Applicazione ufficiale dellaProvinciaRegionale per la città di Messina tramiteaudioguidegeolocalizzate.Approfittate di una visita ludica, pedagogica e interattivadellacittà grazie alla funzione di geolocalizzazione e realtàaumentatadell’Applicazione Messina-Zevisit.Benvenuti a Messina, città dello Stretto dal riccopatrimoniostorico e religioso, rotta obbligata dei viaggi nelmediterraneo ecrocevia di storia, tradizione e arte. Un percorsonel centro dellacittà alla scoperta della sontuosa Piazza Duomo,passando perPiazza Antonello per arrivare al Sacrario di Cristo Ré:puntopanoramico dalla vista mozzafiato. Un viaggio nella storiatraspiritualità, folklore e ricostruzione.Un invito anche ad una passeggiata nei dintorni di Messina perunviaggio enogastronomico all’Enoteca Provinciale e alsuggestivoMonastero di San Placido. Buon ascolto!Enforcement officerforthe city of the Province of Messina via audioguidesgeolocated.Take advantage of a visit recreational, educational andinteractivecity thanks to the geolocation and augmented realityMessinaApplication-Zevisit.Welcome to Messina, a city of the Straits from the richhistoricaland religious heritage, obliged the travel route intheMediterranean and the crossroads of history, tradition and art.Apath in the center of the city to discover the magnificentPiazzaDuomo, passing through Piazza Antonello to get to the ShrineofChrist the King: scenic spot with breathtaking views. Ajourneythrough the history of spirituality, folkloreandreconstruction.An invitation to walk around Messina for a gastronomicjourneyEnoteca Provincial and impressive Monastery of SanPlacido.Enjoy!
Champagne-Ardenne English 1.0
Welcome to Champagne-Ardenne!14 not-to-be-missed places/activities in Champagne-Ardennethatyou can visit at your own pace using our audio guides.With our geolocalisation and augmented reality features, youcango wherever you fancy and never get lost!There are two circuits: the Champagne tourist route where youwilldiscover Bar-sur-Aube, Bar-sur-Seine (Les Riceys), the MontagnedeReims, the côte des Blancs, the Marne valley, theSaint-Thierrymassif and Château Thierry. The other circuit is aregionalheritage route including Charleville-Mézières, Reims,Troyes, DerLake, the Meuse (Monthermé) valley, the forêtd'Orient,Colombey-les-deux-Eglises.Take in the sights and the sounds of the guided walksinChampagne-Ardenne.
Messina zevisit (en) 1.1
Geolocated audio guide of the city ofMessina.Official application of the “Provincia Regionale”.Enjoy a tour of the city, fun, educational and interactive.Go round the city center to discover the beautiful PiazzaDuomo,walk through Piazza Antonello to arrive at the Cristo ReShrine andits breathtaking view. A journey into history throughspirituality,folklore and reconstruction.Welcome to Messina, the city of the strait with a richhistoricaland religious heritage. Heart of the Mediterranean atthe crossroadsof history, traditions, and art.An invitation for a walk around the city for a gastronomicjourneyto the provincial wine library and the monastery di SanPlacido.Enjoy!
Côteaux du Lyonnais 1.0
Partez à la rencontre des vigneronsdel'appellation Coteaux du Lyonnais, et découvrez 2000ansd''histoire intimement liée à celle de Lyon.300 ha répartis sur l’Ouest Lyonnais, bénéficiant d'unterroirdiversifié et exceptionnel qui fait toute la richesse etladiversité de nos vins. Des rouges à la fois fruités etstructurés,desblancs issus de Chardonnay aux rosés d'été, tousappréciés parles gourmets et épicuriens, l'appellation Coteaux duLyonnais nemanquera pas de vous surprendre.Des hommes, des femmes qui se feront un plaisir de vous ouvrirlesportes de leurs caveaux et partagerons volontiers avec vousleurpassion !
Louvre-Lens 1.0
ALL, Autour du Louvre-Lens, est lepremiermagazine numérique du territoire autour du Louvre-Lens quicompteles villes de Lille, Béthune, Lens, Douai, Arras et bienentendu lemusée du Louvre-Lens.Dans ce numéro, ce territoire riche en émotions vous estprésentéau travers de 8 portraits choisis parmi celles et ceux quile fontvivre. Vous découvrirez aussi 4 produits d'appellation duNord à nesurtout pas manquer. Et aussi des composantesincontournables de cepetit coin du Nord : l'Art déco, les mines etles géants bien sûr,mais aussi les grand'places, les chemins demémoire et les musées,qui sont nombreux !Après ALL, vous verrez le Nord autrement !ALL, AroundtheLouvre-Lens is the first digital magazine of the territoryaroundthe Louvre-Lens which includes the cities of Lille, Béthune,Lens,Douai, Arras and of course the Louvre-Lens.In this issue, this area is rich in emotions presented through8portraits selected from those who do live. You will discover4products appellation Northern not to be missed. And alsoessentialcomponents of this small corner of the North: Art Deco,mines andof course giants, but also grand'places the paths ofmemory andmuseums, which are many!After ALL, otherwise you will see the North!
Gran Tour du Monviso et de la Bessanese.Trekkking Piémont est l' application gratuite que vous proposedutrekking d'haute montagne entre l'Italie et la France, duMonviso etdes Alpes Graie du sud.Téléchargez l’application, choisissez une ballade etpartez!Un audioguide vous raconte le chemin et le parcours à suivre;enactivant le GPS sur votre smartphone , vous pouvezvisualiserl’itinéraire sur la carte, une étape en particulier etles pointsd’intérêts qui sont les plus proches , comme avec un vraiguidetouristique personnalisé à portée de main.CE QUE VOUS POUVEZ Y TROUVER ::- des actractions naturelles- des lieux historiques, les oeuvres des hommes et desmuséespleines d'histoire- Les meilleurs endroits du coin pour manger et pour séjourner.L’application mobile est aussi utilisable hors ligne:vousn’aurez plus besoin d’avoir une connexion internet toujoursàdisposition pour profiter pleinement des merveilles que lesValléesd’Ossola et le Piémont ont a vous offrir.Gran Tour of MonvisoandBessanese.Trekkking Piedmont is the free application that offers youthehigh mountain trekking between Italy and France, and MonvisoAlpsGraie South.Download the app, choose a ballad and Go!An audio guide tells you the path and the path to follow,byactivating the GPS on your smartphone, you can view the routeonthe map, a particular step and interest points that arecloser,like a real personalized handy guidebook.WHAT YOU CAN FIND ::- Natural actractions- Historical places, the works of men and museums fullofhistory- The best from local places to eat and stay.The mobile application can also be used offline: you willnotneed to have an internet connection always on hand to enjoythewonders of the Ossola Valleys and Piedmont have to offeryou.
Gran Tour del Monviso and Tour dellaBessanese.Trek3 Piemonte is the free app that delivers straight inyourhands the high mountain trekking of the majestic landscapesofMonviso and Southern Graie Alps, between Italy and France.Download the app, choose a tour and go! An audioguidewilldescribe the itinerary and the surrounding territory; byactivatingyour smart phone GPS device you can view on the map theitinerary,the stop-overs and the points of interest which arecloser to you,as a real tour guide at your fingertips.WHAT YOU CAN FIND:- natural attractions- historical finds, human works and museums rich in history- the best places close to you where you can eat and spendthenightThe mobile app can be used also in the offline mode: youdon'tneed to worry about having internet connection at yourdisposal inorder to enjoy what Piemonte can offer you.
Wines of Beaujolais 1.3
Discover the richness and feel of thevineyardBeaujolais with its castles, beautiful landscapes of hillsnot tomention its fine wines.All along the Route des Vins du Beaujolais, we selected for youthebest of the vineyard: wineries, heritage,accommodation,restaurants, events ... The offer of the Beaujolaiswine tourism isnow within reach of your fingers ...!
Briançonnais (English) 1.0
Official application of the CommunityofCommunes of Briançonnais.Enjoy a entertaining, educational and interactive tourthroughheritage of community of communes of Briançonnais thankstogeolocation functions.Each of this 12 municipalities are presented by 5audioguides:1. Briançon2. Cervières3. Grave4. La Salle-les-Alpes5. The Monêtier-les-Bains6. Mongenèvre7. nevada8. Puy-Saint-André9. Saint-Chaffrey10. Val-des-Prés11. Villar d'Arene12. Villard-Saint-PancrasThe application contains a QRCode reader that allowsdirectaccess to audio content via the signage placed on themonuments