Top 2 Apps Similar to Wines of Beaujolais

Routes des vins du Beaujolais 1.5
Venez découvrir la richesse et laconvivialitédu vignoble Beaujolais avec ses châteaux, sesmagnifiques paysagesde coteaux sans oublier ses grands vins.Tout au long de la Route des Vins du Beaujolais, nousavonssélectionné pour vous le meilleur du vignoble : caves,patrimoine,hébergements, restauration, événements... L’offreoenotouristiquedu Beaujolais est désormais à portée de…doigts!Discover the richnessandusability of Beaujolais vineyard with its castles, itsmagnificentlandscape of hills without forgetting its wines.Throughout the Route des Vins du Beaujolais, we have selectedforyou the best of the vineyard: caves, heritage,accommodation,catering, events ... The offer of Beaujolais winetourism is nowrange ... fingers!
Villefranche Beaujolais 1.1.9
Hidden Treasures Tour ofVillefrancheBeaujolaisWith the official app “Hidden Treasures Tour ofVillefrancheBeaujolais” take a walking tour of the exceptionalheritage ofVillefranche sur Saône. Located near Lyon, the capitalof theGauls, Villefranche offers you unexpected,hiddendiscoveries.Strolling along the Rue Nationale, one can hardly imaginethatbehind the ordinary building facades lie hiddenarchitecturaltreasures almost all of which have been classified asHistoricalMonuments. This tour will help you better see andunderstand theCaladois heritage which has been recognized asexceptionallyvaluable.With this tour, you will have a better idea of what thisheritageis, even if the 24 stops represent only a fraction of it.As amatter of fact, over one hundred houses line the former MainStreetand all of them were built using the same layout.Start along the path and let us tell you the storyofVillefranche-sur-Saône, capital of the Beaujolais. From onehouseto the next, your curiosity will be stirred and maybe one dayyouwill even want to know more with the help of a guide fromtheVisitors’ Center…Content :• Clearly identified route with additional information, adiscoveryguide and guided tours• Interactive map to find sites• Audio commentarydownload the app “Hidden Treasures Tour ofVillefrancheBeaujolais” we recommend you connect to a wifi network.Free wifiaccess is available at the Villefranche BeaujolaisVisitors’Center, 96 rue de la Sous-Prefecture in Villefranche surSaône.