Top 17 Apps Similar to WiFi Status

WiFi Monitor: network analyzer 2.9.1
Information about WiFi networks and connected devices. Helpstosetup a router.
WiFi Status(Link Speed) Widget 1.5.0
WiFi Status Widget (WiFi Link Speed Monitor) providesreal-timeWiFispeed data and shows notifications about the WiFistatus. Italertsyou via the system notifications when you trap inalow-speed WiFiconnection (WiFi link speed drops to a certainlevel)or when thereis no WiFi connection (WiFi is scanning for ahotspotand wastingbattery). To get started, select this widget"WiFi StatusWidget"from the Launcher --> Widget list, and thenplace thiswidget onyour home screen. Tap on the widget to changethe settings.* A highresolution widget showing 3 lines of WiFiinformation andTwographical indicators: the name of the accesspoint (SSID), thelinkspeed (the connection speed between yourAndroid device andthewireless router), and the signal strength(aka signal quality).*User-settable notifications when the WiFilink speed drops toacertain level or WiFi has been turned on butcannot findaconnection. * Actionable notifications: Reconnect orTurn-offWiFifrom notifications - no need to open the app (requireAndroid4.1+).* The widget can be resized (require Android 3.1+) *Thewidget canbe placed on the lock screen, take a glance at theWiFistatus evenbefore unlocking your device (require Android4.2+) *Widget willnot update when the phone/tablet is sleeping(this is anintendedbehavior to save battery). ** If you haveproblems afterinstallingthe update to this app, try remove thewidget and then addit back.If you experience very low WiFi linkspeed (e.g. < 5Mbps) withhigh signal strength, it is alsopossibly due to problemsof thewireless router. A reboot on therouter may help solve theissue.Please give feedback [email protected]. Thanks to yoursupports.
WiFi Status 1.2.5
Show notification when no AP isavailable.Youcan turn off wifi easily.Wifi on/off widget is included!If you have some trouble with this, please email me.
WiFi Status 1.3.0
This app displays the current Wi-Fiaccesspoint in the notification bar.With modern Android (Lollipop and above version) it is notveryuseful since the information is already displayed in thebar.However it can be useful for older Android version, or if youwanta quicker access to the current access point name.License : GPLv3Code source :
WiFi State 1.1.0
Home screen Widget display SSIDandIPaddress.(And the network setting screen is opened when touching.)
WiFi Widget 1.0
This WiFi widget will allow you to quicklyturnON/OFF the WiFi directly from your home screen.The widget will show the name of your WiFi router(SSID)including the connection status of your WiFi and thelinkspeed.When the bottom edge colour of the widget shows:RED - It means that your WiFi is switched OFF (WiFi mode disabledonyour phone)BLUE - It means that it's switched ON (this state could eithermean"ON and connected" to a hotspot OR "ON and waiting" foraconnection).WHAT YOU NEED TO DO AFTER YOU'VE INSTALLED IT:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please note that this is a widget and NOT an application, soyouwill not see it listed on your application list (appdrawer).After you have installed this widget from the Google Play store,youwill need to navigate to your widget list in order to place itonyour home screen.HOW TO USE THE WIDGET:-------------------------------------------To turn the WiFi on/off - Press on the circular section ofthewidget (on the LEFT half , where the signal strength graphicisshown)To quickly navigate to the phone's WiFi menu (to see a list ofWiFihotspots) - Press anywhere on the text located on theRIGHThalf.As you can expect, we cannot test this widget on everyavailableAndroid phone out in the market, so we can guaranteenormalfunctionality only on the devices listed below mostly runningonGingerbread and JellyBean versions. Please do feel free to trythison other devices and give us your feedback if you have anyissue soit will help us improve this further and support moredevices.Google Galaxy NexusGoogle Nexus 10Google Nexus 4Google Nexus 7Google Nexus OneGoogle Nexus SHTC Desire SHTC OneHuawei MediaPad 10FHDMotorolla DefyMotorolla XoomSamsung Galaxy Note 10.1Samsung Galaxy S2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung Galaxy S4Samsung Galaxy TabSharp AQUOS SH80FSharp AQUOS ZetaSony Xperia ZIf you experience problems with this widget on devices notlistedabove, then please give us a chance to fix the issue firstbyemailing us, instead of giving us a bad review.
Wi-Fi Info Widget 6.4
Quick Wi-Fi connection.
Wifi Tethering Widget 4.0.1
Sony Tricoire
Share your Mobile connection over WiFi directly from yourhomescreen
WiFi Internet Status 1.1.3
Simplicity above allIt Monitors WiFi's INTERNET Connection Status in thebackgroundbychecking every X minutes, WITHOUT draining yourbattery.I have tested it by setting the timer to check every 1minutefora whole day. At the end of the day it didn't even show upintheBattery Power Distribution list (Settings/Battery). Ibelievethat'sconclusive. The battery consumption and thephone'sresources arepractically down to ZERO. And I say"practically"because an actualzero is not even theoreticallypossible. It wouldhave to defy thelaws of physics..It is based on a set of routines that are activatedbyinstanttriggers from your phone, do what they do andthenimmediatelydeactivate themselves. The ONLY thing that works inthebackgroundin the end, is just a timer that triggers amillisecondslongchecking sequence. The only scenario in which thecheckinglastslonger than a few milliseconds, is when your WiFi doesnothave aninternet connection. That's normal since a longertimeoutisnecessary. You will never know it's happening anyway..So what does it do?..:- When your WiFi has Internet:It does nothing. And it shouldn't. You will never knowit'sthere.The whole concept is to turn it ON and forget about it.Itwillonly bother you when there is a problem.- When your WiFi does NOT have Internet:A notification will appear on your notification baraccompaniedbyyour notification sound and vibration. No annoyingLEDs.. Thenitwill reset the timer.- When you are NOT connected to a Network OR yourWiFiisOFF:It will stop the timer immediately and wait for thenextinstanttrigger from your phone.- When you re-connect to a Network:It will immediately check the network for internet, informyouIFthere is a problem and then re-activate the timerregardlesstheoutcome.- When you press OFF:Everything stops. The timer stops, and the triggerinputsarecut-off.- When you press ON:First it checks for Network Connection, then for Internet,andthenIF you are connected it re-activates the timer.I have also put a Colored "Last Check" time indicator foryourownpsychological reasons.. So when you feel the irresistibleurgetocheck that it has actually checked, you can open the UI andseeitstaring back at you with a colored indicationthatsays:"..relax!..the app works just fine.."The colored time indicator shows you the TIME when theLASTchecktook place.. The Color shows what the result was.The colors:GREEN: Last time it checked, your Internet was fine.RED: Last time it checked, you did NOT have internet.BLUE: The time when it saw that you are not connected toaWiFinetwork.So that's it! And by the way the UI was made so that youcanoperateit with just your thumb. Minimalistic, plain andsimple.And itcontinues as it was after reboot.I hope you enjoy it!P.S. While the checking routine runs (milliseconds if online),theUI(if open) is paused. This is normal since it waits fortheroutine toreturn a result.If you have any problems or preferences, don't hesitate to sendmeanemail to [email protected] : WiFi I.S
Better Wifi On/Off
Sven Knispel
Better Wifi on/off aims at giving you the control of theWifistate,optimizing your battery life without losing onuserexperience. Theapp is free, fully featured with ads. *What isthemotivation behindcontrolling Wifi?* On paper Wifi is lesspowerhungry than 3G but...some apps behave differently when Wifi isonand the well knownwlan_rx kernel wakelock is a symptom ofwakeupscaused byuncontrolled Wifi hotspots, the Wifi sleep policyis notworkingconsistently and does solve all problems. Support:therating toolis not the right place to submit bugs orfeaturerequests. If youhave questions or want to report bugs pleasesendme a mail, postyour question in the support thread atxda( battery life, control wifi,savebattery, battery drain,saving battery Permissions:-android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:detect if wifi is on or off-android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE,CHANGE_NETWORK_STATEandandroid.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS:change wifi state-android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: hold awakelock-android.permission.BATTERY_STATSandandroid.permission.DEVICE_POWER:detect if oncharger-android.permission.INTERNETandandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:required for ads-android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: savelogcat-android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: start service onboot-android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: detectscreenon/off/unlockBetterWifiOnOff is open source so youcaninspect/review/contribute and submit issues or featurerequests.Please check theabout dialog for further details.
IP Widget 1.54.1
Dieter Thiess
IP Widget shows your connection information (WiFi,Mobile,Ethernet,...)
Wifi Status Report 1.01
WiFi Status Report provides a simplemethodforaccessing WiFi network connection information. Thereportprovidesconnection information which includes IP addresses,MACaddresses,DNS servers and link connection speeds. Dataistextified andincludes a text generated graph measuringlinkconnection speed. Thereport is updated every three seconds andcanbe shared easily.* Please not that no improvements to WiFi Status Reportwillbemade. A new application comprising the features inWiFiStatusReport as well as other features is available inStatusReportavailable forfreehere
Wifi Status Test 1.0.1
This software can quickly andmainfeatures:1: wifi various parameters, see the2: test of the current network conditions.
Your Network Speed 1.8
DB2 Ltd.
Do you still using cumbersome and complex network speed app?Do not let your telecommunications company to cheat thenetworkspeed is how quickly.The convenient App which to obtain network speed and Mobilephonesignal strength on your Android device.Our features:1 Get the IP address of the wireless network.2 Get speed wireless network.3 Get WiFi status and strength4 Get your 3G / 4G IP address4.Get GSM / 2G / 3G / 4G speed5 Get GSM / 2G / 3G / 4G state and intensity
Wifi on/off - Widget 1.3.9
GREEN color if connected to a network Toggle statethroughnotification screen.
Wi-Fi Keep Alive 1.4.7
Shantanu Goel
No more breaking downloads or switching toslow& expensive GPRS/3G.Keep WiFi on even if phone sleeps.1. WiFi off if screen off (White widget)2. WiFi on if screen off (Green Widget)3. WiFi on if screen off & charging (Amber Widget)Delete existing widgets and re-add them to show new iconsThe app does _not_:- Turn on your wi-fi automatically. It just keeps it enabled ifyouhave turned it on yourself through any other automatic ormanualmeans.- do special things to manage turning off wi-fi. There haven'tbeenany reports of wi-fi not turning off when specified so that isleftto Android built-in policiesExplanation for permissions requested:Modify Global Settings: To modify wi-fi policy settingsView WiFi State: To check current wifi stateChange WiFi State: For a work around that needs to resetyourwifi connection on some devicesPrevent phone from sleeping: Some devices need a partial orfullwake lock in order to keep the wifi runningFull Internet Access: This is again for a workaroundthatrequires pinging your gateway or another address.Withoutrequesting this permission, the pinging fails. The app DOESNOT usethe internet for accessing anything else and DOES NOT sendorreceive any data to/from the internet.Receive Boot event: Used to keep the application workingacrossphone reboots if needed.Reddit username: shantzg001