Tutot Apps

Neartype 0.2beta
Neartype is an anonymous andgeographicmessaging broadcast board. It's kind of like digitalgeographicgraffiti. Write messages and geotag them for the Neartypecommunityin a local area. We give you 628 characters of writingspace. Youdon't need to sign up for an account to use the serviceand themessage history is limited to seven days. Neartype also addssomelimited error to your location information when you postmessagesto improve your privacy. Neartype is a great way topostinformation about something taking place in a locality, be itanevent or a rambling of thought. Neartype is presently in Betaandwe welcome you to send us your rants, raves and suggestions onhowwe can improve the service.
Wifi Status Report 1.01
WiFi Status Report provides a simple methodforaccessing WiFi network connection information. The reportprovidesconnection information which includes IP addresses, MACaddresses,DNS servers and link connection speeds. Data istextified andincludes a text generated graph measuring linkconnection speed. Thereport is updated every three seconds and canbe shared easily.* Please not that no improvements to WiFi Status Report willbemade. A new application comprising the features in WiFiStatusReport as well as other features is available in StatusReportavailable for freeherehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tutot.statusreport.