Top 28 Apps Similar to WHO TB Guide

Viome 6.0.14
Viome Inc
Imagine living in a world where illness is optional
WHO Hospital Care for Children 1.4.0
The app brings clinical guidelines for children requiringhospitalcare.
WHO Academy by the World Health Organization 2.4.3
This is the official World Health Organization mobile learningappfor health workers seeking COVID-19 information. Brought to youbythe WHO Academy, it focuses on providing them withcritical,evidence-based information and tools to improve theirskills andcapabilities related to the pandemic. Health workers needaccurate,extensive, reliable, and timely information on COVID-19 tosavelives and stay safe. This app delivers an efficient way toaccessWHO’s COVID-19 knowledge resources all in one place. Itoffersup-to-the-minute guidance, training, and virtual workshopstosupport health workers in caring for patients infected byCOVID-19– as well as how they can protect themselves as they dotheircritical work. With content in six languages – ArabicChinese,English, French, Russian and Spanish – the app is aconvenient toolfor accessing WHO’s rapidly expanding and evolvingtrainingmaterials and guidance, along with opportunities toparticipate invirtual classrooms and other live training. Keyfeatures includelearning guidance, learning materials, and toolsorganized into thefollowing COVID-19 subject matter areas: • CaseManagement: How tocare for COVID-19 patients • Infection PreventionControl / StaffSafety and Health: Protecting health worker and thecommunity •Epidemiology: Distribution, characteristics, anddeterminants ofCOVID-19 • Laboratory: Laboratory testing forCOVID-19 in humans •Maintaining Essential Health Services andSystems: Strategicplanning and coordinated action • InternationalHealth Regulations:Public health and international spread ofdisease • RiskCommunication and Community Engagement: Communicatingeffectivelywith the public • Research & Development: Workingtowards atreatment and a vaccine. • Operational Support andLogistics •Regional Information It also includes updated news andstatisticson the COVID-19 pandemic. This app is brought to you bythe WHOAcademy, a new internal division of WHO. The Academy willbeofficially launched in May 2021 as the WHO’sstate-of-the-artlifelong learning center, applying the latesttechnologies andadult learning science to meet the learning needsof millions ofhealth workers, policymakers, and WHO staff aroundthe world. Moreabout the WHO Academy:
Ask Those Who Know 3.0.0
A first social messaging app that adheres to the teachingsofAhlulbayt (as) which enables you to ask religious questions totheScholars directly while maintaining your privacy. Our goal istospread religious knowledge under the able guidance of ourUlemathus enabling us to prepare ourselves for the re appearanceofImam-e-Zamana (atfs) In Sha Allah.
WHO ICOPE Handbook App 1.0.90
App to help health & social workers to deliver personalisedcareto older people
eNIFOG 3.2.2
An electronic reference of the National InteroperabilityFieldOperations Guide.
My RCH Portal 9.4.5
My RCH Portal app gives RCH patients and families easy access totheinformation they need to manage their healthcare. It connectsyoudirectly with information in your RCH medical record, when andwhereyou need it. You can use it to: • view your personalmedicalinformation • manage your appointments • read your doctors’notes •get test results • ask for a repeat prescription Pleasefollow theURL to find out the signupprocess.
Growth Charts UK-WHO 2.0.1
Calculate one-off growth centiles for children using UK-WHOdatafrom the RCPCH.
Epipal: Manage Epilepsy Safely
Epipal is about granting peace of mind for users, their familiesandcaregivers.
talque 2.23.76
The perfect guide through every conference
ASuite 1.10.2
Program your head-end amplifier via tablet or smartphone.
MessageSpring 5.61.0
Valuable messages from businesses in your community - any language-any voice.
Hoplr - Know your neighbours 2.4.0
The ad-free neighbourhood app: activities, items & alertsfromyour neighbours!
GetHomeSafe - Personal Safety 2.3.3
Get Home Safe is a free safety app for sharing what you are doinginreal time.
Who's Responding 2.3.0
Who’s Responding:With Who’s Responding your department will know immediately whoisresponding to a call, whether they are going to the hall orthescene and know there ETA at a glance. Eliminate the guessingofwhat personnel will arrive and be in the know. A simple click ofabutton from virtually any phone and the screen at yourdepartmentwill allow others to know you are on your way. This fastand easyinformation by Who’s Responding saves precious timeinresponding.How it works:Once your pager has initiated the call you press the“Who’sResponding” App on your phone. This automatically populatesascreen within your department showing those who get tothedepartment before you immediately who is on their way.Optionallyit can also populate the screen showing your GPScoordinates soyour colleagues know how far out you are. It also hasa featurethat allows a text to be sent and populate the screenwithin thedepartment sending valuable information to those gettingready torespond.In the bottom of the screen you will be able to see who is awaysoyou can be better prepared; helping a department know ahead oftimeif they may be short personnel and a secondary call canbeinitiated earlier.
The Local 5.1.22
Europe's news in English.
Brax.Me - Private Communities 200.465
Private Messaging, Social Communities, Encryption
Neosensory 1.5.57
Experience sound as touch. Companion app for Neosensorywearablewristband.
Police Investigation Notes 1.3
Wave Systems Corporation
This application is designed to assist investigators, officersandand security personnel in organizing efficiently their caseloadswith case status. Excellent for maintaining a clean workrecord.Features include: - Record incident information such ascrime type,location, beat, preliminary and briefing details etc. -Checklistprovided to document inteviews, investigation follow up,evidence -Attach images and capture photos of crime scene, evidenceetc. -Maintain a list of investigative notes in alphabeticalorder(Subject Last Name, First Name, Crime Type, Case Number,Location)- Generate clean printable reports that may be directlyadded toyour investigative folder - Email reports to your superiorsorcolleagues - Help documentation included Form Features:-Speech-to-text support - Multiple drop downs for ease of use -Autocalculation of day from date - Department Name, Officer Name&ID are retained * Great for Police Officers,Investigators,Detectives, Security Officers Version 1.3 Minor FixesVersion 1.1Misc. updates Menu buttons updated
Savvy Citizen 3.0.7128
Get notified of local events and happenings direct from the source.
The Information: Tech News 2.4.1
Exclusive Tech Stories: Read Daily Business & TechnologyNews,Events, Podcasts
CrimeDoor 2.6.23
Thousands of curated Crime news, videos, podcasts &AugmentedReality media
Whatsonnet: young and practical
WON Network
New-age platform centered around the growth of millennialsandupcoming
GTribe - social media network for tech savvy gamers.
Emergency Nurse Essentials 6.30.5598
An invaluable resource for nursing students working in ERs orurgentcare!
Sanity & Self: anxiety stress relief, sleep sounds
Moov Inc
A self-care podcast, meditation guide, sleep helper, bulletjournalall in one.
Watch Me Think 1.7.38
Watch Me Think ( is a free, proven andtrustedwayfor anyone to earn a bit of extra money just for tellingbignamebrands what they think on video, fly-on-the-wall style.Allyouneed is your smartphone and a PayPal account to startearning!Thisapp helps make the process of capturing anduploadingthosethoughts on film an easier and simpler process. Itdoes thisbyallowing you to: - Log in to your Watch Me Think account- ChooseaBrief (set of instructions) to reply to. - Record a newvideoorchoose and existing one - Upload it there and then tothewebsite,direct from your phone, to earn you points and money -youcanchoose to upload via Mobile/WiFi or only when you haveaWiFiconnection available Simple.