Top 18 Apps Similar to Mind Blowing Brainwave Music

Brain Waves - Binaural Beats 8.0.1
Binaural Beats for Deep Sleep, Focus, Meditation & More!PureSound No loops
Brainwave Tuner (Full Version) 4.2.1
Brainwave Tuner is a brain wavestimulationapplication that generates tones with binaural beats,which canchange your brain frequency towards the desired state, beitrelaxation or enhanced attention.20 Preset Sound Patterns in 3 categories are includedinBrainwave Tuner Full Version!Sleep and Healing- Headache Therapy: Helps alleviating headaches with a mixtureofsteady low theta (5Hz) and mid-alpha (10Hz) waves.- Sleep Induction: Gently slows the brain frequency down to3Hzdelta wave, which usually occurs in a deep sleep thus tograduallyinduce one's sleepiness.- Edge of Consciousness: Discover the true meaning of lifeandconsciousness with this track taking you to the very edge oftheconscious mind.- Earth Peace Night: This is an Earth Meditation track thathelpsrelax and mediate.- High Frequencies: Generates very high-frequency soundswhich,according to scientific- Ocean Waves: This preset demonstrates the mostbasicnoise-modulation effect: ocean waves.Meditation and Relaxation- Meditation: Concentrating on this tone helps quickly attainingameditative state of mind.- Schumann Resonance: Helps meditating with a steady 7.83Hzalphatone. This is also the resonance of the Earth's magneticfield,making it a very natural meditative frequency.- Relaxation: Helps to relax with a basic sweep from a regularbetawave (15Hz) down to a low alpha wave (7Hz), in order to saveyoufrom certain intense strain.- Self-hypnosis: Helps getting into a self-hypnotic state. Theusershould listen to the repeating sound and concentrate on it. Thekeyto a successful self-hypnosis lies in being able to concentrateonsomething.- Shoveling Sands: The sounds, clear and lively, are generatedwithan irregular modulation phase of -30 degrees, which brings youahappy mood.- Rain and Windshield Wipers: Through this track you canexperiencethe joyful moment in a rainy day.Focus and Learning- Attention Increase: Helps focusing by bringing the brain to ahighbeta frequency. The frequency is lowered briefly once every15seconds to keep the brain more receptive.- Intelligent Increase: This 10Hz alpha tone helps increasetheblood flow in the brain, promote dendrite and synapsegrowth,increase IQ points and cognitive abilities...- Creativity Enhancing: Induces a state of enhanced creativitywiththree varying theta tones.- The Awakened Mind: Attempts to induce a brain state that isoftendescribed as beyond normal meditates states, beingcharacteristicto advanced mediators who want to attain higherlevels ofenlightenment.- Schumann Mix: Helps meditating with a mixture ofvariousfrequencies including Schumann Resonance, about to enhancethelatter's effect.- Quick Mental Refresher: A quick way to refresh yourselfmentally.It brings the brain frequency down to a 10Hz alpha wavewhilebrings it back up to a 15Hz beta wave at the end.- Learning Aid I (for subliminal): Helps to learn and memorizenewmaterials when listened to for learning something.- Learning Aid II (for studying): Helps to learn and memorizenewmaterials when listened to for learning something.
Another State Meditation 1.1
The GK Front
NEW! FULL GUIDE AND INTRODUCTION: State allows you to choose from acombinationofmeditation scripts, inductions, awakenings,beautifulmeditationmusic tracks and special effects.To those you can also add isochronic tones or Binauralbeatsthatallow you to control your brainwave frequency foreasilyattainingyour desired meditation levels. You can choose from10different'clicks' for the Isochronic tones or select Binauralbeatsandchoose the 'base' frequency from 40-200Hz. And of coursewithbothyou can select from a range of brainwave frequencies -1-40Hz-From Delta all the way to Gamma.The following sessions are included, and more scripts,musicandeffects are going to be added regularly for free to anyonewhoisbuying this app.* Seven pools meditation (for chakra healing)* Two sleep inducer sessions* Spirit Healers* Meeting your spiritual guide* A trip to Sheirch* Deep induction and soothing meditation musicPlease E-mail me if you find any bug or have anysuggestionsorideas! I strive to make this the best meditationapplication onthemarket, and help as many people as I can attainpeace andcomfortthrough meditation. [email protected]: Please listen carefully to the initialdisclaimerwhenyou first run a session.Meditation is a very safe, wonderful practice. However ifyouarefeeling any discomfort or have any illness orpsychologicalissuethat might cause you to be badly affected byguidedmeditations,please do NOT use this app. I do not holdanyresponsibility forusing this app, always consult withaprofessional medical doctoror therapist if in doubt.
Subliminal Increase Your Mind 1.2
Subliminal Message - increase your mind abilities Audio for mind36minutes!
Vita-mind Dr. Sleep 3.3.0
Dr. Sleep can help you get better, more relaxing andlessinterrupted sleep.
Self-Hypnosis for Meditation 1.5
Self-Hypnosis for Meditation Two professionally madeself-hypnosissound tracks are built in this application to help youachievedifferent states of meditation and relaxation. You can alsochooseto play the tracks with our hypnosis brainwave tune inthebackground for amazing effects. Quiet Mind MeditationDoingmeditation is very important for people’s mind. It can helpyoukeep quiet. If you are looking to develop a quiet, clear mind,thenQuiet Mind Meditation may be what you're looking for. Slowingdown your mind by watching your thoughts but choosing notgettinginvolved or attached to them is an important step inlearning to bemore fully present in each moment. The Quiet MindMeditation isdesigned to help you to slow down and learn how tocreate a quietmind. Suggestions and metaphors are used to helpyou (and yoursub-consciousness) begin the practice of quieting yourmind. Followthe instruction and exercise it step by step. You canachieve it.Rainforest Meditation Do you want to feel the fresh airand sereneenvironment in rainforest? It must be very cool. But dueto thebusy life in modern times, it is hard to have such experienceveryoften. Rainforest Meditation can take you deep into yourownpersonal rainforest sanctuary where you can escape thestressfulpace of everyday life and meditate peacefully to thesounds of therainforest.  As you relax, you'll transportyourself to thefront porch of your sanctuary where a gentle,soothing mist willseep through the screen windows.  Afractional relaxationsequence follows as the healing, rejuvenativemist penetrates yournerves and muscles and helps you to relax everdeeper. During themeditation portion of the session, you can eitherchoose tomeditate in a traditional way or choose to meditate uponhealing byfocusing the healing mist in an appropriate area. Justtry toimagine you are immersed in rainforest, breathe deeply, andkeepyour mind clean. ------------------------------------Features:Beautifully designed user interface and animation Playbackprogresscontrol Built-in volume control Background brainwavesettingPlayback repeat setting Screen auto-lockcontrol----------------------------------- This application isdevelopedin collaboration with certified hypnotherapists andpractitionersin the International Hypnotherapy Association. OurBrainwave andHypnotherapy products have helped many thousands ofpeople all overthe world regain control over stress symptoms,addictions, and badhabitual behaviors. Please note this is not analternative tomedical treatment.
Brainwave-calm, stress relief 6.2.5
The No. 1 Brainwave App in 32 Countries!Topquality Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats combined withrelaxingambient music and soothing nature sounds. Including 90programs forRelax, Sleep, Meditate, Anxiety, Stress Relief,Positive Mind,Confidence, Focus, Memory, Healing, Brain Function,and muchmore!As world-renowned brainwave specialist, The Unexplainable Store®hasbeen providing brainwave entrainment since the year 2000. Allthebrainwaves are meticulously created with the latestbrainwaveentrainment technology. And all the Isochronic Tones are320Bitrate!*** FEATURES- 90+ brainwave programs bring you to an altered state ofmind- Download for 3 free Brainwave sessions lifetime (a valueof$26)- Sync your purchases between iOS, Mac and other devices withoneaccount- Time your session with built-in Timer feature- Free samples of each brainwave recording- No extensive practices required, and feel the effectsinminutes*** BENEFITS OF BRAINWAVES- Total relaxation of the entire body from head to toe- Reduce Anxiety or Relieve Stress- Feeling of sedation- Enhance cognitive ability- Increase ability to meditate deeply- Explore spiritual side of life- Place you in a state of hypnosis- Treat ADHD and personality disorders- Heighten your mood- Ease the symptoms of depression- Beat insomnia and sleep like a babyAnd a lot more is waiting for you to explore. Download nowandexperience the benefits of Brainwaves.*** NOTEEvery person's brain works differently, but on the samebasicprinciples. Some minds are more open to suggestion, whileothersrefuse to let go. As each recording is specifically designedfor acertain purpose, effects on individuals differ. Just be awarethatyour mind wants what you want. It takes some time to reallyfeeleffects, so don’t give up if you fail to reach where you wouldliketo be after the first try. Also, headphone ishighlyrecommended.Read more about our terms and conditions here - Contact Us:[email protected]
Brainwave relaxation sound 1.0
Lancelot Wong
People face difficulties in every day.Itcauses psychological uncomfortable and anxiety. That's whypeoplehave no mood to do anything when they feel stressful.Havingexcessive stress may affect your emotion, performanceandrelationship with other people. This FREE app helps you to relaxinoffline status. There are several sound of the nature. Itcontainsrain, river, ocean, beach, forest, lake, campfire, thunderandwaterfall. Hearing these sound, you will feel that you'restayingin an natural environment. Take a rest now and you willenjoyit!
Sleepwave - Sleep with Music 1.3
Need a little more sleep? Want to improve your sleep? You havecometo the right app! Sleepwave is a brainwave entrainmentapplicationthat uses the technology of isochronic tones to tuneyour brainwavein sync with the exact Alpha, Beta, Theta and Deltawave providedto reach desired state of consciousness. Note: You canenjoy twotracks for free forever and the others for free in onemonth.Features: 1. No extensive practice required; 2. Reaches deepdelta;3. Feel the effects in minutes; 4. Affects both body andmind. Atthe end of the day sometimes we find it difficult tofinally letthe stresses of the day go and just relax. The problemswe ran intoduring the day crop up again causing us to worryneedlessly on intothe night even though we desperately want sleep.At a certain pointwe find ourselves glancing at the clock over andover and thinking,"Even if I get to sleep right now, I'll only beable to get four orfive hours before I have to wake up again." Andof course thisdoesn't relax you, it only makes you more desperateto relax. Withour sleep program, it's no longer difficult to fallinto a quickrelaxation state and get started with important REMsleep. Ratherthan toss and turn for hours on end, just have thissystemimmediately downloaded to your computer, plug in yourheadphones,and press play. Almost immediately you'll enjoy a morerelaxedstate. Before you even know for sure that it's working, youwill bequickly transported to that state of consciousness you'vebeendesperately trying to get all night. DISCLAIMER: Pleaserememberthat Sleepwave is merely a tool to assist in yourrejuvenation. Thesessions within the app are in no way a substitutefor your doctor,but only an addition to assisting with your healthon a physical,mental, emotional and spiritual level. TheUnexplainable Storemakes no medical or physical claims to theeffectiveness of itsproducts of mobile applications.
TinyRelax 2.3
❍ Who says smartphones take you out ofthemoment? Used smartly, they can open your mind and make youmorepresent than ever. Using proven, science-based techniqueswe’llshow you how to train your mind for a healthier, happier,moreenjoyable life.❍ TinyRelax is one of the most accessible apps, offering adecentcatalogue of free meditation tracks with and withoutnarrators,ranging from three to 30 minutes in length. This app isclear, easyto use and completely free.❍ This is a mindfulness and meditation app that is builtaroundyou. TinyRelax is perfect for those who are ready toincorporatemeditation and mindfulness into their entire day, withmeditationsthat target every aspect of your life, from sleeping, totraveling,to being online. Even if you have never tried meditationbefore,TinyRelax is a life-changer.❍ This is also a great way for beginners to startmeditation.Choose between options for sound and length of time, aswell asscenes from nature for you to visually focus on whileyoumeditate.❍ TinyRelax gives you access to many meditation sounds,music,and guided sessions with meditation experts.❍ Meditation, music, nature scenes all designed for you togetyour relaxation on & help you achieve your goals:sleep,working through difficult emotions, productivity, etc. Appprovidesa timer and meditations for different circumstances.This TinyRelax android app consists of these parts:1. Positive Affirmation: Free your mind, forget yournegativethoughts with happy thoughts and guided imagery.2. Do Nothing 'Can you do that': A minimalistic meditationtimeris great assistance if you like to meditate in silencewithouthaving to worry about keeping track of time.3. Guided Meditation : Take a little time to relaxandcultivating mindfulness in your daily life.4. You can listen best Meditation Music and calming musictoenrich your daily life.5. Binaural beats - Brainwave entrainment induce power nap,sleeprelaxation and other desirable mental states. Scientificallyprovenfrequencies help about dealing with stress anddepression.6. You can access best relaxing music, soothing music,ambientmusic and more 7/24.7. Pure Nature Sounds provide an oasis of calm that can helpyoufeel better and work more productively with relax music forstressmanagement. While stress goes away with anxiety meditation,Whitenoise helps you sleep in heavenly peace by relaxationmeditation.Also natural sleep aids to cures insomnia as a sleepsounds.8. bernArt is a collection of unique t-shirt and tee designtoreduce stress and increase collaborative activity asexpertclaims.Blog Posts - Get more insight, advice, and support:Zen Tips - Minimalism are about finding simplicity in thedailychaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we canfocuson what’s important, create something amazing, findhappiness.Daily wisdom to uplift you at every morning. You can feedyourbrain daily with inner peace quotes, since it needs to befedregularly just like the rest of your body.Self-Lİfe Coaching tools with best practice daily. Be yourownlife coach with coaching techniques and coaching tips.Mental Health - Emotional Well-Being : You can findmosteffective ways to reduce anxiety.With Simple mindfulness exercises, discover meditationtechniquesfor beginners and how to meditate properly with mantrameditationand walking meditation.Some of the great benefits:• Gain clarity, peace of mind, positive emotions&self-control• Increases serotonin production that improves moodandbehavior• You effectively reduce stress, reduce anxiety withbreathingmeditation• Brings body, mind, spirit in harmony withspiritualenlightenment• You can visualize powerfully with visualizationmeditation.• Binaural beats and mindfulness based cognitive therapysolveall the problem related to mental depression, sleepanxiety.
Binaural Beats and Relaxation 1.0
Binaural Beats and Relaxation Binaural beats, or binauraltones,areauditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds,causedbyspecific physical stimuli. Binaural beats reportedlyinfluencethebrain in more subtle ways through the entrainment ofbrainwavesandprovide other health benefits such as control overpain.BinauralBeats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich WilhelmDove, andearnedgreater public awareness in the late 20th centurybased onclaimsthat binaural beats help induce relaxation,meditation,creativityand other desirable mental states. The effecton thebrainwavesdepends on the difference in frequencies of eachtone,for example,if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in theother,then theBinaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.Seemore: So BinauralBeatsandRelaxation can help you to induce relaxation, sleep,creativityandmany other desirable mental states. Improve severalaspects: *Maketime go faster on flights. * Insomnia relief. * Powernap. *SelfHypnosis. Short meditation preset to unite yourconsciousandsubconscious mind. * Enhance concentrate and thinkclearlyinlearning. * Stimulates lucid dreaming.*Astralprojection-Relaxation. * Assist in creative thinking.*Highestmental activity. * Good to Healing---Pain killer.*More...Binaural beats are very powerful and new presetsmustbeexperienced carefully, in a safe environment. But restassured,Ihave been using binaural tones for a few years nowwithgreatsuccess and without any concern. ***** Some comments"Verycoolbinaural beats and relaxation app" "Binaural BeatsandRelaxation.My favorite free app" "Awesome app binaural beatsandrelaxation""Love this binaural beats and relaxation app!Perfectfor studyingand astral projection" "Binaural beats andrelaxationapp helped mewith insomnia relief" "Binaural beats andrelaxation,the bestbinaural beats app" "Nice... I found Binauralbeats andrelaxationthat is useful for my clients" "Powefullbinaural beatsapps" "Thebest relaxation app" "Relax with BinauralBeats andRelaxation"****** Try Binaural Beats and Relaxation. Itreallyworks!!!.WARNING: The following people should not usebrainwavesentrainmentapplications like Binaural Beats andRelaxation: Peoplesubject toany forms of seizures or epilepsyPeople using pacemakersPeoplesuffering from cardiac arrhythmia orother heart disordersPeopletaking stimulants, psychoactive drugs,or tranquilizers Ifyou likeBinaural Beats and Relaxation pleaserate it with 5 stars
Sky Sound : White Noise 1.1
Do you have heard the 'white noise'?Why you can often study in a cafe better than a house?Concentrated in noisy spaces better, the key to explainthisbehavior,It is just 'white noise'.[Effect]Strengthening of concentration, stressImprovement of the business productivity andintellectualabilityAnd induce a deep sleep[Function]A combination of some of the nature of the sound, you can createadifferent atmosphere.- Camping on a rainy day- Of wind forest, birdsong- Beach sound of thunder can be heard- Cafe sound of rain can be heardEach sound can be adjusted individually volume.It is recommended to be used at bedtime in the timer function.[Press]such as the sound of sound and waterfalls that water flows fallis"natural sound"Increase the company employee productivity, research resultsthatenhance the intellectual capacity came out.The research team, as a result of the check and complete thedegreeand efficiency of business, participants heard the soundsofnatureBusiness maturity and efficiency score it was found to bethehighest.That the mind to listen to the valley of the sound of waterbecomesquiet, it is the differenceIt is in any way which proved that it is not just feeling.
Frequency Healing
Are you patient?Have you tried everything?Are you desperate?Many years ago, Dr. Royal rife current solution can not befoundfor 5 years has found a cure that disease to apply thetechnique.And still today, these techniques are used with a varietyoffrequency generators. This program will try to give you hopeusingvarious frequency techniques.Do not forget! Absolute to believe a lot of the problems inyourway will allow you to overcome your greatest weapon.As used herein, the infrastructure of the audio frequency,nosubliminal technique is used. It is a simple and straightforwardfrequency.Attention!All Music Frequency's working on internet. Before youuse,connect your device to wifi or mobile internet area.
RELAX ME NOW (Free) 1.1
Take control of your mind. Imagine if youcouldrewire your brain to connect situations and mental states ina waythat you choose. using brainwave entrainment (pronounced:"ehn -TRAIN - mint") - the process of externally presentingbrainwavefrequencies to the brain, allowing it to synchronize tothosefrequencies.Inspired and informed by the best practices and research inthefields of psychology, neurology, and audio-visualstimulationstudies, Relax Me Now is a small application withpredefinedsessions, potential and broad capabilities.Relax Me Now is a easy to use software applicationforstimulating the brain, improving your mental abilitiesandachieving lasting personal change. Using this tool, youcontrolyour mind.This version only have 2 sessions to be used. Enjoy.
Binaural Beats and Relaxation 1.3
Systems USA
Binaural Beats and RelaxationBinaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditoryprocessingartifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specificphysicalstimuli.Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtlewaysthrough the entrainment of brainwaves and provide otherhealthbenefits such as control over pain.Binaural Beats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich WilhelmDove,and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th centurybasedon claims that binaural beats help induce relaxation,meditation,creativity and other desirable mental states.The effect on the brainwaves depends on the differenceinfrequencies of each tone, for example, if 300 Hz was played inoneear and 310 in the other, then the Binaural beat would haveafrequency of 10 Hz. See more: Binaural Beats and Relaxation can help you toinducerelaxation, sleep, creativity and many other desirablementalstates.Improve several aspects:* Make time go faster on flights.* Insomnia relief.* Power nap.* Self Hypnosis. Short meditation preset to unite your consciousandsubconscious mind.* Enhance concentrate and think clearly in learning.* Stimulates lucid dreaming.* Astral projection-Relaxation.* Assist in creative thinking.* Highest mental activity.* Good to Healing---Pain killer.* More...***** Some comments"Very cool binaural beats and relaxation app""Binaural Beats and Relaxation. My favorite free app""Awesome app binaural beats and relaxation""Love this binaural beats and relaxation app! Perfectforstudying and astral projection""Binaural beats and relaxation app helped me withinsomniarelief""Binaural beats and relaxation, the best binaural beats app""Nice... I found Binaural beats and relaxation that is usefulformy clients"******Binaural beats are very powerful and new presets mustbeexperienced carefully, in a safe environment. But rest assured,Ihave been using binaural beats for a few years now withgreatsuccess and without any concern.Try Binaural Beats and Relaxation. Binaural beatsreallywork.WARNING: The following people should not usebrainwavesentrainment applications like Binaural Beats andRelaxation:People subject to any forms of seizures or epilepsyPeople using pacemakersPeople suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or otherheartdisordersPeople taking stimulants, psychoactive drugs, or tranquilizersIf you like Binaural Beats and Relaxation, please rate it.
AlphaTrainer 1.02
AlphaTrainer enables neurofeedbacktrainingbyproviding a real time feedback on its users alphabrainwaveactivity (~ 8-12 Hz). Alpha brain waves arecorrelatedwithrelaxation and the ability to de-stress and has, forexample,beenobserved to increase during meditation.Conversely,stressmanifests itself as a so-called "alpha blocking"i.e. theinabilityto increase alpha activity.Alpha feedback training is a well documented scientificmethodforincreasing alpha level and it is used clinically instresstreatment.AlphaTrainer was built to comply with thesignalprocessing describedin the neurofeedback literature. It isthefirst and currently theonly mobile application whichperformsindividual calibration of thealpha frequency and alphalevel whichis described in the literatureas extremely important inorder forthe neuro feedback training'sefficacy.Currently, AlphaTrainer only supports the NeuroSkyMindWaveMobileEEG headset, but we plan to add support for otherBCIs asthey arereleased. The app contains a "dummy headset" whichenablesplayingwith the application without the need for anactualBCI.AlphaTrainer was initially developed by Pelle KrøgholtandMartinPoulsen during the M.Sc thesis. For details abouttheAlphaTrainerdesign, implementation and the theoreticalfoundation,pleaseconsult the thesishere:
Workout 💪 for SmartWatch 1.1.13
Workout for SmartWatch is a fitness assistant on your wrist
Quiet Mind Meditation 1.2
We want to get rid in ourselves of“mindclutter,” the unwanted thoughts that keep attacking ourbrain.Quieting the mind allows us to stop listening to theendlesschatter in our heads. It's important that each of us findour ownmethod to achieve this and meditation is one method you canuse totry bring your endless inner chatter to a comfortable levelso youcan start to focus on other more important matters.What you are getting with the app:-a) quiets the mind with a guided audio meditation;b) calm the mind with a serene beautiful melody audio;c) energize the mind with a powerful energetic audio;d) journal your experience to build on your capability to quietthemind;The meditation is a technique to promote relaxation and buildtheinternal energy.Some people use meditation as a way torelievethemselves of the daily stress which buffet them in theirlife.Some engage in meditation to harness, focus, and disciplinetheirmental faculty. Others set themselves down in meditation outofcuriosity or the need to further their spiritual growth and getintouch with the “Ground of Being,” or God, the Universal LifeForce,or the Foundation of Being, or the “Tao.” What ever isyourintention to pick up meditation, this app will be yourstartingpoint to achieve that.Go ahead and use this program to quiet your mindusingmeditation.If you find this app useful, please rate it in Google PlayStoreso other people with the same need can find this appeasily.