Top 12 Apps Similar to Depression in Seniors

Depression 2.7
Choose This Not That for Depression. An individualizednutritionguide.
Anti-Depression 1.5
Manage and Control Your DepressionUse With or Without a Network ConnectionDeveloped in collaboration with Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli,Ed.D.,Ph.D., SoundMindz Chief Medical Officer, the Anti-DepressionAPP isa comprehensive effort to help you learn how to perceiveyourselfrealistically so that your thoughts do not contribute tothedevelopment of depressive moods. You will access techniquesandtherapeutic exercises on-demand and be able to record and viewyourprogress.The SoundMindz Anti-Depression App includes sixprimarycomponents:1. A diagnostic questionnaire that identifies yourdepressionsymptoms. Based on your responses a program iscustomizedspecifically for you.2. Recorded messages from Dr. Ciaramicoli that help provideanaction plan for dealing with your depression.3. A workbook with information and exercises that guideyoustep-by-step through the therapy process.4. Access to the latest research downloadedfromSoundMindz.org5. Progress Tracker, a daily journal where you trackyourprogress and activities. This tool auto synchronizes withtheSoundMindz cloud service.6. On-demand reportingThank you for supporting our efforts with your positiveratingsand reviews. We are so encouraged and inspired by them!Pleasecontinue to send your requests, questions, orerror/bug-reports viaemail to [email protected] and wewillpersonally respond to each one!
Hope -Anxiety & Depression Aid 1.3
Legend Inc
Is your mood changing rapidly or you areundera lot of stress? Do you want to get rid of all thisnegativethinking and feel better? The Hope app is here to help!Hope is a stunning Medical application that includes a widerangeof tools to help promote health and a better mood. If you oryourfamily suffer from depression, anxiety or stress, then thisapp canhelp. We are offering you a wide range of quotes recited byvariousimportant personalities of both current and past time.You can also use the Hope in order to write down remindersthatwill help you cheer yourself up or maybe alert you aboutthoseevents that you need to attend later. You can actually leaveafeelings note if you want to or just cheer up by understandingthatyou have the power to overcome everything.Hope helps you address and nurture your mental andphysicalhealth with a great set of tools and you can download itright now.The app is filled with features and quotes that will helpyouovercome all bad moments in your life. Think about yourself,buildup your future and don’t stay trapped in the past. Hope!Features:• Multiple quotes to boost your confidence• Add in reminders and cheerful notes• Easy to use interface• Address your mental health• Use the app to cope with anxiety, depression or stress
Depression Test 2.0.3
Evaluate your symptoms of depression with 9 simple questions.
The Depression Predictor 1.0.5
Depression is a serious medicalconditionthataffects up to one in eight people.It is chemical in nature, NOT a sign of personal weakness -itisnot all in your head!The Depression Predictor was created by a doctor tohelpthosegrappling with Depression – in themselves or loved ones–becomemore aware of its signs and symptoms. This app isintendedforinformation purposes only and not intended as asubstituteforprofessional help. You use this app to learn moreabout thediseaseof Depression and then come closer to understandingif youor aloved one might be suffering from it.The Depression Predictor uses a collection of questionsaboutlifesituations, that when put together, have the abilitytopredict ifand how depressed someone might be. These questionshavebeenvalidated with research in many publications in peerreviewjournals.The goal is to indicate if someone might bedepressed andhow much soto then provide education and optionsavailable.It also explores the factors in life known to beassociatedwithfuture risk of depression. From this analysis, peoplelearn ofwhatin their life places them at risk. People use this appinprivateto learn more about something a lot of peoplewonderabout.Features:* Depression Questionnaire* Present Depression Risk calculator* Future Depression Risk Calculator* Articles explaining the signs and symptoms of DepressionThis app is designed to help people learn the signsandsymptomsof a common disease that afflicts millions of peopleeveryyear.Through education and understanding we hope to breakdownthecommon myths of depression:It is not all in your head!You cannot just wish it away!It is not an attitude problem!Know that it is a chemical disease much like manyotherdiseasesincluding rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatitisandthyroiditis.The Doctor Says Inc. wants people to be generally besaferbecausethey know more.
Depression Information 1.0
This application provides basic informationondepression, a detailed self-help guide to recovery, and linkstointernet-based resources for depression. Below is the breakdownofthe sections:Information- What is Depression?- Symptoms- Types- Causes- TreatmentsGuide- Lifestyle changes- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)- Mindfulness meditation- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)- Dealing with suicidal thoughtsResources------Want more?This Depression Information app is one of six components ofanapplication suite called MoodTools. MoodTools aims to createafree, convenient, and easy-to-use Android smartphoneapplicationsuite that provides empirically-supported tools tocombat clinicaldepression on a large scale. Search 'MoodTools' onthe Play Storeto find our entire suite!MoodTools was designed in collaboration with multiplementalhealth professionals. MoodTools is free, containsnoadvertisements, and is a purely non-profit venture aimed athelpingpeople suffering from clinical depression. Thank you forsupportingour efforts with your positive ratings and reviews.Please send anyrequests, questions, or feedback via email [email protected] andwewill be sure to respond to each one.Disclaimer: This mental health application is not intended tobea replacement for treatment nor any sort of medicalintervention.Treatment is, by far, the best way to overcomeclinical depressionor other mental illnesses. Therapy andantidepressants have beenshown to effectively treat clinicaldepression and anxiety. Thisapplication will only aid you on yourpath to recovery fromdepression or anxiety. In addition, if you arenot in treatment,talk to your doctor or therapist or use this appto find resourcesthat can connect you to treatment.
Depression 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected bydepressionaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providinginformationto those who suffer it on the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-date about depression This app feeds fromMedicalNews Today
Depression Management 1.02
Do you want to manage your Depressionorevenescape it's cruel grasp, then this is the app for you. I donotandwill not tell you there is 7 quick and easy steps like wehaveseenon Internet sites. This has 100 steps within 10 stages,andevenstops you from spending a $1 to move on to the next stageifyouhaven't spent enough time on the previous one.For once, someone takes Depression serious. 2freecounsellingsessions worth $70 each. On each level you receive apicof anAvatar with a different belt colour that you can placeyourfaceon. You also receive a certificate on each level. Amaximumcost toget through all levels and receive much more is $9.Thefirst levelis free, and there is NO advertising. Now the rest isuptoyou...
Depression Test 1.0.E
This program provides a testknownworldwidedepression testThe work of this scale by psychologists and adoptedgloballytodiscover the degree of depression in a person andmeasuredeachperiod, even during the treatment periodBut it must be emphasized that this test alone is nottheultimatemeasure For the patient visit a psychiatrist to makesurehiscondition ... and the therapist is the only person whoisallowedto have any psychological condition report havedescribedtheappropriate treatment for each case.As for the test contains 21 gauge includes a number ofaspectsoflife, and you just have to choose the situation thatyoufeelduring the last two weeks and not before ... so theprogramcandetermine the correct degree of depression you have.In addition, this program has a lot of informationrelatedtodepression to be a reference to take advantage ofitandunderstanding the reality of depression and ways topreventit
Anxiety and/or Depression?HADS 1.3
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS)was originally developed by Zigmond and Snaith (1983) andiscommonly used to determine the levels of anxiety and depressiong.The HADS is a fourteen item scale. Seven of the items relatetoanxiety and seven relate to depression.Each item on the questionnaire is scored from 0-3 and thismeansthat a person can score between 0 and 21 for either anxietyordepression.
HADS 1.5
Program to assess the level of anxiety and depression on HADS
Happy App 1.2
Track depressive symptoms over time!HappyAppallows users to take a daily 9-item depression survey.Thissurveyis a modified version of the Patient HealthQuestionnaire(PHQ-9),which is used by health care providers as atool to helpdiagnoseand monitor the severity of depression.Your scores are graphed and allow you to keep trackofyourdepressive symptoms over a period of time.Note: Happy App should not be used to diagnosedepression;todiagnose, please see a physician.